The Legend- Revealed

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The Legend- Revealed Page 18

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  “That’s enough for today. We’ve all worked hard. Rest up and we will start again at first light. Let’s make ready to leave.”

  The group relaxed and grabbed up their things to take the trip down to ground level. Between Zelspar and Zlemtec, all were delivered safely to the ground. As each group made their way home, Zelspar headed one way and Zlemtec and Kaida, another.

  When Zlemtec and Kaida found shade against a tree, Zlemtec asked Kaida to finish her story, which she did, mostly.

  “You mean your mother was a princess? No wonder they were trying to find her. That doesn’t mean they will try to take you does it? They had better not or….” Kaida had to interrupt him.

  “It does mean they will come looking for me but not for those reasons only. You see, I thought the Legend I was borne for was set here on Urthe, but it isn’t, well not completely. There is a great upheaval on my planet and….” She looked deeply and searched Zlemtec’s eyes as she told him, “and in the world of the Golden Dragons. Where my father was from.”

  Zlemtec caught his breath and a smile cracked his face wide open. “Kaida, that’s great! No, I’m sorry, it’s terrible that everyone is fighting but you know of your family and your father was a Dragon! That explains a lot, don’t you think? Why Dragon Magic comes easily to you, why you have always been like the rest of us, why we feel … um, I mean why it’s natural for us to fly as One and everything. By all that is Dragon,” Zlemtec started laughing,“Yes, by all that is Dragon!” He rolled onto his side, laughing harder at his last comment.

  Kaida grinned and tears flowed at the same time. He doesn’t think I’m odd at all for having a mother as one of the peoples and a father that was a Dragon. He’s happy! She dropped down against him and hugged his neck tightly.

  “I was so worried you would think I was strange. The peoples, my peoples, and the Golden Dragons … well not all of them but the majority are not happy my mother and father were Bonded. This is part of the reason the worlds are fighting both against each other and also between themselves.”

  “So….” Zlemtec had stopped laughing and caught on to the implications.

  “So, that means, I must go there to work on helping them reach an understanding, to help end this battle while it is still new, before it can become ingrained into their beliefs. I know this is what I must do.”

  “What we must do, because I won’t let you go without me. Never again. Where you go, I go, understood?” His eyes danced with their flashing colors as his hand smoothed Kaida’s hair.

  Her smile was enough to set the sun in shame. “Yes, that’s exactly what I mean, this is what we must do.” She thought for a moment. The smile faded away as the seriousness of what loomed in the future crossed her thoughts.

  “This is why we must train so hard. There is no way of knowing what we will be up against, or even if … or even if we will survive. But, if I can only get them to listen, to know me, to hear how I was raised and all the good things I have been shown, then they might change. I might be as the Legend foretold, I could be the bridge to understanding and acceptance.”

  “You will be, Kaida. Maybe we can bring Queen and King Mursei, Zelspar and….”

  “No, Zlemtec. Sigrunn made it clear. This is my battle. You are the only one that goes with me. It will be up to us to get them to listen, to understand.”

  “We will be enough.” Zlemtec’s chest puffed out.



  “Let’s fly!”

  Kaida could think of no better way to celebrate the elation her heart felt with Zlemtec’s acceptance or to shake off the thoughts of their upcoming battle. For this moment, she simply wanted the joy that overtook her when she flew as One with Zlemtec, to feel the lift of his Wings beneath her and how the air moved through her hair, the soaring of her heart. Flying did all this for her, and flying with Zlemtec? It had no known words, only feelings.

  Chapter 38

  Upon leaving the training rooms, Zelspar immediately left to talk to Starleira and Rynik and caught them as they were leaving their lair.

  “Zelspar, good to see you,” Queen of Mursei said seeing her old friend.

  “Could I have a moment of your time, I need to air my thoughts.”

  “Certainly Zelspar,” the King answered, “We were going to check in with you on how the training has been going with our guests.”

  “All that in good time. First, I must clear my head. I need to speak of Kaida.”

