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Dangerous Witness (O'Connor Brothers Book 7)

Page 4

by Rhonda Brewer

  “Ms. Donnelly, I understand you saw the shooter.” Aaron’s face didn’t show any emotion as he pulled a notepad from his jacket pocket.

  “Ms. Donnelly? Really, A.J.?” Jess grumbled.

  “I think they need you outside, Constable O’Connor.” He glared at Jess.

  “Asshole.” Jess shot to her feet and stomped out of the office.

  Aaron cleared his throat as he pulled a chair in front of her and eased down into it. As a teenager, he was breathtaking, but as a grown man, he was heart stopping. Broad shoulders, full muscular chest covered by a black t-shirt with POLICE written across the front. His jeans hung just right on his hips and clung to his muscular thighs.

  Jesus, stop ogling him.

  “Ms. Donnelly?” Aaron repeated, and she raised her eyes to meet his.

  “Bethany.” She didn’t recognize her own voice as it cracked when she spoke.

  “Bethany,” She loved the sound of her name coming from his lips.

  “Aaron,” She whispered his name, and he smiled.

  “Still refuse to call me A.J.” A slight smile made his dimples more defined.

  “It’s how you introduced yourself to me,” she reminded him.

  “True. Okay, Bethany, can you tell me what happened?” The smile disappeared, and his jaw clenched.

  Bethany didn’t tell him why her boss had sent her to meet with Randy, but she did tell him everything else. Guilt made her stomach turn. Keeping what she knew from the police probably was illegal, but she needed to talk to Craig before she said anything else.

  “There’s something you’re not saying.” Aaron narrowed his eyes as he studied her.

  Bethany jumped to her feet, and the sudden movement made her head spin. As she turned to steady herself, she saw a gurney being wheeled out and it was as if all the air in the room disappeared. She tried to breathe but the room blurred and then everything faded into black.

  Chapter 4

  Aaron caught her just as her knees started to buckle. He shouted for someone to grab one of the paramedics and lifted her into his arms so that he could carry her to the small sofa in the second office across from the reception area.

  He couldn’t believe he was looking down at the only woman he’d ever loved. The only woman to mean more to him than a quick fuck. The only girl to break his heart. Who was he kidding? His heart shattered into pieces when she broke up with him.

  “Fuck.” Aaron plowed his hands through his hair as he stepped back as the paramedic too over.

  “You know her?” Blake whispered next to him a few minutes later.

  “Yeah, we went to high school together.” It wasn’t a lie.

  Blake didn’t say anything else as Bethany’s eyes fluttered and opened slowly. She glanced around for a moment and then her eyes met his.

  “I wasn’t dreaming,” she murmured.

  “You fainted.” The paramedic Bobby Tucker, an old friend of Aaron’s brother Mike smiled..

  “This isn’t a good day.” Bethany sighed as Bobby helped her sit up slowly.

  “We all have those days. Are you feeling dizzy or lightheaded?” Aaron didn’t like the way Bobby held Bethany’s hand, and he certainly didn’t like the way the asshole smiled at her.

  “I’m fine. Thanks.” Bethany gave him a weak smile.

  “I’ll keep an eye on her. You can go, Bobby,” Aaron snapped at the guy.

  “I should stay and make sure her pressure doesn’t drop.” He glared at Aaron.

  “I need to ask her some questions, and I’m sorry you’re not a police officer. It’s a murder investigation. You can wait outside, and if I need you, I’ll send for you.” Aaron hated to sound like an ass, but Bobby could be a huge flirt.

  “Fine.” Bobby grabbed his equipment and left the room.

  “I never knew you to be so rude.” Bethany smoothed her hair back from her face.

  “I never knew you to faint,” Aaron returned.

  “It’s been a stressful day, Aaron.” Bethany glared at him.

  “I understand. I need to know what you aren’t telling me.” Aaron tried not to sound like the jerk he had with Bobby.

