Pleasure Control

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Pleasure Control Page 14

by Cathryn Fox

  She could barely find her voice. “I don’t understand.”

  “What’s not to understand? I already told you I love you.” He cradled her face between his palms and looked at her with all the love inside him. It took her breath away.

  Her blood began racing. She swallowed. He loved her. She thought he’d only spoken those words in the heat of their frenzied coupling.

  “I’m confused. Last night when I was naked in the tub I tried to seduce you and you walked out of the bathroom.” Emotion thickened her voice.

  A lazy smile curled his mouth. “You tried to seduce me?”

  “Yeah.” She threw her hands up in the air. “Okay, so I’m not so great at the seduction thing. Give me a break, it was my first attempt.”

  He grabbed her hand and squeezed. “Laura, I wanted to prove to you that I’m not just a sex-crazed playboy. I do think about other things.” He paused for a second. “Rarely,” he said, grinning. “But at times I do.” He reached out and brushed her damp hair off her forehead and gazed deep into her eyes. He lowered his voice. “I could have told you I was crazy about you, but why would you believe me? You said yourself I was a playboy, that my track record wasn’t so great. You’re a smart girl, Laura. I figured you wouldn’t believe any sweet talk coming from my mouth. I know I wouldn’t have.”

  “You’re probably right,” she agreed.

  “By keeping my hands off you, I wanted to prove that I care about you. All of you. Not just your gorgeous body. I wanted to show you how good we could be together outside the bedroom. You’ve opened my heart and shown me that I’m capable of love.”

  “Oh.” Her voice was a soft whisper as understanding dawned on her. “I’ve always suspected, deep down, there was more to you, Jay. You just needed to have faith in yourself.”

  That seemed to please him. “And you needed to have faith in yourself, too,” he added. “I love your beautiful curvy figure and your brilliant mind.” He grinned and dusted a kiss over her cheek. “There is nothing sexier than a nerdy science girl,” he teased. “From now on, I’m on a carrot-free diet.”

  She laughed as her heart began beating wildly with excitement.

  He loved her.

  He looked down sheepishly. “Of course, I’d be lying if I said that when I saw you naked in the tub, I didn’t think of sex. Wet sudsy sex.” His brow rose a fraction of an inch.

  She touched her tongue to her bottom lip. “Hmmm, wet sudsy sex. Never tried that.” She was so completely overcome with joy, she felt giddy. A happy haze of tears began blurring her vision.

  He wiped away the water pooling on her lashes. “Well, you have no idea what you’re missing.” His bad-boy grin returned. God, she loved that grin.

  A shiver tingled all the way through her body. “Perhaps you’d better show me.”

  He gathered her into his arms and whisked her down the hallway. “My pleasure.”

  “Come to think of it, I’ve never had sex in the shower, or on the kitchen table, in an elevator, on an airplane…”

  He chuckled softly. “Slow down girl, I’m only one man. We have the rest of our lives to do all those things.” She saw love shining in his eyes.

  She planted a warm kiss on his lips as her heart fluttered with emotion. “And you’re the only man for me. I love you, Jay Cutler.”

  “I love you, too, Laura Cutler.”

  Her eyes opened wide. “Jay—”

  “And you’re the only woman for me. Will you marry me, Laura?” The depth of love in his voice brought on a new wave of happy tears.

  “One condition.” She thought her heart was going to burst as it overflowed with the love she felt for him.

  He cocked his head. “Really?”

  She grinned. “We never, ever try the real libido suppressant on you. I don’t want to spend one single night without making love.”

  “Deal.” He mirrored her grin, closed his mouth over hers, and carried her off to a sudsy tub to show her once again exactly how much he loved her.

  Chapter 12

  Smoothing her hands over her knee-length black skirt, Laura paced nervously around the lab. She and Jay had presented their findings to the board only hours earlier and were now anxiously awaiting the results. Just knowing the members of the Grant Governing Board were three floors down in the conference room discussing their funding and future proposals made her nervous as hell.

