Stepbrother's Secret

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Stepbrother's Secret Page 9

by Anna Wineheart

  Gods, Ollie was cute when he was embarrassed.

  Unable to help himself, Eric slid his arm around Olivier’s waist, pulling him close. “Wanna show me your apartment?”

  Olivier gulped. “Just... just that,” he said.

  “If you really want,” Eric murmured, pressing a kiss to his temple.

  Reluctantly, Olivier packed up, following Eric through the back door. Outside, the air was crisp. Eric only realized then how much musk they’d filled the backroom with.

  They really were due for some time alone. And his thoughts plummeted back into having Olivier on his cock, him fucking Ollie speechless.

  Olivier glanced down at Eric’s hand. The wedding ring.

  That felt like a cold splash of water. Shit. Eric bit his lip. He tried not to think about Alice. But with that ring on his finger, he still felt that obligation to her, even when she was dead.

  She wasn’t coming back.

  With Olivier watching, Eric slid the ring off his finger, and shoved it into his pocket.

  Felt weird, not wearing the ring. But he also felt like a weight had rolled off his heart.

  “Y-your ring,” Ollie said, his eyes wide. “You’re supposed to have it on. You’re married, Eric.”

  Eric rubbed the depressed ridge the ring had left on his finger. “She’s dead. Wearing the ring would be acknowledging her, but it wouldn’t bring her back.”

  Olivier fell silent. And there went the simmering heat that had been building up between them.

  Eric sighed. He nodded Olivier over to the car door, his gaze catching on Ollie’s hips.

  Felt kind of pathetic, mooning after his brother. But it wasn’t like he could forget about Olivier, when all those memories had been branded into his mind. What would Ollie say if he knew Eric had been jerking off to him this past week?

  If he knew Eric had been fucking his own hand, pretending Ollie was taking every inch of his cock?

  Olivier adjusted himself in his pants, glancing sidelong at Eric. “Stop watching.”

  “Hard to when I had your cock in my hand. You’re hard for me, Ollie. Not every day that I get to touch you.”

  “At least it isn’t obvious that we’re brothers.”

  “In bed, you’re my omega. You’ll take my knot.”

  Eric shut up—he was overstepping his boundaries. Except Olivier’s blush darkened.

  Eric pulled open the passenger door for him, cupping Olivier’s ass when he climbed into the car. It was warm, firm, and Eric pushed a finger up against Olivier’s crack, right over where his hole was.

  “Eric,” Olivier yelped, jerking away.

  “Bad?” Eric let his hand fall to his side.

  “N-no. It’s just... we’re in public.” Olivier dropped into his seat, groaning. “We shouldn’t have done the thing. Back in the shop. In front of Levi.”

  “But you want more,” Eric murmured. “Want me fucking you senseless.”

  Musk rolled off Olivier, so thick it could’ve crystallized in the air. “Eric!”

  “Say that in bed. Wanna hear my name when you come.”

  Olivier closed his eyes, his chest heaving. Eric climbed into the car, started the engine, and reached over to squeeze Olivier’s thigh. To his delight, Olivier lifted his hips, spreading his legs wider.

  “Gods, I’m such a slut,” Olivier muttered, his cheeks red.

  “Don’t even think that,” Eric growled. “You’re mine.”

  Olivier closed his eyes, tipping his head back. “You say that like you know what I’ve done.”

  “Tell me, then. What have you done?”

  “I’ve slept with people.”

  “So have I. It’s not like that means anything.”

  Olivier cracked his eyes open. “It doesn’t?”

  Eric shrugged. “Who you’ve slept with doesn’t matter. I want to be your alpha.”

  Olivier sighed. “My previous alpha—Zan—he hated that I’d slept with other people. He said I was a sick slut.”

  Eric narrowed his eyes, hot anger swelling through his chest. What kind of ex did Olivier have? “He’s talking shit. Who you’ve slept with doesn’t matter at all. You’re still you.”

  “Even if I’ve slept with a hundred people?”

  Eric blinked at that. A hundred was a lot. “You have?”

  “Well, more like eighty, I guess.”

  Still a lot. Eric looked at the lights on his dashboard, trying to imagine Olivier with that many people. But it had also been ten years since things fell apart at the fire escape. “I guess that’s an average of eight a year. That’s not so bad.”