  Starleira stifled a sniff as her eyes watered knowing where the subject would lead. “Yes, come join us in the lair, you have our undivided attention.” They turned and all three found comfortable spots for the conversation.

  “Kaida came to me and wanted to know more about her birth parents and asked of my Visions in regards to her. She was steadfast and would not be put off. I told her all I had seen in the Vision, how her father, a Golden Dragon had been Bonded to her mother and the trouble that forced her mother to find a portal to escape.”

  “Was it…” Starleira began with voice choked in emotion, “terribly difficult for her, hearing what you told her? We too, talked with her before she came to you. I cannot express how much inner turmoil it has caused us, Zelspar.”

  “No need to try to explain, my friend. I find myself reeling with the same turmoil of which you speak. I find myself in a quandary.” Zelspar was wearing a rut in the floor of the lair, preferring to pace rather than to sit. “Just as Sigrunn had let me know Perthorn’s battle is his alone against Flegmorr, she informed Kaida the same holds true for her.” He stomped his staff against the ground, obliterating an invisible foe. “How can we let her go to these peoples, to the world of her father, a Golden Dragon? What we know is a battle has begun because of Kaida’s mother and father and she is to go there … without us? How can we allow it?”

  A new river of tears washed down Starleira’s face, and she did nothing to stop them from their path. “It is almost more than I can bear, I feel my heart will wither away. Zelspar, she has only just returned to us a short time ago. I’m afraid, the prophecy didn’t say….”

  “Yes, I know. It never said the outcome and what would happen to the Dragon Child. I’ve been thinking in that regard, I wondered if Pravietis, the Future Walker, could give us an answer?”

  Both Starleira and Rynik chimed in, “Yes!”

  Zelspar shifted from side to side, an unease set into his old bones. “He does see into the Future, whatever it shows.”

  Starleira reached out and grabbed Zelspar’s arm and abruptly stopped his pacing. “No, don’t ask. I … it’s just that, I don’t want to hear what troubles await. I don’t think I could stop her from going or stop myself from following.”

  “Quite so, quite so. I don’t like this one bit. I have never been so frustrated in all my life, and that’s been a good long time.” Zelspar roared his agony against the wall of the cave and they all grew quiet.

  After a long pause Rynik ventured, “Do you believe her peoples are on the way here?”

  “I do not know, Rynik. Kaida mentioned a beacon had been set in motion. I’m certain it must mean the beacon her peoples followed here long ago.”

  “The orb! Kaida’s heritage box. It must send a signal when it is opened.” Starleira said as her hand slammed over her mouth. Her words fell softly as she remembered. “It shimmers when opened….”

  “Hmm.” Zelspar said, his thoughts running circles in his mind. “It won’t be long, then. She is training well but there is still so much to show her, to find out what Magic lies dormant inside. By all that is Dragon, it could take years to discover all she has and needs to develop. Time we don’t, rather time she does not have.”

  Rynik mustered up all the courage he could find. “We are speaking about her as a mere hatchling child. She is more than that. She is more than our little Dragon for she is the Dragon Child. We had no idea that the prophecy would mean an actual child borne of a Dragon and a peoples, only the way she would be found. We h
ad never known of such a birthing and I do believe she is the only one or we would have heard of such news. She is much more than any of us have given her credit for being. And because she is who she was borne to be, we must trust in her. We must support her and not try to stop what she must do.”

  The room grew quiet of words but not of groans and tears for what none of them had the power to change. Three Dragons huddled together, leaning against each other for support. All had come to recognize they must now learn how to let go, to allow the prophecy to be fulfilled. None of them found any comfort in the recognition.

  Chapter 39

  The flight through wisps of clouds and shimmering sunlight rejuvenated Kaida. Her golden tresses streamed in ribbons behind her, resembling a banner of fabled kingdoms on distant worlds; and a kingdom it was for her, the kingdom of Dragon flight. The gentle rocking of wing beats calmed her soul and became a rhythm that merged with her own heartbeats.

