Second Chances (The Extinct Race Series)

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Second Chances (The Extinct Race Series) Page 4

by Michelle Farrell

  “You really thought of everything huh Kaiden? You must have known this girl forgot to pack her all-time favorite jeans before and then poof they are magically hanging in my closet. And I swear, how did you know that our parents were going to give us the master bedroom and take the smaller rooms?” She asked looking to her parents and Gabe’s.

  “Because you are meant to be in this sect and meant to have that room. The other rooms are meant for your future children. They know that, they have been around a long time to know how the main house operates. Plus it was a little bit of intuition on the ladies of the house. They placed everything. By the way Ben, did you like your room?”

  “I love it, but Gabe had to show me how to work the game system. I never had one and don’t know what to do with it. But I know I will like it when I have people to play with me. And thank you for the clothes. I really like those. And that bed is so comfortable. I just want to sleep.” Ben smiled up at Kaiden. “Thank you.”

  “You are definitely welcome and anytime you need someone to play I am sure you could ask any of us. Actually I am pretty sure most of us guys are going to be in your room a lot.” Kaiden joked

  “What he got a game system, which one?” John asked

  “Well all of them. I didn’t know which one to settle on and pretty much got him every game ever made.” Kaiden told him.

  “And the kid gets all the fun stuff.” John pouted to Tia

  “Awe poor baby, but then again I guess you didn’t go over there” she nodded to the other side of the house with the big screen “and you didn’t see all the movies and game systems over there with just as many games as he is talking about now did you?” Tia teased back.

  “Really?” John was off the chair in a heartbeat dumping Tia on the cushion and running across the house to the area Tia mentioned. All you could hear was his grunts and an occasional “Hell Yes!” followed by the “Oh and Ahh’s.” Tia just giggled adjusting herself in the chair.

  “Parent’s please feel free to stay in the home however long you need to. There are plenty of rooms for all of us, plus the ones we need to find. Once everyone is found and safe here at our home I will have houses built for you guys and any other couples that have survived. My plan is to keep us all safe within the border and just live safe and happy.” Kaiden told them all.

  Charles walked in the front door then. He looked around and smiled at everyone. He then frowned seeing Tia sitting alone until a huge “WHOOT” filled the room and John came running back with both hands full of movies and games. Charles just shook his head and smiled at John. “I see you found the entertainment section of the home?” he asked John.

  “Dude, can we have like movie night every night? There are so many movies you have that I have never seen and some I have been dying to see.” John said voice full of hope.

  “One day at a time right now. I am sure we can squeeze a movie in after dinner tonight and then the days to follow. That is if you are awake enough to watch one. I don’t plan to take it easy on you Fury’s.” Charles told John

  “Are you trying to scare us with a little fighting?” Tia asked her eyes alight with the prospect.

  “Settle down little bull dog. Training yes, fighting, well we are going to save all that for Aldrich and his children.” Charles said

  Vivi cringed and shook her head in shame. “Some of them are good and are worth saving. Not all of us follow his orders.” She said to the room.

  “Vivi I didn’t mean it that way. But your father has to be stopped and the ones that stand in our way, well we won’t be able to save them all.” Charles told her.

  “Dinner!” Mary called from the table

  They all got up and walked casually to the table which was filled with all different kinds of food. The table was set for everyone and some extra. The head of the table was set on both ends. Zoe grabbed the setting at one end and moved in to the side. Kaiden felt her intent and did the same with the other place setting at the head of the table. The women all sat and their men were gentlemen and slid their seats in for them and then took the seat next to them. Little Ben’s eyes seemed to be bigger than his stomach and he was just piling food on his plate. Everyone else was piling food onto their plates when Marcus stood.

  “I want to thank you all for risking your lives and saving me, for saving my daughter and for bringing us all together. When I had my Sect it was small and the Dragons that were in it didn’t like to live all together like this. They liked their peace and I gave it to them. That was a mistake on my part for I missed out on times like this. I have always just had my Elizabeth and friends that I either had to check on or wanted to. It feels so good to have my baby girl here with me and her family with her. You guys are a mixed bunch, but the love I feel pouring off of you I want to be around for the rest of my days.” Marcus bowed to Kaiden and kissed Zoe’s hand and sat back down next to her.

  “Amen.” Everyone roared.

  Vivi stood and brought Christian up with her. “I know we are the odd ones out here and that it is my father’s fault you are all here. But in his evil he did bring together a true family. I found Christian on the streets in Peru. He was homeless and hitching rides from country to country. He was mainly left alone because of his eyes. But he has a knack like I do. A lie spoken is painful for me and intent to harm is painful for him. I know that when we turn our touch is either deadly or healing. Christian, I already know will only be able to heal the wounded and only one that means no harm to me or the ones I love and he loves. I have trust in you guys and I want so badly to belong here, because Christian is not in pain here. He is shy-“

  “What she is trying to say is that you all here at this table and in this area are all good people with good intent to do right. I have never been this at ease in a large group and I thank you all for that. I also think that both I and Vivi will be assets to this Family, this Sect. She can read a lie spoken and I can read the intentions of a person even before they walk into a room. For example Vivi was in pain at your home in Wyoming for the lies her brother was speaking. I was in pain as we drove up the drive way. It’s why I was so quite. And Vivi didn’t even know about my skill then. But the intent her brother had towards all of you was so evil I couldn’t speak. I told her about my skill when we landed and were alone in our room. I do not want to leave here. My soul is at peace here. Even though we have not done the deed and I am not yet a Dragon, I know we belong here.” Christian said and looked at the faces just staring at him.

