Pleasure Control

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Pleasure Control Page 10

by Cathryn Fox

  Christ, this was all so new to him. He’d never played for keeps before and he didn’t want to screw it up. One thing was for certain. As long as she slept in his bed, he had to stay out of it. Hell, if he didn’t, it would take more willpower than he could summon not to roll over and dust kisses over her entire body. To press his hips against her, draw her beaded nipples into his mouth for a thorough taste, spread her legs and sink his tongue into her damp heat. A plethora of fantasies rushed through his mind as he relished the provocative mental image.

  Shit, his cock just skyrocketed to life.

  He marshaled his thoughts and concentrated on the road ahead. Oh yeah, staying out of his bed was a definite must. No sense in testing temptation.

  The sound of her stomach rumbling reached his ears. “Laura, you must be starving.”

  She nodded. “A little.” Her stomach growled louder. She chuckled and said, “Okay, a lot.”

  “You never did eat that hot dog.”

  She glanced at him pointedly. “I got a little sidetracked, Jay. Had some…uh…research to do.”

  He returned with an apologetic glance. “Sorry about that.”

  “No, you’re not.” A bemused expression crossed her face.

  A low chuckle rumbled in his throat. He threw his hands up in surrender. “Okay, I’m not, but I do take full responsibility.”

  She tipped her chin, her expression indignant. “I would think so,” she added playfully.

  “I know the perfect spot to take you. It’s an authentic Italian restaurant where the recipes are handed down from generation to generation. You’re going to love it.” Suddenly his stomach joined in the chorus.

  Laura chuckled, snuggled back in her seat, and said, “Sounds perfect.”

  Jay tapped the brakes, and then swung his car around in the opposite direction. They both remained quiet, lost in their thoughts as he drove to the other side of town.

  Less than a half an hour later, he pulled up along the curb in front of Isabella’s. He killed the ignition and glanced around at his old stomping grounds.

  Laura’s face perked up. She squared her shoulders and sat up in her seat. “I’ve heard of this place, Jay. Don’t we need a reservation?”

  He grinned. “Nope. I have connections.”

  “You do? How?”

  “I used to hang out here as a kid.” He jerked his head forward. “I grew up just around the corner.”

  Green eyes opened wide, clearly intrigued. “Really? Are your parents still there?”

  He gave a tight shake of his head. “No, my dad left when I was a kid and my mom…well…my mom and I never got along all that great. I guess I reminded her too much of my father.” A pang of sadness fell over him like a heavy blanket. “She died a few years back.”

  She touched him with a comforting hand. “I’m sorry, Jay. I can’t imagine what that must have been like. I got along well with my parents growing up. We still have dinner together every Sunday.”

  He smiled. Her concern filled him with warmth. He nodded toward the restaurant. “Tony and Isabella treated me like one of their own. I even put myself through college working in the kitchen.” He opened his door. “Come on, let’s go. I’m anxious for you to meet them.”

  He circled around the car and closed his large palm over hers. Rays from the streetlight hit the black pavement and spilled out in waves, touching the darkest corners of the streets. Laura shivered from the crispness in the cool evening air. Jay wrapped his arms around her, offering his warmth. Smiling up at him, she fell into step as he guided her inside.

  As soon as he pulled open the door, the soft murmur of voices and mellow music rushed out to meet them. He breathed in the enticing aroma of fresh-baked bread and Italian sauces. The familiar sounds and smells filled him with contentment.

  His gaze scanned the cozy restaurant and connected with Tony Moretti’s.

  Tony hurried across the room to greet him, his eyes wide with delight. His friendly robust voice and thick Italian accent wrapped around him and drew him in.

  “Jay, my boy. Come, come in. Isabella will be so happy to see you. It has been too long.” He threw his burly arms around Jay and squeezed. Dino, Jay’s childhood best friend, came up beside Jay and the two exchanged a hug.

  Tony turned to Dino. “Dino, call your mother.”

  A moment later, Isabella came bustling out of the kitchen. Jay’s heart warmed at the sight of her. No matter how bad things had been at home, he’d always known he could count on Isabella. She’d treated him like one of her own, even scolded him and steered him in the right direction when he got into trouble. And he got into a lot of trouble.