  Zlemtec carried her past the mountains of home, out west and over the vastness of blue waters teeming with life. His wings dipped down as they spotted an enormous Sea Dragon, its humps breaching the white caps in a undulating line that more than tripled Zlemtec’s length. The Sea Dragon with his sleek scales of greens and blues spotted them, roared and his powerful body shot up from the water, greeting the sky Dragon. Zlemtec answered the greeting with a resounding roar, dipped and circled the Dragon, allowing Kaida to see his majestic form up close.

  They chased the sunset, two flying as One, until they turned to set their heading towards land and home. Kaida hooked her feet under Zlemtec’s scales and rose to a full standing position. Her arms extended from her sides and head thrown back, a primal roar pierced the air. Her spirit was free! The whole of her being celebrated, having at last, come together completely. She had found the missing piece. She was Dragon-borne and reveled in it. She was the blending of two different lifeforms where neither became diminished, both entwined to become greater than the one.

  In overwhelming gratefulness, her head swayed from side to side as more roars tore from her throat. Zlemtec’s roars sung with hers. The two were One, fires burning in their eyes, bathing in the reds and purples of the fading sunset.

  Landing, Kaida slid down and breathed in the air, holding the feeling long, before making any movement that would break her remembrance of flight, of this moment and of self-discovery. Zlemtec intrinsically knew to pause in the moment. Both held tight to the memory before they made their way home in the splendor of silence.

  Molakei looked up as they entered the cave. He was awestruck by what he saw, not just the glimmer surrounding their bodies but something that defied description. The closest explanation would be they held a ‘warrior’ look, the look of assured confidence in themselves and the battles they would fight. A mixed medicine of faith and trust, radiated from them.

  “Welcome.” Molakei said.

  “Molakei, Flower Bird, we’ve been flying,” Kaida announced in her lilting voice.

  “I would have known without your telling, Kaida. Happiness glows from your skin!”

  Molakei chuckled.

  Kaida turned to Zlemtec, “I’m hungry, are you?”

  “Starved!” he replied.

  “It happens that Flower Bird has prepared many fried fish and berry cakes. Eat your fill,” Molakei swept his hand over the assortment of food as the two began helping themselves.

  The Elder warrior looked on, pleased to see them filled with a renewed happiness. Ever since the wolves had talked with them, the mood had grown tense. Now, it seemed like joy had returned to their cave and made a home by their fires. His heart was well pleased.

  The evening passed with stories, laughter and friendships shared by the fire’s side. Their spirits were fed and nourished by the bonds. One by one, they made their way to their sleeping mats. Zlemtec curled next to Kaida, his wing, a gentle covering and his arm, the pillow for her head. Sleep found her quickly as her breaths deepened to the sound of Molakei’s chanting to the glowing embers in their fire pit.

  The chants lifted up with the wisps of smoke carrying his thankfulness to his Ancestors. His song was long this night for his gratitude overflowed. His deep resonating sounds softly subsided as he finished and stared into the flickering embers. As the embers faded, he made his way to his mat. It had been a good day.

  The stars still sparkled in their indigo blanket when Kaida stirred in her sleep. Images ricocheted through her mind. Tall, arched buildings with pillars for entryways, shimmered with gold coverings over their domes. Golden Dragons flew the skies, their wingspan as enormous as were their size. Large spikes rose from their backs and tails, like swords gleaming their deadly potential. Suddenly a horde of Dragons descended towards a great arched building, fire crackled the dome. Dragons poured out and peoples fled.

  A moan crawled out of Kaida’s throat. The images came faster and faster and more violent. Kaida shot up from her sleep screaming, awakening those around her. She could not still her heart from the heavy hammering against her bones. Molakei called to her but she answered, ‘night terrors, they’ve gone’ and she lay back down nestling closer to Zlemtec. The soothing sound of his heartbeat washed over her, allowing her eyelids to flutter to a close against the remnants of the night. Zlemtec kept one eye open until her breathing mixed with deep sleep, then closed his eye and gently pulled Kaida closer to him. Day’s light and training would come soon.