  “That was... all in a couple of years.” Olivier squirmed uncomfortably, looking at his hands. “A while back.”

  That blew Eric’s mind. “Seriously?”

  “I just... I didn’t know what to do with myself for a while. After you left. I knew you were angry with me. I just... I tried to forget you. It wasn’t easy. And then I went home smelling like a different alpha every night, and your mom... well, she called me a slut, too.”

  Eric had been about to pull out of the parking lot. He stepped hard on the brakes, looking at Olivier in horror. Olivier bit his lip.

  “Don’t tell her I said that,” Ollie said.

  “Mom doesn’t say shit like that,” Eric said, incredulous.

  “Not in front of you, she doesn’t.” Olivier closed his eyes. “She’s said things like that to me, over the years.”

  Felt like his brain was bending in half, trying to imagine Mom doing that to Ollie. “Then how come I never saw it?”

  Olivier sighed. “I tried telling you a couple of times. You never believed me.”

  Eric remembered his mom smiling at him, praising him for his schoolwork. She’d been smiling when he handed Jenn to her, and she’d been happy when he returned to Meadowfall. His memories from his childhood were patchy—he’d never noticed how his mom acted around Olivier.

  “I just remember a couple times when... when I was really happy about something you did, but she wasn’t,” Eric said.

  Olivier shrugged. “That happened a lot.”

  And Eric never noticed? His thoughts whirled. If Olivier was telling the truth... “Gods, I wish you’d told me earlier.”

  He should’ve paid attention. He should’ve been better with Olivier. Mom had called Olivier a slut, and Eric didn’t even know.

  And now, Olivier looked miserable. Eric’s heart sank. He reached over, taking Olivier’s hand in his own. If Olivier was telling the truth and Mom had done that to him... how could she? Olivier was her stepson.

  But it wasn’t like Eric wanted to hammer on her door right now. Olivier never liked being in the same room as her. So Ollie would probably run if Eric talked to their mom, and that... wasn’t what Eric had in mind for tonight.

  “Tell me if she says anything else like that, okay?” Eric said. “I want to know.”

  Olivier shrugged half-heartedly. “I guess. I mean, I don’t visit the family much these days.”

  “What about Dad? Or Cole and Aaron, at least.”

  “They haven’t really contacted me, so I don’t know.” Olivier winced.

  Eric turned them onto the road, wondering when Olivier last felt like he had a family to lean on for support. “Look, I don’t care if you’ve fucked a thousand people, okay? You’re still my brother. You’re still Ollie to me. If you need anything, I’ll help.”

  Olivier managed a weak smile. “That’s kind of you.”

  “I also want you in my bed, so there’s that.”

  “So you’re using me for sex?”

  “Well, no. I want to make you feel good, too.” Eric brought Olivier’s hand to his mouth, kissing his knuckles. It felt weird, thinking about Olivier with all those other people. Thinking about those hands on his omega, thinking about those cocks Olivier had taken.

  Olivier was his.

  Eric dragged his teeth over the scent gland at Olivier’s wrist. Easier to push all those faceless alphas into the pa
st. “How many people have you slept with lately? This year?”

  Olivier pulled his hand away, his carnation scent lingering on Eric’s lips. “Well, it’s January, so... um. One.”

  Eric looked sharply at him. Olivier met his eyes. Then he seemed to realize he’d fucked up.

  “No! No, I mean, two.”

  Eric growled. “One or two, Ollie?”

  Because if it was one... then that baby in Olivier’s belly... was Eric’s.

  Olivier seemed to have the same thought. He curled his arm around his abdomen, looking pointedly out the window.

  “Whose is it?” Eric murmured.

  “Does it matter?” Olivier shrank away. “You shouldn’t care whose baby it is. It’s mine.”

  But if it was Eric’s and not someone else’s... Eric liked that thought. He liked knowing that he’d claimed Olivier, inside and out.

  “I’d rather it be mine,” Eric said. “‘Cuz I want you to be my omega.”

  Olivier frowned, confused. “But you don’t love me.”

  Well, Eric didn’t. At least, not yet.

  Once upon a time, he’d loved Ollie. Then things had fallen apart and Eric had been furious. He’d shoved all those emotions in a cage, locked them up. So maybe he’d find that cage and maybe he would unlock it, or maybe he’d discover new things he’d love about his omega.

