Victoria: A Life

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Victoria: A Life Page 71

by A. N. Wilson

  Marie-Amélie, Queen, 196–7

  Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, 89, 340

  Mariposa mine, 160

  Marlborough, Duke of, 396

  Marlborough House, 235, 369, 472, 573

  Marochetti, Baron Carlo, 260

  marriages, mixed race, 84

  Martin, Dr, 230–1

  Martin, Theodore, 218, 296–7

  Martinsbrunn Sanatorium, 562

  Marx, Karl, 19, 137, 146, 148, 332

  ‘18th Brumaire of Louis Napoleon’, 165–6, 171

  Mary, Queen (Duchess of York), 179, 294, 554, 572

  birth of sons, 512, 534

  her marriage, 502–3

  as Princess May of Teck, 303, 489, 495–7, 498

  Mary, Queen of Scots, 295

  Mary Adelaide, Princess (‘Fat Mary’), 495–6, 554

  Mason, James Murray, 251

  Matabele War, 564

  Matthews, Henry, 473

  Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, 278, 305

  Maxwell, Sir John, 558

  May of Hesse-Darmstadt, Princess, 388

  May of Teck, Princess, see Mary, Queen

  Mayhew, Henry, 352

  Maynooth College, 108, 307–9

  Mazarin, Cardinal, 84

  Mazzini, Giuseppe, 302

  Mehmet Ali, 374

  Melbourne, Lord

  and Bedchamber Crisis, 94–5

  his death, 142–3

  dinner at Chatsworth, 114

  and Duchess of Kent’s allowance, 72

  early political career, 82

  family and private life, 81–3, 175

  and flagellation, 83–4

  opinion of Hastings family, 80

  and Prince Albert’s political influence, 104–5

  and Queen’s coronation, 85–7

  Queen’s friendship with, 83–5, 87–90, 97–8, 108–9, 142–3, 285

  and Queen’s marriage, 92, 95, 97

  and Queen’s political education, 58, 62, 85

  and Queen’s politics, 88–90

  and Queen’s upbringing, 65

  Mellefleur, Contessa de, 386–7

  Menai Straits bridge, 157

  Mendel, Gregor, 31

  Menshikov, Prince, 178

  Merchant Navy legislation, 314

  Mersey Docks, 342

  Methuen, Field Marshal Paul, 564

  Metternich, Prince, 30, 63, 336

  Mexico, 278, 305

  Meyerbeer, Giacomo, 153

  Michael Alexandrovich, Grand Duke, 571

  Michelangelo, 116

  Milbanke, Elizabeth, 81

  Milford Haven, Lady, 542

  Milford Haven, Prince Louis of Battenberg, Marquess of, 390

  Millais, John Everett, 140

  Milner, Alfred, 560, 563

  Milton, John, 118

  Mistletoe (yacht), 375

  Moltke, Colonel Helmuth von, 202

  Moncrieffe, Harriet, 346

  Monmouth, disturbances in, 89

  Montagu, Caroline, 165

  Montesquieu, Baron de, 62

  Montpensier, Duke of, 129–30, 135–6, 201

  Moore, General, 41

  Mordaunt, Sir Charles, 345–6

  Morely, John, 560

  morganatic marriages, unknown in England, 439

  Morley, John, 451, 505, 509, 522

  Morning Chronicle, 27, 161

  Morning Post, 94

  Morpeth, Lord, 57

  Morris, William, 467, 505

  mortality rates, high, 172

  Most, Johann, 399

  Mount Pleasant post office, 361

  Mountbatten of Burma, Earl, 517

  Müller, Professor Max, 280

  Munich, artistic revival, 117

  Munir Zubayr, Abd-al-Rahman, 444

  Munshi, the, see Karim, Munshi Hafiz Abdul

  Murad V, Sultan, 378

  Mwanga, King of Buganda, 507

  Nana Sahib, 212

  Napoleon Bonaparte, 21, 28, 45, 165–6, 196

  Napoleon III, Emperor of France (Prince Louis Napoleon)

