Someone Like Her (A K2 Team Novel)

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Someone Like Her (A K2 Team Novel) Page 12

by Owens, Sandra

She opened the passenger door and pushed him inside. “From Buck.”

  Tomorrow he was going to kill the old man, but tonight he loved the sneaky bastard for getting Maria here. He just might love her, too. Tomorrow, he’d figure that one out. Looked like tomorrow was gonna be a busy day.


  Missed you,” Jake said as she turned out of the parking lot, then he promptly fell asleep.

  Maria didn’t like seeing him drunk, but couldn’t help liking the things he said when not at his best. He probably wouldn’t remember any of it when he sobered up. Unable to sleep, she’d been reading one of Dani’s books when he’d called. His slurred speech had alarmed her. In all the years she’d known him, she’d never seen him the slightest bit tipsy. What did it mean if he was in this state because of her?

  She pulled up in front of his condo. “We’re here.” He responded with a snore. She turned off the iginition and twisted in her seat. Half tempted to take a picture of him drunk with his mouth hanging open, she shook her head and resisted the urge. If Jamie was right and Jake was half in love with her, then it was time he stopped fighting it. He was flying out on Wednesday, and she wanted things settled between them before he left.

  “Why you staring at me?” One eye slitted open.

  She shrugged. “Why not?”

  “Tried to get you outta my head.” Surprising her, he leaned over and gave her a clumsy kiss.

  He smelled like booze, cheap perfume, and cigarettes. “God, you stink.” Of the three, some other woman’s perfume on him was the worst. The only way he could smell like that was if the woman had climbed all over him, and obviously, he’d allowed it. Rat bastard.

  “Then we need a shower.” He opened the door and stumbled out. He made it halfway up the sidewalk before he realized she wasn’t with him and turned around, weaving his way back to the car. “Come,” he said, tapping on the window.

  Did he think they were going to have sex? No way. He was drunk. She’d seen too many wasted men, many of them mean, fumbling in their efforts to screw Lovey Dovey, sometimes knocking her around. Not that she believed Jake would mistreat her, but he wasn’t particularly appealing in his current state. If she was smart, she’d go home and bring the Challenger back to him in the morning.

  He opened the door and tugged on her hand. “Come on.” A lopsided grin appeared on his face. “Please.”

  Apparently, she wasn’t smart. Besides, she had the keys to his condo and doubted he could manage to find the keyhole. She’d at least unlock the door for him, maybe make a pot of coffee. He could sure use some.

  This was the first time she’d been inside his condo, and she looked around with interest, surprised at how nice it was. She’d expected something messy—clothes and magazines strewn about—the furniture worn and cheap.

  It was, instead, understated elegance, and as neat as a pin. She hoped he never saw her room. If he was responsible for the décor, then he had a good eye. A brown leather sofa, a matching Euro chair, and a glass coffee table, were the only pieces of furniture. A sand-colored seagrass area rug covered part of the dark wood floor, the biggest TV screen she’d ever seen hung on one wall, and a painting that appeared expensive was on another.

  She walked to the picture and studied it. The scene was the back of a young woman with long black hair wearing a knee-length yellow sundress looking out over the Gulf at the rising sun. Barefoot, she stood ankle deep in the water, and the breeze lifted her hair and the hem of her dress, showing a glimpse of one brown thigh.

  Maria felt Jake’s breath on her neck, which would have been nice if he didn’t smell like a brewery. “This is a nice picture.”

  “She’s you.”

  Wow. He’d bought a painting because it reminded him of her? That pleased her to no end, but she would bet her cat he’d deny it to hell and back when his brain wasn’t pickled. She turned around. “Why don’t you jump in the shower while I make you some coffee?”

  “You don’t know where the kitchen is. Come with me and we’ll find it together.” Again, he gave her a drunk, lopsided grin. “After we shower me.” Grabbing her hand, he tried to pull her with him.

