Alien Slavers II: Breaking Brandi

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Alien Slavers II: Breaking Brandi Page 5

by Stacey St. James

  Except for the difference in her positioning, the ritual began much as it had before, with the dancing and chanting and the chafing of her flesh with hair flails. When they had completed three circuits of the altar, one by one they detached themselves from the group. Brandi lay limply as she felt a mouth cover one breast, and then the other, felt fingers part the flesh of her sex and a mouth settle there and begin to suck at her as if they would draw her essence through her flesh. For a time, the discomfort of her position kept her focused away from what they were doing to her.

  Slowly, the stimulation penetrated her mind, bringing it to focus on the pleasure rather than her discomfort. With dread, she felt her body skating upward toward culmination as they continued to tease her flesh. She’d begun to groan and struggle feverishly against her bindings when she felt a probing of her lower orifices. She was penetrated simultaneously. It wrung a gasp from her and as it did, someone caught her head, shoving a cock into her mouth. They pumped into her with almost mindless frenzy, driving her body rapidly toward the pinnacle. Both priests came almost simultaneously as her body crested and the first tremors began to quake within her passage. Withdrawing, they left her hovering on the edge.

  She gasped, shuddering, stunned by the sudden cessation.

  Chapter Four

  Hours passed in a blistering haze of nearly unbearable pleasure.

  Brandi had long since lost any concept of pleasing the aliens to save herself. She could think of nothing but the teasing that left her on the edge, unfulfilled, desperate to have her ache appeased. It was nearly unbearable when the priests teased her with their mouths, bringing her to the edge again and again, but leaving before they’d given her surcease from the throbbing ache that only grew worse the longer they tormented her.

  Dimly, as she lay at their mercy, hoping they’d finish and stop, it flickered through her mind that there might actually be some objective to the priests’ demands rather than just an excuse to relieve their boredom and expend their lust by demanding to screw every passing female.

  They had made her expend herself exhaustively.

  Maybe it was the energy released during culmination that they were ‘extracting’ in sacrifice?


  And maybe the priesthood just gave them the excuse they needed to bind women and do whatever they wanted to them?

  Or some of them. She’d been blindfolded the first time, at the first temple. These hadn’t blindfolded her this time and she’d seen the look in their eyes. She thought it was likely they used some sort of drug as part of their ritual, maybe some sort of hallucinogenic?

  Ulrick was there, although she still didn’t believe he had taken part in the ritual the first time. But he almost seemed zombie-like—enough so that she had to wonder if he had any real awareness of where he was or what he was doing.

  Had he volunteered to take part? Or had he not had any choice than she’d had?

  She almost felt like weeping with relief when she felt one move between her legs after hours of teasing, felt the prod of cocks in her body’s openings, penetrating. When a third cock was thrust into her mouth, she began sucking it at once, felt her body struggling to reach the peak. They pounded into her like pistons, jarringly, forcing their bodies to rapid culmination—forcing hers over the edge at last into the bliss she’d been frantically seeking.

  She gasped in relief when they left her, sated, basking in the aftershocks that rippled through her and, for many moments, only dimly aware of the ritual that continued around her even more frenziedly than before.

  She groaned in protest when they began to prod her passion from her body once more. They alternated, sometimes penetrating her body, at others merely licking and sucking her until she was ready to scream. Dimly, she began to realize that the ritual would not cease until all of them had used her body to find release—or maybe just until she’d been sucked dry of any ability to react?

  In time, she was only conscious of her body. The sound of the drums became the sound of her heart. The chanting was the rasping of her breath, in need, in torment, in blessed release. She drifted in and out of even that much awareness, prodded to focus by the demands of her body in response to the stimulation that was ceaseless, remorseless, almost unbearable.

  When she was finally released, she was lifted from the altar and carried to the bath once more. The bath was almost as much torment. As many times as her body had found release, it still hovered on the brink, still trembled with the aftershocks. She didn’t even know when she was deposited on the bed once more.

  She was too sore and exhausted to feel fear when she woke once more to discover the priests had come for her again. A good deal of dread suffused her, however.

  To her surprise, they merely dressed her in the leather corset she’d come to think of as her slave costume. Before she could consider whether or not she was up to attempting flight, Ulrick stepped through the doorway, the manacles in his hands.

  Numbly, she watched as he secured them around her wrists. Her legs folded under her when he pulled her to her feet. Without a word, he bent down, scooped her into his arms and strode from the temple. When he’d climbed up behind her on the beast, he slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her back against him. She twisted, looking up at him in surprise and caught a flicker of something very human in his eyes before the cold, emotionless alien surfaced once more.

  A tiny ray of hope filtered through her despite her weariness. She had thought even when the notion occurred to her that she might be able to reach some spark of empathy inside Ulrick that it was no more than wishful thinking. He wasn’t human. How could she expect to find humanity in him? She began to think, though, that, regardless of the life he’d led—regardless of the fact that he was alien, not human, there might still be some sense of fairness, some empathy—some gentleness that she could tap into to save herself.

