Crashing In On Love

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Crashing In On Love Page 4

by Taylor Love

  “I’m a realtor and also a property investor. I have a couple of properties in Cincinnati that I’m working on. One for resale and the other as a rental.”

  “Really? That's great. How long have you been doing that?”

  “I’ve been a realtor for twenty years and a property investor for the last twelve. I enjoy both and they’ve been good to me.”

  Tamara nodded, fascinated. It was the kind of occupation you only stayed in that long if you were good at it. She also did some quick calculations in her head. “So that means you are forty-something?”

  “So now you want to talk ages? Fine as long as you reciprocate. I’m forty. I started my career early and learned quickly.”

  She admired driven and intelligent men. “Impressive, and I guess fair is fair. I’m thirty-five.”

  “I’ll give your compliment back to you. That’s fairly young to have your own law firm and for several years now.”

  Before she could analyze the warmth spreading in her chest. The waiter came for their order. Since she had been here a couple of times, and he had already looked over the menu, they were able to order quickly and get back to the conversation.

  “Thank you. I didn’t do it alone. But I like what I do and think my partners and I are good at it.”

  “No one succeeds alone.” Ben agreed. “I’m glad your hard work has paid off for you.”

  “Yours seems to have paid off as well.” Tamara looked around the restaurant, glancing pointedly at the expensive bottle of Gervasi White Chardonnay.

  “It has.” He almost told her about the resort and wasn’t sure why he hesitated. “Anyway, now that we have the basics out the way. Why don’t we talk about the more in depth stuff? Like why you ran off after our night together.”

  Tamara sent him an abashed grin.

  “What can I say? That was vacation Tamara. When morning came it was time for real life Tamara to get up and go home.”

  He gave one of his deep hearty laughs that she remembered from their time together.

  “Okay, but why didn’t your real-life counterpart think she could wake me up...leave a number or email or something? Vacation Ben thoroughly enjoyed how we got down.”

  Tamara glanced around, making sure no one she knew was close by before she spoke.

  “I want to make this clear, I did too. Enjoyed our time together that is. But let's be honest it was sudden and unexpected. I just figured you wouldn’t care. And yes, I might have been a tad embarrassed at how enthusiastically I enjoyed it and that it happened at all with a complete stranger.”

  “Enthusiasm is a beautiful thing. And we were not complete strangers. We were wedding crashing buddies.”

  “I thought we established I never admitted to crashing that wedding.”

  “Semantics, Counselor.” Ben returned her grin. “It never crossed your mind that we could spend time together once we got back? I mean, you knew I lived close by?”

  “It didn’t. I wasn’t looking for any kind of relationship, just a few days of relaxation over the holidays. Plus, I don’t consider another state close by. When daylight hit, the fantasy night was over. I had no clue if you were single or what. So I just chalked it up to a great night, put it behind me and left. All I can say is I’m sorry.”

  “Well, I consider it close enough, not to mention I’m here on a regular due to business.” When he saw the skeptical look on her face he hurried on. “But it’s clear that maybe we both made a lot of assumptions because we didn’t know enough about the other.”

  Tamara nodded in agreement, taking another long sip of wine.

  “Look, I’d like to learn more about you. Let's use this dinner to remedy our lack of information.” Ben suggested. “Then from there we can decide if we want to continue our association and on what level. Does that sound like a fair deal?”

  Tamara wondered if it was right to let him think he stood a chance. As nice and sexy as he was, she knew she didn’t have “time” for anything he might have in mind. She’d try to let him down easy after dinner.

  “It does. But no promises.” She lifted her glass. “To an enjoyable dinner.”

  JUST LIKE BEFORE THEY had no problem conversing, easily moving from subject to subject. Ben had been right, the bottle of wine didn’t last long. When he finally paid the check, it was long gone. Even though she protested, he walked out to the car with her a little past nine. Well past the time it became totally dark during this time of year.

  Now came the part she was dreading. She didn’t have time for him or any other man. Their practice had finally started making a true profit in the last year, which was how she’d been able to take that vacation in the first place. They had all worked nonstop since opening. They were just at the point where they could each take consecutive days off if they coordinated their schedules just so. Standing near her car she actually regretted having to dismiss his interest.

  “Thank you for dinner Ben. Seeing you today, I didn’t see that coming. But I enjoyed our conversation.”

  Ben came a little closer. “Does that mean we’ll be seeing each other again, I know I would love to.”

  “I...just don’t think that would be a good idea.”

  He came closer and foolishly she didn’t move back.

  “I disagree. I think it’s an excellent idea. Let me show you.”

  Ben leaned down slowly, giving her plenty of time to back away or rebuff him. He curved his big hand around her neck and tilted her chin up.

  Tamara swallowed hard but parted her mouth, her heart beating faster as she anticipated the touch of his lips. The reality was even better than she imagined. Even though it was outright cold somehow his lips were warm. As their tongues mingled she tasted that fine wine they’d had and made a quick mental note it was worth every penny, before she went on automatic. When he pressed her winter-clad body close to his, and took the kiss deeper she no longer felt the biting cold. She completely forgot they were standing in a parking lot until she heard someone call out.

