What Happens in Tuscany...

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What Happens in Tuscany... Page 1

by T A Williams

  From rainy England…

  Katie never imagined her life was perfect. But when she finds herself on a rainy street, soaked to the bone and with only a cheating boyfriend and a dead-end job keeping her in town, she knows something has to change. Which is what leads her to Iddlescombe Manor, to be companion to Victoria Chalker-Pyne – the only 25-year-old Katie’s ever met who hasn’t heard of Twitter, thinks girdles are de rigueur, and desperately needs an education in the 21st century!

  …to the Tuscan sun!

  But it wouldn’t be an education without a summer holiday – and where better than Tuscany? Decamping to Victoria’s family villa, it’s soon clear that this place really does have it all: sun, sea…and some seriously gorgeous neighbours. The only question is: when the weather’s this hot, the wine is this smooth and the men are this irresistible…will Katie ever want to make the journey home?

  Don’t miss deliciously funny romance What Happens in Tuscany… the perfect escape for fans of Fern Britton and Veronica Henry.

  Praise for When Alice Met Danny

  ‘This is a brilliant story! I would recommend this book to anybody that likes a fun, laid back read that keeps you hooked!‘–5* from Emma’s Reviews

  ‘T A Williams creates a stunning book with wonderful characters. When Alice Met Danny is the perfect summer read. Beautifully written with a touch of humour. It is one book I plan to read over and over.’ – Elder Park Book Reviews

  Also by T A Williams:

  Dirty Minds

  The Room on the Second Floor

  When Alice Met Danny

  What Happens in Tuscany…

  T A Williams



  lives in Devon with his Italian wife. He lived and worked in Switzerland, France and Italy, before returning to run one of the best-known language schools in the UK. He has taught people from all over the world, among them Arab princes, Brazilian beauty queens and Italian billionaires. He speaks a number of languages and has travelled extensively. He has eaten snake, live fish and alligator. A Spanish dog, a Russian bug and a Korean parasite have done their best to eat him in return. He has written historical novels, humorous books and thrillers. His hobby is long-distance cycling, but his passion is writing. You can follow him on Twitter, @TAWilliamsBooks, find him on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrevorWilliamsBooks or visit his website: www.tawilliamsbooks.com




  Book List

  Praise for

  Title Page

  Author Bio




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six




  With thanks, as ever, to my editor, Clio Cornish

  To Christina and Mariangela with love


  Katie sat in the lounge by the entrance to the fancy restaurant for almost half an hour, waiting in vain for Dean to turn up. On Jenny’s advice, and against her better judgement, she had chosen to take him out for an expensive dinner to celebrate his birthday. The hope was that maybe, just maybe, this might inject some romance, or at least some interest into their relationship. As eight o’clock came and went without sight of him, and the rather forbidding maître d’hôtel started giving her ever frostier glances, she muttered an excuse and headed out of the door, determined to seek him out. She knew that after football matches he and his mates usually went to the Lighter Inn, just a few hundred yards away in the middle of Bournemouth.

  The rain was coming down hard and, in spite of her umbrella, her feet and legs were wet by the time she got there. This didn’t improve her rapidly deteriorating mood. As she splashed up to the entrance she could hear that the pub was packed. She left her umbrella in a bucket by the door and squeezed her way inside. The noise was deafening and it took her a while to get her bearings. Unsurprisingly, the noisiest spot was where the football players were, over by the bar. She thought she glimpsed Dean’s head for a second, but then she lost sight of him again. With difficulty, she made her way through the crowd towards him. As she approached the bar, she heard a chorus of hoots and whistles, and she was almost knocked over as a bunch of men pressed back towards her. She struggled to keep her balance and pushed forward until she managed to reach the bar and stand on the bar rail. This allowed her to see over the heads of some of the shorter players. The scene that greeted her was definitely not what she wanted to see.

  In the midst of the throng of men, a woman was just in the process of peeling off the last of her clothes. She had dyed blonde hair, implausibly huge breast implants and enough fake tan to probably make her glow in the dark. From the sequins and glitter sticking to her body and the breathtaking height of her heels, she was clearly a professional. The two men behind the bar were protesting half-heartedly, but appeared to be making no attempt to stop proceedings. As Katie looked on in horror, the girl tossed her thong into the crowd and stepped forward. Directly in front of her was Dean. He was holding a half empty pint glass and you didn’t need to be Sherlock Holmes to see that he was very, very drunk.

