Secrets: Web of Sin

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Secrets: Web of Sin Page 11

by Aleatha Romig

  In stunned silence, I scanned him up and down. His clothes were casual compared to the outfit he’d prepared for me. He wore blue jeans, worn in all the right places, hanging low from his hips, and showcasing his long legs and thick, powerful thighs. His collarless shirt fit well, highlighting a broad neck, a defined torso, and broad biceps.

  Though I could gaze upon his body for hours, that wasn’t what stilled my pulse to the point of feeling faint. It was his eyes, the way they looked, not at me but into me. No longer was I imagining his dark stare. It was trained on me.

  How was he here?

  We hadn’t landed.


  The tips of his lips moved upward as his penetrating stare scorched my skin. From the tips of my toes in the ridiculously high shoes, all the way to the chain lying between my breasts, and up to my recently styled hair, he took in every inch. Each second his eyes roamed was the strike of a match, igniting tiny fuses and detonating each of my nerves, until my skin peppered with goose bumps and my nipples hardened.

  That wasn’t the only effect of his stare. Thank God I’d brought underwear.

  I gripped the armrest as the airplane lurched, descending quicker than before. As if physics played no role in Sterling Sparrow’s existence, other than his eyes and lips, he didn’t move. He didn’t speak.

  I squeezed my thighs tighter as I released the armrests and my fingers balled into fists at my sides.

  The silence turned deafening, alerting me that the music was no longer playing.

  And then, he moved. Step by step, he came closer. Even his movement made no sound, until he gracefully folded his massive body, sitting in the chair to my left. Warmth filled me as he reached for my hand.

  I didn’t fight his effort, yet my fingers remained fisted. With an upturn of his grin, he gently pried open my fingers, one by one, until all five were extended in the palm of his large hand. He then leaned forward.

  My pulse quickened as his warm lips brushed my knuckles. The connection set off more detonations as parts of my body that had remained untouched heated.

  With my hand still in his, Sterling continued his stare. It was as if in that gaze, there was concern that if he looked away, I would disappear. His brown eyes grew darker, swirling with emotion and saying what his lips were not.

  Finally, I couldn’t take it any longer. “What the hell?” My tone was a meek whisper in contrast to my words. “You’ve been here the entire—”

  His finger came to my lips as his deep voice filled the silent cabin. “No, Araneae. Not yet. Let me enjoy my gift and the beautiful wrapping. For soon I will enjoy something even more gorgeous...what’s underneath.”


  The way he was looking at me may be doing something to my body, twisting it in ways I’d only read about in books, but my mind was no longer meek. Alarm and energy surged through me. I was trapped by not only the seat belt but also his stare. With fight or flight my only options, I couldn’t take the confinement any longer. Pulling my hand free of his, I scrambled for the buckle of the seat belt, and reared my head away from his silencing touch.

  My head shook from side to side. “No, this isn’t happening.” My tone grew stronger with each word. The buckle opened as I pushed away. I wasn’t his prey nor was he my captor. As I stood and stepped, the high heels and plane’s descent did little to assist in my escape.

  Physics may not affect Sterling Sparrow, but apparently the same didn’t apply for me. According to Newton’s law of motion, every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.

  As my mind jumbled and feet shifted, I was surrounded by outside forces, coming at me from every direction.

  The lurching of the plane as it continued its descent and the propulsion of my body as I leaped forward worked in tandem to send me hurling toward the wall and television. My hands went out in hopes of saving myself before my face collided with the giant screen.

  And yet…the world stopped. The impact never came.

  All at once, I was heaved back. A grasp of my wrist pulled me backward moments before strong arms surrounded me, and I was thrust back to the seats. No longer sitting in my own chair, my escape attempt had landed me squarely on Sterling’s lap.

  Struggling was fruitless. Sterling Sparrow’s hold exceeded a plane seat belt, even in one as plush and luxurious as his.

  The emotions from before and those building over the past week came out, not as anger or rage but as tears that could no longer be contained.

  The salty moisture burning my eyes was an insult to me and my strength. I turned away, not wanting him to see the way my body had again defied me.

  He didn’t speak, nor did I as the plane continued its course. His lips brushed the top of my head as his hold loosened and he shifted, helping me stand and then sit again where I’d been.

  His movement brought more than his loosening grasp to my attention. As I repositioned myself in my own seat and he stood, my gaze unconsciously went to the front of his jeans. He may not have acknowledged my tears, but just as mine had done, his body betrayed his words and actions.

  When our gazes met, his dared me to acknowledge what we both knew had happened. Looking away, I decided it wasn’t a challenge I was currently prepared to fight. With something that sounded a bit like a growl, Sterling turned away and walked to the panel upon the wall. Pushing a button, Marianne’s voice came from the speaker. “Captain McGee.”

  “Marianne, change of course.”

  “Sir? We’ve filed our flight plan, our landing is anticipated, and we’re approaching—”

  “Do we have enough fuel to reach the cabin?” Sparrow asked, not allowing her to finish.

