Bella's Gift

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Bella's Gift Page 22

by Rick Santorum


  Chapter 1

  1. Our Sunday Visitor’s Catholic Encyclopedia.

  Chapter 1

  1. Sirach 6:14.

  Chapter 3

  1. Rick Santorum, from his speech at the Republican National Convention, Tampa, FL, August 28, 2012.

  Chapter 5

  1. Avelino de Almeida, in John De Marchi, The Immaculate Heart, The True Story of Our Lady of Fátima (New York: Farrar, Straus and Young, 1952), 144.

  Chapter 10

  1. Written in 1534, while Thomas More was in the Tower of London, awaiting execution. You can find this passage in Thomas More’s The Sadness of Christ, edited by Gerard Wegemer, Yale University Press translation (New Rochelle, NY: Scepter, 1997), 142.

  Chapter 15

  1. Jean Vanier, From Brokenness to Community (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1992), 26–28. Mr. Vanier, a theologian and humanitarian, is the founder of L’Arche, an international network of communities for the intellectually disabled.

  Chapter 16

  1. “Apostolic Journey of Pope Benedict XVI to Portugal on the Occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the Beatification of Jacinta and Francisco, Young Shepherds of Fátima: Meeting with the World of Culture: Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI,” May 12, 2010, transcript, on the website of Libreria Editrice Vaticana,

  2. Joe Klein, “Rick Santorum’s Inconvenient Truths,” Time, March 5, 2012.

  Chapter 18

  1. Nick Vujicic, “Unstoppable,” 700 Club Interactive, CBN, March 20, 2013,


  Page 1:

  Bella—Our Beautiful Angel on Earth!

  Photo courtesy of “Timeless Portraits by Liz,” Sewickley, PA

  Page 2:

  Top row, left to right: Bella’s Baptism (left to right: John, Sarah Maria, Rick, Patrick, Father Alexander Drummond, Bella in her isolette, Daniel, Peter, and Elizabeth); Grandma and Granddad Garver with Bella

  Second row, left to right: our first family picture with Bella (standing, left to right: Daniel, John, Rick, and Elizabeth; sitting, left to right: Peter, Patrick, Karen (holding Bella) and Sarah Maria); big sister and godmother Elizabeth

  Third row, left to right: Nana and PopPop Santorum holding Bella; our friend Susie Twetten holding Bella

  Page 3:

  Top row, left to right: Patrick and Bella; Peter and Bella; Karen holding Bella, our friend Katy Ryland and Rick at Bella’s first birthday party

  Bella’s first birthday party with family friends (left to right: Chris and Lee Goodwin, Walt and Susie Twetten. Rick, Bella, Karen, John, Mary Ferguson, Gary and Jennifer Hale, Peter, Sarah Maria, Elizabeth, Patrick, and Daniel)

  Page 4:

  Top row, left to right: Bella with Karen on her first birthday; Bella playing cards with her big brothers Peter and Patrick

  Middle picture: loving big sister Sarah Maria reading a book to Bella

  Bottom row, left to right: Sarah Maria, Peter, and Patrick playing with Bella; Bella in her swing; Bella sitting in her chair as the kids see how cute she looks in hats

  Page 5:

  Bella in her flowers and lace hat looking adorable!

  Photo courtesy of “Timeless Portraits by Liz,” Sewickley, PA

  Page 6:

  Top row, left to right: Sarah Maria holding Bella, Patrick, and Peter welcome Bella home from the hospital; proud big brother John experiencing the joy of holding Bella; Bella’s special friend Brendan Kelly with Bella

  Bottom picture: Bella celebrated her first Christmas! (Elizabeth holding Bella, Sarah Maria, Peter, Patrick, Daniel, and John)

  Page 7:

  Bella is loved by her aunts, uncles, and cousins!

  Top row, left to right: Bella’s cousin Emily (holding Bella) and her husband James Dudt; Bella’s aunt Kathy Lamb holding Bella

  Center: Bella’s uncle Bill and aunt Nancy Garver holding Bella

  Bottom row, left to right: Bella’s uncle Dan Santorum with Bella; Bella’s cousin Olivia Garver and Bella; Bella’s aunt Sis (Marybeth Kusturiss) with Bella

  Page 8:

  Bella is loved by her aunts, uncles, and cousins!

  Top row, left to right: Bella’s cousin Fran (holding Bella) and her husband Joe Urmann; Bella’s uncle Paul (holding Bella) and Bella’s aunt Carolyn Garver

  Middle row, left to right: Bella’s cousin Lee Garver, uncle Ken Garver, cousin Jessica Berkey (holding Bella), and aunt Marsha Garver; Bella’s aunt Maureen Swartz with Bella

  Third row: Aunt Anna Estop-Garver and Uncle Jim Garver holding Bella

  Bottom row, left to right: Bella’s uncle Bob Garver and Bella; Bella’s cousins Jessica Berkey and Matt Garver holding Bella

  Page 9:

  Bella loves having fun!

  Bella looking too cute!