  Eric shouldn’t—they were stepbrothers. And yet, he wanted Ollie in his bed, he wanted to hold Ollie, protect him. Earlier, when Levi had walked in on them... It had given Eric great pleasure to claim Ollie as his.

  That was also because he was horny. Right?

  “I don’t know,” Eric said. “I’m confused. But I want to fuck you. I want you to smell like me, and I can’t explain why I need you to be mine. Maybe it’s because I’ve felt it in the past.”

  Olivier looked at his hands. In a small voice, he said, “Okay.”

  They fell silent, driving through the streets of Meadowfall. The streetlamps cast orange puddles of light on the roads, and the stores were lit up, warm light shining through their windows.

  Minutes later, they pulled into Olivier’s parking lot, with more lit windows dotting the apartment building.

  “You don’t have to be my alpha,” Olivier said quietly. “I mean, I’ve been getting along okay. Besides, you had another omega—”

  “It wasn’t the same with Alice.”

  Olivier glanced over, surprise flashing through his eyes.

  “She was a close friend. But she wasn’t... Things with her weren’t how I expected a bond to be.” Eric chuckled lowly, turning into a parking spot. It hurt again, talking about Alice. “I know what love is. I’ve felt it before, and it wasn’t exactly that with her.”

  Olivier gulped. “Then... when you last felt it...”

  “It was you, Ollie.” Eric cut the engine, tipping his head back against the seat. “I told you. I loved you.”

  Olivier froze. And the look in his eyes—yearning, regret.

  Eric felt raw, exposing that part of himself to Olivier. No one had seen it. He’d mentioned it to Alice, but not the true depth of his feelings.

  “All that time growing up, I thought you were gonna be my omega, you know? I’d felt so sure that day, when I presented... I thought you were gonna accept me.”

  Olivier had been reaching out. But then he flinched, bowing his head. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “If I had any faith that things could work out... I would’ve accepted you.”

  “So... just for tonight, let’s believe things can work out,” Eric said, glancing at him. “If that baby’s mine, I’ll take full responsibility for it.”

  Olivier bit his lip, looking away. So it might be Eric’s, and the growing suspicion in him said, Yes, that’s my child.

  Eric jogged around the car hood, pulling open the passenger door before Olivier could.

  Olivier cracked a smile. “Is that how you treat your omega?”

  “It’s how you should be treated,” Eric said, warmth sparking in his chest. Olivier’s smile made him want to smile, too.

  When Olivier stepped out, Eric tangled their fingers together. Then he led the way to the elevator lobby, brushing his thumb across the back of Olivier’s hand.

  “This is just—just to see the apartment, right?” Olivier asked, a blush fanning across his cheeks. “To... make sure there’s enough space for you and your daughter. If you’re really moving in.”

  Yeah, there was that. But Eric hadn’t seen Olivier’s bed, and that was more important right now. “I need to inspect your bedroom, too.”

  Olivier flushed darkly. “Does that... include my closet?”

  “What’s in your closet?”

  “Just—just clothes.”

  “Somehow, it feels like you’re lying again, Ollie.”

  Eric followed him into the elevator. He waited until the elevator swept them up through the building, before crowding in close, nuzzling Olivier’s temple. Olivier smelled like carnation and honey, like someone Eric wanted in his bed. “Don’t lie to me, Ollie. What’s in your closet?”

  Olivier sucked in a slow breath, shivering. “I have some—some underwear.”

  “Nice ones?”

  Olivier nodded.

  Maybe at some point, Eric would see him in those. “If you’re offering to model them... I’d be up for it.”

  “‘Up’, huh?” Olivier smiled wider now, a little more relaxed.

  “Up and ready, yeah,” Eric growled. “Gotta make sure there’s enough furniture to bend you over. Fuck you all over the apartment.”

  Olivier whined. Musk rolled off him again, heady and decadent.

  “I wanted you for the longest time,” Eric murmured. “You know that, right? Even before I presented as alpha. You were always by my side, Ollie. I assumed you were gonna be mine when I grew up.”

  Olivier looked away, smiling faintly. “I had an inkling.”

  Eric leaned in to kiss him.

  Olivier pressed a finger to his lips. “A minute more,” he whispered. “When we get home.”

