His Honor, Her Family

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His Honor, Her Family Page 1

by Tara Randel

  She could be The One

  If he’ll let her in.

  The rustic mountain town of Golden, Georgia, is the ideal place for crime scene investigator Deke Matthews to heal after a tragedy left him questioning everything. But there’s another reason he’s here, and moonlighting as an adventure guide provides the perfect cover. It doesn’t include falling for his boss. Attorney Grace Harper is back in Golden only long enough to save her family business. Just when Deke has found the woman to share his life with...

  She pulled away. “I think we should head back.”

  “Grace, I’m sorry if I stepped over the line.”

  “It’s...” She waved her hand as if to brush the kiss away, and the gesture hit him like a punch to the gut.

  “You work for me, Deke. And without my brother’s extra pair of hands, I can’t risk messing up and having you leave me shorthanded.”

  Her words sobered him. Work. She was all about work.

  Sliding from the boulder, he held out his hand to help her down. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t disappointed by her decision, but he understood. She’d been looking out for her family for years before he came into her life. Wasn’t he here because of that same loyalty to family? Grace wasn’t the type to throw caution to the wind and start something with him that might affect the family business in a negative way. Made him admire her all the more for her stand, while at the same time, his heart wavered with a funny ache.

  Dear Reader,

  Welcome back to the Meet Me at the Altar series. In His Honor, Her Family, we continue spending time with the Matthews brothers. This book features Deke Matthews and a woman who is more than his match.

  When a work tragedy has Deke rethinking his life, he takes a leave of absence and escapes to the mountains of North Georgia for much-needed solace. He wants silence and a chance to reflect on his future, including the law enforcement job that has been his entire focus. What he gets is Grace Harper.

  Grace has always put her family first, despite her personal goal of escaping Golden, Georgia. Deke’s arrival makes her question things, and soon the undeniable attraction Deke and Grace share brings about some great moments and difficult decisions.

  Then there’s the ongoing Matthews family quest to find out who, exactly, their widowed mother is dating. And the enchanting town of Golden. Nestled in the mountains, the colorful spot is full of rich characters and picturesque locations. If you love stories set in small towns, you’ll fall for Golden.

  There are so many twists and turns in life, but the secret is how we handle each upheaval thrown our way. Join me for Deke and Grace’s journey as they discover the meanings of commitment, family and, most important, love.

  Happy reading!


  His Honor, Her Family

  USA TODAY Bestselling Author

  Tara Randel

  Tara Randel is an award-winning, USA TODAY bestselling author of fifteen novels. Family values, a bit of mystery and, of course, love and romance are her favorite themes, because she believes love is the greatest gift of all. Tara lives on the west coast of Florida, where gorgeous sunsets and beautiful weather inspire the creation of heartwarming stories. This is her eighth book for Harlequin Heartwarming. Visit Tara at tararandel.com and like her on Facebook at Tara Randel Books.

  Books by Tara Randel

  Harlequin Heartwarming

  Meet Me at the Altar

  The Lawman’s Secret Vow

  The Business of Weddings

  His One and Only Bride

  The Wedding March

  The Bridal Bouquet

  Honeysuckle Bride

  Magnolia Bride

  Orange Blossom Brides

  Visit the Author Profile page at www.Harlequin.com for more titles.

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  To my wonderful editor, Kathryn Lye.

  Thanks so much for your insight and support.

  It is a pleasure working with you.




















  GRACE HARPER LOOKED up from the paper-strewn desk as the office door opened, bringing with it a warm breeze blowing in leaves that had yet to be swept away from the outside entrance. A tall man strode to the counter with purpose. He removed his polarized sunglasses, his dark gaze meeting hers as he brushed a stray leaf from his short brown hair.

  “I’m here about the job,” he said, his deep voice succinct and to the point.

  Thank goodness. She’d been back at the Put Your Feet Up vacation and rental business office for only two days. It was Wednesday and already she wanted to pull her hair out. As much as she desperately needed a new outdoor guide—thanks for bailing, Nathan—the idea of holding a job interview on top of straightening up the mess Mama had left behind was enough to give her a pounding headache. Which, she believed, was already knocking at her temples.

  She sent him a pleasant smile. “What would you like to know?”

  He nodded toward the door. “From the help-wanted sign out front advertising for a tour guide, and the fact that you offer outdoor vacations, I’m guessing you’re shorthanded. So what would the job entail?”

  “First, yes, we’re shorthanded. My mother normally handles the office, but she was injured, so I’m filling in temporarily.” She stuck out her hand. “Grace Harper.”

  Strong fingers enveloped hers. “Deke Matthews.”

  “Well, Mr. Matthews, I need someone who can hike, fish, canoe, kayak and zip-line, to start with.” She handed him a brochure. “Our packages are listed here. I also need you to be able to manage a group of people and have first-aid knowledge.”