  The woman stretched a pair of no doubt experienced arms around his neck and pulled his face down towards her bust. To Katie’s horror, Dean disappeared into her cleavage, to reappear seconds later with a silly smile on his face. His hands dropped to her bare bottom and cries of ‘Go for it, Deano,’ and ‘Get in there, boy,’ resounded around the room.

  Katie had had enough by this time. She turned and retraced her steps towards the door as fast as she could. She was so furious she was shaking. When she finally managed to reach the entrance, she saw the rain coming down even harder and the pavement swimming with water. To add insult to injury, she saw to her fury that somebody had stolen her umbrella.

  Nevertheless, determined to get away from there at all costs, she launched herself out into the downpour. It seemed to take forever to get back to the car and, by the time she reached it, she was soaked through to her underwear. Her hair was plastered down onto her head and an icy stream was running down her back. She unlocked the door and slid into the driving seat. How could he be so stupid, so uncouth and so inconsiderate? What sort of man stands his girlfriend up on his birthday and drinks himself stupid? And getting himself involved with a stripper? She was appalled, soaked and freezing.

  But at least this resolved one problem for her. This last straw had broken her camel’s back and she knew that this latest disappointment marked the end of things between them. She went back to the flat, packed a couple of bags and headed round to Jenny’s house.

  Chapter One

  ‘How about this one, Katie? It sounds weird enough to be right up your street.’

  ‘Am I that weird?’

  Katie looked up from the Situations Vacant pages of the newspaper where she had been hunting for, well, just about any job that was
going. She had even briefly considered one advert looking for volunteers to join the crew of a raft on a transatlantic crossing. It would have been a really good way of making the big change she was seeking after the events of the past few months, but finally, she had given up on that one for two good reasons. First, she had no experience of sailing and second, she thought people who wanted to do something like that must be stark, raving mad.

  ‘Anybody looking at the small ads in The Lady at your age has got to be pretty strange.’ It was clear from her tone that Jenny didn’t approve. Or at least that she didn’t understand just how desperately Katie wanted out; out of the job that had been driving her mad and away from the shattered remains of a relationship that had gone sour. It had been with a sigh of relief and high, high hopes for the future that Katie had bidden farewell to her job at what she had come to refer to as the Awful Bloody School for Girls. These high hopes had lasted less than a week before a severe attack of reality had set in. If she didn’t find something soon, she knew that, degree or no degree, she might be reduced to working in a bar or a fast food restaurant, most likely serving burgers to her former pupils. When you’ve been a teacher for almost ten years, employers can’t seem to think of you as anything but a teacher, however badly you want to make the change. The idea of buying The Lady had been an act of desperation, but if that was what it would take…

  Katie glanced around the lounge bar of the Crown and Sceptre. At this time of the evening it was almost empty. Her eyes alighted upon the bored-looking girl behind the bar. She shook her head, near to despair. That could be her in a few weeks’ time if she didn’t find something soon.

  ‘So, do you want to hear this advert?’ Jenny’s voice brought her back to the present.

  Katie pulled herself together and looked across at her friend. ‘Yes, go on then. Read it out.’

  Jenny’s support over the past months since the break-up with Dean had been invaluable. They had known each other since school, but Jenny’s career choice had been much more successful than hers. After a degree in business studies, she had opened a kitchen design studio, and business was booming. This evening she was taking time out to help Katie in her search for employment. It wasn’t easy.

  ‘I tell you this, Katie, I’ve never picked up a copy of The Lady before. It’s like reading something from a bygone age. I imagine the good folk at Downton Abbey recruited their staff through its pages. And this advert sounds like it was written by Lord Whatsisname himself. Here you go: “Wanted female companion and guide for English lady of good family. Residential position based in Devon and Tuscany. Would suit cordial and acquiescent person without ties. Excellent remuneration.”’ She snorted. ‘Who in the hell wrote that? “Of good family?” Who says that these days? And, “cordial and acquiescent?” I’m not even sure I can remember what acquiescent means. Unbelievable!’

  ‘Acquiescent means willing to do what you’re told. Sounds like they’re looking for a servant by another name. Probably to look after some old bat.’ Katie paused for a moment. She couldn’t afford to be too choosy after all. ‘Mind you, “Excellent remuneration” sounds good and it does say Tuscany. Maybe I’ll apply anyway. You never know.’

