Crashing In On Love

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Crashing In On Love Page 2

by Taylor Love

  Chapter Two

  BEN HAD BEEN ON AUTOMATIC from the moment her tongue had touched his. Thank goodness he was old enough to exercise a little discretion even while he was thinking with his second brain. When she went limp, he circled them around so her back was pressed against the door. At least now she was slightly shielded by the nook the recessed door frame and his body created. He loved the way she clung to him, like she just might be as needy as he felt.

  He let the back of her dress drop and worked on the front instead. Pulling it up with much more speed than before. When her hand gripped the back of his neck, he took the hint to take her mouth again. Once he got her dress out the way he ran a finger down the middle of her panties. As he began to massage her through the already damp material, he felt the vibration of her moans against his lips. He wanted badly to move his hand beneath the barrier but held back.

  Instead when she began to breathe deeply he broke the kiss, while his eyes traveled back to the dip in her dress. Her breasts had been calling him all night, as they bounced and jiggled while they’d danced. Maybe he’d had too much to drink and hadn’t realized it, but he had a feeling it was just her. Whatever it was, he couldn’t resist tasting her anymore. Pulling down the top of her dress and bra, Ben leaned down to take her flesh in his mouth.

  Tamara didn’t know how they’d gone from zero to a hundred but she didn’t want it to stop. She arched on her toes, pushing more of what he wanted in his greedy mouth. His fingers still played over her clit, and she wanted to feel them inside her so bad that her hips started moving against his hand. She didn’t know which was giving her more pleasure, his fingers or his mouth pulling at her breast. Her hand caressed the back of his ass, while the other was trying to snake its way to the front of his pants.

  The sound of laughter in the distance must have reached Tamara’s ears before his. It took her stiffening up before he tuned in to the sound. God damnit to hell! Smothering his frustration, he pulled up the top of her clothing. When he went to withdraw his hand from under her dress she pulled him closer. Her hands pulling at his back side. Ben looked down into honey-brown eyes, and lips swollen by his kiss. He felt the same reluctance for this to end as she did but he could hear the people getting closer.

  He was opening his mouth to speak when she held something up for him to see. She had pulled the keycard to his room from his back pocket. Now she offered it to him, her eyes still blazing with desire. He took it, feeling the level of his need for her, ratchet-up another notch. As he opened the door, he took her mouth again in an all-consuming kiss.

  STUMBLING THROUGH THE entrance, one of Tamara sandals came off. Quickly kicking the other away to correct her balance, as his arms around her back helped to keep her upright. He backed her up against the wall and finally broke the suffocating kiss to trail his mouth and tongue down her neck, leaving tingles in his wake. When he got to her shoulder he bit it, before dragging the bra and dress strap down with his teeth.

  Tamara pushed him away, both of them breathing hard as they looked at the other. Gathering the hem of her dress, slowly bunching it up so she could pull it off. Ben took the hint. Backing up another couple of steps, he shucked his shoes and took off both his shirts. His clothes hitting the floor as her dress cleared her head. Which she tossed, before working on unhooking her bra, watching as he pushed his linen pants and boxers down.

  Seeing him naked stopped all her movements, the forgotten bra falling out of lax fingers. My goodness he’s gorgeous! His shirt had covered up the curves of muscles in his forearms, only hinting at those in his pecs. Her eyes glided over his milk chocolate skin, down past his ripped abs to the junction between his thighs. His penis stood proudly erect, and large—very large. Was it because she hadn’t had sex in over a year that she felt he was bigger than average, or was her 20/20 vision correct?

  Tamara’s mind had both anticipation and trepidation circling around up there. Ms. Kitty didn’t seem to care and was crying out “gimme” as Tamara reached out to touch his manhood. Watching the shiver move through his body, she felt bold and sexy. She also noted her thumb and index finger didn’t touch. Oh boy.

  Ben felt her warm hand even against his already heated flesh. Kissing her softly while she stroked him, he was hoping to slow things down before it was over quicker than he wanted. But just like in the hall the heat quickly caught and flamed out of control. Kneeling to kiss her stomach and thighs, he eased down her plain cotton underwear. Kissing his way back up as he stood. Giving her a quick hard kiss before lifting her up.

  Tamara hadn’t been expecting that, but the feel of her skin against his, made her briefly boneless. He took a few steps forward, placing her back flush against the wall. His lips already back to devouring her breasts. Her own mouth licking and raining kisses along his neck and shoulders. Tamara held on tight, her legs wrapped around his hips, his penis resting against her backside. She didn’t know how long they stayed that way, but noticed when he shifted, before he surprised the hell out of her again.

  Ben put his hands under her ass and pushed upward, using the wall as an anchor until he could place her thighs over his shoulders. He heard a small squeak of surprise but was too busy taking in her plump punany. Looking wasn’t cutting it, so he swiped his tongue through her folds, taking his first taste of her juices. One lick had him moaning, addicted already to her taste, scent and softness. Ben went to work, his objective to make her as turned on and crazy as he felt.

