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Page 17

by Shakir Rashaan

  “That’s not the way it was supposed to come out!” lynx clenched his teeth like he’d waited for me to bring that point up. “i still love her, dammit!”

  “But you haven’t tried to fuck her in over six months!” I yelled back, causing my masseur to flinch again. I gave a wink at him with my back turned away from lynx, along with a sly grin and pulling him down for a kiss to put him at ease. The truth was, this whole exchange was making me wet as hell. “Guess what, hotshot, lusting after your wife instead of your wife’s best friend is a good damn way to let her know you are in love with her.”

  “Didn’t you hear me? i said i love my wife!” He tried to sound convincing, but I was curious of who he was trying to convince, me or him. The problem with his declaration was that he missed the key word in my rebuttal.

  “i didn’t say love, dummy, i said ‘in love.’ There’s a difference,” I snapped. “i’m in love with her, meanwhile, you just ‘love’ her. Who do you think she’s going to want to respond to if she hears those words said to her?”

  “me, goddammit!”

  Who the hell was he kidding? Daddy had sajira so into him at this point there’s no room for any other man. He had it like that; it was a gift. This man was more worried more about his dick than anything else, and he was too stupid to figure that out. The woman he’d married ten years ago was not the same woman that he swore he loved.

  “If she does respond to you at all, it’s because her body still does, but her mind has already replaced you.” I felt the need to break him down to his knee pads. I had some man flesh to consume ASAP. “The last time you had sex…i can’t say make love because, well…did she call out your name the way she used to when i first moved in with you?”

  lynx’s eyes betrayed him as he tried to remain calm. I watched the wheels turn in his mind, trying to figure out exactly where my conclusions would eventually lead him. “That doesn’t mean anything!”

  “Yeah, but it has you wondering, though.” I laughed. “Do me a favor, would you? If you get a chance to talk to my sis, and that’s not gonna happen, by the way, let me know if she admits that to you, okay?”

  “Fucking bitch!” He hopped up from his spot, calling me all kinds of names as he walked away. “i don’t know what i saw in you!”

  “That’s easy…you saw your dick in me!” I yelled after him, laughing so hard my masseur couldn’t resist joining in my laughter. “Damn shame, too, you have such a beautiful dick!”

  His walk turned into a jog, leaving me to finally enjoy the rest of my massage in peace. The only thing was, I was really amped up and horny as fuck now, and if his hands touched me again, I was going to rape him on the spot. So, rather than making it look like I was the aggressor, I looked up at him with a smile on my face and said, “Now that i’ve worked up some tension, do you think you can properly work out my pussy after you’ve worked the kinks out of my body?”

  Damn, I felt like a new woman!

  After wearing out my masseur in more ways than one, it was time to get the rest of my day taken care of in enough time to get a good nap in before tonight’s debauchery. My Goddess would have been so proud of me!

  I began to see why paka rarely came stateside anymore. This island was addictive, especially the weather and the intoxicating atmosphere. A sistah was gonna have to heavily hint that we take a few more trips down here in the near future.

  I made it to the outside tents, grinning like a horny teenager as I saw the island slave bois moving all of the dungeon furniture into the spaces. Watching them work kept me in my wanton state, the sweat rolling off their half-naked bodies causing heart palpitations that made me lightheaded.

  I walked closer to the tents, making sure the spacing was where I wanted everything, taking mental inventory of what I wanted to subject myself to tonight. The pieces stoked different desires inside me, from the Crosses to the bondage tables to the steel cages and everything in between. Then my heart stopped when I saw not one, but two metallic, and motorized, suspension frames, and two pieces of an apparatus that can only be called the “Wheel of Torture”!

  If you’ve never seen a Wheel of Torture before, let me see if I could describe it for you as best as possible: if you’d ever seen those old circus spinning wheels where the lovely assistant got on this Ferris wheel-type contraption and the blindfolded knife thrower spun the wheel and tried to throw the knives and hit balloons in areas around the assistant?