  assassination attempt, 221–2

  and Austro-Prussian War, 302

  and Crimean War, 179, 376

  and Franco-Prussian War, 304–5, 336, 345

  his marriage, 174–6

  proclaims himself Emperor, 164–6, 371–2

  Queen’s friendship with, 173–4

  and Queen’s visit to Paris, 200–1

  special constable at Chartist rally, 139

  visits Britain, 195–9, 213–14

  and war with Austria, 241

  Nash, John, 111

  Natal, annexation of, 392, 528

  ‘Nature’s Policy for Man and Nations’, 27

  Nazarene school of painting, 117

  Nelson, Admiral Horatio, 171, 571

  Nemours, Duke and Duchess of, 135, 149, 201, 249

  neo-medievalism, 117

  New Statesman, 531

  New Year’s letters, 244

  New York, reception for Prince of Wales, 243

  New Zealand, 372, 547, 549

  Newcastle, Duke of, 194, 242–3, 253, 263, 346

  Newman, Cardinal John Henry, 7, 64, 150, 230, 295, 362–3

  Newton, Arthur, 489

  Niagara Falls, 160, 242

  Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia, 22, 178, 180, 195

  Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia, 390, 517–18, 541–3

  Nicholson, Brigadier-General John, 214

  Nicolson, Harold, 128

  Nield (miser), 341

  Nightingale, Florence, 188, 304

  Nolan, Captain, 188

  Nonconformist schools, 537

  Normanby, Lord, 165, 192

  Norris Castle, 57, 111

  Northbrook, Lord, 369–70

  Northcote, Sir Stafford (Lord Iddesleigh), 456, 459

  Northumberland, Duchess of, 71

  Notre-Dame Cathedral, 175–6

  Novalis, 261

  Nubar Pasha, 443

  O’Connor, Arthur, 352–3

  O’Connor, Feargus, 137–9

  O’Farrell (Fenian), 309

  O’Hara, Major General Charles, 25

  Öhm (chef), 244

  Omdurman, Battle of, 558–9, 563

  Orange, Princes of, 67

  Orange Free State, recognition of, 528

  Oriola, Countess Louise, 216

  Orsini, Felice, 221

  Osborne House

  closure of, 573–4

  dullness of daily routine, 532–3

  Durbar Room, 485

  extensions to, 484–5

  frescoes, 118

  installation of telephone, 385

  portrait of Duleep Singh, 192

  portrait of Wilhelm II, 476

  purchase and design, 111–12, 114–15

  and royal finances, 340, 418

  O’Shea, Captain, 500–1

  O’Shea, Kitty, 500–1

  Osman Pasha, 383

  Otto, King of Greece, 273

  Owen, Robert, 38–40, 54

  Oxford, Edward, 109

  Oxford Circus, triumphal arch at, 351

  Oxford High School for Girls, 430

  Oxford University, 226, 240, 248

  Oxshott Heath, Queen takes shelter on, 119

  Paget, Sir Augustus, 386–7, 398, 470

  Paget, Mrs Gerald, 493

  Palace of Westminster, fire and rebuilding, 116–18

  Pall Mall Gazette, 560

  Palmerston, Lady, 130

  Palmerston, Lord

ements as Home Secretary, 177

  and anti-terrorist legislation, 222

  approach to foreign policy, 146–9, 163–4, 382, 392

  awarded Order of the Garter, 204, 214

  and Bonapartist coup, 165

  and Coburg visit to Britain, 67

  and Crimean War, 177, 179, 181, 193–5, 203–4

  his death, 288–9, 291

  dinner at Chatsworth, 114

  dismissal of, 162, 165–8

  early political career, 82, 128–9

  and Empress Eugénie, 175

  and Greek incident, 153–4

  and honour for General Bruce, 243

  and Louis-Philippe’s behaviour, 136

  and Napoleon III’s visit to Britain, 213

  populism and popularity, 62–3, 128–9, 154, 163–4, 288, 368

  Prince Albert’s antipathy to, 127–8, 130, 162, 165, 179, 193–5, 288

  and Prince Albert’s death, 253

  and Princess Victoria’s wedding, 215

  Queen’s relationship with, 19, 193–4, 204, 288

  and Queen’s understanding of politics, 84, 88, 90

  returns to power, 239–41

  rise to power, 193–5

