Seduced by an Irresistible Lady: A Historical Regency Romance Book

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Seduced by an Irresistible Lady: A Historical Regency Romance Book Page 28

by Henrietta Harding

  “Yes sir, I do. This has been my research for the past four years now.”

  “Can you explain everything to us again? We understand it, but I want to hear it from the horse’s mouth,” the Chairman said.

  When Dr Frederick finished explaining all his work to them, they were already nodding excitedly.

  “Dr Frederick, you might not know this, but this is a groundbreaking discovery.”

  “I know sir, I know,” Dr Frederick said.

  The three-man panel quickly led Dr Frederick to the Centre for Medical Research where his findings were immediately documented.

  “Dr Frederick, go and have a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow we take this to the palace, the King will be interested in seeing this,” the Chairman told him at the end of the day.

  Dr Frederick had never slept so fitfully in his life. He was too tired not to sleep and too excited to sleep for long. He slept in fits. When he woke up in the morning, he was still feeling tired and excited.

  Dr Frederick went to the Centre for Medical Research where a carriage had been awaiting him. He was taken to the palace where news of his research had been provided for the King.

  He kept his cool as they were led through the beautiful halls and passages in the palace. Guards were everywhere. Dr Frederick had never seen people so stoic, no flinch anywhere. When he got to the throne room, he sat and awaited the King. The King’s entrance was something Dr Frederick didn’t think he would forget. And when the King was settled, he asked one thing.

  “What is the use of this research to us as human beings?”

  Dr Frederick had been expecting this question. He had not expected it from the King, though.

  This is a risk I have to take.

  Dr Frederick removed the note and testimonial given to him by Duchess Mona, along with his own observations. He had not shown them to the Council before now but handed them over to the King. He explained how he had been treating the Duke of Beaufort for his heart problems and how he had saved his life a few days ago because of his research. Throughout his testimony, Dr Frederick made sure he didn’t look at the eyes of the doctors that brought him to the palace. He was sure they would be alarmed.

  “Did you really do this, Dr Frederick?” the King asked.

  “Yes, I did, Your Majesty,” Dr Frederick answered.

  Dr Frederick wasn’t prepared for what ensued. The King made him realise that the Duke of Beaufort was a very close friend of his.

  “Thank you for saving his life.”

  Dr Frederick could not keep himself from blushing when he heard the King say that. The King then decided to reward him for his “excellence in scientific and medical pursuits” and for “doing your King a personal favour by saving his friend”. He was to be knighted as soon as possible and had been made a private physician of the royal family. He would be placed on an annual retainer and would be provided with thirty thousand pounds to aid further research. Dr Frederick was effusive with thanks, which was all he could do to stop from jumping up and screaming.

  “Tell Edmund to come and see me, once he is fine to travel,” the King said, referring to the Duke of Beaufort.

  Dr Frederick was also to receive an honorary award from the English Council of Physicians by the end of the year.

  Everything has changed now, Sir Dr Frederick.

  Dr Frederick sped up the carriage till he got home. Mister Frank was outside. He was gardening and raised his head when he saw the carriage.

  “Welcome back sir, how was the trip?”

  Dr Frederick dismounted and tapped Mister Frank on his naked shoulders.

  “You cannot begin to imagine. It was a success.”

  “That’s great, sir. I can’t wait for you to tell me, but I need to say this first; a messenger just left here. He was from the Duke of Beaufort. The Duke is fine now and is asking to see you,” Mister Frank said.

  Dr Frederick smiled. He walked to the carriage and started unbridling one of the horses. He had better leave for the Duke’s house now. He wanted to be back before evening.

  “Take all my documents in the carriage inside my room, Frank. Bring me the saddle.”

  Mister Frank nodded and went around the back of the house. He came back with the saddle and went to attach it to the horse Dr Frederick had unshackled. Dr Frederick went into the carriage and picked his tool box then he mounted the horse.

  “And sir,” Mister Frank said.

  “What is it?” Dr Frederick asked, looking back at his dresser.

  “The engagement between Lord Jeffrey and Miss Helena, it’s official now. I met Miss Justina in the market yesterday, she told me. I don’t want you to be surprised if you find out there.”

  Dr Frederick’s eyes turned. He bent lower and held tight to the horse to prevent himself from falling. He wanted to speak, tried to speak, but his throat was blocked. He swallowed the mound that had risen in his throat. It didn’t leave. He knew this would happen, so why did it still hurt so much? Dr Frederick forced himself to sit up. He looked back at his dresser with as much self-control as he could muster.

  “Thank you, Frank.”

  He turned and rode the horse as hard as he could manage.


  “Dr Frederick, please come in, my husband has been asking of you,” Duchess Mona said when Dr Frederick got to the Duke’s bedroom door.

  Dr Frederick forced a smile and followed the Duchess in. The Duke sat on the bed, with his back resting on the wooden rest of the bed. He smiled when he saw Dr Frederick, but Dr Frederick could see that the man still felt weak.