  The night broke with long pale yellow streams of light moving against the interior of the cave. Kaida rustled from her sleep, stretched and sat up. The aroma of woodsmoke and sweetbread wafted through the cave, waking up Kaida’s appetite.

  “Flower Bird, that smells so good. What are you cooking?”

  “Good morn, Kaida. I call them corn cakes. I make them differently, depending on the season and what I have left in the storage baskets and pots. Today I mixed in acorn, walnut and the black berries. It will give us energy for the training today.”

  “Do you need help?” Kaida asked, eyeing the stack of cakes already cooling on a flat basket.

  A soft smile greeted Kaida. “Yes. Bring me the golden liquid we have from the beehives. It too, will bring strength because it came from the fierce small warriors. Its sweetness even tames the corn.”

  The whole cavity of Kaida’s mouth filled with water, anticipating their deliciousness. Her stomach growled in longing. She brought the thick golden-amber liquid and squatted next to Flower Bird.

  “Take this cake and add the liquid over the top. Tell me if the ingredients merged their spirits in a nice combination.” Flower Bird’s eyes sparkled. She knew her cakes would delight the mouth much more than the smells delighted the nose.

  At first bite, Kaida’s eyes grew as large as her stomach’s gratitude. “Oh, this is so good, Flower Bird. The spirits blended well and the thick bees liquid makes it melt in my mouth. Your hands make Magic in the food you make. I am grateful.”

  “You make my heart sing. I am pleased it brings you delight as well as nourishment. I learned this combination in a time when great sadness made its home in our cave. Days would pass with no smile breaking the sadness in my father’s face. I made these cakes with walnuts and the blue berries. I added the golden juice on top and set it by the fire’s side before my father awoke. I watched as he came to the fire and looked at the cakes. Soon, he took a bite. It was the first smile I was given since my mother had left to join the Ancestors. Yes, I think Magic lives in the small cakes.”

  Molakei and Zlemtec woke and joined the two at the fire’s side. “Daughter, you have made the sweetcakes this morn. It is good. It not only brings strength to us but the taste makes this old warrior want to sing.” Flower Bird bowed her head but her spirit soared.

  Zlemtec’s talon pierced a cake and plopped the tiny morsel in his mouth. “Delicious! It awoke all my hunger. I will return after I’ve had my fill of the greens nearby. Save me a few of those cakes to make my fire sweeter,” he chuckled as he left the cave.

he fed, he was making his way back when he saw Zelspar.

  “Good morn, Zelspar!” Zlemtec shouted a greeting as they glided to a stop close by.

  “A good morn to you, Zlemtec. Has everyone awakened?”

  “Yes, all are up and eating the first meal of the day. I was about to go back, will you be coming with me?”

  Zelspar exhaled, long and slow. “Yes, I want to speak with all.”

  “Is it about our training today,” asked Zlemtec.

  “We will discuss that after I have a chance to speak to all together, then we can decide.”

  “Come then, we will all be interested in hearing what is on your mind.”

  Zelspar was lost in his thoughts on the way to the cave. He reflected about his previous visit with Starleira, Rynik and Galdean. It had been a long evening for all, each torn by thoughts of the future for Kaida. He was called upon by Rynik before first light had stirred. The night terrors visited each of the four of them, in varying themes and torments. He had been called to decipher their meanings, and the collective night visions all pointed to Kaida. He must now go to her to discern if she had also experienced the night terrors and what the visions could mean.

  Entering the cave, Kaida ran to Zelspar and attempted to physically drag him to the fire pit. “Zelspar, Flower Bird made these wonderful cakes! Come, share the fire and food with us, we are getting ready for the training session today. These cakes will give us extra strength and energy.”

  Her twinkling blue eyes flashed so brilliantly, Zelspar only wanted to see her this way and not to bring her sadness or worry. He felt his belly fires churn and worked up a smile, even though it was short lived.

  Molakei noted the stiffness of the old Dragon and how his face seemed more drained than he had seen before. He greeted Zelspar by saying, “Welcome friend. What is on your heart to say?”


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