  and Schleswig-Holstein question, 265, 279, 282–3

  and Suez Canal, 374

  support for Italian nationalism, 130, 141

  and Trent affair, 252

  Panmure, Lord, 194

  ‘Papal Aggression’, 149–51

  Paris, Count of, 489

  Paris, Countess of, 544

  Paris Commune, 63, 332, 336–7, 399

  Paris Opéra, 221

  Parkhurst Prison, 280–1

  Parnell, Charles Stewart, 413, 448, 450–1, 455, 501

  Parthenon Marbles, 176, 523

  Pascal, Blaise, 231

  Patterson, John Coleridge, Bishop of Melanesia, 324

  Paxton, Joseph, 113–14, 156–7

  Pedro, King of Portugal, 249

  Peel, Sir Robert

  his death, 154–5

  fall of, 126, 147

  and Great Exhibition, 156–7, 159

  influence on Gladstone, 268

  and Osborne House, 111–12, 114

  Queen’s relations with, 89, 94, 108–10, 121

  and rebuilding of Palace of Westminster, 116–17

  and repeal of Corn Laws, 89, 108, 121–2, 146, 452

  and royal tour, 112–13

  and situation in France, 135

  Peerage Act, 434

  Pembroke Dock, 124

  Penny Post, 155

  People’s Palace, Mile End, 459

  Perceval, Spencer, 128

  Percy, Lord Algernon, 459

  Peterloo Massacre, 38, 54

  Peters, Timothy, 32

  Petworth House, 81

  Philadelphia, reception for Prince of Wales, 242

  Philippopolis (Plovdiv), revolution in, 449

  Phillimore, Dr Joseph, 65

  Phipps, Colonel, 208, 255, 286, 298

  Phipps, Harriet, 545

  phrenology, 132–3

  Pigott, Major, 534

  Pipon, Captain John, 470

  Piraeus, blockade of, 153

  Pitt, William, 394, 453

  Pius IX, Pope, 241–2, 365, 386

  Plouquet, Hermann, 160

  Pobedonostsev, Ecclesiastical Censor, 518

  Poland, 278, 306

  Ponsonby, Lady Caroline, 81–3

  Ponsonby, Fritz, 523–4, 531–2, 538, 559, 572

  and royal household’s antipathy to Munshi, 545–6

  Ponsonby, General Sir Henry

  appointed private secretary, 105, 334–5

  and army command, 337–8

  and the ‘Caudine Forks’, 435

  and Chubb the locksmith, 500

  his clear handwriting, 525–6

  and Crimean War, 383

  and Daisy Brooke scandal, 494

  and ‘Fat Mary’, 496

  and Gladstone’s departure from office, 511–12, 525

  and Gladstone’s return, 504, 506

  his handling of John Brown, 287, 335

  and illness at Grasse, 490

  lightness of touch and humour, 525

  and newspapers, 10

  and perceptions of royal family, 349–50

  and possible sale of royal palaces, 472

  and Prince Eddy’s ‘dissipations’, 488

  and Queen’s interest in the Church, 408–9

  record of rows with Gladstone, 430

  and royal finances, 340–3, 478

  and royal routine, 532

  suffers stroke and dies, 523, 525–6

  warns of revolutionary internationalism, 397–8

  and Wilhelm II’s state visit, 475–6

  Ponsonby, Lady Mary (née Bulteel), 200, 326, 334, 355, 523

  Pontypridd mining disaster, 512

  porphyria, 32

  Portsmouth, Mayor of, 287

  Portsmouth, Prince Victor hissed in streets, 376

  Portugal, typhoid epidemic, 249

  Potts, D. M., and W. T. W., 31–3

  Powell, Dr, 568

  Powers, Hiram, 160

  Prempeh, King of Ashanti, 533, 535

  Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, 140

  Primrose, Bouverie, 519

  Prince Albert: Why is he Unpopular?, 217

  Prince Imperial, killed in Zulu War, 393

  memorial to, 414–15

  Prince Regent, see George IV, King

  Princess Alice Women’s Nursing Association, 304

  Profeit, Dr Alexander, 421, 574

  Profeit, George, 421–2

  Proust, Marcel, 9, 19, 544


  opposition to Crimean War, 202

  and revolution of 1848, 220–1, 266

  rise of, 205–7, 263–7, 273, 301–4

  rivalry with Austria, 266, 277–8, 300–14

