Crashing In On Love

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Crashing In On Love Page 14

by Taylor Love

“That dog is hardheaded! That’s what we should have called her.”

  “I thought you had it under control BDB?”

  “So did I.” Ben chuckled as he got his sleeping clothes out. “That dog is crazy.”

  “She’s energetic for sure. She just needs some training.”

  “No doubt.” Ben agreed as he went into the bathroom.

  Tamara had left fresh towels out for him and he appreciated the thought, actually all the thoughtful things she’d done for him tonight. While their running joke about the dog had come out of nowhere, he’d meant what he said about owning one someday. As a young boy he’d wanted one badly, wanting something in the house that would love him best. Something to give him unconditional love and attention.

  Francine had vetoed that wish with a hard no. For two years he’d begged for a dog and her response was the same. We don't have money for a dog, your father can barely take care of you and me! Another way to get a dig in at his father, regardless of the fact that it hurt him. They could have easily afforded the dog, she just didn’t want anything else taking attention and money away from her.

  His Uncle Joe had saved the day again. His cousins never voiced a request for a dog, but when he was nine Joe got his sons a dog clear out the blue. Ben loved that dog like it was his own. Seeing that dog had been a bonus to visiting his Uncle's house. Now his lady, his secretly soft-hearted woman, had given him his own dog. Their dog, no matter how she tried to talk her way around it. It was “theirs” and it represented a deeper bond, something for them to care for together. She would never know how much this meant to him.

  “I FEEL HALF HUMAN AGAIN!” Ben shouted coming back into the bedroom shirtless. “I was dead on my feet before I got here.”

  “That sucks. What you need is some rest.”

  “All I need,” Ben sat next to her, pulling her close. “Is you. You energize me.”

  “You are silly.” Tamara murmured enjoying the little kisses he was sprinkling along her cheeks and neck. The solid and warm feel of his skin beneath her finger tips didn’t hurt either.

  “Nothing silly about you being all I need. You know it’s true. You know I’m all you need too.”

  “I never said that.” Tamara said, pushing him back.

  “You didn’t have to say it. You showed me. Woman just go ahead and say it. You know you want to.”

  “Say what?” Tamara laughed, pushing his roaming hands away. “I think you need sleep. You don’t sound lucid.”

  “Baby I’m plenty lucid.” Ben’s caressing fingers started tickling her flesh. “If you just say it, we can go to bed...if you get my drift.”

  “Stop tickling me!” Tamara squealed.

  They started wrestling trying to out tickle each other. So lost in one another they didn’t hear the dog come in, and didn’t realize she managed to jump on the bed until Tamara squealed at a cold tongue licking her leg. Boa must have heard them having fun without her and decided to join in. For a dog that had been going to sleep just thirty minutes ago, she was full of energy now. Climbing all over them both, licking skin whenever she got close enough to do so.

  “Where did she come from? Didn’t you put her up?”

  “Yeah, I locked her cage and everything.”

  “I told you she can get out.” Tamara was trying to fight off the dog and untangle herself from Ben at the same time. “Did you shut the bedroom door?”

  “I...might have left it cracked.”

  Boa ducked under Tamara’s defenses and got a good slurp along her chin.

  “Yuck, get your dog off me!”

  “I don’t think I will. Not until you admit how you feel about me.”

  Ben started a fresh round of tickling, and that was all the sign Boa needed that it was attack Tamara season. Between laughing and trying to fight them off she could hardly breathe.

  “Stop, I can't breathe.” She gasped laughing.

  “Not until you tell me.”

  “Tell you what? That you’re crazy and so is your dog!”

  Ben stopped, pulling her up until they were sitting. His expression serious, while his eyes still had a sparkle in them.

  “You know what. Just say it. And our dog is crazy.”

  Tamara didn’t answer. Just curling her lips in like a kid refusing to talk, though her eyes were playful as well.

  “You love me, don’t you? You might as well admit it.”