  She pulled her hair from the plastic clip anchoring it in place, shook it free until her curls spilled over her shoulder, and then glanced at Jay. Sitting on his stool, relaxed, he leafed through a magazine. He looked so handsome in his navy blue suit. The color brought out the warmth and depth in his gorgeous baby blues.

  Her heart filled with love when he lifted his gaze to hers. To think a little over a week ago, they had simply been lab partners and nothing more. And now, in less than six months they were going to walk down the aisle and become life partners. Her heart leapt with joy as she relished the romantic mental image of Jay dressed in a form-fitting tuxedo standing at the altar waiting for her.

  He gave her a slow, sexy grin. “Relax, Laura. They loved it.” God, she couldn’t believe how easily he could read her every emotion, her every expression.

  She knew he was right. The board members appeared to be quite impressed with their findings, but still she couldn’t help fretting. Their future careers depended on the funding.

  “Do you think they’ll approve our grant based solely on Bonnie and Clyde’s results?”

  “They’ll approve our grant based on your brilliant formula, Laura,” he assured her.

  She smiled at his endorsement.

  A knock sounded on the lab door. She glanced up to see Erin poke her head in. “The director wants to see you two right away.”

  “Time to go,” Jay said, his blue eyes bright with excitement and anticipation. He stood, crossed the room to stand before her, and clasped her hand in his. He arched a brow. “All set?”

  She blew out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. “Let’s go.”

  Erin wished them luck as they passed her in the hall. A few moments later they stood outside the director’s office. Laura starched her spine, drew a deep fortifying breath, and knocked.

  “Come in,” Reginald called out.

  Since they had been keeping their relationship a secret until after the results were announced, she eased her hand out of Jay’s. Reginald didn’t approve of office affairs and they didn’t want anything interfering with their funding, their future proposals, or their ability to work together on those future projects, should they be approved.

  Jay twisted the knob, pushed the door open, and motioned for her to enter.

  She glanced at the director’s expressionless face in an attempt to read him as she padded across his polished floor and took a seat in a plush chair across from his mahogany desk. Jay followed suit, and sat beside her in a matching chair. To stop herself from fidgeting, Laura linked her hands together and sat up straighter in her seat.

  Reginald leaned back in his brown leather office chair. It creaked under his weight. His brows knitted together. “Just to keep you two up to date, Max has been arrested.” Nodding his head, he gestured to a spot on the floor. Laura glanced over to find her duffel bag.

  “They found your bag at Max’s apartment. That and the print found at your apartment were enough to formally charge him.”

  Reginald lowered his voice, shook his head, and went on to explain. “Ad-Tech got wind that you two were working on a top secret project, so they planted Max here on an information-seeking mission. When we hired him, we had no idea he worked for the competition. Naturally, he neglected to mention his position at Ad-Tech on his résumé,” he added, fisting his hands. “And because he had connections on the inside, his security check came back clean. After an in-house investigation, everyone who was responsible has now been removed from our organization.”

  Reginald’s eyes softened as they focused on Laura. He folded his hands on his de
sk. “I apologize for that, Laura. He somehow got through the system. It won’t happen again. I know I said this before, but I can’t say it enough. I truly am sorry about the break-in at your apartment and I’m sorry you were caught in the cross fire.”

  His sincerity touched her. She offered him a warm smile. “Thank you.”

  He turned his attention to the manila file before him and flipped it open. “Now, I’m sure you two are more interested in the board’s decision than you are in Max.”

  They both nodded in unison.

  A broad smile stretched across his face. “That minor setback was not detrimental to your careers. Congratulations, your funding has come through. The board was impressed with your presentation, all your hard work, dedication to the project, and the positive results on Bonnie and Clyde.”

  Elated and a bit relieved, Laura clasped her hands together. “Yes,” she said.

  Jay leaned forward. “And our future proposal?” he asked eagerly.

  “Funding approved,” Reginald said. “You can begin preliminary trials on Pleasure Prolonged this winter.” He slammed the file closed and glanced at them. “Good work, you two. Go announce it to the others.”

