Hide: Part One (The Black Letters Series Book 1)

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Hide: Part One (The Black Letters Series Book 1) Page 16

by Brooke Page

  Tearing open the letter that was left outside of my apartment before I’d left for Grand Rapids became numbing, and the anticipation of finding out its contents made my head ache.

  Enough moving around. Stay put, sweetheart. We’ll be together soon.


  His words were chilling even on paper. My phone buzzed again. My emails were backing up like they normally did over the weekend, but a Saturday filled with work would at least distract me from my rambling thoughts and confusion surrounding my personal life.

  One of the emails surprised me, making my face light up. It was something I had inquired about weeks prior, and the warmth that filled me was uncontrollable. Even though I was fighting having any type of relationship with Mitch, I’d found something I thought could help him.


  Nathan met me on-site where Kobiashi’s property for the amusement park was located. We’d gathered a team of architects and designers to join us to get a feel for the atmosphere and what Kobiashi wanted them to create. I’d brought my tablet in hopes of running into Mitch. I hadn’t seen him in a week and a half, and he hadn’t texted me any cheesy pick up lines either, but he was probably busy. Miami was starting to boom, and both he and Nathan had been in Grand Rapids. Our last words had been harsh, but that had never stopped Mitch and his ever constant chatter.

  “Can you feel it, Nathan?” Kobiashi said in his broken English. “People will be everywhere, laughing, eating, the whoosh of roller coasters followed by the roar of fear and excitement of its passengers.”

  Nathan rubbed his hands together. “The sound of cash and credit cards swiping.”

  Kobiashi flashed his white teeth. “I love how you think, Nathan. This is why we get along so well. Our ultimate goals are very similar.”

  I turned away and joined the architects. A table was set on the outer-banks of the parking lot as we returned from wandering the property. A rugged man in faded jeans and a white T-shirt was fumbling with papers and plans. A smile formed on my face instantly when I noticed who it was.

  “Mitch, glad you could make it,” Kobiashi greeted with open arms. He offered Mitch his hand. Mitch took it, giving Kobiashi a nod.

  Nathan slapped Mitch on the back as he rolled out the elevation plans that shared the depths of the property. It was covered in numbers and graphs, certain colors and depths. I didn’t know what it all meant. It was mainly a bunch of random numbers. My face lit up as I made my way to Mitch. Touching his arm, I gave him a slight smile. He didn’t move his arm, but wouldn’t meet my eyes. I wasn’t surprised; these numbers made him nervous, even though Tony was on his other side.

  “Can I show you something?” I asked, barely able to contain my excitement.

  Mitch squinted as he took in all of the other onlookers. For the most part, they were still chatting among themselves, not yet discussing the plans. He nodded quickly, barely acknowledging me.

  “Check this out.” I pulled my tablet from my purse, opening up the application that a developer had been working on the past six weeks. There was a scanner that looked like it would search for a barcode. But it wouldn’t just read the numbers on a barcode, it would read any number it could register out loud, including hand written.

  One thousand three hundred and forty-two, the voice synthesizer said. Mitch bit his lip, his eyes squinting as though he was intrigued. I held the tablet over another number. Nine hundred seventy-three point six, eight.

  “What the hell is that?” Nathan asked. Everyone was staring at me as I tried out the new app.

  “It’s an app that reads numbers out loud.”

  Nathan laughed. “Why the hell wouldn’t you just read them? Surely you’re intelligent enough for that, Jamie.” The crowd of people started laughing, everyone except Mitch. His head dipped low, and when he glanced up, anger was all over his face.

  “Are we going to look at this or not?” he said loudly over the hackles of our co-workers.

  Nathan contained his laughter, then began discussing possibilities with the architects and Kobiashi. Mitch remained quiet, his hands firmly grasping the table. Obviously, Mitch wasn’t thrilled with the app I’d searched hard to find. He’d barely looked at me since I’d arrived, and I was pissed by how he was acting.