  “The rooms are behind you. Get one!” An amused voice shouted from across the dark lot.

  Tamara would have jerked back but Ben wouldn’t let her. Instead, he tightened his hold and slowly brought the kiss to an end. Kissing her bottom lip several times before finally pulling back.

  “What do you say we take their advice? My room is waiting.” Ben murmured, looking at the passion still shimmering in her eyes. He knew he was hard and ready.

  “I know this will sound crazy, but now it feels awkward. As if I’d be giving it up on a first date.”

  “It’s cool, I understand this is under different circumstances. If all I wanted was sex I wouldn’t have come across state lines looking for you. Let's be honest, I could get sex closer to home. I want to get to know you, sex between you and me will come when it comes. We both know when it will be fantastic just like the first time. There's no rush on my part.”

  She felt steadier. “You mean if it happens again.”

  “I meant exactly what I said...when.” He gave her a relaxed smile. “Again, no rush. I have work to take care of tomorrow, but I’d love to have breakfast with you on Sunday before I hit the road.”

  Tamara thought about challenging him on his statement but let it go.

  “Okay, breakfast sounds good. Just text me Saturday with a time that works for you.”

  She figured the first meal of the day should be a safe setting for her next meeting with Benjamin “Makes Me Hot” Thompson.

  Chapter Seven

  SHE WAS WRONG, NOTHING would make her next meeting with Ben safe. The problem started when she went to bed Friday night. She should have dropped like a stone, since it had been a full and stressful week. Instead she tossed and turned, images of having Ben between her thighs in her mind no matter what side she laid on.

  Saturday had been even worse. Intending to distract herself with cleaning hadn’t worked. The back and forth pushing of the vacuum only served to remind her of him thrusting his tongue
in her mouth. Which led to thoughts of him thrusting his tongue between her legs. Her mind hadn’t been this easily distracted by sex since she was sixteen!

  As late evening rolled in, she figured catching up on some case studies might work. While that got her mind off sex she started stressing over another thought. Tamara started to think he wasn’t going to contact her at all. Maybe he had been all lip service. No pun intended. Then she had to remind herself the man was working, besides it might be a good thing if he flaked off.

  As if her thoughts conjured him up her phone pinged with a text. Asking her if ten in the morning worked for her—it did. He didn’t have much else to say except that he was beat for the night and for her to pick a place and let him know. So she spent the next thirty minutes stressing about where to go before texting him a location and calling it a night herself.

  When Sunday arrived she attended an early service at her church. She hadn’t been in a while and figured she needed all the extra control she could get. Seeing as how she’d spent the last two nights having unholy thoughts about getting back in Ben’s pants. Fresh from a sermon on sins of the flesh, which seemed timely if not ironic, she felt she had her defenses shored up to resist the man.

  WHO WAS SHE KIDDING? All her lofty thoughts disappeared as she watched his fine ass walk in the door. She raised her arm so he would spot her. She didn’t trust herself to stand, her legs might not hold. If that man knew all the wicked things she had dreamed and planned for him to do to her—he might just run away.

  Then again maybe not. He’d already shown a doggedness about himself. Tracking her down, walking boldly into her office like he belonged there. Not taking the hint after dinner, though her responding to his kiss might have sent a mixed signal. The fact that she hadn’t stood up to greet him certainly didn’t dim the smile on his face. Or stop him from leaning down to give her a quick kiss on the lips, even though she’d given him her cheek. Yeah, she didn’t think she had to worry too much about damaging his male ego, and damn if that didn’t turn her on more.

  A waitress appeared and took their orders and thankfully brought them coffee. Ben finally sat back to appraise her. Tamara looked just as delicious as she’d tasted Friday night, if a bit more uneasy. “How are you this fine Sunday morning?”

  “I’m good. Though I wouldn’t call this ‘cold as heck’ morning fine.”

  “I was talking about you.” Ben took a long sip to stop from laughing in her face. “Are you usually a little testy in the morning? I wouldn’t know since you jetted before we could have our morning after.”

  “You...are never...going to forget that are you?” Tamara choked out around her laughter and coffee. Before he could respond she went on.

  “For the record I happen to be just the right amount of pleasant in the morning. I’m used to early hours. I just didn’t get a lot of rest this weekend.” Tamara gave him a sly look over her cup. “I didn’t sleep well at all...did you?”

  “Sorry to hear that, I slept like a full and freshly changed baby all weekend.”

  This time she did spit out a little coffee. Quickly using her napkin to cover her mouth. This man made her laugh even when it was inappropriate.

  “Really? That soundly, huh?”

  “Yep. I didn’t have a care in the world and nothing on my mind. I’m sure it helped that I was dog tired each day. Physical labor takes a lot out of you.”

  Tamara frowned, was he serious or joking? She assumed he was here overseeing updates to his property.

  “What physical labor would that be?”

  Their food was brought out, preventing him from responding right away.

  “Did I forget to mention I do a lot of my own minor renovations?” Ben honestly couldn’t remember. He often forgot that many investors weren’t that hands on.

