Entrapping a Lord's Love: A Regency Fairy Tale (Fairfield Fairy Tales Book 3)

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Entrapping a Lord's Love: A Regency Fairy Tale (Fairfield Fairy Tales Book 3) Page 3

by Tammy Andresen

  “I can’t,” she replied, then turned and walked away.

  Tom watched her leave as he scrubbed his eyes with his hands. What the hell had just happened?

  He got up and walked out of the box. He had no idea what was happening in the play nor did he understand why his feelings were so muddled when it came to Caroline. Once she left, he wanted nothing more than to have her at his side, but when she was there he felt sure there was something suspicious or sinister was lurking under the surface.

  Waving off a hackney, he opted to walk back to Graham and Charlotte’s townhouse. It wasn’t very far and it gave him the opportunity to sort through his muddled thoughts.

  Arriving back at the house, he entered through the front door and was greeted by the sight of his brother Graham. He was a sight for sore eyes, indeed. “What are you doing here? You’ve come early.”

  Graham chuckled, “It is my house and yes, we’re early. Our timeline has changed due to extenuating circumstances.” He embraced his brother and Tom returned the hug. It was good to see his younger brother.

  “What circumstances are those?” Tom raised an eyebrow.

  Graham beamed. “Charlotte is expecting.”

  To Tom’s complete and utter shock, a twinge of jealousy panged in his chest. “Another baby? That’s wonderful.”

  Graham’s eyes twinkled with joy. “Do you think it will be a girl this time? A daughter with golden hair and blue eyes like Charlotte’s?”

  Tom swallowed down a lump. He didn’t need golden hair or blue eyes but the picture of a little girl with chocolate brown ringlets and eyes like… Gads. He was picturing eyes like Caroline’s. “Boy or girl, I know you’ll love that baby.”

  “I will. I am lucky man. How go the renovations?”

  “Everything is on schedule,” Tom answered without much vigor. He loved building with his hands but his normal enthusiasm was muddled with all that had happened tonight.

  Graham asked giving Tom a long look. “And the other project?”

  “Also on schedule.” Tom’s lips pinched.

  Graham slapped his brother on the back, the gesture sympathetic and brotherly. “Where have you been this evening? I expected to find you at home.”

  “The theater.” Tom shrugged, knowing what Graham would say.

  “You? At the theater?” Graham raised his eyebrows. “You detest the theater, and balls, dances, afternoon tea—”

  “I’ve nothing against afternoon tea.” Tom put his hands up in defense of himself. “Speaking of, let’s have something to drink, though I could use something stronger than tea.”

  “Agreed.” Graham turned and led him up the stairs and into his study.

  He poured two glasses of scotch and handed one to Tom. Not bothering to pause, Tom brought the glass to his lips and took a liberal swallow.

  Graham rounded the desk and sat down, gesturing for Tom to sit as well. “Dare I guess your sudden interest in the theater has something to do with a woman?”

  Tom nearly choked on his drink, eyeing his younger brother over the rim of his glass. “Not the way you’re thinking.”

  “Of course it is exactly the way I am thinking, spill it.” Graham waggled his eyebrows.

  “I only met Lady Caroline and Lord Wainscroft this morning.” Tom drained his drink.

  “The magician and his cousin?” Graham set his glass down with a thump.

  “What of it?” Tom hadn’t meant to sound so defensive but his voice came out louder and harsher than he intended.

  Graham pressed his lips together to keep from laughing. “She is very attractive. Stunning, actually. A quiet beauty but there is an intelligence and vulnerability in those eyes--”

  “That’s enough,” Tom dropped his voice low, sitting forward in his chair.

  Graham leaned forward as well but his eyes were twinkling. “I was going to add that she uniquely understands our family. A woman who is of the peerage but forced to learn the meaning of real work.”

  Tom nodded. “I get the feeling she is hiding something.”

  “Of course she is. She has had to survive after being cast out of polite society with a mountain of debt attached to her. A man can fall back on hard labor and still hold his head high, but it’s different for a woman. Can she become a maid and then simply return to being a lady again? We’ve been accepted back into society with open arms.”