  Wiping her hands on her apron, she said, “Jay, come here.” She hugged him and kissed both his cheeks. Wispy gray hair, always kept pulled back in a tight bun, tickled his skin. He inhaled her familiar comforting scent as she pulled him closer. Isabella stepped back, her brows furrowed. In the span of a moment she went from happy to mock angry. “What? You have no time for your family no more, now that you’re a big fancy scientist in the city?”

  “Sorry, Isabella. I’ve been working day and night. I promise to stop by more often. How is Grandmother?”

  “Her ninety-eighth birthday is next month.” She cocked a brow. “You’ll come, yes?”

  “Have I missed one yet?”

  Smile restored, Isabella squeezed his cheeks, her face softened. “Ah, you are a good boy, Jay Cutler. You have a good heart.” She turned to Tony and lifted her chin. “Did I not tell you he had a good heart?”

  Tony sighed patiently. “Yeah, you did tell me, Issy. You told everybody. But we all knew he was a stand-up guy when he took my cousin’s kid to the prom when her date stood her up.”

  Isabella’s smile widened. “I knew you’d turn out different from the others.” Isabella turned to her husband Tony and threw her hands up in the air. “Did I not say he would turn out different from the others? That he wouldn’t leave broken hearts all over the city like the rest of the rascals in his family? Jay is anything but a ‘Cold-Hearted Cutler.’”

  Jay swallowed the lump gathering in his throat. Up until recently, his track record certainly hadn’t been so great. He was well on his way to following that fate. Jay snuck a peek at Laura. Thanks to her, he now knew there was more to him. His heart softened. He wanted to be a better man. For her. And for himself.

  Tony gave a patient smile. “Yes, Isabella, you told us.” He winked at Jay. “Many, many times.”

  Anchored to Jay’s side, Laura stood there slack-jawed and soaked up the exchange between Jay and these warm, friendly people. She’d seen glimpses of his nurturing side many times before, but to see the shine in his eyes as he devoured the love around him made her heart ache with longing.

  She took a moment to peruse the intimate restaurant. The atmosphere was easy, casual, and inviting, just like the owners. Balanced on top of red-and-white-checkered tablecloths she observed wax-coated Chianti bottle candle lamps. The walls were painted with vibrant hues, each color playing off the other.

  The sound of Jay’s voice pulled her back. “I’d like you all to meet Laura. We work together at the lab.” Jay turned to Laura and introduced Dino, Tony, and Isabella.

  Planting her hands on her wide hips, Isabella focused her attention on Laura. Laura felt slightly uncomfortable as the woman’s glance panned over her curvy figure, assessing her. Laura leaned into Jay, seeking his comfort.

  “I like this girl, Jay. She doesn’t look like a carrot stick. She has lovely round angles like a woman is supposed to have. She looks like she eats real food, not just lettuce.”

  As Laura smiled at Isabella’s endorsement, she felt Jay’s eyes trace the pattern of her shape. His pleasure resonated through her and made her pulse leap. It appeared to her that, although she didn’t fit his usual descriptive requirements, Jay appreciated her curvy figure, too. Excitement coiled through her veins. Maybe he did have it bad for her.

  Isabella turned back to Jay. “Is this one f
or keeps?”

  Jay rolled his eyes and clutched Laura’s hand. “Isabella, you ask me that every time.”

  She frowned and waved her hands wildly. “And I will keep asking until you give me the answer I’m looking for.”

  He squeezed Laura’s hand. A gesture she was accustomed to, an indication to play along.

  “Yes, Isabella, she’s for keeps.”

  Laura’s heart lodged in her throat and she worked furiously to swallow it down. If only he really was playing for keeps.

  Features softening, Isabella clapped her hands together and threw her arms around Laura in a welcoming embrace. “I knew it, I knew it. Tony, come, we must celebrate.” She flicked a glance at Dino. “Dino, seat them at the family table.”

  Dino motioned for them to follow. He fell into step beside Laura and whispered, “I hope you’re not in a rush. Mother hasn’t seen Jay in a couple of months and she’ll want to go over every childhood story with him again. If you’re really lucky, you’ll escape before she brings out the photo album.”