  “You sure did.”

  They lapsed into a brief silence as they both dug in. His explanation actually explained a lot. Like how he’d been able to hold her up so easily. The thought of his naked chest slightly sweaty and his muscles straining as he worked didn’t do anything to slow down her runaway libido.

  “Sorry, I forget it’s not the usual. If the location is close, I usually drop in during evenings or weekends. Depending on how busy I am and knock out some of the easier repairs. I mostly focus on rentals that are in fairly good condition but that I get at a steal on the market. Anything too in-depth like wiring or roofing I farm out.”

  “How many different locations do you own property at?”

  “A and there. It just depends, as I flip most and keep one when I feel like it for secondary income.” Ben evaded “Mostly local to where I live but I’ve branched out into a few nearby states recently. Michigan and Illinois has some really good deals if you know where and when to look.”

  “I imagine. I think that’s cool actually, that you know how to fix things. It’s a lost occupation to me. Not that I can talk, I’m all thumbs if it’s anything more complicated than putting together an IKEA piece.”

  “Don’t sell yourself short, those damn IKEA sets can be hard.”

  They shared a smile before Tamara asked. “What made you want to learn to do it yourself?”

  “Ah, well it’s kind of the family business. My dad and uncle taught me from when I was old enough to hold a hammer. They own a small construction company. So I helped out whenever I could. It was good money for a teen, but hard work. It’s really how I got interested in houses in the first place. However, my Dad didn’t want me working with my hands for the rest of my life, so he steered me towards business. I found a balance that worked for me. There’s something grounding about transforming something with your own hands.”

  The more she learned about him the more she liked. It also explained why his hands were slightly rough. Just rough enough to feel good on certain sensitive parts of a woman's body.

  “I definitely think you have good hands.”


  TAMARA WAS STUMPED. After her “hands” comment, she saw the quick flash of understanding and heat in his eyes. Yet more than an hour later, all her verbal launches of introducing sex into the conversation had apparently missed their mark. Sometime over the weekend she had subconsciously decided to have sex with him again. She ended up picking a breakfast place only three miles from her house and only 200 feet from a nice little hotel. Right about now she would be happy if she could get him to go to either.

  How many innuendos did a girl have to throw at a man? He was funny, seemed genuinely nice and was disease free, or that’s what her test results implied. She had also looked up all the county records in Kentucky and Ohio, so at least she knew he wasn’t married in those two states. Tamara had been out the dating scene for a while now, but when had men started needing you to spell it out for them? Come to think of it maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing. She might as well give it a try since not so subtle hints weren’t working.

  “Ben this has been really nice, just like dinner was.”

  “I agree. I’m happy you enjoy my company.”

  “I do!”

  Tamara finished off her second cup of coffee. The man had been low key working her nerves, but the caffeine may have been a bad choice to calm them.

  “In fact, I like your company so much I’m thinking we can spend more time together. There’s a nice boutique hotel right up the street.”

  When he just looked at her silently, deadpan for what seemed to her like ten seconds—when it was only three, she rushed on.

  “Or my house, which is only a couple of miles away, if you prefer that...” She felt her shoulders relax as he finally formed his lips into a slow smile.

  “I’d prefer the latter but not today.” Ben turned his attention to pulling out his wallet and counting out bills.

  “I see.” Tamara couldn’t fix her mouth to say more than that.

  Ben tossed twenty-five on the table, including the tip before he finally looked at the woman across from him again.

  “I re
ally need to get on the road. It’s coming up on noon.” To punctuate his point he stood up and started putting on his coat.

  “O-kay.” What the hell was going on? She ended up standing as well. “I wasn’t aware you were under time constraints.”

  Even to her own ears she knew her tone sounded prim and chastising. The man didn’t seem bothered by it.

  “I knew you would understand. When you have a demanding job it seems like there is always something else that needs doing.”

  He nonchalantly walked over and gave her a quick hug and no kiss.

  “You enjoy the rest of your Sunday Tamara. I’ll contact you sometime during the week, okay?”

  He didn’t wait for her to agree or not, just swaggered his ass out the door. She was so outdone that she said out loud. “What the hell was that?”

  TAMARA STARTED HER week off in a shitty mood. Then again what woman her age wanted to feel like an unsatisfied hormonal teenager? She had not enjoyed the rest of her Sunday and had cursed Benjamin Thompson’s name. What she had spent part of her Sunday doing was searching marriage licenses in all of Michigan and Illinois since he mentioned he had property there. Trying to find a reason why he’d declined a bump in the sheets, when two nights before he’d been about to jump her in a parking lot. There had been no hidden family but Tamara decided to run a background check on him next chance she got. Better yet, she’d take a picture of his driver's license when she saw him next. If she saw him. Did she even want to see him now?

  She was pondering that thought in their lunch meeting when Monique startled her.

  “Did you hear anything I just said about the Lawrence case? Any opinion?”

  “Huh? I mean of course I heard you, and no I don’t have an opinion. Do what you think is best.”

  Jessica and Monique shared a look.

  “What’s your issue today? This seems worse than regular Monday blues.”


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