  see also Triple Alliance

  Prussian army, success of, 312, 337

  Public Worship Regulation Act, 366, 371

  Pugin, Augustus Welby, 116, 160

  Punch, 157, 169, 218, 228, 325

  Punch and Judy shows, 46

  Quebec, 25, 34, 242

  Queensberry, Marquess of, 322, 422, 519–21

  Querétaro, execution of Emperor Maximilian, 305

  Racine, Jean, 84

  Radcliffe, David, 455

  Raglan, Lord, 186, 188, 194–5

  raglan overcoats, 203

  railways, 64, 86, 314, 337, 537

  accidents, 249, 324

  lavatories on, 113

  royal trains, 324

  Ramsgate, Albion Hotel, 66, 70

  Ranke, Leopold von, 116

  Rankin (footman), 479

  Raphael, 116, 118, 260

  Rasputin, 390, 518

  Ratsey, Mrs (wet nurse), 107

  Red Flag regulations, 537

  Reform Act

  (1832), 4, 55, 61–3, 65, 74, 149, 290, 333

  (1867), 290–2, 308–9, 367, 398, 433

  Reform Club, 139

  reform schools, 177

  Reid, Dr James, 419–21, 425, 486, 491, 534, 554

  and Queen’s death, 567–70

  and royal household’s antipathy to Munshi, 545–7

  Reid, Michaela, 554

  republican clubs and organizations, 343

  Restormel mines, 124–5

  Reuss, Prince, 470

  Reuss-Ebersdorf, Auguste, Duchess of, 20–1, 28, 36, 207

  Reynolds’s Newspaper, 346, 430

  Rhodes, Cecil, 528–31,

  Ricci, Marianne, 165

  Richelieu, Cardinal, 84

  Richmond, Duke of, 409

  Richmond, Star and Garter inn, 135

  Ridley, Jane, 491

  Ripon, Lord, Viceroy of India, 401, 441

  Roberts, Field Marshal Lord (‘Bobs’), 401, 515, 564–6, 568

  Roebuck, James, 193

  Roman Catholics

  church hierarchy, 149–51

  emancipation, 46, 74, 89, 91, 366

  and papal infallibility, 365

  Rorke’s Drift, Battle of, 392

  Rosebery, Hannah, Lady (née de Rothschild), 508, 513–14, 520

  Rosebery, Lord, 284, 394, 456, 504, 506–9, 512–15, 521–2

  and Derby winners, 519

  elevated as Baron Epsom of Epsom, 519

  Queen’s relationship with, 513–14

  and Queensberry affair, 519–21

  Rossetti, Christina, 240

  Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 240

  Rossetti, Gabriel, 240

  Rosslyn, Lord, 491

  Rothschild, Baron Lionel de, 319, 374

  Rotten Boroughs, 4

  Roxburghe, Duke and Duchess of, 295, 412

  Royal Academy, 133, 140, 325

  Royal Albert Hall, 344, 454–5

  royal family

  and architecture, 115

  education and discipline, 132

  European connections, 14–15

  and European dynastic politics, 131–2

  failure to conceal rifts in, 356, 367

  and fear of insanity, 5, 208–9

  finances, 339–42, 344, 416–18, 478

  and Great Exhibition, 156, 161

  and haemophilia, 30–2, 172

  and private secretaries, 105

  prodigious wealth, 16

  Protestantism, 15, 19

  public perceptions of, 349–50, 367

  Winterhalter’s painting of, 133–4

  Royal Horticultural Garden, 218

  Royal Marriages Act, 26, 155, 237, 360

  Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, 251, 313–14, 415, 533

  Royal Navy

  abolition of flogging, 338

  expansion and modernization, 506, 508–9

  senior appointments, 338

  supremacy of, 368

  and Two-Power Standard, 477

  Wilhelm II and, 476–7

  Royal Society of Medicine, 31

  Royal Titles Act, 371

  Royal Yacht Squadron, 477

  Royle, Richard, 190

  Rubens, Sir Peter Paul, 200

  Rugby School, 361–2, 539

  Ruskin, John, 9

  Russell, Bertrand, 126, 166

  Russell, Earl (Lord John Russell)

  and anti-terrorist legislation, 222

  and Catholic hierarchy, 149–51

  and cession of Ionian islands, 273

  and Chartist rally, 138–9

  and Crimean War, 177, 193


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