  Laura smiled and felt an instant camaraderie with Dino. She gave a quick laugh as her second wind blew through her. “I’m in no rush at all.”

  Following Dino’s lead, Laura and Jay moved toward a large round table at the back of the restaurant, just outside the kitchen doors.

  Jay glanced at Laura and smiled. “Aren’t they great?” She heard the pride in his voice.

  “They’re wonderful, Jay.” It occurred to her that without these people, Jay never would have known love. “No wonder you hung out here.” His smile widened, as though her approval of his extended family pleased him immensely.

  With ten chairs around the table, Laura assumed they had one heck of a large clan. As she sat herself on a wooden chair padded with plush red velvet, the smells from the kitchen made her stomach rumble with hunger.

  Tony came back with a bottle of Chardonnay and five glasses. As he poured the wine, Isabella smoothed back her silver hair, pulled off her apron, and sat beside Jay.

  It was easy to tell how much she adored him. Laura knew the feelings were reciprocated.

  Dino placed a loaf of fresh bread and whipped butter in the center of the table. The scent made her ravenous.

  “Mmmm, that smells wonderful,” Laura said.

  Dino sat beside her. He leaned in and pitched his voice low. “Dig in. You may be here for a while.”

  As she shared a private chuckle with Dino, Laura felt Jay’s eyes on her. She angled her head slightly and found him smiling. They exchanged a long lingering look. Warmth and familiarity rushed through her. God…when he looked at her like she was the most important person in the world, her knees turned to pudding.

  An urgent flash of possessiveness rushed through her. Her heart reached out to him. Just below the surface, her blood simmered with need and desire and something else. Something she didn’t dare wish for. Something “Wildman” Jay Cutler had no intentions of handing her. Her stomach knotted like a pretzel. She never should have allowed herself to feel anything for him.

  God, it frightened her how much she wanted him. She hungered to have him look at her with passion-imbued eyes, to touch her naked skin with his mouth, his tongue, and his fingers. To run her eager hands over his body in return and to finally finish what they had started in the director’s bathroom.

  Chest tight, she drew a breath, pushing down her wistful longing. Laura knew she needed to pull herself together. She sat back in her chair, sipped her wine, and nibbled on bread as Isabella carried the conversation, enlightening her to Jay’s childhood antics.

  Spending time with Jay outside the lab certainly played havoc on her emotions and pulled at her heartstrings. He was so easy, so comfortable. Being with him was as natural as breathing. Just watching him, his eyes bright with laughter as he refuted every wild story Isabella embellished, warmed her from the inside out. Reality disappeared when she was with him, making her forget they weren’t really playing for keeps.

  Laura marveled at the way his deep, sexy laugh curled around her and stirred her insides. She knew she was getting in deep. Way too deep. If she didn’t soon erect a wall to protect her vulnerable heart, she’d need a compass to find her way out.

  Something told Laura that they’d barely scratched the surface on Isabella’s stories when a young, handsome dark-skinned man stuck his head out from the kitchen. “Isabella, you’re needed.”

  “Yes, Carlos, I’ll be right there.” Exasperated, she threw her hands up in the air. “What would they do without me?”

  “Well, if you would share your secret family recipes with Carlos, he could make the sauces for you,” Tony said.

  She wagged a warning finger at Tony, then turned her attention to Jay. Before rising, Isabella captured Jay’s face in her palms. “Ah, Jay, you have grown into such a handsome, respectable man. People still come into the restaurant looking for you. Looking for your specialty.”

  He looked down shyly and reached for his glass. He drained his wine as a blush rose up his neck.

  Laura’s heart turned over in her chest. She couldn’t believe the adorable sight before her. Jay Cutler blushing? Well, hell, now she’d seen it all.

  Laura took a small sip of her wine. “What specialty?” she asked, not really sure she wanted to hear the answer, especially after experiencing his personal brand of specialty.

  Isabella kissed her fingertips and threw her hands in the air. “Jay makes one primo linguine noodle.” Her chest puffed up proudly. “I taught him everything.”

  “But you still haven’t taught me how to make the sauce that goes with it,” he teased.