  She shook her head and scanned the room as if she wanted to look anywhere but at him. It gave him a glimpse of the Bethany he’d met in the school corridor that first day and his heart felt as if it would flip in his chest.

  “Bethany, what are you not telling me?” Aaron crouched in front of her.

  “I sent her here to investigate Randy because I suspected him of selling medications but not to pharmacies.” Aaron turned around at the sound of a man’s voice.

  “And you are?” Aaron stood and stared at the man in the doorway.

  “Craig Molloy, I own National Pharmaceuticals.” He held his hand out to Aaron and then quickly made his way to Bethany’s side.

  “Craig, when did you get here?” Bethany asked the older man.

  “I flew in this morning. I was coming to meet you here in case Randy gave you any trouble.” Craig wrapped his arm around Bethany and gave her a side hug.

  “Mr. Molloy, why didn’t you call the police to investigate this?” Aaron asked.

  “I wanted to have proof first. I know it was stupid, but I didn’t want to believe one of my employees would do this.” Craig sounded crushed.

  “You put Bethany in danger,” Aaron told the man.

  “I’m sorry, Beth.” Craig kissed her temple. “You’re like my daughter, and I should never have put you in this situation.”

  “You did,” Aaron snapped.

  “Aaron, he gets it. Do you have to keep needling him?” Bethany glared at him.

  “It’s okay, dear. He’s right. Whatever you need to get this guy, ask.” Craig stood up and held his hand out to Aaron. “Beth will give you everything she has and if there’s anything else just ask me.”

  “Bethany.” Aaron felt the need to correct the man on her name.

  Aaron didn’t know what else to say to the man, but he didn’t like the fact that Bethany was in danger. If the killer found out that she could identify him, he’d come for her. They also needed to find out who the woman was.

  “Your sister is on the way.” Jess stepped into the room and glared at Aaron.

  “You called her?” Bethany groaned.

  “Yeah, she was a little surprised to know you were here.” Jess raised an eyebrow.

  “Why didn’t your family know you were here?” Aaron blurted the question before he thought about it.

  “I got here late and was going to see them after the meeting but…well …” Bethany dropped her head and sighed.

  “I got the impression at supper yesterday that you had no intentions of coming back to Newfoundland.” Aaron crossed his arms over his chest.

  “I didn’t, but my boss asked me to do this and… well… I didn’t want them to get their hopes up about me moving back here.” Bethany flopped back on the small sofa and looked past him.

  It was as if she didn’t want to meet his eyes, and the questions that had plagued him through the years swirled around his brain, threatening to spill out. He managed to keep them from doing just that by clenching his teeth together.

  “You haven’t been home in what? Twelve years?” Jess sat next to her.

  “Thirteen.” It spilled out before he could stop it.

  “Thirteen years. Wow. You didn’t want to come and see your old friends? Your family? I mean, Hopedale used to be your home.” Jess seemed hurt.

  “I know, but the memories I have from there are not all pleasant and there were some people I just didn’t want to see.” Bethany glanced at him and then back to Jess.

  “You know Raquel doesn’t live there anymore, right?” Jess smiled.

  “Good to know.” Bethany finally smiled.

  It was the beautiful genuine smile he remembered. The one that always made his heart skip a beat, and it pissed him off because it still did and she didn’t even direct it at him.

  “Beth.” Aaron turned when Allyson pushed into
the office and almost knocked Blake over in the process.

  “Ally,” Bethany grunted as Allyson wrapped her arms around her sister.

  “I’m so pissed with you right now.” Allyson released the hug and then slapped Bethany gently on her arm.

  “I’m sorry. I was going to call you after my meeting but… that didn’t go really well.” Bethany’s eyes filled with tears and she gulped in a breath.

  “Jess said you saw the killer.” Allyson glanced at Jess and then at Aaron.

  “We’re going to put her in protective custody until we can find this guy.” Aaron was finding it harder to keep his professional demeanor.

  “What? No way. The guy didn’t see me. He doesn’t know I saw him.” Bethany shot to her feet, and she swayed again but caught herself before she made a complete fool of herself again. “He didn’t even know I was here.”