  “Your marriage to Charlotte helped that one along.” Tom stood to refill his glass. Charlotte was the only child of a duke and cousin to the prince regent.

  “Yes, very true. And a match for Lady Caroline would really aid in her cause as well. Someone who could help settle her debts. Might raise her back up in society.”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” Tom grimaced as he poured his drink because Graham was closer to the mark than he cared to admit. He had this vision of her naked body pressed to his while the morning sun streamed into the windows. Taking another swig of his drink, he let the soothing liquid slide down his throat, the numbing sensation beginning to relax him. “If only I knew what she hid.”

  “I’m sure between the three of us, we could find out.” Graham gave him a knowing grin.

  “You’re right. Charlotte could really help.” Tom told Graham of Caroline’s request and what he knew of the situation they were in. “But I felt manipulated. Why didn’t Crimson approach me himself?”

  Graham shrugged. “I agree. A man should do his own negotiating but I am sure he thought Caroline would be more successful. Caroline was doing as she was bid by her guardian, and like you, she may be conflicted over her position.”

  Tom sat back, comprehension dawning. Perhaps she experienced a pull toward him too and her hesitation was that she had made promises to her guardian, the man who housed and fed her. “Why didn’t I see that?”

  “You don’t have enough distance. We’ll talk to Charlotte in the morning and then perhaps we will all pay a visit to the theater.” Graham stood and came around the desk. “You should try to get some sleep.”

  Tom waved his hand. “I doubt I’ll sleep tonight.”

  “I understand. I couldn’t sleep for days after meeting, Charlotte.”

  “I am not falling in love, for fecks sake.” Tom grimaced at Graham. Why was he being so insistent?

  But Graham only laughed heartily at his ire. “Keep telling yourself that, brother.”

  Chapter Four

  Caroline hadn’t fallen asleep until the wee hours of the morning. In part, her room was above the stage and she could hear the player and the crowd. But even after it quieted, her mind would not cease turning.

  Over and over, she pictured Tom’s strong body, full lips, and wavy hair that begged to be touched. She longed to run her hands over the stubble of his square jaw and down his chest. Did it have hair? She closed her eyes, willing herself to stop these depraved thoughts.

  She was nearly one and twenty, most women her age had already married. But she hadn’t been able to leave Crimson with a mountain of debt. Since it had been her father’s, she bore some responsibility in helping to clear it. And when Crimson had taken in Samantha and Melody, they needed a mother of sorts to guide them.

  She had only stolen a handful of times, when they were most desperate. When a debtor called in a note and the staff had to be paid. It made her ill to think on what she had done but she told herself she would repent. She sat in church every Sunday and prayed for forgiveness, though she had yet to confess.

  Perhaps she had waited too long to marry. A husband might have been able to help in ways she hadn’t. Or he could insist they wash their hands of the entire situation. It was too late to know now, but she was sure if she had a husband, at least she would be spared from the lust that was taking over her body.

  She had to admit, though, that it was delicious in its own way. A sweet ache. Standing, she crossed the room and looked out the window. Would it be equally sweet to act on it? To fulfill the need?

  She pressed her fingers to her temples. Th
is was where she had to stop. Tom was a Viscount who was well connected. When he married, it would be a woman like Lady Clara not the poor Lady Caroline, living above the theater.

  Sighing, she turned her head to the far right until she could just catch a glimpse of the scaffolding Tom had been climbing. Would he be there tomorrow? How long would he be working right next door?

  The thought of seeing him every day was pure torture. She lay back in her bed and threw her arm over her eyes. Finally, after what seemed like hours, she fell asleep.

  The morning brought her little comfort but she rose and dressed. Today she was not playing a lady nor did she plan to leave the theater so her outfit was simple.

  Most of the company was still asleep and so she headed to Crimson’s office. He had been meaning to balance the books for months. She would do so now, to see, if Tom’s sister-in-law agreed to sell the property, if they could in fact afford to buy it.

