Crashing In On Love

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Crashing In On Love Page 9

by Taylor Love

  He left her to sweep the floor while he dragged the old carpet out and brought in the new cobalt gray material. By the time he got back she had started on the last spot that needed smoothing with a little sandpaper, so he ran down to get them some cold waters from the fridge. There had been a few appliances and furnishings left, some he had tossed, but a few had been in good shape. The new owners could take them or not. If they didn't he would sell them to a secondhand shop.

  “Here you go, get your hydration on.”

  “Thanks.” Tamara hadn’t known how thirsty she was until seeing the water. She wiped her forehead and took a long drink. This was hard work! She was already feeling it in her shoulders. How Ben did this kind of stuff after working all week she had no clue.

  “You good?” He asked.

  “Yeah, what’s next?”

  “We put the new padding down then the carpet.”

  Putting their masks back on, they went to work, doing the padding first. This part went fairly quickly and they started on the trickier task of laying the carpet. Since the room was small, Ben had pre-cut the piece already, only needing to do a few cuts around the entrance and the closet door. Once that was done, he used what he told her was a knee kicker to attach the new carpet to the tack strip. This process took a bit of time, as he made sure that it was in nice and tight but also flat and even.

  At last they were done. He rose from his knees and came to stand by her, giving the room a final hard eye to see if he had missed anything. She had learned quickly that he took pride in his work and didn’t believe in doing a half-ass job. She respected him so much for that. Her firm had represented clients against slumlords a few times. The bastards didn't care about the conditions they forced people to live in as long as the rent was paid each month. And the occasional fix or update they did do, was done by the lowest bidder. Shamefully subpar work.

  “You did it. It looks great and I love the color too.”

  “No baby, we did it.”

  He pulled her in by her waist and gave her a rather heated kiss that surprised them both. He had meant the kiss to be one of thanks and appreciation for her hard work. But as soon as he touched her soft lips and tasted her mouth it became something more. Ben suddenly had a fierce need to take her here and now. Right on this new carpet they’d just put down. Reining in his need he pulled back. Now was not the time or place.

  “Thank you. I never would have gotten it done this quick on my own.”

  “My pleasure.”

  Tamara was a little dazed. It was a kiss filled with emotion, just one she couldn’t name. But it had been enough to have her nipples rock hard and her heart beating against her chest.

  “What time is it?” While she did want to know, it was more to break this strange tension that was in the room.

  “A little after two-thirty.”

  “Time flew, it doesn’t even feel like it’s been three hours. Am I able to use the bathroom up here or should I go to the one downstairs?”

  “This one works and should have everything you need.” Ben finally, reluctantly released her and took a step back. “Take your time. I’ll go put these tools up and use the downstairs one to wash my hands. Just meet me down there whenever you’re ready.”


  He watched as she slowly left the room, turning back to give him a shy and hesitant smile as she hit the door. One that told him she had felt something different in that kiss like he had.

  BEN PUT CERTAIN TOOLS back in his trunk to take home and went inside to wash up. When he came into the living room Tamara was just coming down the stairs. He saw her eyes flicker to the paint he’d brought in, then to the fact he’d taken off his outer shirt to paint.

  “Ahh that’s right, you wanted to paint a room as well.”

  “Yeah, if I knock it out now, I can relax tomorrow.”

  “Okay, painting a wall or two I’ve actually done.” Tamara grinned before rolling up her sleeves.

  “Beautiful, I know you’re tired. Why don’t you go on home, take a bath and relax? It’s just the last coat, won’t take me long at all. I should actually be back way before dinner. In fact, just text me what you want and I’ll pick something up on the way.”

  “I don’t mind helping.” Tamara shook her head stubbornly. “I actually find painting a little fun.”

  “And I really appreciate that you don’t mind.” Ben took her in his arms. “In fact, it actually turns me on. But you already worked hard and gave me most of your Saturday. Go home and relax.”

  “You seem to be forgetting that you helped me out this morning as well.”

  “I know bu-”

  She cut him off, sliding her hands down his back then lightly over his ass.

  “And I’m the one who offered to help, because I wanted to. Not because you asked or even needed me. It’s been an education watching you work.”

  With her body she started maneuvering him back towards the only piece of furniture in the room. The owner had left an old, oversized recliner behind. The worn, brown leather showed its age but otherwise was in fine condition.

  “I loved seeing you use all those lean muscles that only I get to see and touch. Every time you were on the floor I ogled your ass. Didn’t you wonder why you had to repeat things a couple of times.”

  To make her point she squeezed the firm cheeks in her hand. Tamara was happy to see he wasn’t laughing because she was dead serious. When his legs hit the back of the chair, she pushed at his chest until he sat. Without losing eye contact, she took off her loose sweater.

  “I don’t even know why, but I’m super turned on as well.” Next, she let her bra fall to the floor. “I had to splash cold water on my face to cool down.”

  “I don’t think it worked.” Ben huskily stated the obvious as he watched her unbutton her jeans. “Not that I’m complaining.”

  Ben whipped his undershirt off, letting her know he was down with where this was going.