  Perhaps there was a chance of saving her life after all?

  She didn’t go beyond that in her musings, refused to allow herself to think in terms of a happy life or a good life, or even a satisfactory one. At this point she wasn’t sure she would live a lot longer to worry about the quality of life and she thought it best to focus on breathing and worry about comfort, security and possibly happiness when she was more certain of having a life span long enough to pursue those things.

  Instead of stopping to eat as he had when they’d left the first temple at dawn, Ulrick merely pulled food from his pack and handed it to her. As she nibbled it, Brandi considered her situation carefully and, she thought, more rationally than she’d been able to in the beginning.

  Because she’d lost most of the fear that made thinking rationally almost impossible.

  The priests had pounded a great deal of the sheer terror out of her—or the routine they’d established had convinced her, right or wrong, that she’d experienced the worst and had nothing more to fear.

  Ulrick had been pretty blunt about his intentions.

  Regardless, she found it impossible to envision the life he’d suggested.

  Basically, she supposed after a little thought, it would be pretty much like being his wife.

  She wouldn’t be an equal. She would be a slave and that meant she didn’t have any choices and she couldn’t leave and he made all of the decisions and she had to live with it—and might get her ass beat if she argued.

  Not that she was daring enough to try that!

  Anyway, when it came right down to it, did men ever really consider women their equals? She doubted it, but then there were laws back home that prevented them from, or at least gave them pause, when it came to doing anything they pleased.

  Ulrick wouldn’t be bound by anything as far as she could see except, maybe, a little pity or some softness toward her and she was going to have to try to convince him to feel those things whether she believed it could be done or not. Because she didn’t see anything but, possibly, affection of some sort as being protection from harm—as giving her hope of a future that w
asn’t a pure misery to her.

  Ulrick would take care of her, protect her from harm and hopefully not harm her himself if she could make herself important to his comfort in some way.

  Like sex.

  At this point, try though she might, she simply couldn’t see anything else she had to work with. And at that, she really hadn’t been able to use it—because the priests wanted first dibs on her ass!

  Unfortunately, she didn’t see that she could do anything at all about that beyond enduring and dreading the next.

  And she did dread it.

  So far, she hadn’t actually been hurt in the sense that she’d been made to feel real pain or been physically damaged, but that was just so far—which made her realize that part of her fear stemmed from distrust, the anxiety that they might decide to give her pain rather than pleasure.

  And they made her completely helpless. If they decided to cut her into little pieces she wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.

  She shuddered at the thought and quickly pushed it to the back of her mind.

  There was no sense in looking for things to terrorize herself with! She was traumatized enough as it was that she was the next thing to blubbering moron!

  When it came right down to it, though, the pleasure itself was agonizing—exhausting. They’d made her feel things she didn’t know her body was capable of feeling! She’d never in her life had more than one climax at the time.

  Truthfully, she was beginning to think she’d never in her life actually experienced a climax!

  She certainly hadn’t experienced anything like they made her feel!

  Naturally enough that directed her thoughts toward the last thing she wanted to think about, but she realized that even though she’d told herself they just weren’t interested in how she felt about it one way or another, she didn’t think it could possibly be accidental that they forced her to have one climax after another—each more powerful and devastating than the last.

  It was the climaxes that were the ultimate goal, she decided. She expended energy when she came—a great deal of it. In some twisted way, they must think they were gathering it or that when they forced her to climax, she was giving to their god.

  That didn’t make a lot of sense to her, but nothing else that had occurred to her made any sense at all.

  Unless, of course, it was just some garbage the priests had made up?

  Well, she supposed whoever had concocted the religion had made it up, but the question was, was it something they actually believed? Or were the priests playing on the ignorance of others, and possibly their fear, and simply enjoying themselves?

  She recalled then that they’d had a slack look on their faces and a glazed look in their eyes that seemed to indicate they were seriously ‘in’ to their religion. But of course, they could’ve drunk something that produced that Zen-like effect so she didn’t think she could totally rule out any of her conjectures.

  After all, it was pretty common on Earth to get stoned and or stinking drunk and then having sex—no religious beliefs involved in that!

  * * * *

  Those thoughts occupied her until they stopped to rest mid-day. When they’d refreshed themselves, Ulrick sprawled beneath the shade of a tree, watching her through drowsy, heavy lidded eyes as she removed the food from the pack and tore off a portion for each of them. She pretended to concentrate on her own meal, but she couldn’t help but notice that his gaze moved over her body hungrily and she made no attempt to block his view. When she’d finished, she stretched, and finally lay down on the grass on her back, dropping her arms onto the grass on either side of her head.

  She didn’t bother lying to herself that she wasn’t trying to entice him.

  She just wasn’t certain, herself, what the plan was.

  She supposed she just mostly wanted to see if she appealed to him enough that she might be able to use that appeal.

  She’d begun to drowse when she felt his presence beside her. Lazily, she opened her eyes and looked at him. His gaze locked with hers, his face taut. Catching her thighs, he parted them, kneeling between her legs and leaning forward over her to suckle her breasts.