  Well, this was about the same premise except as you were spinning, every inch of your body was available for torture by more than one Dominant at a time, or your body became a 360-degree playground for your Dominant.

  If the other tents looked half as wondrous as this one did, Daddy’s gonna really wonder if I had been holding back this whole time.

  I wasn’t holding back, honestly speaking. I always put together my best productions, but I didn’t have the dungeon furniture companies in the UK and parts of Europe at my disposal, either.

  I was still enjoying the bliss of my accomplishments, when a voice popped up behind me, interrupting my thoughts.

  “you know, you can be a real killjoy, do you know that?” tiger’s voice rang in my ears, shifting my mood in a direction I was not thrilled about. “i was hoping to get some dick tonight before you ruined it with your taunting.”

  Fuck! Didn’t Sin have something for these bois of hers to do for her or something?

  I gave him a look that could have burned through lead. The last thing I needed was to entertain some more drama on behalf of a man that I’d emasculated not three hours ago.

  “Damn, tiger, why do you always find a way to fuck up a wet dream?” I asked as I turned around and gave our customary air kisses to each other. “For that matter, why are you worried about one dick in this target-rich environment?”

  I laughed as he flirted openly with one of the slave bois who caught his attention. He mouthed the words “see you tonight” before he finally turned his attention back to me. “What? Oh yeah, well, ummm, see, it ain’t always about one dick, okay? But ain’t nothing like some in-house dick, either, you feel me?”

  I waved him off, watching him work his usual magic while the bois were working. He was too much, but he couldn’t be anything more than what he always was, and he loved variety as much as I did. “See, i know you, boi. Remember, i was the one who got you with Sin, all right? If She wasn’t so laissez-faire about you having whatever you wanted because it fit right in with what She wanted for Her enjoyment, too, you wouldn’t be the slut you are right now.”

  “And i have been forever grateful for that, so ain’t no point in reminding me all the damn time, trick.” tiger sucked his teeth and glared at me. I love that boi to death. He’d been in my corner for a long time, and he’d always been the “Fetish Fashionista” that every girl needs, and I was glad he’s mine. “But you don’t get to deflect from the fact that you ruined my steady dick tonight. How would you feel if i ruined amani like that?”

  “i’d kill you, so quit playing about the dick in my life.” I mocked, wrapping my hands around his neck. He leaned away, almost falling on his ass. “Besides, word is, your dick won’t be your dick anymore because your Mistress is dropping him the minute we get back to the States.”

  He gave me this “look” before he fell out laughing. “i swear, that Mistress Blaze is too much sometimes, always hedging Her bets. That’s why i love that woman.”

  He laughed even harder when he saw I was truly confused. “Look, baby, Blaze has been salty ever since Mistress basically giftwrapped amani to your Goddess a couple of years ago. So, when She started having problems with lynx, Blaze offered to take him off Her hands.”

  “Wait, so why are you laughing at me?”

  “Because amani gummed up that plan when he invited his frat brother down.” tiger accentuated his point by fanning himself. “Lawd, have mercy, i’m shocked you haven’t seen that fine motherfucker yet! Given the choice between prime filet mignon and bargain-basement sirloin, whic
h would you choose? I know what the fuck I would choose.”

  “Damn, is he that fine?” He really had me curious now.

  “Hell, yeah, he’s that fine!” tiger kept fanning. It wasn’t that hot on the beach, so I knew he was taking things to the extreme. But, with his taste in men, gay or straight, there had to be something to it. “Damn shame he’s straight, though, or i’d have openly campaigned for Mistress that ass to be with us and let Blaze have lynx.”

  I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be upset with my bro or not. I was sure he had his reasons, but it did explain why Blaze had been virtually invisible on the island except for the opening night festivities. I figured I’d check with him later tonight and guilt trip him into making the introductions.