  She set to work on the books, tallying columns of numbers, adding them to other ledgers. She’d always been more skilled at this task than Crimson. Not that she enjoyed it much, but today it gave her sweet relief from the thoughts that had been swirling in her head.

  Hours passed, and the other occupants of the theater began to stir. It wasn’t at all surprising to hear a knock at the office door. Nor was it unexpected for Samantha to pop her head through, but her words caught Caroline completely by surprise. “Good morning! There are three people here to see you, Caroline.”

  “Who are they?” she asked, her eyebrows drawing together. But Samantha disappeared, leaving the door partially open and was immediately replaced by Tom. “Lord Abernathy.” She stood and then dipped into a curtsey.

  He waved his hand. “My lady. Pardon the interruption. I know I told you last night that I would write to Charlotte but she and Graham have arrived in town last evening. Considering your position, I thought you might like an audience with them to plead your case.”

  “Oh, that would be wonderful.” Her heartbeat sped, not about the meeting as it should, but by Tom’s presence.

  He motioned to someone she couldn’t see. As Tom stepped into the room, two other people followed. A stunning blonde and a devastatingly handsome man who looked exactly like Tom. “May I introduce Lord and Lady Rangley.”

  “A pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Caroline curtseyed again. As her fingers touched her very plain dress, she realized they were stained with ink. She motioned for them to take a seat, though there was only one other chair.

  Charlotte moved in front of it. “I’m Charlotte.” She gave Caroline a winning grin. “So glad to meet you. This my husband, Graham.”

  Graham wiggled his eyebrows nearly making her giggle. Tom glared at him, which was equally funny in its own measure. What fun it must have been to grow up in their family.

  “What are you working on?” Tom turned his focus on hers. “Are those the ledgers?”

  She nodded.

  “Impressive,” Graham chimed in. “Charlotte has a good head for numbers too. She runs all the accounts for the orphanages.”

  A twist of guilt niggled in her stomach. Charlotte was attempting to help society while she wanted the property for personal gain. “Do you run many orphanages?”

  “This will be the third. One other in London and one near Harlington Manor. With a growing family though, I can’t manage this one the way I have the others. So, I was going to finance the project only and leave Father Phillips to actually run the facility.”

  Caroline’s hopes sank. Of course the orphanage needed to be near the church. “Oh, that makes sense. I am sorry to have bothered you.”

  “No bother at all.” Charlotte waved her hand. “I already spoke with my solicitor this morning to do a search for other properties, we will see what comes up. I’m sure there is a solution.”

  Caroline sat dumbfounded, looking at the other woman. Everyone knew of Marchioness Rangley, daughter of a duke, belle of the ton, who had married a near pauper right as he became a very rich and powerful someone.

  This woman had all of London, perhaps England, at her feet. Why would she be going out of her way to help Caroline, who was never going to be anyone? “That is so generous of you,” Caroline murmured. “I don’t mean to—”

  “Nonsense,” Charlotte waved her hand. “Though I do have a favor to ask in return. Tom tells us you have a box you sit in for the shows. Would it possible for us to join you sometime? Your theater is all the rage.”

  “I would love it if you joined me.” Caroline gave her a grin. “But I can’t take credit for the theater, it is my guardian’s doing.”

  “That would be lovely. Perhaps tomorrow night?” Charlotte stood and Caroline followed suit. She made to move around the desk but with so many people in the office, it was a tight squeeze. She brushed against Tom as she shuffled by and heat infused her cheeks. Swinging away to hide her embarrassment, her foot tangled with the leg of the desk.

  For a moment, she was falling and then strong hands encircled her waist. She automatically grabbed his wrists, her ungloved hands coming into contact with his bare skin. Her breath caught and her eyes snapped to his.

  His glorious dark eyes stared down at her, a slight smile playing on his lips and crinkling the corners of his lids. The motion of looking back pushed her back against his chest and deliciously hard muscles flexed against her.

  She couldn’t look away, nor could she make any words pass from her lips. All that came out was a sort of garbled, “Oh…I…um…I…”

  His smile deepened, “Are you all right?”