  “It is very nice to meet you Christian and welcome to the Family.” Zoe smiled at him

  Vivi and Christian sat down and began to eat. You could feel the tension they had been holding loosen and they began to chat and smile at the ones seated around them. Dinner went smoothly and they all enjoyed the food and the small talk. When Mary was done she just did what she always did and started clearing plates. A young lady that looked a little younger than Zoe brought in three bottles of wine and set them about the table. She glanced at Zoe and smiled.

  “The Michaels always had wine after a large meal with Family.” Zoe smiled back and nodded her head in approval. Kaiden grabbed a bottle and poured Zoe a drink and then poured one for him. He then passed the bottle to Marcus. The bottles made their way around the table as the dinner was taken away and three more ladies arrived with desserts in hand. They began to place them in front of everyone in silence and went back to the kitchen. Mary sat back down and poured herself a glass of wine and dug her spoon into the sundae she had made herself. “Couldn’t pass up the desserts that you have in that kitchen, beside I know Gabe loves his sweets.”

  “You know me well Mary and I am thankful you do. I don’t think I have been this stuffed since I left Wyoming the first time.” He grinned at Mary.

  “Movie time?” John asked

  “Not yet, I think we all need to talk a little and come up with a plan to help get the lost ones here or to go out and find them.” Kaiden answered.

  “Well I think a call into your
friend and then some of us hitting up the internet might help. We need to look up lost and missing photos and we also need to find a hacker and hack into adoption records or bribe some workers.” Charles said

  “I already plan a call to Mr. Steinman and the internet is not a bad idea. Also I was thinking we need regular patrols around the border. The older men know the area well and I know we have some families that live on the edge of the border and they need to be informed to call the house if any one shows up. I am expecting now that because most of the Blood half-bloods are with their father that more survivors will start showing up here. So we need to make them aware of that and we need to be ready ourselves. Send some men into town for provisions and clothing. Also bring the most trusted and well sneaky half-bloods we have here to meet with me and not that I don’t trust them, but I will have Christian nearby. I want to send those men on the jet and I want to send them with a lot of cash to maybe sweet talk some information out of adoption places.” Kaiden was brainstorming

  “Is there anyway Justine and I could go to town and get some clothes? Maybe take Vivi and Tia with us for you know girl time?” Zoe asked

  “Sorry Angel, but I would not risk you or them. You can make a list of everything you need and give it to the guys going into town or we can send a woman with them so you don’t get embarrassed.”

  “No it’s not that, I just wanted to get to know the girls a little bit better, but I guess we could do that here while you guys game or whatever you boys do.” Zoe stammered

  “Angel I am not trying to keep you hostage, it’s just well I know it is safe within the border, but outside the border anything could happen.”

  “He is right Zoe. Some of my brothers are sneaky bastards with nothing but evil on their minds. They don’t care who is around, they just know they need a Pearl to change them and anyone else they just kill.” Vivi said

  Zoe looked a little defeated so Kaiden thought of the best idea he could. “Angel there is a house that is close to town on the border. Humans can see it and the woman that lives there has human visitors often. There is a designer in town that my mom used to use all the time. How about I have her meet you all there tomorrow and you guys can make her year and have whatever you want ordered and shipped to the house?” Kaiden smiled huge “you can even use my card.” he said as he handed his card over to Zoe. Justine jumped up and snagged it. “Thanks.” Justine squealed and sat back down.

  “Well I guess that’s a plan then, you girls want to come right? Kaiden is buying.” Zoe asked

  “New clothes that will be handmade to fit just me? Hell yeah!” Tai said

  “I would love it too. Gosh you all are going to spoil me.” Vivi said with the biggest smile on her face.

  “Tell me about it, a girl could get used to all this. Going from nothing to whatever I want and my man just throws money around.” Zoe joked and kissed Kaiden on the cheek.

  “Do you mind if I join you ladies tomorrow? Just for a short time. My clothes are kind of twenty years out of style and I don’t even know what is in style, so I could use a females help.” Marcus asked. He wanted to spend as much time with Zoe as possible. “I will use my own money of course, well as long as Zoe hands her card over.” He laughed.

  “Oh Daddy of course you can come I would love to help dress you and I know Justine would too. And that is your money you made it, you earned it and it is yours I will have the bank transfer it all into an account in your name as soon as I get my hands on a computer.” Zoe was flustered and her cheeks flamed red.

  “Baby girl how about we compromise and you just add my name to the account and we can share it. That money was going to be all yours anyway. I won’t spend it all in one place. Besides there should be enough with interest to last you more than a hundred years living like a king.”