  He licked her like a lollipop, before sucking on her pretty clit like a popsicle in the heat of summer. When she started melting he dipped his tongue in her wet opening, taking every drop he could. He couldn’t get enough! Her movements against his face only driving him to do it all over again. And again and again. The sweet cries she let out made him stroke his hard shaft.

  Tamara hadn't known what was happening when he’d lifted her up the wall, the intention became clear enough when his tongue touched her. And touch her he did! His head buried snuggly against her crotch while his tongue played. Up, down, around and in every crevice she had. Working her until she came over and over again.

  Neither her knees squeezing his head, or her hips grinding into his face slowed him down. Her hands could barely touch his shoulders. So when it felt like she couldn’t take anymore, her hands found purchase with the wall, in her hair or grabbing her own breast. Not that anything stopped the waves of pleasure rolling through her body. She was near blind with ecstasy when he added two fingers to the mix.

  Time meant nothing as the slow rhythm of his fingers didn’t match the insatiable pace of his tongue. Leaving her nerves dazed, just as much as her brain was. As the latest climax over took her, Tamara didn’t know how much more she could handle. Then immediately regretted her thought as he removed his fingers, and slowed his licks. Thankfully it wasn’t the end, just an intermission.

  Ben gave her clit one more tug before he slowly lowered her down to his waist. More for his shaky legs sake than hers. When she locked her legs and arms around him he turned. Making it the few steps to the bed before attempting to lay her down. Tamara gripped him until he had to gently pry her away. Her eyes were glazed and unfocused, her breathing fast and short. Her body shaking as aftershocks still rippled over her.

  Not taking his eyes off her, he backed up to the dresser in the room. One hand rummaged in the top drawer, looking for the two condoms he’d tossed there, more from habit than need of them. Stepping back to the bed, Ben carefully rolled one on, as he watched her randomly lick her lips. He would love to feel her lips around him, but he had depleted all his patience. Never had he been this close to coming before even getting inside a woman. With what little brain cells he had left, his one thought was to sink inside her warmth.

  Tamara came up from the haze she was in, when she felt the bed shift with his weight. Watched as he nudged her slick thighs apart. Her inner muscles clenched in anticipation as he closed the distance between them. He looked even larger than before, certainly felt so as he nud
ged inside her. She was super wet and ready, yet she still felt her unused muscles stretch pleasantly as he pushed fully inside.

  She saw his eyes roll as he held still a few seconds, trying for control. But she didn’t want control. No, she wanted him as unthinking as he’d had her. Hell, how he still had her. She wrapped her legs high around his waist and pulled him even deeper into her flesh. Giving him no choice but to lean over her. One huge quiver went over his entire body—and just like that he snapped.

  He took her then—hot, hard and fast.

  Tamara held on and took what he gave. His strong back delivering equally strong thrusts. His lips swallowing her loud and abandoned cries of pleasure, when they weren’t kissing and nipping whatever skin they touched. Her nails dug into his hips, forearms and neck, when they weren't pulling him closer or caressing his heated skin. Ben sexed her so damn good that she came again, this time bucking wildly against him and screaming his name.

  Her untamed climax triggered his own. Spasms rocked his body, made him push deep inside her. Finally he laid his heavy body on hers. His face buried in her neck. Ben would have yelled out her name too, but his gratification stole his voice.

  Chapter Three

  BEN WOKE UP HARD, WHICH wasn’t surprising. He’d been having a hot dream of making love to a gorgeous woman. As his brain came online he remembered he had a gorgeous woman in his bed. Turning and cracking open his eyes at the same time, he reached for Tamara. Only for his hand to hit air before landing on the firm resort mattress.

  Turning on his back he tried to think. She was probably just in the bathroom. He squinted as if that would make his ears hear better. No water, no toilet flushing, no footsteps could be heard. Sitting up on his elbows he frowned looking around. He knew their clothes had ended up all over the place. Now all he saw was his own items, nothing of hers. Nor did he see the bag she had carried all night.

  “What the hell?”

  Her mysterious ass had left! He fell back to the bed and let out a laugh of disbelief, his arm falling on the empty pillow. Where he discovered a piece of paper. Peeling it off he saw a two word note. Was that supposed to make him feel an iota less used? Well it didn’t. Ben knew three facts about the woman who had knocked his socks off. She was from Cincinnati, was a lawyer in an undetermined field. If she’d been honest about her name, it was Tamara Reed.

  Rousing himself up he saw it was about eight, which meant she had ghosted him extra early. As he showered and got dressed, he tried to ignore the flashes of the night that assaulted his mind. Over breakfast which he had delivered to his room, he wondered if she was taken? Had that been the reason she was so private? Why she’d snuck out his room at the crack of dawn?

  She hadn’t seemed like the type to cheat, but nowadays it was rare to find honest people of either sex. Anyone could put on a front. The thought disappointed him. They had both fallen asleep after that amazing sex, with Ben thinking how lucky he’d been to find an intelligent, fun and sexy as hell woman on vacation. In reality he didn’t know anything about her, except that she could dance and was a witty conversationalist.

  Hell, maybe he should be glad she’d dipped out. He’d come here to work, not start a relationship. He had expected some sun and relaxation in between work, the same as he got each time he came here. Sex hadn’t been a real thought. Not that he or his manhood was complaining. It had been a long six months, one filled with constant work as he was finally starting the process of making his project in Jamaica come true.

