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WHAT ARE YOU DOING THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? (The Jersey Girls Book 2) Page 2

by Lydia Rose

  “Is he married?” Carol asked. “What does he do for a living?”

  Richard patted his wife’s hand. “Let Jennifer finish her story.”

  “He is married and his husband loved the idea.” Jennifer smiled as her words sank in with Richard and Carol. “They aren’t interested in having children themselves, but Bobby loved the idea of having a child.”

  “I wanted our baby to have Jennifer’s blood and genes, too. This just worked out perfectly for us.” Reese looked at her lover with tears in her eyes before she turned to her mother. “Please don’t tell anyone at the barbecue. I want to make sure everything is okay for a month or so.”

  “What about Jennifer’s parents, and of course, Bobby.” Carol was so excited.

  Jennifer and Reese laughed. “Yes, we will call them both tomorrow. We’re going to have company in a few hours, and I think we should get moving.”

  “Yes, you’re right,” Carol said already standing.


  As Kelly and Kate reached the boardwalk, they scanned the beach looking for their friends.

  Kate spotted them first. “There they are,” she said, pointing.

  At that moment, Mary stood up and waived them over.

  “What a beautiful day,” Kelly said taking her seat next to Kate.

  “The water is nice and warm,” Matt said to the two women.

  “Would you like to take a dip?” Kelly asked Kate.

  “Sure,” she said already standing.

  Kelly watched as she removed her cover up. Her eyes scanned Kate’s body trying not to be obvious. Once her sunglasses left her face, she averted her eyes. They waded into the water and then dove under the wave as they went further out into the water. Kelly surfaced with a smile on her face. “This is paradise, isn’t it?”

  “Yes it is. That’s why any time I’m invited, I never say no. I’d like to have my own place down here someday.”

  “I think that’s everyone’s dream, Kate. In the meantime, we will enjoy our friend’s generosity,” Kelly said as she swam further out.

  The two women played in the water for the next half hour. Walking back to their place on the beach, they noticed the guys were gone.

  “Where did your husband’s go?” Kelly asked as she sat down.

  “They went to play nine holes,” Meredith said, pursing her lips.

  “Will they be back in time for the barbecue?” Kelly asked.

  “They wouldn’t miss it for the world. They’ll be back.”

  “Well, I guess it’s just us girls.” Mary added.

  Kelly watched Kate’s interaction with Mary and something struck her as strange. They seemed to have this affinity toward each other that was intimate. Kelly shook those thoughts out of her head and decided it must be because they’ve been friends for so many years. Kelly took her book out of her bag and tried to read. Unfortunately, her eyes kept watching the two women speaking quietly.

  “What do you think, Kelly?” Mary asked.

  Kelly didn’t respond.

  “Kelly,” Kate said, waving her hand in front of Kelly.

  Kelly looked up from the pages. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  “Where were you?” Mary asked laughing.

  Kelly shrugged. “Lost in paradise,” she said with a laugh. “What did you ask me?”

  “I asked if you thought Jennifer and Reese might have a woman they could introduce you to while you’re here?”

  Kelly shook her head. “Please don’t ask them. I’m here to relax and not get fixed up. If I meet someone while I’m here by chance, that’s different.”

  “Is there anyone on the beach that looks interesting?” Kate asked.

  Kelly looked at her and thought for a moment. What would you say, Kate, if I told you I find you very interesting? “I haven’t really looked,” she said, averting her eyes from Kate’s gaze. “I think I’ll go back and take a shower.” Kelly stood.

  “I’ll go with you,” Meredith said, already on her feet.

  As they walked down the street, Meredith looked at Kelly.

  “It’s good to see you smiling again,” Meredith said touching her friend’s arm.

  “Thanks for inviting me, Meredith. It’s just what I needed.” Her smile grew.

  “So you’ll stay for the week?”

  Kelly nodded.


  Kelly took her shower and dried her hair. She was putting a light coat of make up on her face when Kate walked into the bedroom. The door to the bathroom was open and Kate could hear Kelly humming.

  “Are you dressed?” Kate asked at the partially opened door.

