Abducted to Love: The Intergalactic Prince Series (SciFi Alien Romance)

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Abducted to Love: The Intergalactic Prince Series (SciFi Alien Romance) Page 2

by Jill L. Sterling

  A door opened in the wall where she had previously seen no seems and a tray came out sporting a carton of milk, a mixed green salad, spaghetti carbonara and baked apples.

  Her mouth watered at the sight of it. Who said hospital food was garbage? She took the tray to a small table with two chairs and sat gingerly. With her first sip of milk she groaned. Her throat felt swollen and bruised.

  'Gee, I wonder why' she thought with the creep's face popping up before her eyes.

  "Wonder where my knight in shining shades ended up" she said after a bite of the hot apples. The heat soothed her throat and the apples went down easily.

  "What is your query?" The female over the speaker chimed in.

  Apparently she wasn't automated...

  "Oh, um... I was just wondering about the man who brought me in" Andrea answered the bodiless voice.

  "Tristan Zylor has returned to his chamber. He will return to check on you at 09:00"

  "What time is it now?"

  "The current time is 08:42 in our present location"

  "Present location makes it sound like we're going somewhere" Andrea laughed.

  "Estimated take off time is 08:45 with an estimated travel time of 20 days six hours and 10 minutes"

  Her heart nearly stopped.

  "What?" Surely she hadn't understood what the woman had said. She wasn't going anywhere.

  "Repeating. Estimated take off time is 08:45 with an estimated travel time of 20 days six hours and 10 minutes"

  "That can't be right" she said putting her fork down on the tray before she had the chance to drop It.

  "I assure you all times are up to date and kept accurate ma'am" the voice responded reassuringly.

  Andrea stood up and looked around the room for the door.

  There was no door.

  How was there no fucking door?

  How did she get in here without a door?

  She was obviously missing something- not looking right. Maybe her vision was off. She put her hand in front of her face and wiggled her fingers and shrugged when it seemed normal.

  "Your heart rate is accelerated and your current blood pressure is 158/102. It is suggested that you recline on your bed and meditate" the woman stated.

  "How am I supposed to meditate when I'm trapped?" She yelled at the woman in sheer frustration.

  "Trapped, the term infers that one is held against their will, confined, imprisoned" the definitions were starting to boil Andrea's blood.

  "I know what the hell it means" Andrea huffed still looking for the door or any other way out of the room.

  "A mate is not trapped in her mates home" The woman informed her. "Home is a place of comfort, companionship and happiness"

  The sentence almost didn't sink in.

  "Mate?" She repeated slowly in disbelief.

  "A chosen being selected by another being as a life partner. A person with which to procreate, co-exist, co-habitate and love"

  This automated dictionary thing was getting old.

  "I understand what the word means. What I don't understand is how it pertains to me or where I am" Andrea snapped.

  "You, Andrea Villanova, are Tristan Zylor's mate. You are currently in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Earth"

  "Ar...gen....tin....ahhh this is a dream. I get it now!" Andrea laughed.

  "Your body is not currently in REM sleep mode, therefore dreaming is not a possibility at this current time. If you wish to enter REM mode you can push the purple button and lay on the bed. REM will be activated 20 minutes after sleep occurs".

  Andrea stood blinking. She had apparently lost her marbles. That or she was in some coma dream.

  Before her eyes the wall opened and the tall man came in. He was dressed differently, in a red shirt and deep grey trousers that clung to his body. He still had those sunglasses on.

  "Nyla disconnect" he said while his gaze took in Andrea's body.

  She was a little over five feet, her hair was a light strawberry blonde and it swung down to her ass, her eyes were bright and full of fight. She had curves that rounded and softened all the right places. He knew she was probably highly sought after on her planet. Tristan could see why. As he looked her over he had a rush of arousal take him over.

  "Disconnecting, Sir" the voice said and then silence as Tristan's gaze remained unbroken.