  “Nope it didn’t help at all.” Tamara wiggled her jeans and panties down her hips, at the same time clumsily kicking off her shoe boots. “Only thing it accomplished was making another part of my body wet.”

  His eyes immediately went to the vee of her slightly parted legs, then snapped up to lock with hers. When he went to rise up she shook her head and walked forward.

  “No, sit. I’m not the only one who worked hard today.”

  Tamara didn’t rush as she kneeled at his feet and took off his boots. While he had followed her directions to stay seated, he wasn’t staying still. Ben unbuckled his pants and lifted his hips to tug them down as she pulled from the bottom. He was so mesmerized by the naked woman in front of him he even forgot to nab the condom he’d placed in his back pocket. He needn’t have worried as Tamara extracted it once she had the garment fully in her hands.

  “I’ll do all the work for this next project.” She purred sliding her hands up the inside of his legs as she rose.

  Ben had to clench his teeth when her cool hands carefully rolled the condom down his shaft. He was so damn aroused, that he was basically tongue tied. When she climbed on his lap and went to lower herself on his cock, he grabbed her waist stopping the motion.

  “Let me get you ready.”

  Ben was concerned he’d hurt her. He was a large man below and he knew from previous experience it could be uncomfortable for some women, if they were not properly turned on. That’s why he’d gotten so good at foreplay in his youth.

  Tamara moved his fingers out the way where they tickled the hair between her legs. “I told you I’m already wet.” She eased down on him a few inches. “Don’t worry, I’m not fragile. Don’t underestimate how much I want you right now.”

  Tamara started with some shallow thrusts, working more of his girth inside each time she went down. Ben lightly ran his hands along her hips and lower back, his eyes glued to where they were joined. Thrilling in the sight of her taking him in. His mouth was slightly open as he tried to take in enough air.

When she was seated fully on him, they shared a moan before they met each other halfway for a starving kiss. Their lips and tongues demanding surrender from the other. While their mouths dueled, her hips started a slow grind, and his hands slid up to rub her pointed nipples with his coarse thumbs. She undulated her hips even harder before finally breaking free of his lips so she could breathe.

  Then she started to move again, confidently up and down his entire length, her hands on his chest helping her balance. While his hands massaged and played with her breasts, she sped up, moving faster and harder, until soon she was panting in earnest. Her skin was so sensitive that she keenly felt it as one of his hands trailed down to her stomach. And when his thumb softly rubbed her clit she went over. Crying out as she climaxed, her head and body thrown back as the pleasure overwhelmed her.

  Ben leaned forward, one hand supporting her back as he pulled at her left nipple. Suckling her as she came down from her release. When she settled to light tremors, he reached on the side of the chair and pulled the old fashioned lever that made the chair go back. The action threw them into an almost flat position. Ben raised his knees which spread her thighs wider, as she kissed his collarbone. The sweat from their work salted her tongue as she kissed and licked along his skin.

  Then he was moving inside her, pressing up with his hips and feet to impale her slickness over and over. His strong arms wrapped around her lower waist holding her in place. His other arm pressed along her upper back making the flesh of their chests rub against each other. As he got closer to his own release, he tangled his hand through her hair, tossing the ponytail holder she’d used as they worked. Ben pulled her head up so they were looking at each other as he took his last few hard thrusts. Stiffening, before slamming home one more time to his own climax.

  As his hips jerked and his testicles released his seed, he felt a feeling spread in his chest that had nothing to do with him coming. It was something separate as he looked in her lovely face. Her lips parted and swollen, her eyes half closed with a light sheen of sweat on her body. To Ben he’d never seen anything so beautiful. He wanted to see this softness, this openness on his woman's face forever. He had a strong urge to protect her against any and everything. To comfort her in hard times and to be a part of her life in all ways.

  When her passion clouded eyes started to clear, she gave him a slow satisfied smile. He didn’t have it in him to return it. His mind still grappling with his possessive thoughts. Tamara crossed her arms against his chest and rested her chin on them.

  “I hope you found that helpful Ben. I felt you had earned a relaxing break.”

  “I wouldn’t call that relaxing. But it was a more satisfying way to get drained of energy than working on the house.”

  “I bet.”

  Her muscles squeezed him a couple of times, before she lifted her hips off his.

  “I need to know where you got that condom from? It wasn’t in your pocket before. I told you I’ve been staring at your ass all day.”

  Ben finally smiled, even laughing a little at her observation.

  “From the car when I took the tools out. I sometimes keep a few in my glove compartment. You weren't the only one feeling frisky when that carpet was done.”

  “Really? That’s how you sell those expensive houses, huh? Are all your clients well to do women? Are you giving them a little “extra” with the tour of the house?” Tamara teased.

  “I’m insulted.” His big grin belied his claim. “That’s a way I never thought of doing business but thanks for the suggestion.”

  “Since you’ve worn me out with physical and manual labor, I’m going to accept that answer.”

  “You do that.” Ben reached over the side, pulling the lever back up. “Speaking of which, you better get dressed and go home before we end up asleep in this chair.”