  “Your Grace, I see you are up,” Dr Frederick said.

  “Dr Frederick,” the Duke replied.

  His voice was weak and shaky. He still had blankets wrapped around him.

  He must be cold.

  Dr Frederick walked to the edge of the bed, just beside the Duke. He placed his tool box on the table beside the bed and removed his tube listener.

  “Please Your Grace, I need you to hold your breath,” Dr Frederick said.

  He waited till he was sure the Duke was holding his breath then he placed his tube on the Duke’s chest. His heartbeat was certainly stronger. The scare had passed. Dr Frederick raised the Duke’s eyelids and looked at his pupils. They were fine.

  “You can breathe easy now, Your Grace,” Dr Frederick said.

  “Dr Frederick, thank you for saving my life. I was unconscious during most of your treatment, but my wife told me all you did. She said you had to go to London. How did that go?” the Duke asked.

  “The King asks that you come to see him when you are healthy enough.”

  “He did?”

  “I would advise that you do not make such a tiring trip. Let His Majesty come to see you, instead, no matter how unlikely that is,” Dr Frederick replied.

  The Duke laughed. And when he did, Dr Frederick saw the resemblance with Lord Jeffrey. The Duke was also a handsome man, but age and ailment had taken their toll.

  “I know this is not enough, Dr Frederick, but I would like you to accept it. Nothing is worth a life, and you saved mine. Roman will give you a parcel with fifty thousand pounds in it. You will remain a family physician. You will work with our current family physician. Thank you very much,” the Duke said.

  Fifty thousand pounds? Crikey, this is the best week of my life.

  Then he remembered Miss Helena, and he wasn’t so sure.

  “Thank you, Your Grace. I don’t know what to say. I don’t deserve this.”

  “You deserve it, Dr Frederick. You deserve this and more,” Duchess Mona said.

  “Roman, Roman,” she shouted.

  The door opened and in came Roman, looking surprised to have been called.

  “Do you have it ready for Dr Frederick?”

  “Yes, Your Grace,” Roman replied.

  “Dr Frederick, let’s not waste any more of our time. I was told you were not at home when our steward got to your house. You need your rest,” the Duchess said.


  Dr Frederick nodded. He bowed to the Duke and Duchess and walked to the door. When he got to the door, he looked back.

  “I would advise that you rest very well, Your Grace. What I did was not a permanent solution. It just managed that situation. We need to avoid that sort of attack.”

  The Duke nodded. Dr Frederick nodded back and walked out of the room. Roman was carrying a brown envelope.

  “I’ll take it to your carriage for you, Dr Frederick. Follow me,” Roman said.

  “Thank you, Roman,” Dr Frederick replied.

  Chapter 26

  Finish What We Started.

  Dr Frederick rode carefully. It was evening, and he was tired. He just wanted to get home and sleep. The past few days had been draining. Dr Frederick saw someone standing by the entrance door from a distance.

  A woman, who is ill?

  Most times, men were sent to call for him. Anytime a woman made the trip, it was always a dire situation. Dr Frederick wasn’t sure he had the strength to leave his home again. As he got closer, he realised it wasn’t just any woman.

  It is Helena.

  She was wearing a black scarf that she hung from her hair down her neck in a cover-up that covered her face. Her gown was grey and looking old, not something that Dr Frederick had ever expected someone like her to wear. If it was another woman, he might not have recognised her, but Helena, he would know her if she dressed with stars. Something was wrong that made her disguise herself this way.

  “Helena,” he said when he got to his house, “what bad turn of events has made you dress in such a way?”

  Miss Helena dropped the scarf so her face showed properly.

  “I thought you would not recognise me, no one did,” she replied.

  Dr Frederick laughed.

  “It’ll take more than a long scarf and a faded gown for me not to know you anymore,” Dr Frederick said.

  He dismounted, tied his horse to the balcony, and went to his door.

  “I have knocked incessantly, thinking you were in. No one replied,” Helena said.

  Dr Frederick walked to the door and knocked again.

  “Frank, it’s Dr Frederick.”

  After waiting a short while with no answer, Dr Frederick went around the back and picked up the spare key under the empty flower vase. He came back around and opened the door. He entered and looked outside. Miss Helena still stood outside, awaiting his invitation.

  “You can come in, Helena.”

  She nodded and walked inside slowly. Dr Frederick locked the door behind her.

  “You can sit, Helena. Please spare me a few moments.”

  Dr Frederick went in and dropped his tool box. He went to his sink and washed his face before coming back to the sitting room and met Miss Helena sitting on the cushion. Dr Frederick contemplated sitting beside her but decided against it.

  “I’m surprised you are here, Helena. I wasn’t expecting you.”

  Miss Helena nodded and stood up. She walked to Dr Frederick’s seat and sat beside him. Dr Frederick took a deep breath. Her scent was back, ravaging his nerves and turning his insides. He looked into her eyes and saw that she wasn’t happy.