  We finally broke free from the meeting, Nathan and Kobiashi agreeing to go for dinner later. “Come with us, Jamie. I’d love to hear some of your marketing ideas for the amusement park.” Kobiashi set his hand on my lower back as he spoke.

  Mitch glared at his hand, then stormed to his truck, plans skewed in his arms as he threw them in the back. “Sure, I’ll meet you both there? We should have time before our flight to Grand Rapids, right Nathan?” I asked pleasantly.

  “Of course, we’ll leave right from dinner,” Nathan assured as he and Kobiashi took off to their cars. After stalling around my car for a moment, I smoothed over my coral dress, marching to Mitch, who was fiddling with the plans in the back of his truck. Thankfully the handful of people we’d been meeting with were in their cars on their way out by the time I spoke.

  “What’s your deal?”

  Mitch chucked one of the tubes filled with plans across the hatch before he turned to me. My arms were crossed, prepared to fight with him. “What do you mean, what’s your deal?”

  “You’re acting like something crawled up your ass and died.”

  Mitch crossed his arms, his big frame coming toe to toe with me. I wasn’t intimidated, I thrived on challenges. “My ass is fine. You’re the one who’s all hot and cold.”


  Mitch threw his hands to his sides, balling them into tight fists. “You were completely different in Grand Rapids a week and a half ago, then morning came and you turned back into the ice queen. Now you’re here, all smiles and cutesy?”

  “Ice queen?” I gasped in shock. “I thought we got along great in Grand Rapids.”

  “We did until you freaked out and had to go see your best friend and my brothers.”

  I shook my head in frustration, running my hands through my hair. “We can’t be together that way. It’s against company policy.”

  “You won’t even try. And what the hell was up with that show in front of everyone today?” I scowled in confusion. “That app. You’re a real comedian, Jamie.” He was flustered now, and I sensed the real reason why he was so upset.

  “I didn’t mean to embarrass you,” I said quietly, peeking around as though people were watching us. “I know you have trouble with reading numbers. I thought it’d help you.”

  “Who said I have trouble with numbers? I’m fine, okay? Mind your own fucking business from now on.”

  “Fine, Last time I do anything nice for you.”

  “Good, I’m sick of your mood swings.”

  I spun on my heels, facing him again. “Mood swings? You haven’t seen my mood swings, you dick.”

  Mitch stomped toward me, his eyes stormy. “I’ve seen every side of you, Jamie. The side when you’re working, confident and sure of yourself. The side when you’re with Becca, perky and alive. How you are with Nathan and our high society families, proper and politically correct.” He took a step closer, his breath warm as it tickled my cheeks. His demeanor shifted, becoming softer. “Then there’s the sexy as sin side of you, where you play games until you get whatever it is you want. Then just as it’s at your fingertips you pull away, leaving whoever it is you’re about to take from in the dark.”

  Our eyes were now locked. His scent was starting to consume me, his words sinking into my heart. I felt exposed.

  His hand gently came to my ear, barely grazing my cheek as he looked down at me in frustration. His words were a harsh whisper. “Then you let down your walls for a split moment —no longer confident and sure of yourself, but vulnerable and afraid. Where you want me to save you from whatever ghosts are in your closet.” My breathing sped up while I hugged my chest tighter.

  “You don’t need to save me.” My voice was a murmur on the wind.

  “You shut down with me on that rooftop. I want to know why.”

  His thumb caressed my cheek as he patiently waited for my answer. Tears pressed my eyes, wanting to flow into his hands, but I couldn’t show him my weakness, not again.

  “I need to go.” My voice was strong, but my feet wouldn’t move.

  Mitch sighed, running his hand down my cheek and to the side of my neck. I flinched, biting my lip to keep it from twitching. Shrugging from his touch, I turned to my car, fighting tears as the dirt crunched beneath my nude heels. Mitch growled as he slammed the back of his truck closed. Heavy boots on rocks and dirt followed me. A hand reached for the door, stopping me from escaping inside.