  Andrea stared at the man. Apparently her lover... er... mate according to the voice, Nyla? She didn’t know what he had told her but she was about to straighten things out. He may have saved her from a cracked out drunk but that didn't give him the right to claim her as his wife and it sure didn't give him the right to take her to ARGENTINA. If they were really there that was.

  "Hello Andrea. How are you feeling?" The tall man asked.

  "Confused and disturbed" she admitted in a snarky tone.

  "That's normal with trauma. You'll feel better as your body heals" he took a step toward her.

  She retreated until she noticed she was heading for the bed and changed her path toward the chair and table.

  "You need to tell me who you are, how I got here, where I am and why that lady thinks I'm your wife" she spat out.

  He laughed "Alright. Well, let me start off with the beginning" he thought back through all of the things she rattled off. "My name is Tristan. You got here because I brought you here to tend your injuries after you were attacked by a drug addled stranger. You are in my home and the lady thinks you are my wife because I had to claim you as my mate in order to bring you aboard. I think that covers everything? Did I miss anything?"

  Andrea didn't know how to respond to any of that.

  "Are we on a plane or something? I thought this was a hospital? I remember you telling me I was hurt and I needed medical attention? This doesn't make sense".

  "Or something. And you were tended to medically." he told her and looked around the room. He spotted the nearly full tray of food "Was the food not to your liking? I can have something else prepared for you"

  "The food was fine, thank you" she said automatically despite her shock.

  "I can sense you're struggling with something. Please tell me what is upsetting you so I can right it" he watched as she slowly sat down in the chair and stared blankly at the wall with the buttons.

  "Honestly, waking up in a strange place with robots and buttons and lights and departures and life partners... all of that's kind of got my head in a mess" she said sarcastically.

  "It's understandable for you to feel that way" Tristan went over to the wall and pressed the green button.

  Andrea watched him from the side of her vision. She didn't want to take her eyes off of him for too long. Admittedly, he had saved her but that didn't mean she was going to trust him.

  There was something about him that screamed danger but a small part of her found that intriguing and tempting.

  "Oh, and Nyla isn't a robot. She's a subatomic version of a humanoid being with mechanical operations allowing for systematic upgrades. Much more intelligent than any robot. Even one of ours" he pointed a finger up at the camera and one of the speakers.

  "I'm sorry... what planet are you from?" She shook her head laughing.

  He didn't join in and tilted his head in confusion.

  "Zelna, or that's the closest pronunciation in your language" he shrugged his massive shoulders.

  The room was feeling too small and too hot with him in it and she just wanted to lay back down on the waterbed and wake up in her little apartment with the leaking pipe and her loud neighbor Mrs.Lobinowitz yelling at her cats.

  'This was some dream' she thought. Though the longer it went on the less and less it seemed like a dream and the more it seemed like a reality. But it couldn't be reality. Aliens weren't real, even if they were studly, bursting bicep, romance novel cover models with deep sexy voices who performed badass heroics in the middle of the night.

  "This isn't a dream you know" he said holding out a clear pouch full of water to her.

  "How do you know I was..." She t
railed off as took the pouch he offered and smelled it and inspected it thoroughly before taking a deep drink that soothed her throat.

  "I just do" he replied knowingly.

  "Look me in the eyes and tell me this isn't a dream" she said looking at him head on.

  Tristan turned to her "This is not-"

  "No, take off the shades, get down on my level and tell me" she demanded interrupting him when he started.

  He cleared his throat. As chief commander of his planet, prince of Zelna and commander of the ship he was not accustomed to taking orders. Even if the orders came from a feisty little human with curves that made his mouth water made them slightly easier to swallow.

  Tristan figured he would indulge her. If she freaked out he would have to sedate her but he had a feeling she would handle it appropriately, if there was such a way to do so.

  He knelt on one knee in front of her and looked up at her sarcastically looking for her approval on his progress.

  "Lose the glasses" she reminded him.