  Ben’s statement posed as a question hung in the air between them. A variety of emotions reflected in their locked eyes.

  Boa broke the moment by licking her cheek.

  “I thought that would be pretty obvious.” Tamara pushed Boa away in amused annoyance. “I got you this licky dog didn’t I?”

  Ben moved the dog to his lap, putting a firm grip on its back. His other hand went to her neck drawing their foreheads together. “You did, didn’t you.”

  Tamara lowered her lashes, feeling abashed and shy, yet certain all at the same time. She placed her hand around his neck then mirrored his hold on the squirming puppy.

  “I did Island Man. I wanted to show you and now tell you...that I love you.”

  Ben had waited for her to say those three words for months! Damn the dog—he grabbed Tamara with both hands and took her down on the bed. Devouring her mouth with his need to convey how much those words meant to him.

  His woman, his heart—had finally said she loved him!

  Boa yapped and moved out the way, but not for long. Soon she was crawling on and around them as they groped one another, wanting to join in on what she considered to be another wrestling match. However, there was nothing playful when the canine nipped the back of Ben’s sleeping bottoms, swinging its head from side to side.

  “Naw, that’s not happening.” Ben rolled off Tamara scooping up the happily panting dog. “This time I’m damn sure shutting the door.”

  Ben hurried out the room, coming back in record time.”

  “I put the larger cage in front of the other one and closed the door.”

  “She’ll be pissed and probably cry all night.” Tamara warned.

  “She’ll get over it. Dog daddy Ben, needs time alone with dog mama Tamara. He needs to show her how much he loves her too.”

  Tamara had been right, the barking and whining had already started up as Ben slid back on the bed. “You still want to do it with her howls as the background music?”

  “Hell yes! You forget I’ve worked in construction zones. I can perform in any conditions. Give me a couple of minutes, I promise you won’t even notice the noise.”

  He was already sliding down her shorts and Tamara giggled taking off her own top. Then watched him quickly take off his clothes. Her nervousness in saying I love you pushed aside by the relaxed fun they were having before and after the words. His immediate response going even further to put her at ease. She watched his eyes take in her naked body, watched the desire in them flame higher, filling the room with sexual tension.

  “Now, where was I?”

  “About to show me how much you cared.”

  “Yeah, about that.” Ben took her hand. “I want to say I love you too. I have for a while now. I thought I should get that out the way before I ravish you.”

  Tamara grinned. “Noted.”

  She pulled him down, kissing him slowly, his delicious weight stretching over her. But the dog must have gotten its second wind, because it started barking louder than ever.

  “How can something so small be so loud that we can hear it through two doors?”

  “I’m not worried about her. I told you she won’t cramp my style.”

  “That’s because your penis is talking louder than her whining.”

  “Once I get between your legs there’ll be nothing more distracting than me.”

  Ben looked at her hungrily, pressing her back onto the mattress.”

  “Well, those are facts Mr. Thompson, and you know how facts turn me on.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

er until late Sunday evening. Both loathed to part now that they’d reached this new level in their relationship. That’s what Tamara told herself. It was either that or he was having too much fun with the dog. She was sad to see him go either way. Before leaving he bought some bungee cords with hooks and showed her how to fasten Boa’s cage, so she didn’t have to bring her to work anymore. Something she would have never thought to do. It was times like this where she appreciated having a man in her life. Two heads could indeed be better than one. Then again, she wouldn’t have the dog if it wasn’t for him. Technically, it was only right that he solved Boa’s escape artist problem.

  She hadn’t been able to wipe the stupid smile off her face even after he’d left. The fact that the I love you’s were out there and reciprocated were still blowing her mind. For the first time ever, they’d had sex without a condom. The event had been no call to panic, but the two had agreed that couldn’t happen again. Back in December, when it was obvious they would keep seeing each other, Tamara had hightailed it to her doctor and gotten a birth control script. She hadn’t told him until the slip up. Not wanting him to think it was a do as you please situation where protection was concerned. From the start her brain knew that Ben wasn’t a careless man, but she didn’t believe in taking chances.