  He scanned the glossy paper in his hands. “Isn’t it rather late to be hiring a guide with the summer season so close? It’s already the end of May.”

  Biting the inside of her cheek, she wanted to scream, “Yes.” Instead, she answered, “I’m afraid my mother’s accident set us behind and our only other guide has been out of touch.”

  “I suppose you’ll want someone to start right away?”

  “That would be ideal.”

  He folded the brochure and met her gaze with his serious expression. “Then I’d like to apply.”

  “That would be fine, but I’d like to ask you a few questions first. Get an idea if you’re a good match for the job.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Do you have any experience in specific outdoor activities?”

  “I was a senior counselor at summer camp when I was a teenager.”

  She swallowed in disappointment. “Anything more recent?”

  “I’ve been hiking the Appalachian Trail for the past two weeks.”

  Okay, that was pretty hard-core outdoorsy stuff.

  “Any experience leading tour groups?”

  “No, but I like the outdoors. I think this will be a good fit for me.”

  She didn’t need an employee who thought he was a good fit, she needed someone who knew what he was doing. And who would keep her from traipsing through the woods or venturing out on the lake. She was an attorney, for Pete’s sake. Not a tour guide. Not anymore.

  “Boating experience?”

  “I can row.”



  She was about to roll her eyes at his direct answers when she saw the very tiniest twinkle of humor in his dark eyes.

  “Did I pass?”

  Honestly, he was the only person to have inquired about the job since she posted the listing, so yeah, he passed. As long as his references checked out.

  “If I think of any other qualifications,” he said, “I’ll add it to the work experience portion of the application.”

  “Right. The application. I’m sure I have one around here somewhere.” Embarrassed by the fact that she had no idea where Mama kept the forms, she crossed the office area on her side of the counter that separated the open room, hoping it looked like she knew exactly what she was searching for. Odds were Mama hadn’t touched the system Grace had put into place before leaving for her law career, so she moved to the filing cabinet and rifled through the folders, finding the correct form. Whispering a quiet thank-you under her breath, she removed the paper and carried it to the patiently waiting gentleman.

  His eyes, a startling blue-gray she realized now, captured hers and for a moment she froze. Until one arched brow rose in a silent question.


  “Do you have a pen?”

  “A—a pen,” she stammered, annoyed at herself for losing her composure. Good grief. Yes, he was good-looking, but certainly not enough to crumble her iron control. She scurried back to the desk and snatched the one she’d been using. “Here you go.”

  A slight tug curved his lips as he took the pen.

  Smoothing her pale pink, lightweight jacket, she asked, “Are you new to the area?”

  “I’m going to be in Golden for a while.”

  Vague. But then again he didn’t seem very chatty.

  As her aspiring hire studied the form, Grace stretched her neck. She needed to get busy. The sooner she had Mama’s life back on track, the sooner she could return to hers. “There are some outdoor tables on the sidewalk in front of Sit a Spell Coffee Shop if you’d care to fill out the application there. It’s a lovely day and the air is always so fresh here in the mountains.”

  He glanced around the room. On his side of the counter, two ancient chairs were angled in the corner, a scratched table between them with outdoor magazines scattered on top. Oh, no, was that a cobweb on the ceiling? As he shifted, the wood floor creaked. She gazed at the walls, realizing for the first time that they needed fresh paint. Did the place look as run-down to him as it did to her?

  She momentarily closed her eyes, picturing the office in its heyday. Clients coming and going, tour guides checking in, her parents managing the business together. There had been lots of good moments: doing homework after school with Faith right here at Mama’s desk, Nathan underfoot as he played with his toy trucks. The times they piled into the bed of Daddy’s pickup when he went out to the warehouse to check on a canoe or piece of camping equipment. Or her favorite, hiking trips up a trail in the north Georgia mountains on a sunny Sunday afternoon, just the five of them. It seemed like a dream now. Life had been fairly normal, until fate stepped in and her father couldn’t resist an opportunity that landed him in jail.

  Her lids flew open when he cleared his throat.

  “I’ll fill it out here at the counter.”

  “Then I’ll leave you to it.”

  Turning on a very spiky heel, she faced the desk. The sight of the paperwork nearly had her groaning out loud. If her mother, Wanda Sue Harper, hadn’t sprained her ankle after a fall, Grace would be in her downtown Atlanta office, planning court strategies and writing briefs. One frantic call and she’d put her life on hold for four weeks. Scrambling to line up family leave was tricky, but since she’d been with the firm for nearly a year, she was able to cover her open cases and come home.

  It was like she’d never left.

  She concentrated on the task at hand, but she was also a bit distracted by the lingering woodsy scent of the stranger. As she peeked at his broad shoulders, tanned skin and muscular frame, she decided he looked physically suited for the job. More than capable in a non-suit-and-tie sort of way. When he looked over and caught her gaze, she dropped her head to focus on the piles of paper in front of her.