  When he hesitated she reached forward and slowly pulled them away from his face herself.

  "I'd advise you to be careful" he said in a low voice.

  Her hands hesitated for a split second before continuing. When she held the glasses in her hands she looked at him. His eyes were lightly shut though they seemed to follow each of her movements.

  "Why won't you look at me?" She asked him.

  "Hm," he hummed "I suppose I could. Though my eyes are probably not like anything you've seen before. I don't want you to be shocked"

  That caught her curiosity.

  When Tristan opened his eyes she gasped.

  He was right. She had never seen eyes like his in all her life. They were beautiful. They were lavender on the outer edges and got darker toward his pupil until they were an electric blue.

  "Whoa" She had a feeling she could get lost staring into his eyes if he would let her.

  Tristan wet his lips allowing her to gaze into his eyes in wonder for a moment longer before he took the glasses back from her hand and replaced them on.

  The way she stared at him shifted something in his body. He had never felt something like that before when a woman looked at him. From the moment he carried her in his arms he had felt an attraction to her... more though, it was more than simple attraction. It was a bonding.

  Being close to her was bringing those feelings to life like fanning smoldering coals until they burst into a raging flame. His body was reacting to her presence. His cock got hard every time he thought of her, every time he turned on the camera to check on her while she slept, every time she looked at him with those big silver eyes and deep dark lashes.

  He needed her in his bed. And he was going to make that happen just as soon as he was assured that she wasn't going to burst into hysterics over the whole ship, intergalactic traveling and oh... the fact that he wasn't even the same species as her. Not even close.

  Tristan took a deep breath. It might take a little bit of time for that to happen but he was willing to wait. He had waited this long before finding her. A little longer wouldn't kill him. It might drive him a little mad but he would survive. He had a feeling this was going to be a lesson in self control.

  "Your eyes are gorgeous. Why do you keep them covered?"

  "They're sensitive to the light. There are a lot more UV rays here than what I'm accustomed to and it takes a little while for them to heal after exposure" Tristan explained.

  Andrea decided she would go along with this alien thing until whatever bizarre dream this was ended.

  "So what's it like?" She wanted to hear all about it.

  "I'm sorry, what is what like?" He asked.

  "What is it like on your planet?" Andrea reclined a little on the chair to find a comfortable position to look up at him.

  "It's a wonderful place. Water everywhere, warm for the most part, you would say there are a lot of plants but they aren't really plants so much as immobile beings. Rooted deep in the land with powers that you wouldn't believe held deep inside of them. Beings of all kinds but mostly we look like you" he paused for a moment and then continued with a small chuckle "... with a few minor variations" A smile crept across his face as he pictured his homeland, his house, his people.

  "It sounds like a great place" Andrea said.

  "Well you'll find out for yourself here in a few weeks. I'm sure you are going to love it just as much as I do" Tristan smiled.

  'Sure. Intergalactic travels on a Saturday night. Why not?' She thought.

  "Now how exactly is that going to work? I thought no other planets had oxygen? I can't exactly go somewhere that I can't breathe"

  "That problem has been solved" Tristan put a finger to his throat and nodded to her for her to do the same.

  Andrea lifted her fingers slowly and put them on her throat as he had done. She felt the coolness of a small piece of metal touch her fingers. It was embedded in her skin.

  Panic filled her and fresh, acidic bile climbed up her throat burning her esophagus and making her stomach sour.

  "Hey, hey, hey now. Calm down. You're alright" Tristan said and put his hand on her cheek forcing her to look up at him.

  "It's a very simple procedure and the machine allows you to breathe on any planet we go to. Look I have one too. Same as yours." He lifted his chin and showed her the little device on his neck.

  She had barely noticed it on him. It was about the size of a stud earring and protruded slightly from his windpipe.

  "This is all too strange" Andrea said out loud.