  When Monday came around she walked into work sickeningly cheerful again, filling everyone in at lunch. No one else was surprised that Ben loved her and that she loved him, except her. They were happy she was finally clued in to the revelation but upset that she wouldn’t be bringing the dog in anymore. Guess the perky Pets to Love lady had been right. People found pets fun and relaxing. After the girls continued to pester her, she compromised. Telling them she would bring Boa in on Wednesdays and Fridays, provided that she didn’t have any outside obligations that day.

  She and Boa made their first trip to Ben’s home early on the following Saturday arriving a little after eight in the morning. It was cute to see how excited Ben was to see them both. He’d gone to the store and outfitted a space in his home for the dog already. Boa had a ball exploring the large new space, but they kept a close eye on her just in case she got excited and decided to leave a happy surprise somewhere. Once the dog was settled down, they sat for breakfast, comprised of sausage, eggs and potatoes.

  “It’s good you kept to your schedule. I was afraid you wouldn’t. But we have time to eat before we get out of here.”

  “Where are we going? You didn’t mention you had anything planned.” Tamara questioned, while pouring two glasses of orange juice as he sat out their plates.

  “I just confirmed it yesterday. I figured I’d spring it on you last minute...I find I get less objections that way.”

  “That was your hope. Spill it, where are we off to? Thank you by the way, I was starving! Only grabbed coffee before hitting the road.”

  “You’re welcome. After meeting Miss Boa last week,” Ben pointed to the dog who was sitting outside the entrance to the kitchen watching them, or rather their food “I knew she needed some training. I found a one-day training course for owners and their puppies. I signed us up. Starts at ten and goes til four. Don’t worry they supply lunch too.”

  “You what?” Tamara couldn’t hold the snicker of laughter that came next. “You know black folks don’t do animal training classes, right?”

  “Well, they do if neither has owned a dog before. Didn’t you say this breed is hyper and strong-willed? By the way, I’ll own the hyper part if you admit she gets the strong-willed issue from your side of the family.” Ben joked.

  Tamara laughed but still tossed a tater-tot at his head. He moved to the side and it landed on the floor a few inches in front of Boa, who snatched it the second it hit the ground. Circling gleefully before sitting back on her side of the entrance.

  “I admit nothing on the question of inherited dog characteristics. But I’m for the training. Let’s hope Boa wants to cooperate.”

  AT 9:50 ALL THREE OF them checked in at the park, Shelter 25. They filled out name tags with the owner and pet’s name listed, before slapping them on. Then they were directed aside to take a picture, which she thought was odd. But they did what they were told and decided to lift Boa, with each of them holding half of the dog crossways. The last thing they were given were four medium bags of dog treats. Once everyone had gone through the same process, they all lined up in the grass with all the other pet parents. Twenty-two people, singles and couples alike spending their Saturday waiting for someone to impart wisdom on how to control their own animals. Splitting them into four groups, the trainers got started.

  Their instructor started with some basics, like being consistent and the importance of sticking to a schedule for the first few months of owning a new puppy. They also reiterated that you needed to be clear in what you wanted and use a tone that matched. How would the dog know what to do or if you were serious, with the owner sending mixed messages? First up was the basic command of sit. What ensued had been hilarious! Working on the “down” and “stay” command had been just as comical. However, by the time they stopped for lunch most of the puppies, more or less had conquered the tasks.

  Little did the pets or humans know that their boxed lunch time would turn into more training. The test was could your dog stay sitting while you ate for a full thirty minutes, while the smell of food tempted them. Boa did pretty well, only putting her feet on the bench once. She did give them the sad doggy eyes for almost ten minutes before completely laying down and ignoring them. A Labrador puppy wasn’t feeling it though, jumping up and snatching its owners entire turkey sub before running off!