  Both grinning like the Cheshire cat, they stood. Laura grabbed her duffel bag and hurried to the door, where Jay waited for her.

  “Oh, and Jay, one more thing,” Reginald said.

  They stopped midstride and turned. “Yes?” Jay asked, still smiling.

  “Stay the hell out of my bathroom. That’s not the kind of employee bonding I approve of.”

  Laura’s smile crumbled. Ohmigod! Mortified, Laura opened her mouth to gasp, but no sound came. She felt heat and embarrassment color her skin and warm her body.

  Jay cringed. “Shit,” he mumbled under his breath. “Sorry about that.”

  Anxious to flee, Laura rotated on the ball of her foot, and gripped the doorknob like it was a lifeline.

  Her escape was halted when the director said, “One more thing.”

  She swallowed, dreading what was coming next. Her face tightened as she turned back around.

  He arched a warning brow and pinned them with a glare. His voice had taken on a hard edge. “If you two ever decide to test the drug on yourselves again, without written consent or before positive preliminary results with the lab rats, I’ll kick your asses to the curb. I won’t have my two best employees risking their health. Understood?”

  They both nodded.

  It occurred to her that Reginald truly and genuinely cared about his employees. Maybe he was on to something with all those bonding sessions.

  Jay furrowed his brow. “But how…?”

  Reginald raised his palms in a halting motion. “It’s my job to know everything.” He waved a dismissive hand. “Now go, celebrate. Drink. Eat. Do what young people do. Just stay out of trouble.”

  They turned to leave. “Oh, and Laura?”

  Her pulse leapt in her throat. Damn, she’d almost made it to the hall. Gulping, she twisted back to face him and brushed her hair from her face. What now? Was he going to comment on her pasta-making skills? Her ripped panties? She worked to find her voice and school her expression.

  Her stomach tightened. “Yes?” she asked, trying to keep her voice light.

  He winked at her. His eyes were playful and full of warm sincerity. His voice softened. “Congratulations on the engagement.”

  Laura grinned and shook her head in utter amazement. They never should have tried to get anything by Reginald Smith, a.k.a. Pit Bull.

  “Thanks,” she said.

  “Veronica and I look forward to an invitation.”

  Jay reached out and caught her hand. She leaned into him and absorbed his warmth. “You can count on it,” she assured Reginald. Suddenly it dawned on her. This pit bull really was just a pussycat at heart.

  Reginald turned his attention back to the files in front of him. “Now go. You two have a celebration to attend,” he repeated in a firm voice. “And a wedding to plan.”

  Laura and Jay’s Christmas wedding reception had been in full swing for over an hour. Sitting next to Erin at the bar, sipping a strawberry daiquiri, her gaze skated over the guests. She took a moment’s pause to consider how wonderful things had been between her and Jay since they’d fallen in love six months ago.

  She smiled at her mother and father, and her new family, Isabella, Tony, and Dino, as they all sat around an intimate white-linen-covered table and engaged one another in conversation. The love in their eyes when they glanced her way warmed her all over. She nodded to Reginald and Veronica as “Reggie” shook his groove thing to some sixties song that he’d requested.

  Chuckling, Laura turned her attention to Jay. Love rushed to her heart as she admired her husband from afar as he mingled so easily with their guests.

  Husband. That word made her smile.

  As though sensing her eyes on him, he tilted his chin until their gazes locked. He looked good enough to eat in his dark tuxedo and thigh-hugging dress pants. Of course, she had every intention of doing just that. But it would have to wait until later when she had him alone, all to herself, she mused. Straightening on her stool, she worked to stomp down her arousal for the time being.

  As though reading her naughty thoughts, he gave her a sexy, knowing wink from across the dance room floor. Her heart soared with joy. The love he felt for her was obvious in his expression.