  “Um, yes, sir, we do. The airport—”

  Again he interrupted, “Contact the civil aviation authorities for both countries and alert them to our change. Also alert the proper channels that we’re crossing the border. Make them aware of our manifest. If my calculations are correct, we should have another two and a half hours of flight.”

  “Yes, sir, roughly. I’ll let you know when I have the exact information.”

  My eyes grew wide as he came back toward me. “Crossing the border? What border?”

  Sterling sat beside me and stretched his long legs out in front of him as he exhaled. “It appears you’re not ready for the plans I had set. I’ll have Patrick get word to those who need to know that we will be unreachable for a few days.”

  The bubbling concoction of emotions boiled over as I sat straighter in the seat. “Unreachable? No. I told you that I would have daily contact with Louisa. You promised.”

  His dark eyes turned my way as his tone dripped with insincere affection. “My sweet Araneae, I made no such promise.” His long fingers upon the armrest clenched and unclenched as he weighed his words. “Something you should know about me is that I keep my promises. A man’s word is his most valuable tool or most respected weapon. I said that you’d get back to Boulder and have time to settle whatever you needed to settle before being delivered to me. You were given that time. You’ve been delivered. My word has been kept.”

  I shook my head. “No. On the phone… you said…” I tried to remember exactly what he’d said. I’d given him my demands, yet had he promised? “…that you’d consider my demands.”

  He didn’t respond. Instead, he answered my question from before. “The American border. My cabin is in Ontario.”

  “No. This is insanity. I have a company to run. I told you that I will not step away from Sinful Threads.”

  “And you won’t…not for long. Every CEO deserves a vacation.”

  “A vacation? A vacation?” My volume grew with each phrase. “Being kidnapped over the border is not a vacation.”

  “You are not kidnapped. You willingly entered this plane. The cameras at the airport will show that. Along with the excessive amount of luggage and you telling others you were going away, there is pl
enty of evidence of your willing participation.”

  The plane’s trajectory changed, more noticeable at first, until we were soon cruising steady and level as we had before.

  I didn’t have words as I sat in stunned silence and he typed out a text, or maybe it was more than one. Whatever he was communicating and to whomever, it was meant to be done without my overhearing. I had no doubt he could have texted Marianne too. The verbal command wasn’t only for her but, meant for me also. He was changing our plans and neither Marianne nor I were able to alter that change.

  Perhaps the only external force aboard this plane was Sterling Sparrow.

  With each minute, my mind searched for answers. Thank goodness I’d left Louisa that note. It was my only hope that she would begin a search.

  “Ms. Hawkins?”

  I looked up to Jana’s smiling expression as she handed me my phone. I’d left it in the bedroom and had been too lost in my thoughts to hear her approach. My gaze went from her to Sterling, wondering why she’d bring me my phone in his presence.

  He didn’t speak, yet a quick nod of his head told me that she was doing his bidding.

  “Thank you.”

  As I reached for it, she asked, “May I get either of you anything?”

  My fingers surrounded my phone as I contemplated how to send a message without Sterling knowing. I could contact Louisa or Winnie; either would be able to help.

  “That will be all, Jana,” Sterling said. “We are not to be disturbed unless you’re called.”

  She nodded and took a step back. “Yes, sir.”

  As she walked away, I looked down at the phone in my hand.

  Before I could speak, Sterling did. “I would assume that in that beautiful head of yours you’re thinking about the SOS message you plan to send. Perhaps more than one?”

  My eyes widened as I lifted my gaze to his. Though I expected the dark stare, I was caught off guard by the sense of amusement in his expression. “Do you think this is funny?”

  A deep chuckle filled the air. “I do. And a bit disappointing.”


  “Araneae, your predictability is disappointing. Your fiery spirit is more than amusing—it’s electrifying.” He nodded toward my phone. “Contact your assistant and your business partner. Tell them whatever you want to say, as long as you make it clear that you’ll be unreachable through the weekend.”

  I sucked in a breath. “Weekend? That’s four days.”

  “And that you’ll be in touch with them when you return from this much-needed getaway.”

  “I won’t do that. I need to be accessible.”


  With the level flight, I once again had steadfast footing as I stood. I took a few steps, turned, and took a few more. With each pass I collected my thoughts and my words. Taking a deep breath, I began, “I get that you’re in control of this plane. I get that you think you’re somehow in control of my decisions, but you’re not. I have a company. I have a friend who is weeks from giving birth.” I stopped my pacing and looked him in the eye. “Tell me you won’t hurt them.”

  Sterling’s gaze widened. “As it has always been, it’s in your hands. You see, Araneae, you have control, too.”

  I let out an exasperated breath. “I’m going with you.” I lifted my hands and gestured toward the windows filling with red hues from the setting sun. “You see, I forgot to pack my parachute so my escape opportunities are limited.”

  His lips curled upward. “And yet once again failing to obey, you packed quite a bit.”

  Deciding not to take that bait, I went on, “As I was saying, many things can happen in four days. I need to be accessible.”

  “Tell them they may only contact you in the case of an emergency. Patrick will keep your phone. If an emergency occurs, you’ll be notified.”

  My head shook as I contemplated his offer. “I want my phone with me.”

