Sugar Creek 3: Sara's Mates (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Sugar Creek 3: Sara's Mates (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 4

by Becca Van

  Sara appreciated their honesty, but when she realized what Chase had just said, she wasn’t sure what to think. He, both of them, were talking as if they were in a relationship already and that wasn’t the case. Not yet, at least. She couldn’t in all honesty let them believe that she knew her own mind.

  “I want you to know…I’m not sure…”

  “Shh,” Tony placed a finger over her lips and gave her a gentle smile. “We know you’re not sure about mating with us and we won’t pressure you to make a decision now. All we ask is that when you have decided that you let us know straight away.”

  Sara’s heart filled with warmth as she stared into Tony’s beautiful eyes. When Chase leaned over and kissed her cheek she met his gaze next. She needed to explain how she felt but was having trouble getting things straight in her head.

  “I don’t want you both to feel like I’m stringing you along. I know I’m not being fair to either of you but I want…”

  “What do you want, sugar?” Chase asked. “Don’t be shy with us. We will do everything within our power to make you happy.”

  “I want to know what it would be like to be with you both. I ache with need for your touch, but I don’t want to hurt either of you.”

  “We’re going into this with our eyes wide open, Sara. We want you as much as you want us, but we don’t have any expectations at the moment. That doesn’t mean we don’t want a relationship with you, because we do, and we would never lie to you. You’re our mate after all.

  “Why don’t you push all those thoughts and worries aside and let us give you a sample of what it would be like if you did accept us for your mates?”

  “Okay,” Sara sighed her answer and hoped like hell she didn’t ending up hurting them or getting hurt herself. The connection she felt with them was so strong already and she knew that her feelings for them would only become deeper the more time she spent with them. And although she hated herself for it, not being able to make up her own mind and still feeling like she was leading them on, she couldn’t walk away. She needed them so badly, needed their hands and mouths stroking her body and taking that interminable ache away.

  Chase leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. That light touch was nowhere near enough but she was glad he was being gentle with her. She needed that right now, a little show of emotion to make her feel that this wasn’t all just physical desire. But as he gradually deepened the kiss, the embers glowing inside her began to flame hotter and brighter, and she began to tremble with renewed arousal. She moaned when his tongue pushed into her mouth and she reached up to cling to him by wrapping her arms around his neck and sifting her fingers through his hair, before grabbing hold of his locks and holding on.

  Tony pushed her shirt up and nudged her onto her side. Chase helped her move over, drawing her body against his, and he continued to kiss her with a greediness she couldn’t help but return. She’d never felt such a deep hunger, and even though she wanted their touch more than anything, she wasn’t sure she’d survive feeling their hands on her body. Hands tugged and pulled and Sara let them do what they wanted. She shivered when the cooler ambient air brushed over her skin and she realized she was naked from the waist up.

  Chase slowed the kiss and then he lifted his head. A shudder ripped up the length of her spine, causing goose bumps to break out all over her skin. They eased her onto her back again and then Tony maneuvered down the bed until he was sitting near her feet. His heated gaze met hers, and as she watched him he reached for the button on her jeans and tugged it open. With their eyes still locked together, he slowly lowered the zipper and then he was pulling her jeans and panties down over her hips and off over her feet.

  “Fucking beautiful.” Chase’s voice was deeper and huskier than it was before, and when she looked at him she saw that he was perusing the length of her naked body.

  “Absolutely gorgeous,” Tony whispered just before his hands began to caress up and down her shins. When he reached her knees he gave them a light rub before meeting her eyes. “Let us in, baby. Open up for us.”

  Sara slowly spread her legs apart and the low rumbling growls which elicited from the two men sent her desire up another notch. Her breasts were jiggling with each breath she took and the more she panted the hotter she got.

  “Your cream smells amazing, Sara,” Tony rasped as he shifted on the bed until he was lying down between her splayed thighs. “I have to taste you, baby.”

  Tony lowered his mouth to her neatly trimmed pussy, and a groan of pleasure erupted from her mouth at the first long lick he took. She forced her heavy lids open, looked down at him through hazy eyes, and watched and felt the touch of his and Chase’s hands on her naked flesh. But instead of Tony tasting her again like she expected him to do, he began nibbling and licking up and down her inner thighs.

  Chase started kissing her again and as he did he cupped her breasts in his hands and kneaded the fleshy globes. She cried out when he pinched both nipples between his fingers and thumbs, causing shards of pleasure to shoot straight down to her pussy. Her clit throbbed, her cunt clenched, and cream pooled in and then began dribbling from her hole.

  Chase weaned his mouth from hers, kissing and nipping down the length of her neck. His mouth slid down her body, taking one hard nipple between his lips, and sucked hard on her throbbing peak, making her thrust her hips up, trying to gain contact where she needed it most. He let the nipple pop from his mouth, licking down over her slightly rounded belly, laving around her navel then dipping his tongue inside before working his way back up to her breasts.

  Tony’s head hovered over her mound and he gave the top a gentle kiss before he moved further down between her legs, his wide shoulders parting her thighs even further. He slid his warm wet tongue within the folds of her swollen labia, licking around her flesh from the hole of her vagina to where her prominent clit protruded and ached, begging for his touch.