  The door swung open. Kelly was dressed in her bra and panties. “I’ll be out of your way in a moment.”

  “Take your time, Kelly,” Kate said, reaching for the clothes she was going to wear to the barbecue.

  Kelly came out the bathroom unfazed by her near nakedness. “You’re going to wear shorts, right?”

  “Yes. It’s warm out there and I want to be comfortable,” Kate said picking up her clothes as she went to the bathroom. She turned before stepping through the doorway, “Do you need anything from the here before I take my shower?”

  “No I’m all set,” Kelly said reaching for her shirt. She put on her button-down blue shirt and rolled the sleeves up to her elbows. The dark blue shorts came to just above her knee. Kelly reached for a pair of sandals to complete the outfit. One sprits of perfume and she walked out of the bedroom.

  The men had come back from golf and were taking their showers outside to give the women time to get dressed. Meredith came down the stairs her hair still wet, and walked over to the refrigerator.

  “I’m so thirsty,” she said, reaching for a bottle of cold water.

  “I think I’ll go over to your neighbors and see if they need any help,” Kelly said, before Meredith went back up the stairs.

  “Okay, we’ll see you in a little bit.”


  Kelly walked into the back yard of the Caldwell’s and saw a man standing by a smoker. She raised her hand in greeting and said, “Hi, I’m Kelly. I came to see if I could help with anything.”

  Richard walked over to Kelly extending his hand. “Hello. I’m Richard Caldwell. Welcome to our barbecue.”

  Kelly took his hand. “Kelly McIntyre. I’m staying with Mary and Meredith,” she said pointing to their house.”

  “The ladies are inside. Go on in,” Richard said before walking back to the smoker.

  Kelly didn’t want to just walk into the house, so she knocked softly.

  “Come in,” someone called from inside the house.

  Kelly followed the voices and went into the kitchen. “Hi, Reese, I thought I would see if I could help with anything.”

  “Thank you.” Reese turned to her mother. “Kelly this is my mom, Carol. Mom, this is Kelly. She’s visiting with Mary and Meredith.”

  “Welcome, Kelly, and thank you for offering to help.”

  Jennifer walked back into the kitchen and looked at their guest. A grin appeared on her face before she said, “Casanova, did you come back for another try at my wife?”

  Kelly’s lip twitched at the nerve of this woman. “No. I came to offer my help.”

  Jennifer walked over to Kelly and rested her arm across Kelly’s shoulder. Her lips came very close to her ear. “You know I’m just busting your chops?”

  “Could have fooled me,” Kelly said, moving away from Jennifer’s arm.

  “Leave the girl alone, Jen,” Reese said reaching for Kelly’s arm. “We can use your help bringing out the drinks and putting them in the tubs with ice.”

  “Okay, I’m on it.” Kelly grabbed cases of soda and left by the back door.

  “So what did the poor girl do to you?” Carol asked, drying her hands on a kitchen towel.

  “I didn’t like the way she looked at my wife this morning.” Jennifer shrugged. “I put her in her place.”

  “Mom, do you want to know what she told Kel
ly? She told her that I belonged to her,” Reese emphasized.

  “Belonged to her? Oh Jennifer, you sure know how to charm a woman,” Carol said laughing.

  Reese put her arm around Jennifer’s waist and pulled her in close. “Play nice tonight.” Reese kissed Jennifer’s cheek. “Okay?”

  “I will, Reese. Don’t worry,” Jennifer said, taking a case of beer outside. She walked over to Kelly.

  “Did you come out here to pick on me again?” Kelly asked, arranging the sodas in the tubs.

  “No. Let’s call a truce?”

  “Deal,” Kelly said, sighing in relief.

  “There are going to be several women here today that are gay and single. I’ll point them out to you.”

  “Thanks.” Kelly only agreed so Jennifer would leave her alone.

  Jennifer went back into the house to get the rest of the food out to the table. Kelly followed behind. Once everything was laid out on the table, Kelly took a seat next to the long table with people she didn’t know. Introductions were made and Kelly knew immediately that Dave and Pierce were partners. She looked around the long table to see if she could spot the gay women in the group. Her glance carried her to the other end of the table and Kate. Their eyes met and Kelly raised her hand in a slight wave. Jennifer was sitting in the middle of the table and looked at Kelly. Her head nodded to the woman sitting on her left side. Kelly understood the gesture and gave a slight nod in Jennifer’s direction.