  “First, we have some rules to discuss.”


  Sterling stood, his height, despite the heels on my shoes, dwarfing me as it had the first night in the office. “I’ve waited longer than you know for this.”

  He stepped closer, reached for my hands, and removed the phone from my grip. While domineering, there was no anger or wrath in his touch. Without argument, I released the phone as he tossed it in one of the chairs.

  Before he continued speaking, he once again secured my fingers, enveloping them in his warm grasp. “I’ve always known it would happen, that one day you would be mine. It’s too easy for me to forget that you haven’t had the same knowledge. In my anticipation, I wrongly assumed that you’d be ready to learn about yourself, your future, and your past. It seems that by your little display earlier, you’re not.”

  “I am ready. I want to know.”

  “Then behave.”

  “You act like I’m a child.”

  He squeezed my hands as his eyes darkened and head tilted. “Araneae, if you think there’s any part of me that sees you as a child, you’re mistaken.” He took a step back and scanned me from my toes to my eyes. By the time our gazes met, there was no doubt how exactly Sterling Sparrow saw me. Though we were flying nearly a mile over the earth, the heat in his stare could ignite the forests below, decimating the pristine land to ashes.

  “I don’t know you,” I said, repeating something I’d told him before.

  “You will. That’s why we’re going to the cabin. It will give us uninterrupted time to become acquainted.”

  I wanted to ask how acquainted. Instead, I acquiesced. “Fine.”

  He chuckled. “You’re agreeing to go where you’re already going?”

  “No,” I said, straightening my shoulders and lengthening my neck. “I’m agreeing to sending the messages you mentioned and to allowing Patrick to monitor my phone. However,” I said, removing my hands from his and taking a step back, “I want a promise—your word—that if a message comes through, at any hour, I will be notified.”

  I watched as his Adam’s apple bobbed.

  “Sterling, I mean it. I need to know what’s happening. Louisa and Sinful Threads are…well, they’re my family.”

  “You have my word. You also have my word that they aren’t.”

  The relief in his first statement was quickly washed away. “What do you mean? Do I have family? Real family? What do you know?” And how do you know it? I didn’t ask the last part.

  He reached again for my hands. “I’ve already told you that I know all about anyone or anything that belongs to me. Soon you’ll acknowledge that that includes you.”


  “You may change into something more comfortable if you would like,” Sterling said after my messages were sent.

  I may.

  Fuck him.

  Leaning back, I crossed my legs at my knees, bobbed my high-heel sandal, and settled against the soft seat. With my hands gripping the arms of the large plush seat, I found my most defiant voice. “Thank you for your permission. It’s not necessary. I’ll wear whatever the fuck I want, when I want.”

  His grin curled upward as one brow lifted.

  With a humph I rebelliously folded my arms over my chest like the child he told me not to be. I was well aware that sitting here in the outfit he’d told me to wear, freshly showered, and fucking prepared, my words held less substance than a boat filled with holes, sinking to the depths of Lake Michigan.

  After a few minutes, he spoke, “I wasn’t expecting you to do it.”

  “Do what? Get on the plane?” Because more than once I’d regretted the decision.

  His expression of power from before was replaced with something different—perhaps an attempt at understanding? Maybe I was reading too much into it.

  “No,” he said. “I knew you’d do that. I told you. I know your weakness.”

  “Yes, so you said. I care. I give a shit about other people. How horrendous of me.”

  “That isn’t your only weakness, but it’s the onl
y one I’ll currently admit to exploiting.”

  I sat taller and purposely turned toward the row of windows on the other side of the plane from Mr. Sparrow. The view from before of light blue sky was gone, replaced with darkness. I wondered about the time of day or night. I was at a complete loss. Like many other things, the only answer I would get would be from the arrogant man seated across the room. After my brief exchange with both Winnie and Louisa, my phone had been safely stowed with Patrick, or so I’d been told. Since I didn’t think it went with the red dress and most likely expensive jewelry, my watch was also tucked away of my own doing in my carry-on. That meant my only gauge of passing time was the length of the flight. I’d lost all sense of most everything since Sterling materialized and changed our destination.

  “I didn’t think,” he went on, pulling my attention back to him, “that you’d wear what was in the gift box.”

  I tilted my head. “Perhaps I’m learning your weaknesses as well.”

  His grin transformed into a smirk. “Be careful, Araneae. I have none. There were powerful men who have thought otherwise. They’re no longer alive to test their theories.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  He stood from where he’d been seated and walked my direction. Although every voice in my head said to look away, I couldn’t. Despite his height, within the confines of an airplane, he displayed no awkwardness. I presumed his location was irrelevant. In all situations, Sterling Sparrow moved like a lion: majestic, strong, proud, and above all, powerful. He was the king of the beasts and everyone within his realm was either a peasant, present to do his bidding, or prey, waiting to be devoured.

  As he came to a stop in front of me, the twisting in my core told me that I didn’t qualify as a peasant. No, I was his prey. I craned my neck upward, attempting to remain expressionless as I strived to maintain eye contact.

  I’m not prey, asshole. If I’m yours, as you’ve said, I’m the lioness.


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