  “You don’t know that. You also don’t know if this guy is close by.” Aaron was stubborn about this, and he wasn’t sure why.

  “Are you saying her life could be in danger?” Allyson stood next to her sister and wrapped her arm around Bethany’s shoulder.

  “Until we’re sure, she’s going to have to come with me.” Aaron pulled out his phone but froze when she snatched it from his hand.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you,” Bethany snapped.

  “You don’t have a choice.” Aaron met her defiant gaze.

  “I have plenty of choices. None of them includes you, Aaron.” Bethany stepped around him and stomped out of the room.

  “Is she in that much danger?” Allyson touched Aaron’s arm.

  “Look, Ally, we don’t know what we’re dealing with here. We have no idea what happened. This guy Randy, we don’t have a clue what he was involved in or who he pissed off.” Aaron was sincere.

  “Would you tell this officer to let me leave?” Bethany grumbled from the doorway of the office.

  “Beth, you really should listen to A.J.” Allyson moved next to her sister.

  Aaron clenched his jaw at the shortened name again, but he didn’t correct her sister. He had to admit, Bethany wasn’t the same timid girl he knew all those years ago. She had spunk, but her body still did him in. Bethany was curvy in all the right places, and although she’d slimmed a little, those curves only got sexier. He prayed nobody could see the erection he was trying to hide with the file folder he held in front of him.

  “What about Jess? Can’t she stay with me? What about Officer Harris?” Bethany didn’t seem against protection, just as long as it wasn’t Aaron.

  “Could I speak with Bethany alone please?” Aaron tried to keep his voice monotone as he locked his eyes with her pissed-off gaze.

  The room cleared quickly, and Bethany stood just inside the door with her arms folded across her chest, pushing up her full breasts. The phrase if looks could kill came to mind as Jess closed the door, leaving him alone with Bethany.

  “Just what is your problem with me?” Aaron snapped.

  “I don’t have a problem with you,” she returned.

  “Is it the fact that I’m your ex-boyfriend and you dumped me.” Aaron couldn’t help the childish comment, but it came tumbling out.

  “I’m sure you got over it pretty fast.” Bethany rolled her eyes.

  “That’s where you’d be wrong, but I don’t understand why you hate me so much.” Aaron wanted an answer to at least that question

  “I don’t hate you. I don’t hate anyone. I would rather deal with someone else.” Bethany reached for the knob, but Aaron was in front of her in an instant, crowding her against the closed door.

  He didn’t miss the catch in her breath or the way the pulse in her neck beat faster. What got him was the way her eyes widened when he trapped her. The scent of some kind of flowers filled his nose, but he wasn’t sure if it was from her skin or her hair.

  “Aaron, what are you doing?” Her voice came out in barely a whisper.

  “I’m making something very clear. This is my case, and I’ll be the one to make sure you’re safe until we catch this guy. I’m also going to find out what the hell I did to make you look at me like I’m the worst person in the world.” Aaron stared at her for a moment and then stepped back. “I’ll be bringing you to The Compound to set up security before taking you home.”

  “The Compound?” Bethany braced herself against the wall.

  “Keith has property in Hopedale where he lives but he also uses it when he has clients that need a secure location, and if I feel you need to stay there to be safe, you will stay there.” Aaron couldn’t tear his eyes away from her beautiful face.

  “What does Keith do?” Bethany eased away from the wall and smoothed her skirt and blouse.

  “He runs a high-end security firm.” Aaron pushed down the overwhelming feeling to grab her and kiss the life out of her.

  “Not what I ever saw Keith doing.” Bethany’s eyes scanned the room, avoiding eye contact, again.

  Aaron pulled open the door of the office to the shocked expressions of Jess, Allyson, and Blake. If they were trying to make it look as if they weren’t listening, they were doing a shitty job, and in any other situation, Aaron probably would have laughed, but at that moment, he didn’t find it the least bit funny.

  “I’ll be taking Bethany to Keith’s place.” Aaron stalked out of the office.