  Something is wrong.

  “Helena, is something wrong?”

  Miss Helena shook her head, but Dr Frederick didn’t believe her. He placed his right hand on her neck and lifted her chin up so she stared directly into his eyes.

  “What is wrong, Helena?”

  Miss Helena opened her mouth, but her lips only quivered, no words came forth. Dr Frederick couldn’t take his eyes off her quivering lips. He couldn’t disregard the want in him anymore. He moved closer to her and consumed her mouth. It was like she had been expecting him because she attacked his mouth with equal vigour. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and took his breath away from him. Miss Helena pushed herself into Dr Frederick, forcing him to lie down while she lay on top. Dr Frederick bent his head, changing the angle and allowing himself greater penetration into her open mouth. He heard a small moan; he couldn’t tell from whom.

  Dr Frederick moved his hands to her back and gripped her buttock. Kneading it gently with one hand, he took the other hand to the drawer strings at her back and unloosened her gown. He sat up, pushing her up, and the gown fell off her shoulders. Miss Helena was not wearing anything underneath. He had not noticed because of the cover her scarf provided. Dr Frederick growled at the sight of her naked breasts. He attacked them with feral intensity, sucking on one nipple and rubbing the other between his fingers. Miss Helena kept moaning gently, releasing little whispers of undefined sounds. Dr Frederick bit gently on her nipple and dragged it softly. It fell off. His mouth couldn’t support the weight of her breast.

  “Oh Helena, I want you so much,” Dr Frederick said.

  “You have me,” Miss Helena replied.

  It was at that instant that Dr Frederick remembered. He remembered that Miss Helena was already engaged. Why was she doing this?

  Dr Frederick stopped his ministrations and leaned back from Miss Helena.

  “Frank told me your engagement to Lord Jeffrey is now official; why are you here? Haven’t you deceived me enough?”

  Miss Helena looked alarmed and shook her head.

  “Frederick, please you have to listen to me.”

  “I’ve done enough of that, and I am tired,” Dr Frederick said, pushing her away gently so he could stand up.

  He saw her quickly take her scarf and wrap it around her bust. It hardly provided covering, and he could see the bud of her nipple poking through the soft material of the scarf. Dr Frederick closed his legs tight around his raging member.

  “Please listen to me, Frederick. Give me this last chance,” she said.

  Dr Frederick said nothing. He only stared at her.

  “Jeffrey took advantage of my father’s situation. A few months ago, my father, while travelling with all the Barony’s funds, got robbed. The barony became broke, and my father will be held responsible when accounting is being done. My father would lose his position as the Baron, and I didn’t want that to happen. At first, I truly wanted to marry Jeffrey, but then I discovered I didn’t feel anything for him. Everything my heart could muster; it was for you, you Frederick. But Jeffrey found out about my father’s situation and cornered me. He gave my father the money to balance our books and other incentives. He told him we had agreed to marry each other. Jeffrey and I have never come to such an agreement.”

  “He never even asked me to marry him,” Miss Helena said, standing up and throwing her hands up in frustration.

  The scarf fell off her chest, and Dr Frederick couldn’t keep his eyes off her bulbous breasts. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Dr Frederick shook his head and walked to her. He wrapped his hands around her, and she reciprocated. Her skin was warm, and her tears wet his chest.

  “How much did your father lose?” Dr Frederick asked.

  “Twenty thousand pounds,” Helena replied.

  Dr Frederick knew he had that amount of money. He had it in his room at the moment.

  But if I go in and bring it out, what do I look like, a usurper? Lord Jeffrey already has a relationship with her parents. Can I just buy her out of this blackmail?

  Dr Frederick shook his head. He couldn’t do that.

  “So why did you come here, Helena?” Dr Frederick asked even though he was sure he knew.

  She wants me, just as much as I want her.

  “Love me, Frederick. Finish what we started that afternoon in my garden,” Helena said.

  Dr Frederick smiled and dipped his head. He took her mouth in his and savoured her taste. He bent low and wrapped his lips around her nipples, sucking gently and nibbling. His member pushed his breeches forward, stabbing her in the abdomen. Helena dropped her arms and unbuckled Dr Frederick’s breeches, easing them down and releasing his pulsing member. She wrapped her hand around it, and Dr Frederick held tight to her, stabling himself as a wave of pleasure travelled through him.

  Dr Frede
rick dropped his hand to the notch between Miss Helena’s legs and dipped his fingers into it, gently. She shook, holding tight to him and biting his nipples gently. Dr Frederick twisted the two fingers in her, turning up and down, rubbing them against the walls of her vulva. Miss Helena’s legs started shaking. Dr Frederick chuckled and wrapped his arms around her leg. He lifted her up by her lap, pushing her back against the wall. Then he watched as she set him at the precipice, the sleek entrance to her crotch before he pushed in.


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