A FILTHY Friend (Filthy Line Book 5)

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A FILTHY Friend (Filthy Line Book 5) Page 15

by Jaxson Kidman

  She quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

  The noises were muffled but still there.

  Her eyes were wide.

  “I found your sweet spot, babe,” I said. “You’re so fucking wild, Bree. Keep going. Keep fucking my fingers. You’re not done yet…”

  I moved my thumb left to right over her clit.

  My fingers thrust and curled over and over.

  This was the true power of a rock star. Being able to do more than one thing at the same time without missing a beat. Whether I was on stage in front of thousands of fans, commanding a song, or whether I was in the back of the tour bus with my fingers bringing Bree to orgasm, I was a master at my craft…

  With my left hand, I pulled her hand off her mouth.

  She shook her head.

  “No, no, no,” she said. “I can’t stop making noise… it feels so good, Sab…”

  “I know it does,” I said. “Now cover my hand in your honey, babe. Right now.”

  I moved harder and faster.

  Bree opened her mouth to scream and I kissed her.

  She screamed into my mouth and her body started to convulse.

  My left hand grabbed the small of her back and I pulled her tight against my body as she came.

  I didn’t slow down for one second.

  You didn’t climb the mountain just to say you did. You climbed it to look around and take it all in. Right?

  The more I kept my fingers moving, the more she came.

  She was an endless flood of warmth and desire, soaking my fingers, coating the palm of my hand.

  When her knees finally gave out for good, I knew I had her.

  She stopped the kiss and buried her face into my chest, gasping for breaths.

  I held her tight and slowly eased my hand out of her panties.

  I then gently moved her out of the way of the door.

  With my dry hand, I touched her face.

  I had so much to say to her.

  The truth would change our lives.

  But reality would hurt us both.

  We were ushered through the back of the hotel, like always.

  The band went first, guarded by security.

  The women were brought in behind us, also guarded by security.

  I couldn’t remember the last time I walked through the front of a hotel and went to the elevators like a normal person.

  We were taken to the top floor and that… well… the entire floor was ours.

  Nash threw his arm around me. “Brings back memories, huh?”

  “Big time,” I said.

  “Also helps that Toby and SLECK are pissed about this,” he said. “This is a waste of their money. And I love it.”

  “Are we going to trash the place?” I asked.

  “Eh, maybe not this time,” he said. “So what’s happening with your girl?”

  “None of your damn business, Nash.”

  “Oh, I can only imagine.” He sniffed the air. “I smell something around you, Sab. Something familiar.”

  “Are you done?” I asked.

  “Never,” he said. He walked faster than me. He looked back. “You’ve been in love with this girl from the day we became a band. You have her here. Hope you don’t fuck it up.”

  We all got our own rooms.

  I opened the door to my room and went inside.

  There was something about hotel rooms…

  When you first arrived, it was quiet. Lonely. Almost depressing.

  I never liked to be alone in a hotel room.

  And I wasn’t alone for long.

  The door opened behind me and when I turned around, I saw Abby almost carrying Bree.

  “She’s feeling it,” Abby said.

  “I bet,” I said. “I don’t think I’ve ever had a woman this drunk in my room this early.”

  “Should I just take her to my room?” Abby asked.

  “With Reed? Hell no.”

  “Oh, no. You’d get Reed.”

  “I don’t want to be near Reed,” I said.

  “That makes two of us,” Abby said.

  I took over for Abby, picking Bree up and putting her on the bed.

  Then I ran after Abby at the door.

  “Hey,” I said to her. “You know we’re all just fucking around, right?”

  “I know,” Abby said. “I’ve been around this whole thing as long as you have, Sab.”

  She gently patted my face.

  “How did you and Reed figure out the past?” I asked.

  Abby smiled. She looked at the bed where Bree was sleeping.

  She looked back at me. “All I’ve heard about is you texting some girl you left behind in the town where you grew up. That girl is a woman and that woman is in your bed. She’s here. So stop thinking about the past.”

  Abby backed up into the hallway.

  “Abby,” I said. “Wait. Serious question. What do you see in Reed? He’s ugly. He’s the bassist. Who wants the bassist in a band?”

  “He’s got a great dick,” she said with a smile.

  I laughed. “Mine’s better.”

  “Maybe,” she said. “Too bad you were so hung up on some girl from your hometown.”

  She got me there.

  I moved back into the hotel room and shut the door.

  I turned and looked at Bree as she slept.

  There was a drunk woman in my hotel and we hadn’t had sex yet tonight.

  Also… it wasn’t even midnight and the night was over.

  What the hell was wrong with me?

  That was an easy question to answer.

  I was in love.

  I made sure there was everything Bree needed for the morning.

  A lot of coffee. A little bit of everything off the menu for breakfast.

  Some medicine for her headache.

  And, of course, a shot of whiskey.

  As I waited for her to wake up, I listened to the new song we wrote for Mitchy through wireless earbuds.