  “I’ve already called him.” Jess stepped back as Aaron practically pushed his way between the three eavesdroppers.

  Aaron didn’t turn around to see if Bethany was behind him because he had a feeling she was still fuming in the office. He pulled out his phone and stood next to the entrance of the reception area. Everything in his body roared at him to find out why she broke up with him all those years ago, but until she was out of danger, it was strictly business. He was going to keep this professional if it killed him.

  Chapter 5

  Bethany sat in the back seat of his car with her sister next to her. Aaron had arranged for someone to drive both Allyson’s and Bethany’s cars back to Hopedale. Since she’d already checked out of the hotel and had her luggage in her trunk, she didn’t have to go anywhere but where Aaron dictated she go.

  She was pissed, but it was hard to remember that when he’d crowded her against the wall. His scent of sandalwood and some sort of citrus she couldn’t distinguish because her mind was too muddled with being within inches of Aaron. No matter what happened all those years ago, he still played havoc with her libido.

  “A.J., does the building have any video surveillance?” Allyson held Bethany’s hand and seemed to be uncomfortable with the tense silence in the car.

  “It’s a new office building. A lot of the offices are empty. According to Blake, the owner said he is in the process of setting it up, but it’s not working yet.” Aaron glanced at Bethany through the rearview mirror.

  “You think that is why Randy picked that building to set up his office?” Allyson asked.

  “If he’s involved in criminal activity, yeah. Blake said he only had a four-month lease on the office.” Bethany pulled her gaze away from the back of his head and watched the scenery of the highway back to Hopedale.

  “I want to stay with my dad and sister,” Bethany grumbled as Aaron dropped Allyson to their old house.

  “I want to win the lottery, but if the guys think it’s safe, then you can, if not, you’ll have to stay at The Compound.” Aaron snorted when she called him an asshole under her breath.

  Bethany wanted to stay at her old house. Once, she thought her father was crazy for not selling it. He’d been renting it out ever since they’d left the island. Her Uncle Oliver, her mom’s brother, had been the property manager for her father.

  She smiled to herself, remembering the first time everyone found out that the hard-ass chemistry teacher was her mother’s brother. Bethany didn’t get any special treatment from him though. No. Uncle Oliver made her work her ass off to pass the course.

  “Wow, you do still smile.” Aaron pulled up to a large i
ron gate and opened his window.

  “When I have something to smile about,” Bethany replied with enough snarky attitude that she cringed at her response.

  After he’d pushed numbers into the panel next to the gate, there was a click, and the gates slowly opened. Bethany couldn’t help but stare at the impressive iron entrance. Keith was obviously doing well for himself.

  “We’ll stop at Keith’s house and see who he’s putting on your detail. They’re at your dad’s house and will let me know if it’s safe to stay there.” Aaron pulled through the gate and waited for it to close before he continued down the long, paved driveway.

  “This is all Keith’s property?” Bethany spun around in her seat as they drove by two large buildings where she saw two large men jogging around what looked like a running track.

  “Yep. Those two buildings are the gym and offices for both N.S.S and his construction company. He’s a bit of an overachiever.” Aaron chuckled, but she could hear the sense of pride in his voice.

  Seconds later, Aaron pulled up next to a large house with a covered deck on the front of the house. An orange cat sat on the rail cleaning its face, and he only lifted its head once when the car stopped.

  “Come on.” Aaron startled her as he pulled open her door.

  She’d been so focused on the cat she hadn’t heard Aaron get out of the car. Bethany stepped out, carefully making sure she didn’t step too close to Aaron. He must have noticed because he shook his head as he slammed the car door.

  “Hey, Burlap. Keeping the house safe from mice and birds?” Aaron gave the cat a head rub, procuring a purr from the large cat.

  “Burlap?” Bethany snickered at the name.

  “Keith found him as a kitten tangled in the burlap he puts around his bushes during the winter. Hence the name.” Aaron knocked once and then pushed open the front door. “Everyone decent in here?”


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