  "I know it's a lot to take it. But I had to take you with me. Once you and I had physical contact I knew that they would find you if I left you behind" Tristan's face was grim.

  "They?" She asked hesitantly. She couldn't think of anyone who would want to hurt her. No one sober at least. And what would him touching her have anything to do with someone finding her? Who were these people? Bloodhounds?

  "The Gorgomars" he explained. There was a definite look of distaste on his face as if the mere thought of them made him sick.

  "Why would they want me?" She was puzzled.

  "Like I said. I had physical contact with you. My scent trail would be on you. They would track you and kill you to get to me"

  Andrea's face paled as the blood drained from her cheeks.

  "I'm not going to let that happen though. I promise" She could tell his vow was not made lightly.

  "Why would they be after you?" She questioned.

  "Well, power I suppose. Revenge perhaps. I'm the prince of Zelna. I'm next in line for the throne as it were. I'm not quite the kind of prince they would have hope I'd turn out to be. I'd much rather be out on the battlefield defending our planet than be stuck in some pod waiting for the enemy to find me. I don't do well with inaction" Tristan admitted.

  'A warrior prince from planet Zelna' she rolled the phrased over in her mind letting it sink in but everything was hazy and her thoughts were clouded.

  She felt like sleeping for a week was a completely rational option. And at this point it was going to take that much to be able to muster enough brain power to sort out everything that was going on in this other-dimension life she had somehow slipped into.

  He could see that exhaustion was taking over her body and mind. Her thoughts were jumbled and cloudy. He had been able to read them earlier. That was how he had found her. He heard her thoughts and her resignation to death. He couldn't allow that to happen.

  "I have one more question" she told him.


  "How did you find me?"

  "I've always known where you were, Andrea. It's just fate I suppose that I crossed your path" he watched as she took that in.

  She looked small and fragile. It as nothing like the strength he knew lived inside of her. Her softness was endearing and he wanted to hold her, stroke her hair and make sure that she knew she wasn't going to need to worry about anything ever again if he had anything to say about it.

  "You ne
ed to rest. This has been a lot for you to handle and your body needs time to heal after what that man did to you" Tristan crossed to where the door had appeared when he arrived.

  "Don't go" Andrea whispered from across the room.

  She couldn't stand the thought of being alone in this metallic room, supposedly soaring off into space away from everything she had known. The thought of leaving everything terrified her. She didn't have a very fulfilling life. Working a menial bar job and wrangling intoxicated college kids and a few locals wasn't exactly something that would break her heart to leave. But Earth? Her planet? Everything she had ever know and trusted to be real was there and now she was in some kind of Bradbury novel and an alien prince had abducted her and claimed her as his wife.

  She needed someone and he was all she had.

  Andrea watched as he stopped in his tracks with his back still turned to her as if he were debating on whether to stay or go.

  His ears perked up and picked up on the barely audible plea. His cock throbbed when he listened to her thoughts. She wanted held; she wanted to be comforted and she didn't want to be alone. Her mind was racing with different images of them together in bed. Her kissing him. Her sucking his cock, then bent over the bed and being filled by him.

  "Why?" He questioned.

  Andrea froze. He couldn't have heard her from all the way over there.

  "Why what?" She asked him.

  "Why do you want me stay here with you?" He turned to face her and she could see the outline of his cock growing as she answered him.

  "I don't want to be alone right now. If you could just stay and keep me company I would appreciate it" The moment was heartfelt.

  "Come with me. You'll come stay in my chambers this evening. It will be more comfortable for you" he held his arm out waiting for her to fill it.

  Wrapping his arm around her felt natural. Her skin was soft and the dress he had obtained for her clung to her curves. Her hips were an hourglass just waiting for him to pass hours and days moving down between them, finding her sweet, hot core. Tonguing her wetness before burying himself inside of her.

  His mind was getting ahead of him.

  She was tired, confused and overwhelmed. Fucking her now would be a gross imposition and surely would not be a good thing in hindsight.


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