  Her breath caught in her throat as she felt the heat of his mouth enfold the tight bud that tipped her breast, felt sharp desire flood through her, but she remained perfectly still, allowing him to do as he pleased.

  He was breathing heavily when he abandoned her breasts after a few moments and moved down. Cupping her buttocks, he lifted her hips to his mouth and dipped his tongue into her cleft, parting the flesh with his tongue, licking her, delving deeply and running his tongue along that most sensitive flesh. Almost tentative at first, her scent seemed to drive him into a sort of madness. He moved his mouth over her hungrily, sucking and licking her until she felt the first tremors of her climax gripping her. Her gasps and moans spurred him on and he continued to suckle the bud of her clit until she was screaming his name, begging him to stop. He moved over her then, wedging the head of his cock into the quaking mouth of her channel.

  Despite the fact that she was still caught in the throes of passion, felt soaked with her body’s natural lubrication, she discovered that her perception of his cock as mammoth hadn’t been off by a hair’s breadth. He caught her shoulders to keep her from escaping impalement on his massive lance and pretty much pried her over it. He hit bottom and tried to drive deeper still.

  Giving up after a moment—thankfully—he withdrew slightly and thrust a second time.

  He’d caught his rhythm by the third and set a pounding pace that lifted her off the ground with each thrust and threatened to split her in two.

  She supposed it was a good thing that she’d been put through her paces sexually. She didn’t think she could’ve handled it before, let alone actually enjoyed it.

  She was almost as stunned and surprised as he was that she did. Abruptly, another climax caught her. As her passage began to spasm around his turgid flesh, he growled, jerked and slammed into her hard, grinding into her as his seed flooded her passage.

  He collapsed over her, gasping for breath—at least partly supporting his weight, she supposed, or he would’ve flattened her like a pancake. Even as she felt her body float downward toward the mellow warmth of her afterglow, however, he pulled away from her. Grasping her, he rolled her onto her belly, lifted her hips until she was on her knees and then thrust into her again. She groaned, feeling her body surge upward instantly as he rammed into her with almost painful thrusts, burying himself so deeply inside her she felt as if she would split, then pulling slightly away and hammering into her again. Her body quaked, spasmed, exploded with ecstasy. The convulsing muscles dragged him over the edge with her and he cried out hoarsely, surging into her as his seed bathed her passage once more.

  When he pulled away at last, he lay back on the grass, gasping for breath. Brandi wanted nothing so much as to drift into oblivion, but she thought this might be an opportunity to reach him and she didn’t want to miss her chance.

  Rolling toward him, she lightly trailed her fingers over the powerful, bulging muscles of his chest and arms.

  “That was … amazing,” she murmured.

  He opened his eyes and slanted a narrow, assessing look at her.

  Brandi paused, staring back at him uneasily.

  Without another word, he sat up. After staring into the distance for several moments, he rose, urged her up by tugging at the chain that was still threaded through her nipples and clit, and then headed back toward the beast he’d left grazing.

  Brandi struggled with the urge to weep—not because she’d failed but because she realized that she’d underestimated his intelligence and she might have screwed up any chance to appeal to his tender side—assuming he had one.

  Chapter Five

  They reached the edge of the forest before nightfall. Brandi saw a wide plane lying before them. Rising up from it in the gathering mists of evening was the dark shape of yet another temple.

  Instantly, her b
elly clenched in dread anticipation. She didn’t know if it would have been worse if she hadn’t known what she would face here, or not, but knowing made her heart pound painfully in her chest.

  Despite that, her body burgeoned with anticipation. Until only a few days ago, she hadn’t really known carnal pleasure at all—even though she certainly wasn’t a virgin and had considered herself fairly experienced—but the rituals of the priests had enslaved her body to the pleasures of the flesh and no matter how much her mind shied from it, her body welcomed the possession of her body in carnal torment.

  She glanced up at Ulrick uneasily. “They will be expecting us?”


  His voice was grim. She could sense, she believed, reluctance in him to give up possession of ‘his’ slave, even briefly, and yet she didn’t think he dared disobey the demands of the priests.

  So where did that leave her?

  She frowned at the thought.

  Ulrick was certainly no coward—unless he’d just made up his ‘history’—and she realized she totally believed because she had no problem imagining him engaged in mortal combat.

  And there were certainly enough scars to prove he’d sustained injuries in the past that had to have been life threatening.

  Of course, those could have been sustained in a number of ways, but … everything about Ulrick seemed to bear up his statement. He might not be fearless, but he not only looked like someone accustomed to defending their life with deadly force, he acted like someone used to that sort of life.

  Maybe it was just her imagination—or her attempts to use a ruler she was used to—but it seemed to her that the diamond hard control he had over his emotions arose from spending most of his life trying to stay alive.

  Of course, he wasn’t human and maybe there were no emotions to control, but she thought he did feel things. He just knew how to control his reactions.


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