  “Meet me tonight.”

  I wiped my eyes. “Let me go…”

  His head was low, trying to meet my gaze. “Not until you say yes. I won’t leave you like this.”

  I was breaking in front of him, sick of fighting feelings I secretly wanted.

  Both of his hands found the top of the car, caging me in completely. There was no hiding now as his nose brushed mine.

  “Please. Let me take it away.”

  My eyes were heavy as soft pants began leaving my lips. Could his touch rid me of the silent hell I’d been living the past seven years? The heat was there between us, radiating like the sun on this hot summer day. He licked his lips, pressing down gently to meet mine for the first time.

  Wildfire spread throughout my body as I met his mouth, and my muscles went limp from his soft suck on my bottom lip. My arms were still crossed, attempting to protect my heart from this man who was tearing down my walls one thick brick at a time. His kiss became more intense when I let out a soft groan. Arms were suddenly around me, pulling me to his broad chest that I’d yearned to touch so many times. I was caged and not in control, a position I’d been terrified to be in my entire romantic life because of my dark past. I sighed his name in between kisses, unsure of what I wanted.

  He paused long enough to make a plea. “Come home with me.” His mouth found mine quickly, his tongue darting confidently, dancing eagerly with mine. I loved every second of his kiss, feeling the need and passion with every dip of his tongue.

  “Now?” I breathed, bringing my mouth back to lock with his.

  He grunted, pressing his hips into mine. “Yes, I need you, now. I can’t wait any longer.”

  My arms unlocked from my chest, making their way to Mitch’s pecs, my hands slowly moving upwards to cradle his face while we kissed. I wanted him just as badly, but still needed to keep my responsibility.

  “We both have to work. I’ve got a meeting with a client at 2.”

  His lips left my mouth to find my jaw, the fresh scruff on his face felt amazing as it rubbed against my sensitive skin. “That’s in three hours,” he said between kisses. “Plenty of time.”

  It was enough time, but I wanted a clear head this weekend for Becca’s wedding, and the unsettling nerves in my stomach told me going home with Mitch would put me in a fog the rest of the day, or possibly my entire life.

  “I have to finish packing, and prep for my meeting,” I sighed, enjoying his lips now working their way down my neck. The sensation of his tongue running along my neck was an elixir for all the times it had been touched destructively.

  “I’ll help you,” he coaxed.

  I let out a soft giggle, gently pulling his face back to mine. “I can’t.”

  His lip quirked, then he kissed me chastely. “I’m worried you’re going to get in that car and think of every excuse possible why this was a mistake.”

  I bit my lip, buying time to think of how I’d respond to his statement. He was right. My mind would automatically go to why I couldn’t be with him. But his words stuck in my head, let me take it away.

  I wanted to try.

  “We have to focus on Tyler and Becca’s wedding this weekend, then we’ll figure this out.”

  His head tipped so it was resting on mine. “Promise?”

  I nodded, grabbing the back of his neck as I went in for one last kiss, letting him know I was serious. I was still confused, but my body couldn’t deny him anymore.


  Images of my simple make-out session with Mitch kept replaying in my mind the rest of the day. My meeting was boring, packing was cursory, and dinner with Nathan and Kobiashi was mere routine. Nathan nudged me a few times, making sure I was paying attention. If only he knew that while we were enjoying appetizers, I was imagining what his younger brother looked like with his shirt off. And then, as we ate dessert, what he looked like without pants.

  “What’s got that shit-eating grin on your face?” Nathan asked as we walked through the airport security. I shrugged, feigning acknowledgement for my mood. I wasn’t going to admit his little brother had caused butterflies to form in my stomach.

  “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were in love.”

  “No way,” I said quickly, laughing slightly. Love was something I wasn’t sure I believed in anymore.

  “Whatever you say. Do you have the wedding itinerary?” Nathan was the only male in the universe who would worry about a wedding itinerary.

  “Of course, I made it last weekend. Tyler should have forwarded it to you.”