  She pulled away. “Oh, no. I’m not bathing with you tonight, much less sleeping with you. If I do, you’ll be angry with both of us in the morning. When it happens between us, I want you to be fully aware of what you’re doing. I don’t want regrets, Jake. Now off with you.” She waved a hand toward the hallway.

  “You’re no fun,” he grumbled and weaved away.

  The kitchen wasn’t hard to find as it opened to the great room. She found the necessary supplies and had a strong pot of coffee waiting when he returned. The man who walked into the room wore only a pair of damp red boxer briefs, his hair dripping water, his chest and long, muscular legs glistening with droplets. The air swished out of her lungs. Holy moly.

  She tried to think of something to say besides, “Holy cow, I want to jump your bones,” and settled for, “Did you forget how to use a towel?” Thankfully, her voice sounded only a little raspy.

  He scrunched his eyebrows. “Huh?”

  “It doesn’t look like you dried off.”

  His chin lowered and he stared at his chest. “Knew I was forgetting something.” He lifted his head, a very wicked smile on his face. “You could dry me off.”

  I’d love to. “Some other time. Here, come drink this coffee.”

  “Okay, and then you can dry me.”

  Not weaving as much as he was before his shower, he made his way to the table. He brought the cup to his mouth, took a swallow, and then jumped up. At the sink, he spit it out. “Jesus Christ, Maria. How much coffee did you put in this?”

  She’d tripled the normal amount figuring it would help sober him. “Too strong?”

  In answer, he turned on the tap, let it run to hot, poured out half the contents of the cup, and refilled it with water.

  “Next time you’re too drunk to drive, call a cab.” Still hurt at smelling the perfume stinking up his clothes, she snatched the keys off the counter and headed for the door. He could have his damn car back tomorrow.

  He moved faster than she would’ve thought possible while under the influence, blocking the doorway. “Don’t leave.”

  A drop of water roamed its way down his chest, past a nipple on its way to his stomach. She clamped down on her bottom lip to keep from licking it. He put a finger under her chin and lifted her face, staring into her eyes.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” The only thing she really wanted him to apologize for was smelling like he’d had women climbing all over him.

  “I don’t know. For this, maybe?” He lowered his mouth to hers.

  His mouth was hot and tasted like coffee and mint toothpaste. When his tongue tangled with hers, she put her hands on his hips to steady herself. Muscles flexed under her palms. Even though there’d been those few times with Jonathan, intimately touching a man was still new to her. She could get used to it, could learn to crave it even.

  He wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her against him. His erection pressed against her belly and an ache began deep in her inner core. If she wasn’t careful, he’d have her in his bed in two minutes flat. Not happening. He wasn’t stumbling drunk any longer, but he was certainly still buzzed, and the probability of him getting all wonky about it when the buzz wore off was still high.

  She pushed away. “No. Go to bed, Jake, and sleep it off. I’ll bring your car back in the morning.”

  “Don’t leave. I won’t kiss you again.” He glanced at the clock on the microwave. “It’s going on two, and I don’t like the idea of you out by yourself in the middle of the night.”

  “I live less than ten minutes away. I’ll be fine.”

  “No, there’s night monsters out there roaming the streets looking for beautiful women. If you insist on going home then I’ll
drive you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re in no condition to be driving anywhere.”

  “Then I guess that means you’re staying. We’ll just sleep, I promise.”

  “You swear?”

  “Boy Scouts’ honor.” He put two fingers over his heart.

  Maria snorted. “You were never a Boy Scout.”

  “Shows what you know.” He took her hand and led her to his bedroom.

  Fool that she was, she let him. After he pulled back the covers, he put his hands on the waist of his briefs, and she held up a hand. “Whoa. What’re you doing?”

  He gave her a puzzled look. “Taking these off. I sleep in the nude.”

  “Not tonight you don’t. Leave them on or I’m outta here.”

  “Damn. Guess that means you’re sleeping in your clothes?”

  She’d thrown on a T-shirt and shorts after his call. “The shirt and my panties are staying on.”