  “Crap that reminds me, Mom and Dad, do you want your money back to?” Justine looked to her parents shamed she hadn’t thought of it before.

  “No baby, what was in the account for you, is yours, Ben has one that has just as much and we have our own with a little more than we need.” Monica told Justine.

  “And Gabe same with us, the money you have in your account is yours and the money we have put into Mary’s account is hers.” Gabe nodded his thanks and Mary choked on her wine.

  “I don’t need that much now that Kaiden has offered me the position here. Please I would like to give it back.” Mary coughed out.

  “Mary my sweet friend, you have kept the house in Wyoming yes? And you pay property taxes yes? So you will keep that money and pay those bills a year in advance if you must. We are both going to be grandparents one day so you can spoil their children with that money or leave it to them. I don’t want it back.” Rosa told her and had a firm expression on her face.

  “Oh don’t you pull that tight lip expression with me Rosa, we go a long way back and I know that look. Fine if you won’t take it back I will spoil you and Michael and our future grandkids.” Mary snickered, giving Rosa a look. Gabe and Michael both burst out laughing looking between Rosa and Mary. Both of them had the sternest looks on their faces.

  “Score one for the human!” Justine smiled and laughed when Mary looked at her and laughed.

  “Well Sebastian and I have our own money too and Tia you also have a quite large account that I have all the information for. But I would like to also join you girls for a little bit too and order some things for Sebastian and me.” Camilla looked to Zoe for permission.

  “You all can come if you want. I know we all need things, I was just, well I was just looking for a way to get those two alone.” Zoe pointed at Vivi with one hand and Tia with the other. Everyone laughed and Kaiden pulled her into his arms.

  “Angel you don’t have to rush it, we literally have forever if we are all safe.” Kaiden told her

  “Ya I keep forgetting that part. I am stuck at twenty two forever now and little Tia is sixteen forever.” Zoe slunk back into Kaiden’s chest.

  “WHOA, WHOA, WHOA! What are you talking about?” Vivi asked

  “What do you mean?” Zoe sat up

  “What do you mean she is sixteen forever and you are twenty two forever. My Father ages or at least he looks mid-forties early fifties.” Vivi started getting excited.

  “Vivi how old are you?” Justine asked

  “Twenty four, why?”

  “Honey your father met his soul mate late in life. He was forty eight in human years and your mother was forty three. He denied his fate for a long time and never sought her out. When he finally accepted her and once they consummated and changed into their Dragons, both of them already had gray in their hair. Look at me how old do I look?” Monica asked

  “Thirty, maybe?” Vivi responded

  “I was thirty two when I found Brad and we changed.”

  “So you mean if Christian and I went upstairs right now and you know? I would look like this forever? Vivi asked

  “Yes” Everyone answered her

  “Wow” her and Christian both whispered. Vivi grabbed a bottle of wine and poured herself a full glass and chugged it. She then poured another and filled Christian’s glass too. She chugged that one too and let out a little giggle when she was done. She looked over to Christian’s mortified face and giggled again. “Oh come on, they all know we are going to go upstairs now and you know, Family remember!” She blushed and her whole face flamed red as she looked over the table and all the knowing smiling faces. Vivi ducked her head grabbed Christian hand and ran up the stairs.

  “Be gentle with her Christian!” John called out. Everyone burst into laughter and when it died down they decided to move back to the fire and talk some more. Kaiden and Charles agreed that once the girls took off to their shopping trip the men would form a plan. The girls didn’t want to be left out of much, but the men wanted them all left out of the fighting plans. They would begin training tomorrow afternoon when the girls got back. About an hour had passed when Vivi and Charles came barreling down the stairs and ran outside.
They all ran to the windows to see the naked behinds of Christian and Vivi and then there were two large red Dragons after a few minutes in the clearing in front out the house. A roar broke through the laughter and then the two Dragons took flight alone. It was their time to celebrate.

  Chapter 5

  The First Night

  Once Vivi and Christian came back everyone was yawning and little Ben had already fallen asleep in Justine’s arms. You could already tell he worshipped her. Gabe took him from her arms and both families went up to their floor for the night. Tia and John had taken a movie up to their floor a while ago and Camilla and John went up with them. Mateo and Charles had gone out to the barracks and Mary decided to join them. Marcus had gone up to his room right after dinner and they hadn’t heard from him since. Zoe was snuggled into Kaiden’s side on one of the big couches and she couldn’t stop the yawns from coming one after the other. Kaiden noticed and tapped her on the shoulder nodding toward the stairs. He was also ready for bed after such a long night.

  They made their way up to the elevator and were stepping into their apartment when Kaiden remembered that he needed to call Mr. Steinman. The office should be open about now. He pulled his cell phone out as they made their way to their bedroom. Marcus’s door was shut and the lights were off so they continued to their door. Kaiden helped Zoe get undressed and tucked her into bed. He kissed the top of her head. “I’m going to call Mr. Steinman and then I will join you in bed. I love you my Angel.” Zoe had already closed her eyed but she managed to mumble out “I love you too.”


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