  It was a very raw and rough-cut version of the song, but I liked it.

  We planned on releasing the concert for Mitchy once it was touched up in the studio.

  That was one good thing about technology.

  We could record something and get it up on all platforms quick for the fans.

  They loved to stream.

  We loved to play.

  I stood at the window and thought about Mitchy some more.

  There was a part of me that couldn’t believe he was dead. There was a part of me that couldn’t believe it took him so long to die.

  I saw movement from the corner of my eye and I took the earbuds out of my ears.

  Bree slowly started to sit up.

  She looked at me and shut her eyes.

  “Do I look as shitty as I feel?” she asked.

  I walked to the bed and sat down next to her. I moved her hair behind her ear.

  “There,” I said. “You look beautiful.”

  “Shut up, Sab,” she said as she shut her eyes.

  I leaned toward her and put my forehead to hers.

  Her eyes opened and we stared at each other.

  “You want to kiss me good morning, don’t you?” Bree asked.

  “Do you remember last night?”

  “Of course I do,” she said. “I flirted with Reed and you got jealous.”

  I laughed. “That’s not entirely true.”

  “That’s my version,” she said.

  “We can’t keep dancing around this, babe.”

  “Around what?”

  “What actually happened.”

  “Which is?” she asked.

  I stood up from the bed. “I watched you do that a lot, Bree. You’d feel down on yourself and then get drunk and flirt with guys. Sometimes you’d get yourself into a bad spot and I’d step in. I was never sure if I was supposed to step in or not. But I couldn’t help myself. And each time it happened, I just wanted to grab you and tell you that you were beautiful. That I wanted you. That I loved you
. That I would never make you feel that way. Ever.”

  “And that’s what last night was about?” Bree asked.


  She climbed out of the bed and stood up.

  She reached for my shirt. “How about you just start with a morning kiss?”

  “That I can do,” I said.

  I lowered my mouth to hers.

  I kissed her a few times… then I needed to taste her…

  The harder I kissed her, the more she pulled at my shirt.

  When she stopped kissing me, her cheeks were red.

  “I need to eat and figure out how to survive this hangover,” she said.

  “I got a little of everything,” I said. “Including more whiskey.”

  She reached for the shot of whiskey and downed it.

  I was impressed.

  She was beautiful and could almost party like a rock star.

  She reached for the coffee and a plate of fruit.

  I just stared.

  And something hit my heart really hard.

  I didn’t want her to leave and go back home.



  Liv grabbed my hand and pulled.

  “You’ve got to see this,” she said as she ran toward the stage.

  She looked ready to run across the stage so I pulled myself back and tried to tear her hand from mine.

  “I’m not going out there!” I yelled at her.

  On stage I heard the strumming of an acoustic guitar.

  This show was massive. Like nothing I’d ever seen.

  Not that I hadn’t been to a concert in my life, but I never experienced it from this angle before. To see how the show is set up and what goes into it was amazing. Watching the band get on stage with nobody there to do a sound check… the way they just played music and laughed and then broke out into an argument over which guitar was louder or not…

  And then the show itself.

  Sab walking the backstage halls, twirling his drumsticks, looking deep in thought.

  Getting himself a stiff drink and sitting behind what he called a practice pad and warming up his wrists.

  For the first time ever, I blushed a little watching him warm up because I knew what his wrists were capable of. That fast motion… my memory jogging back to the tour bus…

  The tour bus.

  You. Sab. Sebastian…

  A tour bus…

  Liv broke up my thoughts by pulling at me again.

  “We’re not going on stage!” she yelled.

  I took off the brakes and I followed her up the set of metal steps that indeed went to the stage.

  It was the side of the stage.

  Nobody in the crowd could see us though.

  We were hidden by a wall of equipment and speakers.

  I saw the silhouettes of the band on stage.

  When I looked to the drum kit, it was empty.

  Then I spotted Sab.

  Taking a drink and grabbing a guitar from someone.

  He walked by me and was close enough I could see his face.

  He smiled at me.

  My knees felt wobbly.

  “Look out to the stars,” Liv said.

  I turned my head and gasped.

  There weren’t really stars in the audience.

  But everyone (or at least it seemed like it) held up their phones. Their screens were lit up. Their hands moving side to side as Jay strummed the chords to the new song that had a way of breaking my heart.

  “Isn’t it fucking cool?” Liv asked me.

  I nodded.

  It really was cool.

  “This song….,” Nash said as he took a breath. “This song is new to us. This song is for our friend, Mitchy. But this song is for you. This is for anyone who lost someone they loved. Even if you didn’t get along with that person, they still mattered to you. This song is for anyone who ever lost anything. And this song is for anyone who is just lost…”

  Nash stepped away from the microphone and the band started to play.

  It took a few seconds before my eyes filled with tears.

  I didn’t move from my spot for the rest of the show.

  I got to experience the band and the crowd all at the same time.