  Nathan grumbled under his breath. “He didn’t. That man only cares about one thing. Well, maybe two things.”

  We both laughed. “Typical man.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Clanking of glasses filled the air, signaling for Becca and Tyler to kiss for the umpteenth time. They were shockingly good sports about the interactions, and seemed to be the happiest I’d ever seen them. The wedding activities were a blur, moving from nails to hair, rehearsals and preparations for the ceremony. It happened so fast, and I was thankful for the buzz I was supporting from the ride to pictures and the reception.

  My interactions with Mitch were sparse. He’d texted me throughout Thursday and Friday with his stupid pick-up lines and flirty comments. My responses were slim, but only because we’d been so busy. I’d been by Becca’s side constantly, wanting to make today the fairy tale she deserved.

  “Thank you so much for the speech,” Becca sniffed as she squeezed my hand. We were sitting at the head table, relaxing from the fine dining. “You’re the best friend a girl could ever have.” She was being sappy.

  “You’d do the same for me,” I whispered softly.

  “In a heartbeat,” she assured, nodding her head rapidly. Then, in normal bride tradition, she took off, mingling with her guests.

  Mitch was sitting at the end of the table. I could feel his presence as I sipped what was left of my champagne. He was moving toward me now, his confidence radiating with each step. He looked handsome in his suit, and a touch awkward. I could tell he wasn’t used to wearing one. It was humbling to see.

  “You’ve done a great job ignoring me,” Mitch pouted, taking Becca’s seat. “I thought you weren’t going to come up with a reason for us not to try?”

  Setting my glass down, I turned to him. “This weekend was about my best friend, not you. Sorry if I’ve been too busy to flirt.”

  His brows wiggled. “God, I love when you’re feisty.”

  My eyes found the ceiling as I shook my head, trying not to laugh at him, but my smile couldn’t be contained. He had charm, and I was starting to fall for it.

  Mitch set his arm on the back of my chair, leaning into me as though he was going to place a kiss on my neck. Shivers ran down my arms in anticipation, quivering as his nose touched the shell of my ear. “Save me a dance, all right?”

  He left before I could jokingly tell him no.

  Simple wedding reception traditions passed by, leaving the dance floor open to the guests.

  “Come on, they’re going to play Elton,” Nathan said slyly, pulling me to the dance floor.

  I had yet to dance with Mitch, but as much as I wanted to touch him, I knew it was for the best. Controlling my hands and movements might be hard at this point, and I wasn’t re
ady for anyone to see the way we reacted to each other while being so close.

  “Candle in the Wind? Really?” I teased as Nathan spun me then brought me back so our bodies were flush.

  “Did you expect something else?”

  “Of course not.” I laughed, resting my head on his shoulder as he held me close.

  “I’m glad you’re out of your funk,” he said quietly against my ear. “You’re a hard one to read, but I knew you weren’t yourself for a while. This weekend you’ve been a shining star.”

  “It must be weddings,” I sighed dramatically. “You know I’m a sucker for a good romance.”

  “Right,” he said sarcastically. Becoming serious again he added, “You’d tell me if something were wrong, right?” I tilted my head away from him, feeling guilty for keeping part of me distant from my best friends. “I know I’m a hard ass most of the time, but I do care, Jamie. Even if you’re debating screwing my little brother.”

  I smacked his shoulder. “Says who?”

  “Body language. There couldn’t be more sexual tension between the two of you.”

  “Isn’t Mitch always like that?” I teased, trying to play off that I wasn’t interested.

  “Say whatever makes you feel better, but I’m not an idiot. I stand by what I said earlier.” His eyes met mine. “And, I’m going to repeat what I said to you before. Be careful around him, Jay. You were right, he’s not dangerous, but he’ll play with your heart.”

  “Do I look like the kind of girl who gets her heart broken?” My face was smug, but inside I was tearing apart. My heart was still ripped in half, bleeding for the ones I’d lost.


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