  I took a look around and was satisfied with the way things were progressing. Thankfully, everything else had gone well also, so I was about to help myself to a bit of a well-earned nap. Hopefully with a little luck, I’d be able to get rolling in time to do a little stunning tonight.

  “Well, now that everything is under control, i can go nap for a little while so i can put the rest of these wannabe fetish girls on notice.” I blew air kisses with him as I made my way to the family cabin. “And i’m sure you’ll find a way to get your dick where you need him to be, since you’ve converted him and all.”

  tiger winked at me. “Chile, don’t worry, he’ll be putty in my hands by tonight. he doesn’t have much of a choice if he wants to stay in Mistress’s good graces the rest of the weekend. Now, go on and get you some beauty rest; you need it!”

  “Bitch!” I playfully slapped him. “you know i’m a stunner; you’re just jealous.”

  “No, chile, i call it like i see it.” tiger took a closer look. “But if i was a straight dude, you could get it, and it’s my job to make sure you stay that way.”

  “i love you.”

  “i love you, too, slut. See you later tonight.”


  “you’re kidding Me, baby? tiger is sure about that?”

  We were in the family cabin, getting ready for the formal. After being away from amani and the girls all day yesterday to reconnect with my Beloved and recenter myself a bit, it was time to catch up with them to figure out what had happened.

  From their collective body language, things were busy yesterday and for some parts of the day today.

  “He’s funny as hell, that’s for sure,” sajira scoffed. She was in a more aggressive mood than the last time I saw her. “What in the bloody hell did he hope to gain by talking to you? his dumb ass tried to fuck you behind my back!”

  “sajira, baby, calm down,” I cautioned her, feeling a negative vibe on her for the first time this entire trip. “There’s no point in getting hyper over something that is so unnecessary.”

  sajira heard my voice and instantly calmed down, lowering her head and closing her eyes to gather herself before she spoke again. “i’m sorry, Goddess; i guess it still pisses me off when he’s made himself perfectly clear where things stand between us. Now he wants to change his mind with the prospect of losing his Mistress is over his head. Whatever.”

  shamise shook her head. “Not according to tiger, sis. he is insistent that lynx isn’t going anywhere, although he did say She was going to put him through more intense training to break him of his habits to embarrass Her.”

  “Sin never was one to give up on a project,” I noted, grinning a bit. “But if what you’re saying is true, shamise, that means you’ve been holding out on us, amani.”

  We turned in his direction, watching him sheepishly grin like a little kid who’d been caught trying to keep a secret. He looked all over the place, trying to find the words to figure out how to get out of the mess he’d gotten into.

  shamise beat me to the questions I wanted to ask. “Yeah, bro, and the way tiger was fussing about, he’s quite the cutie pie. What gives, amani?”

  sajira’s attitude changed when she heard her sister’s remark. “Wait a minute, there’s another submissive male on the island that we haven’t met yet? Come on, bro, we’re supposed to be closer than that!”

  amani felt trapped in a corner, and it looked like he was going to shut down. I wanted to admonish him also, but I didn’t want him in his feelings tonight, not when things were looking up. “amani, don’t mind your sisters. you know how they get; anyone who is close to family is considered family to us.”

  “i understand that, Goddess, but i wasn’t sure if he would be ready to meet you,” he replied, shifting his body toward me. “he’s been with Mistress Blaze all week, and things are really heating up between them. i promise i will make the proper introductions when we get to the formal later.”

  “That’s My boi.” I leaned down and kissed his forehead, watching his body relax now that the heat was off.

  “No fair, Goddess, we didn’t get to give him a hard time about it.” shamise laughed in mock outrage. “i’m kidding, amani. We can wait until tonight to meet your friend. If he’s half as gorgeous as tiger is claiming, he should help put a smile back on Mistress’s face.”

  “I really hope so. I know She wasn’t particularly happy when Sin dropped you in My lap, baby boi,” I said, causing shamise to do a double-take. I laughed. “Sin must have spilled the beans to tiger, shamise?”