  She cried out as he flicked his tongue back and forth rapidly over the sensitive bundle of nerves, and she shoved her hips up closer to his face. A deep guttural moan formed in her chest then escaped from her mouth when Tony pressed a finger up inside her cunt. When he began stroking it in and out of her, she couldn’t keep still, her head moving restlessly on the pillow beneath her head, and her hips began to rock.

  “Yes, sugar,” Chase whispered in her ear, “fuck that pussy onto Tony’s fingers. Take what you need, mate.” Chase nipped her ear and then his teeth scraped down on the sensitive flesh beneath it.

  She nearly cried out in protest when Tony withdrew his finger from her pussy, but then she mewled when he came back with two. His fingers were so thick and strong, she could feel the delicate wet flesh stretching, and there was a slight widening sensation as he pushed through and up until they were buried deeply within her body.

  “So good,” Sara gasped. “I feel like I’m on fire.”

  Tony lifted his head from her pussy and met her gaze briefly. “Then burn for me, baby.”

  His fingers pulled out to the tip and then he pressed them forward again. With each pump of his digits into her cunt, he increased the pace. Her pussy made wet slurping sounds and the warmth which she had thought was already burning her up increased to an even hotter flame.

  Chase sucked, licked, and nipped at her nipples, moving from one to the other, increasing the needful ache but also relieving it. The muscles in her body grew tauter and the shaking in her limbs grew more intense. The flat of Tony’s tongue lapped over her clit as he shoved his fingers in and out of her body faster, harder, and deeper. Her inner pussy walls rippled, growing wetter and hotter. Tension built higher and higher she arched her hips up, silently begging for more. And then she shattered.

  Wave after wave of rapturous ecstasy washed over her. Her pussy clamped down and released around the fingers, still moving inside of her, causing her whole body to tremble and convulse with orgasm. Tony didn’t stop finger-fucking her and Chase never ceased sucking and plucking her nipples until the last quiver
waned from her body. She slowly came back down to Earth with panting breaths and closed eyes.

  Sara knew in that moment that she was already connected to them on a level she didn’t even try to comprehend. And even though she couldn’t stand the thought of not having them in her life, she remembered her long-term goals.

  She’d been working her way up through the ranks of the accountancy firm and was so close to where she wanted to be she could almost taste it. If she spent more time with Chase and Tony, would she be throwing her career away?

  The only constant in her life had been school and then work, and of course, Melissa. She needed her career more than she needed sex, but she couldn’t refute the way these two men made her feel, but not just on a physical level. They got to her heart, and even though she didn’t like it she accepted it. Not that she would tell them though. As much as she wanted to stay with them and get to know them, she needed some space to get her emotions and thoughts into some semblance of order.

  She began to wonder, if she knew more of their laws, would it be easier to decide what she wanted? Sara had never been indecisive in her entire life, but right at the moment she felt like she was being torn in two.

  Chapter Four

  Tony could feel her pulling away from them already. He had been so happy at finding their mate but now that she was distancing herself from them emotionally, he wanted to hit something. He wasn’t angry with Sara though. He and his wolf had been ecstatic at finally finding their woman, and although he knew she needed time to process everything he was impatient to mark her and have her by their sides permanently.

  He glanced over at Chase, saw the frown and sadness in his brother’s eyes, and wondered if he looked like that. And even though he wanted to keep Sara locked away in their home he knew he couldn’t do that. He wished it was as easy as asking Melissa to talk with Sara to explain things more thoroughly to her, but he knew she needed more time.

  They had only just met, after all, and to expect her to fall in love with them and agree to be in a relationship with them without really knowing them was expecting a lot. She was a human and had no idea how it was for a werewolf. She would never understand that their feelings, their love, and the need to mate with her were instant. Humans didn’t work that way and needed to be courted. And if that was what Sara needed, then that’s what her and Chase would do.

  “She needs more time, Chase.”

  “I know, damn it. God, I wish she felt everything the way we did.”

  “She feels the connection. She wouldn’t have let us touch her if she hadn’t.”

  “How the hell long is it going to take for her to accept us into her life?” Chase asked.

  “However long it takes,” Tony replied.

  “I hate it that she is going to leave us. Even though we haven’t mated her or marked her she has our scent all over her. That could be an enticement to un-mated wolves. We know how much of a temptation mated women who have lost their mates are. What if they are lured to our woman because she carries our scents?”

  “Fuck, I hadn’t even thought of that. Do you think that’s a possibility?” Tony asked.

  “I don’t know for sure, but I have a bad feeling she’s going to be in danger if she leaves us.”

  Sara frowned at them as she scrambled from the bed. Tony realized there had been total silence since they made her come. He reached out and grasped her wrist, caressing his thumb over her inner wrist. “Thank you for letting us touch you, baby. You don’t know how much that meant to us.”

  She nodded and began picking her clothes up from the floor, and then she was pulling them on.

  “Did you know that we can talk to each other in our minds?” Chase asked.

  “You can?”

  “Yes, we can. It’s an awesome skill to have.”

  “I’ll bet,” Sara said. “Were you just doing that?”