  Empty plates were now being carried to the garbage cans in anticipation of the dessert table. Kelly walked over to the woman Jennifer had pointed out to her.

  “Hi, I’m Kelly,” she said with her hand extended.

  The woman looked at Kelly strangely, but took the offered hand. “Sandy.”

  Kelly didn’t understand the cold reception she was getting, but continued. “Do you have a house here?”

  “No. My parents own a house.” Sandy pointed to the house behind Carol and Richard.

  “I’m staying with Mary and Meredith for the week.” Kelly waited for the conversation to continue, but the woman just stood there. “I guess I’ll go see if I can help with the desserts.” Kelly went into the house leaving Sandy standing there. She met Jennifer coming outside as she went into the house. “Gee, thanks Jennifer. I think Sandy is the one,” she said sarcastically, “not.”

  “Struck out did you, Casanova?” Jennifer asked with a laugh.

  “She acted like I had the plague. I could barely get her to say a word.”

  “Maybe she’s shy?” Jennifer offered.

  “That wasn’t shy. That was rude.” Kelly sighed loudly. “Any other gay women you would like me to embarrass myself with?”

  Jennifer chuckled. “Grab a plate from the kitchen and meet me outside.”

  Kelly walked into the kitchen. “Hi. What can I bring outside?”

  “Isn’t she the sweetest thing,” Carol Caldwell said to her daughter.

  Reese smiled and pointed at the cake plate. “Take this one, Kelly.”

  Kelly went back outside and stood next to Jennifer. “Okay, which one?” She asked impatiently.

  Jennifer pointed without being obvious. “This one is very shy.”

  Kelly looked at the woman and a gasp left her mouth. “She’s so plain,” Kelly whispered.

  “That’s very shallow,” Jennifer commented.

  “Isn’t there anyone else?”

  Jennifer looked at her and said. “There is one, but her heart is lost in unrequited love.”

  Kelly leaned in closer, “Who?”

  “It’s not my place to say,” Jennifer said as she began to walk away.

  “Then why would you bother to tell me?”

  “Let’s see if you can find her,” she said with a laugh, and went back into the house.

  “Hey, I may not see her again after tonight,” Kelly insisted to Jennifer’s back.

  Jennifer’s response was just to continue laughing and walk away.

  Reese came out the back door carrying a bowl of fruit. Kelly hurried over to her and took the bowl. “Let me take that, Reese.”

  “Thank you, Kelly.” Reese walked over to the table with her. “I think that’s everything, except the coffee to bring out.”

  “I’ll get that for you,” Kelly offered.

  Reese touched her arm lightly. “Jen is bringing that out. Go relax Kelly, and socialize with the group.” She looked around the yard. “There are several lesbians here at the party.”

  “I know about two of them,” Kelly said softly. “I struck out with one already.”

  “I can imagine which one, but what about Lisa over there?” Reese asked with a nod.

  Kelly looked at the ground. “Not my type.” She moved closer to Reese and lowered her voice. “Jennifer told me there’s another woman who’s single, but she didn’t point her out.”

  Reese knew immediately who Jennifer was talking about. They had discussed her in the past, but it wasn’t their place to say anything to Kelly. Reese’s brow furrowed. “I’m not sure who you’re talking about.” She quickly left Kelly standing there and walked over to their guests. “Please help yourselves to the dessert. The coffee will be out in a moment.” She turned toward the house as Jennifer opened the door carrying the coffee carafes. “Here’s the coffee now.

  Kelly didn’t know why these women were being cryptic, but she was bound and determined to find out why. She walked over to Kate, Mary and Meredith. “You weren’t kidding about the food. It was wonderful,” Kelly said licking her lips.

  “It was nice of you to offer to help them.” Kate smiled.

  “I enjoyed myself,” Kelly said with a shrug.

  Matt walked over to Mary. “Let’s get some dessert,” he said, pulling on her arm.