  “Obviously so, Goddess, and i’m trying to figure out why You didn’t?” She tried to be serious with her question. She continued to crack up, failing in her attempts to keep from laughing more. “Okay, okay, i get it, we would have done the same thing to tiger that he managed to do to me. But You know how he is, always enjoying the role of being four-one-one and everything.”

  “I’m sorry, baby girl, I promise it won’t happen again.” I kept laughing through my response. “It’s not like I don’t trust you three, I honestly do, but this particular piece of information was supposed to be limited to the women in that room at the time.”

  “Well, i hate to be the one to tell You, Goddess, but Sin might have breached that agreement.” sajira pointed out the obvious, giggling at her contribution to the conversation. “At least You know we wouldn’t have betrayed You like that, especially when men gossip more than women ever could.”

  Ramesses remained quiet as we talked. His eyes were closed and his fingers were clasped over his lips as the conversations flowed around him. He was absorbing information the way he normally did, but he also got quiet when he’s mentally preparing for his usual role as Master of Ceremonies. There was an expression on his face that gave me a slight pause, though. “Beloved, there’s something on Your mind, isn’t there?”

  We turned in his direction as he slowly opened his eyes and regarded our curious stares. “There are some things we will all need to repeat if anyone asks about Lyrical and Korina.”

  The mood changed quickly as the seriousness of his words sank in. amani’s body language shifted to one of protection as he instinctively slipped his arm under my thigh. sajira and shamise gave each other a look before their attention focused back to Ramesses.

  “If anyone asks, Lyrical and Korina found themselves in a heated affair, so heated that they were compelled to leave the island and head off to an undisclosed location,” he stated. His face looked like it were made of stone, and it had us all on edge. “There is no other information to be had on where they went or anything on when they might get back to the States. You know how kinksters love their privacy.”

  He cracked a smile to sell the story, and thankfully it worked. The tension in the room dissipated, and he went back to his meditation. “Now, what were you saying about Blaze and Sin, sajira? Oh, you said something about men gossiping more than women?”

  sajira grinned at his ability to switch his moods at the drop of a hat. “Daddy, You know good and well what we were saying.”

  “Doesn’t mean I didn’t want to hear the rest of it. I’m quite interested in learning how we gossip more than you do,” he mentioned, his smile widening by the moment. “At either rate, we need to star
t getting dressed. I think you have some show-stopping to do tonight, right?”

  I smiled, realizing the time had almost gotten away from us. “your Daddy is right, ladies and gentlemen. We have some stunning to do tonight, so let’s get to it.”


  “Man, when You want to do Black-tie Fetish, You don’t play around, do You, Sir?”

  One look at the House in all its fashion splendor and it was easy to see why all eyes were on us.

  amani and I followed the ladies into the grand room, where everyone gathered for the Black-tie formal social that was meant to conclude the weeklong experience for the guests. We knew everyone would be dressed to impress, but the girls insisted on stunning the group.

  Based on the stares of the men in the room, they got exactly what they were looking for.

  Neferterri was dressed in a crimson halter leather corset gown, a form-fitting piece which covered every curve from shoulder to mid-calf. She completed the look with a matching clutch, and rubies adorned her neck, ears, wrist, and left ankle. The crimson platform, ankle-boot heels were the envy of the women looking down at them, as though they were the only thing that mattered before they decided if they liked the outfit or not. I couldn’t stop drooling before we left the cabin to even get there in one piece.

  shamise didn’t help matters, wearing a crimson halter leather dress, showing off her thick thighs and causing a stir of oohs and whistles as she struck mock poses to show off her body. She, too, was laced in rubies, wearing her collar with pride with matching cuff-like bracelets. Not one to resist cuffs, her heels matched the theme, showing off double-buckle ankle straps, a stacked, platform heel and a crisscross over the top of her foot, deciding to show her toes.


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