  Ben took care of the condom and got dressed in the half bath. Coming back out as she was pulling her hair back into a loose ponytail. Not being able to help it he dragged her in for another lingering kiss, needing to touch her.

  “Thanks again for all your help today. Get out of here, go take a nap for both of us.”

  “Okay, I’m going. I’ll see you at home for dinner. I’ll order something and text you.”

  Ben walked her out to the car, waiting in the cold until she pulled off waving. He wondered had she caught the phrase that was sticking out in his mind. Home. Not her house or the house, but home.

  Chapter Fourteen

  IT WAS LATE MARCH WHEN Ben found himself heavy in thought, while driving to Tamara’s place. It was Friday and the roads where clear of snow at the moment and traffic wasn’t bad, even though he hadn’t been able to leave as early as he would have liked. Besides, he’d made this drive so many times now that he could practically do it in his sleep.

  If the moment from last month hadn’t convinced him, then the last seven weeks had. He was in love with the focused, prudent, witty and sexy without trying to be, Tamara Reed. While the feeling had taken him by surprise, he’d had time since to roll it around in his head, get a taste for it so to speak. Real talk, it was a daunting revelation. Last time he’d even thought the L word had been over ten years ago. And what he’d felt then didn’t compare to what he was feeling now.

  To date, they’d both been fairly direct in their relationship, bringing issues to the forefront and tackling them head on. But Ben didn’t think it would be a good idea for him to shout his feelings from the rooftops. He honestly felt she was falling in love with him too. But did she recognize what she was feeling for what it was? His lady could be wary about applying labels. He had a feeling she had been born cautious and her line of work had only made her more so.

  In this case, he felt it would be better to let her say it first. He wasn’t copping out due to fear of rejection. He could take it if she wasn’t quite there yet. But he just didn’t want her to feel pressured or feel like their relationship wasn’t solid because his feelings were at one place and hers were at another. Ben knew her pretty well by now. Tamara would over react, dissect his declaration and then beat herself up if she honestly couldn’t reciprocate. To be fair he’d had over a month to come to terms with his feelings, while she would feel a need to answer that claim then and there.

  No, the potential fallout wasn’t worth it right now. He’d let her take the lead on saying I love you, while he continued to move them forward in a different way. He could wait. To his mind they had plenty of time—he had no intention of letting her go.

  ON SATURDAY, THEY SAT in a booth at the casual restaurant they picked for dinner. Ben cleared his throat, deciding now was a good time to work on his “moving forward” action plan.

  “So, I want to talk to you about something.”

  “Oh lord, we are not getting a dog.”

  “What? You seem obsessed with this mythical dog.” Ben teased her. “No, it’s something else. Since the house sold two weeks ago and the rental property will be put on the market next week—I think it’s time you came out to visit me for a weekend. Now that spring has officially arrived.”

  “I’d love to come out. I’ve been waiting for you to ask. Were you waiting for the weather to ease up?”

  “Well yeah. Didn’t want you driving down the highway, with the roads icy and heavy snow.”

  “So, it was okay for you to drive in all that but not me.” Tamara crossed her arms and leaned back.

  “Yes it was, and before you get an attitude about it hear me out. I already had business I needed to see to up this way. Since that was the case, I figured why make both of us drive on the dangerous roads.”

  “Seems a little sexist to me. You do know I drive on the highway everyday right? That I grew up here and lived in Michigan where the traffic and snow is often worse.”

  Ben leaned back in his chair and mirrored her stance. “I’m well aware. I don’t think it’s sexist, I think I was being mindful of my woman’s safety. Removing the stress of you having to drive up and down the road, particula
rly since I had to come this way anyhow.”

  When she went to speak he stopped her.

  “Furthermore, I think you’re sexist. Talking about you were waiting on me to ask. I don’t appreciate you holding me to gender stereotypes. If you wanted to come see my place you should have said so, like the enlightened woman you are.”

  Tamara said nothing, just narrowed her eyes as they stared at each other across the table. After about ten seconds, she finally uncrossed her arms and leaned forward. “You should have been a lawyer, the way you can turn a point on its head. It’s annoying.”

  “No, thanks. I’ll keep my shady salesman title, we’re not quite as hated.”

  “Whatever and thank you for caring.”

  “You’re welcome Beautiful.”

  Tamara laughed. “Got to admit I was starting to think you were homeless or had a houseful of kids or something.”

  “Woman, I’ve told you I’m not married.”

  “You can have kids without being married. Besides, I know you don’t.” Her face got a little color in it. “Don’t get mad but I did a background check on you, not long after you dropped in out the blue. Trust, I checked every state. I know you don’t have a wife and no order for child support.”

  “I would expect no less from you, Counselor. Since we’re telling secrets I had your credit checked early on as well. I could get you into something extremely sexy with that score.”

  She outright laughed at that. “Really, just my credit score? You don’t care if I’m a murderer?”

  “Nope, we realtors don’t discriminate.” He winked at her. “Maybe I was trying to see what kind of house you could afford that would go well with a dog.”

  Tamara threw her straw wrapper at him. “No house goes well with me and a dog.”


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