  “Why yes. Thank you,” she answered, still in a stupor of admiration.

  “Can I help you around the desk?” He gave her waist a gentle squeeze. It should have been a friendly gesture but coming from him, her body throbbed in response.

  “What?” She was still dazed, heat from his body warming her everywhere.

  He leaned down and whispered into her ear. “Much as I enjoy holding you like this, I was thinking that you probably should continue around the desk.”

  The blush that had been creeping up her cheeks bloomed into a bright red as she tried to step away and promptly tripped again.

  Tom’s grip tightened and then he moved two steps with her, to help her around the desk.

  As he stepped away, her eyes swung to Graham and Charlotte. Graham’s eyebrows were near his hairline, while Charlotte looked to be hiding a smile.

  Graham cleared his throat. “Tom mentioned you have a space issue. Perhaps you could give us a tour?”

  “Yes, of course.” She wiped her stained hands on her plain dress, wishing this could be over. Actually, she wished to be alone with Tom and have his hands on her… Dear Lord in Heaven she had to stop.

  Tom’s hand came to her waist again. It was an intimate gesture but one that she enjoyed immensely. They stepped out into the hall where Samantha stood bouncing on her heels. Her eyes darted from Graham to Tom. “Hello again,” she giggled.

  Caroline’s embarrassment was forgotten as she watched Samantha ogle the two men. At least she had good taste. Caroline suppressed a smile and leaned over to whisper, “Remember, Hello, my lords and lady.”

  “Oh, that’s right. Hello, my lords and lady.” Samantha bobbed a courtesy.

  “This is Miss Samantha Worth.” Caroline addressed the company and then turned to Samantha. “Please inform Crimson and then make sure Melody is up.” She gave the girl a peck on the cheek and curtseying again, Samantha went off to do as she was bid.

  “What a beautiful young lady.” Charlotte squeezed Caroline’s arm.

  Charlotte’s words meant so much. “Thank you. She is like a sister to me, I am trying to help her along as best I can.”

  “Is her mother an actress in the company?” His hand came to her waist again. It was a gentle touch, meant not to be seen, and she tried not to read into it overly much. He wouldn’t be hers and she shouldn’t like it quite so much but it thrilled and soothed her all in one touch.

bsp; “She passed three years ago. Crimson took them in. If not for him, they’d—” She had been about to say, they’d be in an orphanage. Like the ones Charlotte was building. And it was truly better than being on the street. She didn’t want to denigrate it but…

  “I understand. An orphanage is a necessity for those without any other options but to have a home where people love you is priceless.”

  Caroline stared at Charlotte. In her experience with the ton, women as beautiful as Charlotte were never this kind. “Your words mean a great deal to me.” She took a breath. “I am fortunate that Crimson took on my guardianship and the title. If he hadn’t…”

  Charlotte reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. With Tom’s hand at her waist, she tried to remember the last time others had given her physical comfort such as this.

  They entered the tiny theater, as the cleaning was just beginning. It was the first job of the actors and actresses every morning before rehearsals began.

  A few looked up curiously as they entered. It was not unusual for Caroline to assist in cleaning but it was strange at best to come with guests and even odder that two of them were touching her. She glanced back at Graham who was trailing behind but his eyebrows were still hovering just below his hairline. His expression relaxed at her gaze and he gave her a wink.

  “How many does the theater hold now?” Charlotte glanced about, taking in the balcony and the main floor.

  “No more than two hundred.” Caroline grimaced.

  Charlotte glanced around again. “You could charge more, it has exclusivity in its favor and the ton already vies for tickets.”

  “Do you really think so?” Crimson’s smooth voice carried from the very back of the theater. Any actor knew how to make his voice carry in this way.

  “I do, but I have another slightly more radical proposition for you.” Charlotte let go of her hand then, walking toward Crimson. “When searching for an orphanage, I came across an unused theater. Much larger than this and still in a reasonably good neighborhood. This property would fetch a nice sum.” She waved her hand at the surrounding area. “I only purchased in this neighborhood because of the proximity to the church.”


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