  She made a face and wagged her finger at Jay. “Why, you…” Isabella rose and retied her apron.

  Laura arched a brow. “Really? A primo linguine noodle?” Impressive. Especially for someone who could screw up a box of macaroni and cheese. “Now, that I’d like to see.”

  “Then you must,” Isabella said.

  Tony set his wineglass down on the table. “Issy, leave the boy alone.”

  Ignoring Tony, Isabella stood. “Come, Jay. Show Laura what you can do.” Isabella’s grin widened. The affection the older woman felt for Jay radiated off her and warmed everyone at the table.

  Jay caught Laura’s glance. When a hesitant frown crossed his face, Laura reached out and touched him. “I would love to watch you make linguine, Jay,” she reassured. “In fact, I’d love for you to teach me.”

  His eyes met hers and held. Something intimate, tender passed between them and made her breath catch. Her pulse kicked into high gear. For a fleeting second he gazed at her like he really was playing for keeps.

  Could it be possible?

  Did she dare hope?

  “That settles it, then. Come, both of you.”

  Laura followed Isabella into the kitchen. The fresh scent of spices assailed her senses. She’d never been privy to the inner workings of a restaurant kitchen before. She took a moment to catalogue her surroundings. Taking stock, she watched a few male cooks mill around. The men shot her a smile as they prepared scrumptious platters of pasta. One man slid what appeared to be a double cheese, meat lover’s pizza, or, as Laura preferred to call it, the coronary, in a brick oven, then resumed his position at a gas stove where hearty sauces thickened and boiled on the burners. His head bounced in time to the beat of a song drifting in from a nearby speaker. It was all so wonderful and quaint.

  From across the room she heard Carlos call out. “J-man, it’s good to see you.” He scrubbed his hand over his neatly trimmed goatee as his dark gaze went to Jay, then Laura. With a long, languorous glance, he skimmed Laura’s curves. His strides were determined, sensuous as he strode across the kitchen and stepped into her personal space. In a slick, sexy Italian accent he said to Jay, “And who is this gorgeous lady you have brought for me?”

  Laura glanced at his eagle tattoo, then crimped her neck to look in his eyes. Carlos inclined his head and met her gaze straight on. Thick black hair spilled forward over r
ich, seductive eyes. Testosterone oozed from his pores. Lord, the man had bad boy written all over him.

  “Hello there,” he said. His deep masculine voice could curl toes.

  In a protective manner, Jay tucked Laura under his arm and grinned. “Stay away from this guy, Laura,” he warned. Even though humor edged his voice, she sensed an underlying possessiveness in his tone. “He’ll get you into trouble every time.” Jay dipped his head and whispered into her hair, “I know firsthand.” His sweet wine-scented breath tickled her neck and seeped into her blood, arousing all her senses, filling her with longing.

  Laura shook her arousal-fogged brain and extended her arm. “Nice to meet you, Carlos.” For a moment she wondered if he was Isabella’s son.

  As though reading her thoughts, Jay piped in, “Carlos lived two houses down from me.” He gestured with a nod. “This is the guy who was responsible for all the trouble and fights Dino and I got into as teens until Isabella took him under her wing and straightened him out.”

  It amazed Laura how these people opened their home and hearts to others. No wonder they had so many chairs around the huge table.

  “Isabella has filled me in on some of Jay’s antics, but it sounds like you have a few stories of your own. I’d love to hear them,” she prompted with a smile.

  A wicked grin curled his lips. Carlos opened his mouth to speak.

  Jay cut him off with a glare. “Forget it, Carlos,” he rushed out, sparing Laura the details.

  Goading Jay on, Carlos stepped closer and took her hand in his. Using the pad of his thumb, he caressed her skin and then with a quick tug pulled her away from Jay. “Forget J-man’s specialty, Laura, come sample mine instead,” he teased. His sexy voice was as smooth as spun silk.

  Laura took her hand back, angled her chin, and arched a brow. “Yes, Jay. I can see how Carlos could have gotten you into trouble a time or two,” she said, joining in the teasing. She glanced at Jay. “I’m sure you and Dino were simply innocent bystanders,” she added, humoring him.


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