  Laura couldn’t have been happier. After she’d fallen into Jay’s arms that warm summer night, everything else in her life had fallen into place as well. They’d secured the grant needed for further testing of Pleasure Control and their proposal to produce a serum designed to give men prolonged erections and multiple orgasms had been approved. Jay was just dying to test that one out. Not that he needed it. He’d proven that fact to her numerous times.

  Since she and Jay were flying to Hawaii for an extended honeymoon in a couple of hours, they, along with the director, had decided to hand over the head scientist position for Pleasure Prolonged to Erin. This was Erin’s opportunity to make her mark in the scientific world and advance her career to the next level. For the following months, she would be working closely with Kale Alexander, Jay’s buddy and best man at their wedding.

  Kale had agreed to take a leave of absence from his lab in Los Angeles and had come to Iowa, his old stomping grounds, to fill in for Jay while he was away.

  Laura twisted sideways to speak to Erin. She looked so beautiful in her pale blue maid of honor gown, her long nutmeg colored hair, which she usually wore in a ponytail, was arranged on top of her head in a classy, artful coiffure. Her beauty was stunning.

  A grin curved Laura’s mouth when she noted the glazed look in Erin’s eyes as she gawked slack-jawed at her handsome new lab partner, Kale. Oblivious to his admirer, Kale gracefully glided around the dance floor with a pretty young blonde. Laura noted a line of women anxiously awaiting their turn in his arms. In fact, they seemed to be tripping over their hems just to get closer to him.

  Laura tapped Erin’s shoulder, drawing her attention. “If you want him, seduce him, that’s what I’d do,” Laura whispered, throwing Erin’s words back at her. “And you might want to wipe the drool from your mouth, Erin,” she teased. “It’s not very becoming.”

  Erin’s mouth opened and closed in a silent gasp. “Very funny.”

  Laura chuckled, remembering how Erin had threatened to switch the vials on her. She never did know for certain whether she would have done it or not. Of course, it wouldn’t have surprised her. Erin was one heck of a brazen girl.

  Jay’s powerful muscles bunched as he crossed the room and came up beside her. She shifted to face him. She pulled in a breath as a shiver skipped down her spine. Instinctively, she leaned into him. His eyes were dark and full of desire as they locked on hers. Laura’s heart fluttered in her chest as she gazed at him in rapture. Her throat tightened with emotions.

  He pitched his voice low. His breath was hot on her neck. “All ready to go to the airp

  Laura noted the arousal edging his voice. His deep tone bombarded her body with feminine need. He slipped his arm around her waist, anchoring her to his muscular body. God, she loved being held by him. A thrill ran through her as his heat curled around her and fired her blood.

  “I’m all ready,” she said. Before she slipped away with Jay, she leaned into Erin and whispered, “Maybe you two will have as much fun testing Pleasure Prolonged as Jay and I had testing Pleasure Control.”

  Although she’d love to stick around and hear all the details, she had other, more pressing matters on her mind. Like how in a few short hours, she and Jay would join the infamous Mile High Club.

  Besides, the details of Erin and Kale’s quest to produce and test Pleasure Prolonged was an entirely new and different story…


  A half hour into their flight to Hawaii, Jay leaned over Laura and asked in a hushed tone, “Are you wearing those panties I bought for you?”

  Warm familiarity seeped into her skin and filled her with want. A wave of excitement curled around her as his mouth skimmed her cheekbone. Just knowing in a few minutes, once the overhead movie started and the cabin lights dimmed, that Jay planned on initiating her into the Mile High Club made her tremble with need. Over the past few months not only had Jay catered to her every fantasy, her every sexual whim, he had introduced her to a few she hadn’t even known she had!

  “You’ll have to wait to find out,” she teased, fluffing her pillow and adjusting her blanket over her legs.

  His grin turned lethal. “The hell with that.” He slipped his hand under her blanket.

  “Jay, what are you doing?” she whispered, glancing around nervously. The flight attendant stood only a few seats away as she made her rounds with the drink cart.

  He pitched his voice low. “You wanted to join the Mile High Club, didn’t you?” He began lightly massaging her sex through her skirt.


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