  “Yes. We tend to forget that our silence could make others uncomfortable. We’re sorry if we made you feel that way.”

  “So when you’re looking at each other, even though you aren’t talking, you really are?”

  “Yes,” Tony replied.

  “Wow.” Sara finished dressing and then headed toward the living room.

  Tony and Chase scrambled from the bed to follow her.

  “You’d be able to do that too. That is if you agree to mate with us,” Chase explained.

  “I would?”

  “Yes, Sara. You would be able to hear both of us in your mind and we would be able to hear you, too. We’d also be able to feel if you’re sad or in pain.”

  “So I wouldn’t have any privacy? You would know what I was thinking and feeling all the time?”

  “No. We aren’t mind readers, Sara,” Chase said. “But we would be able to feel if you were in distress or upset.”

  “That’s not necessarily a good thing.”

  Tony sighed with frustration when Sara picked up her purse from the coffee table and then rummaged through it. When her hand came back out she had her car keys in the palm of her hand.

  “Would you please give us your cell phone number, baby?” Tony asked. “We would really like to be able to talk to you and make sure that you’re doing okay.”

  Sara reached into her purse again and handed her cell to Tony. He dialed his own cell number and then checked his phone to make sure it came up with her number. He handed her phone back after programming his and Chase’s numbers on speed dial into hers, and then saved her number into his. He would give Chase her number after she’d left.

  “Will you give us your address, too?” Chase asked.

  Sara rattled off her address as she walked toward the front door. The pain in Tony’s heart was one big massive knot and he didn’t know how long he could go without seeing her again. His wolf was pacing and growling inside and the litany in his head was getting hard to ignore. “Mate. Claim. Mark. Mate. Claim. Mark.” And although he wanted that as much as his animal, he couldn’t do anything.

  He and Chase walked her to her car, and after she unlocked it and tossed her purse inside she turned to face them.

  “I–I…Thank you.”

  Tony stepped forward with his arms open and was pleased when she walked into them without any hesitation. He hugged her tight and breathed deeply of her peaches-and-cream scent, knowing that it would be way too long before her smelled her wonderful perfume again. He kissed her on the temple and released her when she pulled back.

  Chase immediately took his place and held her snugly against his body. Tony saw and heard Sara inhale and knew that she was also taking in their scents. He just hoped that the time they spent with her had been long enough to forge the connection they needed with her.

  He’d heard Damian and Luke talking about Melissa and how she had tried to leave them but hadn’t been able to. She’d only gotten so far and then had turned around and come back. But she had been injured and had spent days with her mates. Sara had only spent hours in their company, and even though the connection had been forged, she was still leaving.

  Chase kissed the top of her head and let her go when she pushed out of his arms. They moved back from her car as she got in, closed the door, buckled up, and started the engine. She didn’t look at them as she backed up but Tony could see the tears tracking down her cheeks.

  Surely that meant that she felt what they did? Surely that meant that she wouldn’t be able to stay away too long and that she would be back soon.

  Please, let our mate come back home where she belongs before our wolves start getting too aggressive and begin to take us over.

  * * * *

  Once Sara was home again she couldn’t settle. She spent the afternoon in a cleaning frenzy, hoping the physical activity would wear her out, but she had a feeling it wouldn’t help any in the least.

  Her chest and heart, had been aching from the moment she drove away from Chase and Tony, but instead of lessening the ache became deeper and more insistent. It was like she was the third part of a circle and two
major pieces were missing. She no longer felt complete and even though she wanted to rush back to their cabin, she needed time to gather her thoughts and get her emotions under control.

  She’d even called Melissa, and after having a long chat with her sister she had expected to feel better. But she didn’t. In fact she felt far worse than she had when she’d first headed home.

  Melissa had told her that Chase and Tony cared for her a lot and would become more aggressive and angry the longer Sara was away from them. She felt really guilty over that revelation but she wasn’t ready to let those two werewolves mark and mate her after only knowing them a couple of hours.

  So she decided the best thing to do would be to go through life as she usually did, working hard, and hopefully one day soon she would be made head accountant for the business section of the Mt. Vernon Accountancy Co. If she ended up in a relationship with Tony and Chase she could see all the years of hard work going to waste. They lived too far away for her to commute every day, and she suspected they wouldn’t want to move away from their pack to live with her. Sara was worried that she would end up resenting them for having to resign her position in the firm. Although she knew she would probably find a company closer to their place, would she have to start at the bottom and work her way up again?

  “No. I won’t and can’t do that,” she muttered under her breath as she made herself a sandwich for dinner. “God, Sara, stop overthinking everything. Maybe taking one day at a time is the best track. For all you know they don’t even care about me now that I’m no longer in their house. They’ve probably forgotten all about me.” But as soon as she finished making that statement she knew it was a lie.

  Mel had told her that mates were everything to werewolves, and she’d seen the sadness and despondency in their eyes when she glanced over at them from beneath her eyelashes as she’d turned her car around. She decided to give herself this week to try decide what to do and then she would drive back to their place on Friday night. It would nearly kill her if they didn’t want to see her again, but at least she’d be able to catch up with her sister and make sure her men were treating her right.


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