  His body took a tumble into the bed, and he scooted under the covers, holding them up. “Come on then. If all we’re gonna do is sleep, let’s get to it.”

  This really was a bad idea, but she unhooked her bra and slipped it and her shorts off before climbing in next to him. He pulled her against him, wrapped his arm around her waist, spooning her, and nuzzled her neck.

  “Jake, stop it.”

  “Not doing nothing, promise. You just smell so good. You always do.”

  “Thank you. Now go to sleep.”

  He chuckled and then went quiet. His arm was heavy on her body, but she liked it, liked how it felt to be snuggled up with him. It was like being in a safe cocoon where nothing could hurt her.

  “You leave your car at Buck’s?”

  She grabbed the hand inching its way past her stomach. “I thought you’d gone to sleep.”

  “Almost there. Just wondering about Sally.”

  Like she would leave her Mustang unprotected in a bar parking lot overnight. “Mrs. Jankowski dropped me off.”

  He lifted on his elbow, leaned over her shoulder, and peered at her. “You told Mrs. Jankowski?”

  There was hurt and anger in his voice. It obviously embarrassed him to think her foster mother knew he had to be driven home. “I told her you called, and I was meeting you for a few drinks.”

  “Oh.” He plopped back down and nestled their bodies together to his satisfaction. “She won’t expect you home tonight?”

  “Mrs. Jankowski isn’t my jailer, nor has she ever tried to be. I’m a big girl, and she trusts my judgment.”

  “That’s good. The boss know you’re with me?”

  “He stayed at the hospital with Dani tonight. Talked the nurses into putting a cot in her room.”

  “That’s good, too. He’d probably kill me if he knew you were here. He makes damn cute babies though.”

  “God, you’re a talkative drunk. Go to sleep.”


  And just like that, he did. She listened to his even breathing and fell asleep wondering what it’d be like to be with him every night, how they’d be as a couple.

  Jake opened his eyes and stared at the strand of black hair wrapped around his hand. He lifted it to the pale light coming in the window—it looked damn familiar. Frowning, he brought it to his nose and sniffed.


  She lay on her stomach, her face buried in the pillow, but he didn’t need to see her to know. He could find her just by her scent in a dark room filled with a hundred women. Keeping her hair pressed to his nose, he tried to remember just how she’d come to be in his bed.

  Snatches of the night before flowed through his mind. He’d gotten stinking drunk, something he never, ever did. He’d needed a ride home and Buck had said something about calling a friend. Had he called her?

  Apparently, he had, but why was she in his bed? Had they done anything? No way. That, he would remember. So, why was she snuggled up next to him? Not that he minded. He rather liked waking up to find her there.

  Easing onto his side, he slid the covers down to her thighs. Damn. If thong underwear wasn’t the best invention ever, he didn’t know what was. He leaned over her back and trailed his mouth over her skin, starting just below her neck and following the line of her spine down to her beautiful ass.

  She moaned and turned over. Sleepy black eyes blinked at him. “Jake?”

  “Shhhh. Let me love you.” He slipped his hand under her shirt and cupped a breast, flicking his thumb over the nipple.

  “Are you still drunk?”

  Had he made a fool of himself? “Yeah, I’m drunk on you.” He was so hard for her, his cock wanted out of his briefs, needed to be inside her. Now.

  Puzzled, he lifted the cover and peeked at himself. Why did he have underwear on?

  Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. If he’d been a total ass, the last thing she’d want was to make love to him. Until he figured out if he had something to apologize for, he should keep his hands off her. Not to mention his mouth tasted like something had died in it—she’d probably gag if he tried to kiss her.

  He glanced at the clock to see it was six. “We should get you home.” When he sat up to get out of the bed, she grabbed his arm.

  “Not yet.”

  “Are you sure?” He wasn’t. No matter how badly he wanted her—and he did, more than anything—there were too many things to consider. She truly was a friend, and he didn’t want to ruin that. What he should do was put her in his car and take her home.

  She smiled.