  It seemed too long to wait. Eric licked Ollie’s finger, letting his tongue drag up Ollie’s fingertip. Ollie’s breath stumbled. So Eric sucked Ollie’s finger into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it. Olivier whimpered, swaying on his feet.

  “Eric,” he groaned, his musk flooding Eric’s lungs.

  “Want that lower?” Eric whispered, cupping Olivier’s cock through his jeans.

  “Yes,” Olivier hissed, rocking into his palm.

  “Good,” Eric murmured. “‘Cuz I have plans for us tonight.”



  It took far too long for them to leave the elevator, and far too long for Olivier to unlock his front door. The moment it closed behind them, Eric locked it, pressing Olivier up against the door.

  It was dark in the apartment. All Eric could see was the reflection of the street lights in Olivier’s eyes, all he could feel was the quick rise and fall of Ollie’s chest.

  “Where d’you wanna be fucked?” Eric whispered, kissing the corner of his mouth.

  Olivier turned his face, his lips seeking. So Eric caught Ollie’s soft lips with his own, groaning when Ollie opened for him.

  Ollie was damp inside, his tongue silky, and Eric couldn’t help nipping on his lower lip, nudging Ollie’s mouth wider so Eric could touch him as deep as he wanted.

  Olivier moaned, the sound sending a surge of blood between Eric’s legs.

  Felt good, claiming Olivier. Tasting him, touching where no one else could. Olivier groaned.

  “Where, Ollie?” Eric murmured, squeezing Olivier’s ass. Gods, Ollie was firm and warm, and he felt good. He’d feel better naked.

  “Everywhere,” Olivier gasped against his lips.

  “Not good enough. Be specific.” Eric ground their hips together. Pleasure jolted up his cock. Olivier bucked at him, hissing. It was still such a surprise, Olivier wanting Eric. Especially now that he wasn’t in heat. “Answer me.”

>   “Want you inside,” Olivier whimpered.

  Eric’s pants grew tight. He ran his hands down Olivier’s chest, tweaking his nipples through his shirt. They hardened beneath his touch, begging for more. “I meant where in your apartment. ‘Cuz yeah, I’m gonna be inside you, all right. You’re gonna take every inch of my cock.”

  Olivier’s musk flooded Eric’s lungs. “Anywhere! Gods, Eric. I don’t care. Just—just get inside.”

  Ollie dragged his palm down Eric’s cock, moaning as he felt up Eric’s entire length. Gods, he was hot. Then Olivier tugged Eric’s shirt out of his pants, flattened his hands against Eric’s bare abs, and squeezed Eric’s pecs.

  “You like?” Eric growled, biting Olivier’s lip.

  “Yes!” Olivier panted, trailing his lips down Eric’s jaw, pressing sloppy, damp kisses down Eric’s throat. “You feel so—so good. Gods.”

  He fumbled with Eric’s shirt buttons in his desperation; Eric almost tore the shirt open. He hitched the shirt up. Olivier pressed his face to Eric’s chest, his hot breath puffing on Eric’s skin, his tongue flicking out, soft and wet, tasting Eric’s nipples.

  “I’ve wanted... I’ve wanted more. Since that night.” Olivier sucked Eric’s nipples into his mouth. His teeth were points of pressure, his touch heavy on Eric’s skin.

  Eric unbuttoned Olivier’s shirt, hooking his fingers past Olivier’s waistband. He found Ollie’s cock easily. It was thick against his fingers, precome smearing across Eric’s fingertips.

  “You liked that night?” Eric growled, squeezing Ollie’s cock. Ollie gasped and rutted into his hand.

  “Yeah. I’ve—I’ve thought about it. A lot.”

  “Jerked off to it?”

  Olivier’s breath hitched. “I-I did.”

  The idea of Ollie touching himself, thinking about Eric inside him... that made Eric’s cock ache.

  Olivier reached down to adjust his own cock. Eric knocked his hand away, massaging Ollie’s length. Olivier gave a strangled moan.

  He was so damn hungry. Eric wanted to throw him onto the bed and fuck him raw. But he also wanted to take things slow, savor Olivier, make him come and come and come, until he had no voice left to scream.

  Then Olivier shoved his hand down Eric’s pants, grasping his cock. His hand was small, delicate, and Eric throbbed. Wanted to bury himself inside Ollie, open up that tight hole of his.


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