  Jay ran end to end on the stage, over and over, with women reaching for him like he was the last bite of food in the world.

  Dex had this cool looking walk he did. Playing and strutting along, leaving a trail of screaming women in his path.

  Reed played bass and bumped into Nash over and over, both of them laughing when they did.

  Nash sang and pointed to random people in the crowd and waved.

  And then there was Sab.

  The king sitting behind the drum kit.

  I had no idea how to describe what it looked like.

  I had really never seen him play drums before. At least not like this.

  His drum kit was high on the stage, so he got to overlook everything and everyone. When he played, it was a fury of movements. I swore there were times when I thought he had four arms or more.

  In between songs, he played on his own and pointed his drumstick to the crowd for cheers. And they cheered for him. Those in the front row waved their hands, wanting a drumstick.

  When Sab threw a drumstick…

  I had to cover my mouth because I was in shock.

  There were three women literally swinging at each other to get the drumstick.

  The scuffle stopped as fast as it started and a woman threw her hand into the air, laughing and cheering at her victory.

  When Sab hit the kick drum and clapped his hands, the entire crowd clapped their hands too.

  He led them from song to song… the backbone for the band and the show.

  Maybe I was a little biased with my thinking, but oh well.

  It was Sab.

  My Sebastian.

  My best friend…

  The… the guy I… the guy I kind of loved…

  “I don’t want to be here anymore,” I say to Michelle.

  “Why not? This is epic. I think someone is giving you the eyes over there…”

  She points and I see Dom himself nodding to me.

  It’s his house. Well, his parents’ house.

  I don’t like how big the party is.

  I heard a rumor that someone from the north side is going to call the cops too.

  The entire night is nothing but anxiety for me.

  On top of all of that, I lost Sebastian.

  Michelle heard from someone that he was talking to Amber.

  Of course he was.

  Amber was the girl who didn’t know shirts came with necks.

  She was the cleavage queen and had no problem in flashing any guy that asked.

  Among other things.

  “I know who you’re looking for,” Michelle says to me.



  “No, I’m not.”

  “Yes, you are! You liar. Are you jealous that he’s with Amber?”

  “No,” I say. “I just don’t like her. And I don’t want to be here.”

  “I’m staying,” Michelle says. “If you want to walk around with a broom up your ass, then so be it. No offense.”

  Michelle dances into the party.

  The dining room table has been moved outside and the dining room is for dancing.

  I look to the stairs and swallow hard.

  I have to find Sebastian. He’s my only escape out of here.

  Michelle gave me a ride here.

  But I know Sebastian walked.

  And I need him to walk me back to his house so he can drive me home.

  I tell myself if he’s actually with Amber…

  “What am I doing?” I whisper to myself.

  I can’t stop myself though.

  I keep going up the stairs.

  I tell myself I can’t let this happen.

  Maybe I should just have a drink and tell Sebastian how I feel.

t how I feel… it comes and goes… maybe.

  Maybe not.

  I get to the top of the stairs and see all the bedroom doors.

  One of those… Sebastian and Amber…

  My chin quivers and I’m seriously going to cry.

  I’m going to be that cliché girl at a party crying over a boy.

  I hurry toward an open door and it’s the bathroom.

  I get inside and splash water on my face.

  Then I turn around and open the door.

  Sebastian is standing there.

  I scream.

  He grabs my hand. “Come with me.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Cops are here.”

  “What?” I yell.

  “Just come with me, Bree,” he says.

  He pulls me into a dark bedroom.

  My heart starts to race.

  We freeze in the middle of the floor.

  Downstairs the music turns off. I heard voices yelling. Some booming.

  “Fuck,” Sebastian says.

  “What do we do?” I ask.

  “We’re going out the window and running home,” he says.

  “Okay,” I say.

  I trust him. Just like that. If Sebastian says to jump out of a window, I do it.

  He turns and I grab his arm.

  “Hey,” I say. “I heard a rumor about you and Amber…”

  Sebastian looks at me. “Rumors are worth shit, babe.”

  “So you didn’t…?”

  “I’ve been looking for you for the last twenty minutes,” he says. “Someone told me you and Dom…”

  I shake my head. “Never. Ew. No.”

  We both smile at each other.

  That night Sebastian helps me out of the bedroom window and teaches me how to climb down the trellis without breaking it or getting cut by the thorns on the rose bush that’s growing along it.

  Then we hold hands and run off into the night as the cops go through the house.

  I swear… if Sebastian wasn’t my best friend, I might actually fall in love with him for real.

  Sebastian was no more though.

  He didn’t exist.

  He was just a faint memory in my mind.

  Sebastian was my best friend.

  The guy who protected me and took care of me during those weird years of high school.

  The guy who stepped from behind the drum kit with a handful of drumsticks to the edge of the stage with his band, throwing the drumsticks into the crowd, which was full of women who wanted nothing more than to tear his clothes off and do filthy things to him… that was Sab.


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