  “I guess he wants dessert,” Mary said as she was being dragged away.

  Kate and Meredith followed. Kelly turned and saw Lisa standing alone. With a shrug of her shoulders, she walked over to her. “Hi,” Kelly said, “I’m Kelly.”

  The woman didn’t look at Kelly, but she offered her name. “Lisa.”

  Kelly tried again. “The food was out of this world, wasn’t it?”

  “Mr. Caldwell is a wonderful cook.” Lisa shrugged. “Mrs. Caldwell and Reese do a wonderful job with the side dishes.” Lisa looked at the ground as if she were hoping the ground would open up and swallow her. “How long have you known Reese and Jennifer?”

  Kelly chuckled. “I just met them this morning.”

  “Oh,” Lisa said surprised. “You seem close.”

  “They are all very nice.” Kelly continued, “Would you like to get some dessert?”

  Lisa looked away. “I think I’ll wait.”

  “It was nice to meet you Lisa.”

  Lisa nodded without responding and Kelly walked away. She saw a smiling Kate walking toward her.

  “Can’t turn the charm on the ladies tonight?” Kate asked with a laugh.

  “I’m even striking out with the plain one.”

  “She’s not plain. If that girl ever found her confidence, I’m sure she would look totally different.” Kate offered to a stunned Kelly.

  “It doesn’t matter because apparently I’m not her type,” Kelly chuckled. “I’m on vacation. I don’t need to find a woman.” She tucked her arm through Kate’s and said. “I already have a beautiful woman to spend the week with.”

  Kate laughed out loud. “Unfortunately for you, your charm still isn’t working.”

  “Strike three,” Kelly said as she pounded her heart. “You sure know how to crush a woman.”

  They both laughed and got into the line for desserts.

  It was ten o’clock before the yard started to thin out. Mary and Meredith left with their husbands and went back to the house. Kate and Kelly were sitting with Reese, Jennifer, Dave and Pierce sharing stories of their younger days.

  “Did Dave tell you that Jennifer broke his heart at sixteen?” Pierce asked the two women.

  They both shook their hea
ds no.

  “As Dave says once Jennifer met Reese,” he said with a laugh, “she dropped him like a lead balloon.”

  The group laughed.

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t blame her,” Kelly said with a laugh.

  “Watch it, Casanova.” Jennifer pointed with her finger.

  “Casanova?” Kate asked, not understanding.

  “Yes. That’s Jennifer’s way of never letting me forget that I flirted with her wife.” Kelly held up her hands in defeat.

  The group laughed again.

  “I thought I was being subtle.” Kelly offered to the group.

  Kate laughed again. “You were not subtle. You were being obvious.”

  “Yes you were, Kelly,” Reese added with a chuckle.

  “Hey, I can’t help it if I have good taste,” Kelly said with a grin.

  Reese blushed and said. “I think I better help my mother bring this food into the house.”

  Jennifer rested her hand on Reese’s shoulder. “You’ve been on your feet all day. Please sit down and I’ll help her.”

  “I’ll help too,” Kelly said already standing.

  “We will all help,” Kate added.

  Everyone ended up pitching in to bring the leftovers into the house. Pierce and Dave left the women to wrap and put everything away. Reese walked in a few minutes later and took a seat on a stool in the kitchen.

  “Please take some of this brisket and rolls for sandwiches tomorrow,” Carol offered to Kate and Kelly,

  “Thanks, that would be nice,” Kelly said.

  “We appreciated all the help you gave us,” Carol added. “We start earlier and earlier each year to put this barbecue together, but it certainly is worth the effort.”

  By the time Kelly and Kate returned to the house, everyone else had gone to bed. They went upstairs awkwardly to the same room.

  “Kate, go ahead and use the bathroom first,” Kelly offered.

  By the time Kate came out of the bedroom, Kelly was half asleep. Kate walked over to Kelly and gently shook her.

  “Kelly, wake up and go get changed.”

  Kelly opened her eyes slowly almost forgetting where she was until her eyes met the green eyes staring back at her. “Did I fall asleep?” Kelly asked sitting up.


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