  Why was she even noticing anyway? Maybe because he’d come to a job interview wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt and worn jeans. Jeans. To a job interview! Despite his clothing choice, she found him extremely attractive. Odd, because she didn’t go for the rugged type and never dated men who didn’t dress with a bit of polish. Show her a man in a well-tailored suit and she was a goner. Better yet, put her in a professional office setting and she was one happy camper.

  This time she did groan, eliciting another brief glance from the man before he returned his attention to answering questions and supplying data. Okay, back to his being athletic. He seemed competent for the demands of the job, but the other requirements? She’d have to wait and see. She took a sip from her diet cola and then gathered up the vacation request forms she’d printed out when she’d arrived at the office. As soon as Mr. Matthews left, she’d read them over, along with returning calls and checking the website, as well as touching base with her uncle Roy, who oversaw the rental cabins. It was only ten in the morning and already she saw no end to her to-do list.

  As she reached out to grab hold of the overdue bill folder she’d compiled, the front door flew open. She glanced up to find her worst nightmare perched on the threshold.

  “Grace Marie Harper. When I heard you were back in town I had to come and see for myself.”

  The shrill voice of Lissy Ann Tremaine sent shivers over her spine, in a horror-movie, run-for-your-life kind of way. And why did everyone in town insist on using two first names?

  “Hello, Lissy Ann.”

  The slim woman, her dark hair pulled back in a stylish updo, was dressed in a trendy blouse, slacks and peep-toe pumps and dripping in gold jewelry. She crossed the room, pushed her way to the counter, elbowing Mr. Matthews aside, and rested her designer purse on top.

  “I heard your mama took a fall.”

  “You know those front steps. Real killers.”

  “So you’ve actually graced Golden with your presence.” She stopped. Giggled. “Graced. Did you get that?”

  Grace held back an eye roll but smiled. Why? she silently moaned. It was bad enough Lissy Ann and her insufferable husband had made her life miserable in high school. Did Grace have to deal with this woman as well as juggle her mother’s doctor appointments and singlehandedly run the family business?

  “I’ll be here until Mama can get back on her feet.” Which Grace refused to do, remaining seated at the desk as she talked to her childhood...well, not friend.

  Lissy Ann glanced around. Wrinkled her pert nose. “I suppose that’s a good idea. You always did make this place work.”

  Which is exactly why she’d gone to law school and taken a job elsewhere, hoping her mother would finally accept the fact that this was her business, not Grace’s.

  “I hope you get things under control. We’re having a huge, and I do mean huge, Summer Gold Celebration coming up. An entire week dedicated to merchant specials, making sure all the local lodging is booked solid, holding mini-events.” She waved a hand with a huge honking diamond on it. “You know the drill. Your mama promised to get involved. The tourist numbers should be phenomenal so we need everyone in town working overtime to make Golden the hot vacation spot.”

  After dropping her conversation bomb, Lissy Ann looped her purse strap over her arm. “We can count
on you, right, Grace?”


  “I’ll send the promotional materials right over.”

  “Oh, yay.”

  Lissy Ann huffed and left. The glass door panel rattled in the wake of her departure.

  The silence felt good after having that unwelcome voice echoing off the rafters. Until a different voice said, “Friend?”

  She’d almost forgotten Mr. Matthews was still in the room. “More like mortal enemy.”

  “I didn’t know people really had those.”

  “If you had one, you’d know it...”

  He tilted his head. “Sounds like big goings-on this summer.”

  “Lissy Ann is married to the head of the chamber of commerce. They have plans to put Golden on the map.”

  “You don’t sound excited about it.”

  She shrugged. “I haven’t been engaged in town functions for a while.” With luck she’d be gone before the huge celebration. One could hope.

  “I’m finished,” he said, pushing the paper across the counter.

  Grace rose, smoothing her skirt. Why she’d worn a work suit to the office today was anyone’s guess. Folks weren’t keen on formal clothing here in the mountain towns, going instead for a more laid-back look, except for Lissy Ann. By dressing professionally, Grace wouldn’t let anyone forget for one minute the thriving law practice waiting for her seventy minutes south.

  “Let’s see,” she said, lifting the completed paper. She noted his home address. “You live in Atlanta?”

  “Decatur, but like I said, I’ll be spending the summer in Golden.”

  She continued reading. He was thirty-one, three years older than her. She stopped short at his employment history, specifically when special agent popped out at her. “You work for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation?”

  He nodded.

  “Why on earth would you apply as an outdoor guide?” she blurted.

  “Due to circumstances, I’ve taken a leave of absence from the bureau.”

  Should she ask what kind of circumstances? Like was he forced to take time off? Was he in some kind of trouble? She’d certainly find out when she checked his references, but in the meantime... Her eyes went wide when she continued reading. “You’re a crime scene specialist?”


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