  Our angel Bella

  Bella having a tea party with bear

  Photos courtesy of “Timeless Portraits by Liz,” Sewickley, PA

  Page 10:

  Top row, left to right: Bella’s third birthday party (left to right: Patrick, John, Peter, Elizabeth, Sarah Maria, Daniel, and Bella); proud big brother Daniel

  Middle row, left to right: proud daddy and Bella; Christmas 2010 (top row, left to right: Elizabeth, Rick, Bella, Karen, John; bottom row, left to right: Daniel, Peter, Patrick, and Sarah Maria)

  Bottom left: a special fresco of our angel Bella was painted by artists Roger and Karen Nitz for the Bella Donna Chapel in McKinney, Texas. Our friends, Jeff and Donna Blackard, who own the chapel commissioned the painting.

  Page 11:

  Top row, left to right: Bella taking a walk with Sarah Maria, Peter, Karen, and Daniel; Bella taking a bike ride with Patrick, Rick, Karen, and Peter

  Middle row, left to right: Bella fishing with the boys (left to right: Rick, Patrick, Bella, Daniel, and Peter; Bella swimming with Patrick, Peter, and Rick

  Bottom row, left to right: Bella at the beach with Rick; Bella playing piano with Elizabeth; Bella enjoying a tractor ride; Bella reading a book with Patrick

  Page 12:

  Top row, left to right: John and Bella, Bella’s babysitter/nurse and family friend Bridget O’Donnell holding Bella

  Middle row, left to right: Our family at the beach (standing, left to right: friend Steven Munoz, Patrick, John, Daniel, Peter, Elizabeth, Sarah Maria, and friend Bridget O’Donnell; sitting, left to right: Grandma Garver, Rick, Bella, and Karen); Elizabeth and Bella, Sarah Maria and Bella

  Bottom row, left to right: Bella’s fifth birthday (standing, left to right: Patrick, John, Karen, Daniel, Sarah Maria; Peter is kneeling with Bella on his shoulders; Elizabeth was away at college); our friends Leanne and Mark Rodgers (holding Bella). Mark is Bella’s godfather.

  Page 13:

  Bella is loved by so many friends!

  First row, left to right: Father Julio Rivero and Bella; Tommy Johnson with Bella; Annie Ryland with Bella; Frank Hanna with Bella

  Second row, left to right: Mary Katherine and Ellie Twetten and Bella; Father Jerome Fasano and Bella; our builder and family friend Anders Hurd (holding Bella) and assistant Jared Willard (Anders built Bella’s disability bedroom, bathroom, therapy room, and ramps); Anna Fronzaglia with Bella

  Third row, left to right: Jennifer Morano (holding Bella) and Father Julio Rivero; Mark, Peter, and Muriel Forrest holding Bella; Ercy and Senora Maria Rodriguez and Bella

  Fourth row, left to right: Foster and Lynn Friess (holding Bella); Mark and Katy Ryland with Bella

  Bottom row, left to right: Frank, Maura, and Brendan Kelly (holding Bella), Karen and Rick; Donna Blackard and Bella; Father John Mosimann holding Bella

  Page 14:

  Some of Bella’s Exceptional Caregivers

  Top row, left to right: Bella’s nutritionist Robin Cook; Bella’s physical therapist Francie Mitchell; Bella’s pediatrician Dr. James

  Middle row, left to right: Bella’s surgeon Dr. Thane Blinman; Bella’s physical therapist Francie Mitchell

  Bottom row: upper and lower left is Bella’s occupational therapist Lynne Ganz; one of Bella’s pulmonologists Dr. Sunil Kapoor; Bella’s registered nurse Erin MacEgan

  Page 15:

  Top row, left to right: Grandma and Granddad Garver with Bella; standing, left to right: Peter, Daniel, Bella, Elizabeth, Nana Santorum, Sarah Maria, John, Patrick, and PopPop Santorum is sitting

  Bottom picture: our family on vacation with Grandma Garver (standing, left to right: Daniel, John, Grandma Garver, Peter, and Patrick; sitting, left to right: Sarah Maria, Rick, Bella, Karen, and Elizabeth)

  Page 16:

  Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice

  That’s What Little Bella Is Made Of

  Photo courtesy of “Timeless Portraits by Liz,” Sewickley, PA


  Karen Santorum, one of twelve children and a former neonatal intensive care nurse and attorney, received a bachelor of science in nursing from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and worked for several years in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Her juris doctorate degree is from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law where she was a Law Review member. Karen is the author of two books, Letters to Gabriel and Everyday Graces: A Child’s Book of Good Manners. Karen and her husband of almost twenty-five years, Rick, are the parents of eight children: Elizabeth, John, Daniel, Gabriel, Sarah Maria, Peter, Patrick, and Isabella. Her greatest role and love in life is being a full-time mother at home. According to Karen, “There is no greater joy in life than to be a mother. It is the most important job I will ever have.”

  Rick Santorum, a native of Pennsylvania, was a candidate for the Republican nomination for president of the United States in 2012. He served in the House of Representatives from 1991 to 1995 and in the Senate from 1995 to 2007 and is the author of several books, including the 2005 New York Times bestseller It Takes a Family. Rick’s most important role and love in life is being a husband and father.

  Elizabeth Santorum graduated magna cum laude from the University of Dallas. During the 2012 Republican presidential primary, she spent a year campaigning across the nation on behalf of her father, Senator Rick Santorum. Appearing on CNN, Fox News, NBC, and many other news outlets at twenty years old, she became one of the campaign’s most requested speakers. Elizabeth has spent time doing mission work in Uganda, is currently a John Jay Fellow, and has always been a great big sister.





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