  The rest of the afternoon went by fast. They learned a variety of things, like the correct way to walk her on the leash and how to get her riled up with play then let her know firmly when play time was over. One of the last lessons was how to get them to enter their kennels without a fuss. By the time it was over they’d used up their supply of dog treats. Overall, Tamara felt it was a success. They mingled a little with some other people as they waited their turn to be checked out.

  Finally, they reached the table and were presented with a certificate with Boa’s name saying she completed puppy training level one, the picture they’d taken at the start clipped on top.

  “You guys make the cutest little family by the way.” Joanne, their group leader said. “And Boa is a quick learner, you got a smart one on your hands. Look at that picture the next time she gets into something. It will help.”

  Walking to the car, Tamara stared at the picture. The three of them did all look cute and happy. It was the family part that she couldn’t get out of her brain.

  LATER THAT NIGHT WHEN they were chilling, Ben handed her an envelope.

  “Here you go baby. I keep forgetting to give this to you. Felicia gave it to me a couple of weeks ago.”

  Tamara slipped it open revealing a wedding invitation for the couple’s wedding taking place at the end of August.

  “Oh, that’s sweet of her. Honestly, I didn’t expect an invite. I know these things are planned down to the penny, and adding people costs in some way or another.”

  Ben waved the concern away. “That didn’t stop you in Jamaica. Seriously, don’t worry about it. She really likes you. Felicia wishes she’d met you sooner. She would have swapped a second cousin in her bridal party for you. I’m a groomsman so they already accounted for me having a date. This will be a great time for you to meet the rest of my family.”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so.” Ben said leaning over for a kiss. “Everyone will love you just like I do. Don’t sweat it.”

  Tamara was skeptical and not just about the loving her thing. Meeting someone's extended family, at a wedding no less—that sent a certain message. Even more than taking a dog family photo did. Her problem was being unsure and uncomfortable with the message being conveyed.

  THEIR ROUTINE CHANGED after that. Somehow Ben started spending the entire week with her. It was like she blinked and his clothes were i
n her closet. He’d always done a lot of his work from home, but now he drove into his office two or three times a week from Cincinnati. She was concerned the driving was too much for him. But when she brought it up, he told her not to worry about it. That with his working from home, his driving time was about the same as a person who went to work five days a week.

  They got into a routine where either of them took Boa out in the morning, then Ben handled her the rest of the day. When he had to go to Louisville, Tamara would take the dog to work if her schedule permitted. Whoever was home by six prepared dinner, while the other gave Boa her evening walk.

  The little trio would sit on the couch after eating. Ben and Tamara trying to out guess each other watching Jeopardy, while Boa dozed. Occasionally, they pulled out work in the evening, though it wasn’t as often as before. Boa usually got a second wind around nine and the couple ended up playing with her before bedtime.

  As July rolled in, Ben got to meet her siblings. Tamara’s family normally got together on the Fourth of July and every other Thanksgiving, rotating between either her or Tanya’s place. Her brother Travis moved around a lot. Tamara insisted they stay with her like normal, instead of wasting money on a hotel just because Ben was around. Since Boa was fully housebroken, she had the run of the house when they were home, so Tamara spent the day before their arrival setting the spare room back to rights for her sister. Travis would sleep on the couch like usual.

  Somehow, Ben convinced her that they should throw a barbeque in the backyard for everyone including her work family. She didn’t even have a grill for goodness’ sake. Ben brought a few things from his house but ended up just buying a new grill to cook on. So, Tamara found herself with a house full of people.

  The event helped with the awkwardness of Ben meeting her siblings, since not long after they arrived everyone had to jump in to prep. They were starting at five and going until whenever. The girls arrived with various drinks and even side dishes, though she had told them not to. By the time everything was sat out it was clear they had way more than enough for their small get together. Tamara planned to send everyone home with several plates.


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