  When he had arrived at the island on Friday, Ben had gotten straight to work. Meeting with the contractors and workers who would be building his dream. Walking over the land again that he had purchased three months ago. He was finally ready to start constructing his small but upscale retreat. He planned to market it to established professionals like himself. Folks thirty-five and up who wanted privacy, quietness and luxury while visiting Jamaica. People who wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of corporate America.

  Black people were often drained more than normal, as they dealt with daily micro aggressions in and outside of work. He wanted a safe place for mature singles or couples to come relax. All while they had sand under their feet and sun above their heads. There would be twenty-five lodgings total. Five would be totally private, ten semi-private and the last ten in a villa layout. All built on the 30 acres of land he’d purchased. As the rooms became more private they would go up in size and in price.

  Ben was on a tight schedule of his own making, he wanted his resort open and operational by December of next year. The following spring at the latest. He had personally warmed up some of his more affluent associates and they were ready to support his venture when complete. Not to mention he’d tested the idea in a number of high scale African-American travel groups and had another waiting customer base there as well. They had been a great target group to survey and he’d gained some good information.

  Luckily for him he’d done his research and cultivated solid partnerships on the island. So he had trust in those doing the work. Not to mention the milder weather meant construction and landscaping could take place pretty much year round. Finishing his breakfast, he put the tantalizing and confusing Ms. (or was that Mrs.) Reed out of his mind and made his way to the front of the resort so he could catch his transport. Business was back to the forefront of his mind.

  TAMARA WAS GLAD SHE’D taken the extra day off to rest. Though she had gotten in before noon her time on Sunday, she was beat! The sight-seeing and partying were all more physical activity than she was used to. Being a lawyer wasn’t as exciting as TV made it look. The majority of her time was spent sitting at a desk. Add in the vigorous, marvelous sex she’d had with her vacation boo, and there was no wonder why she was tired. To top it off her body had to adjust to the weather shock from leaving low 80’s and arriving to low 50’s.

  Now she was using her Monday off to really rest her brain and body. Drinking tons of water and tea to detox her from the alcohol and unhealthy food she’d consumed her entire trip. Thank goodness she’d cleaned her house before leaving because she had no energy to spare. She believed it helped to have a clean and tidy space to get your mind right. Sadly, it was not that easy. Every time her body twinged with an ache it took her mind right back to that resort room. She briefly thought back to the morning after.

  It had been easy to slip on her dress and stuff her undergarments in her tote. Looking back at him sprawled on the bed, she felt bad and debated about leaving him a note. She didn’t have much experience in situations like this. However, she felt she was too damn old to be “ghosting” someone like the younger generation did. Quickly yet quietly, she snatched up the notepad and pen that was always somewhere in a room.

  With hand poised above the paper she found herself stuck again. What did one write when sneaking off before a one night stand woke up? “It’s been real”, “Had a good time”, “Your loving was excellent, but I’m out”? None of those seemed appropriate, though the last was the closest to the truth. Instead she settled on “Thank You”. Ripping off the page she let it drift slowly down to the pillow next to him, grabbed her bag and left. Double timing it to her own room where she showered, packed and was in a cab heading to the airport within the hour.

  Now she wondered what Benjamin was doing. Was he still on the island? If he was home was he thinking about their time together too? Probably not. Though he had seemed very nice and above board, he probably had a girlfriend or heaven forbid a wife. She felt like shit for never asking. She knew what men did while on vacation or even traveling for work. As good as his loving was she didn’t imagine that a man like him would be unattached.

  Honestly, things moved so fast she’d never thought of it. One moment she was casually talking with him, then they turned into a “pair” interacting with party goers. Even then she’d had no real thoughts of spending the night with him. So she had just enjoyed the company, enjoyed the atmosphere and dancing. Unfortunately, she had lumped Ben’s company into
part of the vacation experience. No deep questions asked. Everything had been relaxed and easygoing as the night went on. Therein lies the problem with vacations. All sense of reality went out the window.

  Well she wasn’t in Jamaica anymore. Time to forget about the best sex she’d ever had, and prepare for work the next day. She also picked up her phone and put a reminder in her calendar to schedule a doctor's appointment to get tested for everything tomorrow. They’d used a condom, but you could still get a variety of diseases from areas not covered by the latex. Yep, she was definitely back to the shitty reality that was life.

  Chapter Four

  WALKING BACK INTO THE office Tuesday morning really made her feel “back”. Their offices were in a small two story business complex that had capacity for about ten businesses. For now it was perfect for their burgeoning law firm. Giving them enough space not to seem tiny, while the corner suite on the second floor gave them privacy as well. Between the three of them they focused on civil, family, bankruptcy and personal injury law. Taking on the occasional intellectual or labor relations case.

  When she arrived at six thirty the lights were already on. Probably Jessica, that woman was a super early riser. None of them could figure out when she slept, honestly they thought she might be a vampire. Which was okay by them, as long as she billed her share of cases. In truth they worried about her, even though she had been that way since law school.


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