  How was he supposed to resist that warm smile and those sleepy brown eyes? He put a finger on her lips when she opened her mouth to speak. “Tell you what. I need to brush my teeth and take a quick shower. You think about it, decide if it’s the right thing for you. I can’t make you any promises, Maria. Can you live with that?”

  She didn’t answer.

  In the bathroom, he brushed his teeth, his tongue, and then gargled with mouthwash. After a quick shave, he jumped in the shower. The slight buzz left over from the night before faded as needles of warm water struck his skin. It had always pissed off the guys that he never suffered the ill effects of a night of heavy drinking. With Maria in his bed, he was more thankful for that fact than ever.

  What had he been thinking to get that drunk? He snorted. Stupid question as the answer awaited him in his bed. What would she decide?

  If she was smart, she’d be dressed and ready for him to take her home. A naked female body passed by the shower door before it opened. Maria stepped in behind him. Jake squeezed his eyes shut when she pressed against his back, slid her arms around his waist, and rested her face on his shoulder.

  “I’m sure,” she whispered.

  So much for doing the right thing. He twisted around and crushed his mouth to hers, nudging his cock between her legs. She arched against him and wrapped her arms around his neck. With his hands on her hips to steady her, he thrust between her legs, groaning when she clamped them together, tightening them around his erection. One more minute and he’d get really stupid. Note to self. From now on, keep a supply of condoms in the shower.

  He pulled away and trailed his palm over the curve of her hip, down through her curls, and slid a finger inside her. Her sheath was hot—and so damn wet—and he found her clit with his thumb, rubbing tiny circles while his finger thrust in and out.

  She whimpered and draped a leg around his thigh, opening herself to him. When she wrapped her lips around his nipple and sucked, he about lost it. Her hand encircled his throbbing cock, stroking him from the base of his shaft to the tip and back down.

  Her breath hitched in time with his until they both gulped for air. A shudder traveled through her, his name passed her lips, and he let go, climaxing with her. Jesus. He leaned his forehead against hers, the sound of their heavy breaths filling the confines of the shower. He wanted her in bed.
Now. Reaching back, he turned off the water, picked her up, and carried her to the bedroom.

  “We’re gonna get your bed wet,” she said.

  “I don’t care.” He tossed her onto the mattress and followed her down. Finally, he had her where he’d wanted her for almost four years. Droplets of water dotted her skin and he set about licking her dry. Each place his tongue touched, goose bumps appeared and little shivers passed through her when he found her sensitive places. He memorized each time she reacted—just there on the curve of her breast, the spot on her neck just below her ear, here on her inner thigh—all points of pleasure for her he’d pay special attention to as he loved her.

  But first, he had to taste her. Needed to. He pressed his face between her thighs and inhaled the earthy musk scent of her arousal. He adored the little noises she made when she came, and he set about enticing her to make them again. A low growl escaped him when she lifted her hips to meet his tongue. Using his mouth, his tongue, and the scrape of his teeth, he brought her to her second climax of the morning.

  She tasted so incredibly sweet that he feared no one but her would do for him. When her body calmed, he reached over and pulled a condom out of the night table drawer. Tearing open the package with his teeth, he started to put it on.

  “Let me,” she said and sat up, her gaze intent on him. “I’ve never put one on a man before. Show me how.”

  “Didn’t your ex-boyfriend use them?”

  “He always went into the bathroom to put it on. I guess it was a private thing.”

  Jake decided her ex-boyfriend had been a fool, but then, he already knew that. He handed her the condom and lifted to his knees, which put his hard, pulsing erection near her face. “Leave it rolled, start at the tip, and unroll it as you cover me.” Damn if she didn’t lower a fascinated gaze on his cock and the thing jerked, trying to reach her mouth.

  She flicked a finger over the tip catching the drop of moisture there, then stuck her finger in her mouth, tasted him, and grinned. “You taste like salty seawater.”

  “You’re killing me, Maria. Put the damn thing on me.”


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