  ‘You’re crazy.’ There was no doubt in Jenny’s voice. ‘Just don’t come to me for sympathy when you find yourself emptying bedpans and pushing some old trout around in a bath chair.’ Nevertheless, she drew a red ring around the advert in the Personal column and handed it across. Then she eyed the empty glasses on the table in front of them. ‘Same again?’

  ‘Oh, yes, please. Thanks, Jen.’ Katie nodded vacantly and busied herself collecting the newspapers and magazines and sorting the few vaguely hopeful adverts they had found. Apart from the Tuscany one, there were only two others, neither ideal. While Jenny got the drinks, Katie checked back through them. One was a travel firm looking for a guide who spoke Italian to accompany groups of cycle tourists around Italy. Although she qualified as far as Italian was concerned, she hadn’t touched a bike for ten years. The other was for a private tutor to teach Italian and German to a pair of ten-year-old twins. Italian and French had been her subjects, not German. Still, she could always try.

  ‘Hi Katie. I thought I saw you over here. What can I get you?’

  She looked up at the sound of his voice, surprised to see him. ‘Oh, hi, Martin, shouldn’t you be out on the practice field?’

  He grinned and shook his head. ‘Nope. The season’s just about over. I’ve got a couple more friendlies and then two months off.’ He nodded towards the pile of papers. ‘Job hunting?’

  ‘Without much success, I’m afraid.’ She couldn’t help smiling at him. In spite of his recently broken nose, and the remains of bruising around his left eye, he really was a good-looking man. She had known him from her Pilates class for about six months, since the beginning of the year, but had only spoken to him for the first time a few days previously at a party she had been bullied into going to by Jenny. It was there she had discovered he was a solicitor and that he played rugby in his spare time.

  ‘Drink?’ He repeated his offer. Just at that moment Jenny appeared with two glasses of white wine.

  ‘Hi, Martin. If I’d known you were here, I’d have got you a pint.’

  ‘No worries.’ He gave her a wave and headed off to the bar. He was wearing shorts and trainers. Both girls eyed his broad shoulders and strong brown legs as he disappeared. Katie also found herself looking at his firm behind. Taking advantage of his momentary absence, Jenny lowered her voice and broached the subject they had been discussing only a few hours earlier. ‘Fancy Martin coming to this pub! I’ve never seen him in here before. I reckon he’s come looking for you, Katie. This is your chance. Ask him out. He’s obviously into you.’

  Katie shook her head. ‘Don’t be so silly.’

  Jenny gave her an expression of disbelief. ‘Listen to me, girl. I know what I’m talking about. He latched onto you at the party and anybody could see he was keen.’

  Katie took a deep breath. ‘I’m not so sure, but, anyway, enough’s enough. The last thing I want is to leap back into another relationship. What I need to do now is to concentrate on getting myself a job and, hopefully, a career. I need to know that I can make a success of my life without having to rely on anybody else.’ She looked across at Jenny. ‘The thing is, Jen, I can’t just sit here waiting for Mr Right to appear. Besides which, there aren’t many of them around these days. No, I’m afraid men are off the agenda for now.’ She paused for a moment before admitting, ‘Even men with a body like Martin’s.’

  Jenny gave her a long hard look. ‘Don’t let one bad experience sour things for you completely. It’s like they say about riding. You fall off. You get straight back up on the horse again.’

  ‘I think I’ll keep my feet firmly on the ground for now. Besides, he’d never go for it or, if he did, it would just be because he’s sorry for me.’ She saw Jenny’s expression. ‘I told him all about the Dean debacle. And anyway, you’re a fine one to be giving me relationship advice. You’ve hardly been out with a man since university. I never had you pegged for a career girl when we were students, but that’s what you are.’

  ‘I’ll get there before too long. If I had a Martin sniffing around me I wouldn’t say no, and that’s for sure. For crying out loud, Katie; strap on a pair, will you?’

  ‘A pair of what?’ Martin reappeared with a pint of lager in his hand. If he noticed their embarrassment he was good enough not to show it. ‘All right if I join you? Not interrupting anything, am I?’

  They waved him to a seat. He took a mouthful of beer then set his glass down on the table. He looked across at Katie. ‘So, anything good on the jobs front?’ She shook her head and gave him a brief rundown of the three possibles. He shook his head in sympathy. ‘Doesn’t sound too good. Of course, you could always go back to uni, take a conversion course and do law. Only a year and you’d be a more marketable proposition.’

  ‘You make it sound as if I’m selling mys
elf.’ Katie reached for her wine.

  ‘Well, if you were, I’d be the first to make you an offer.’

  Jenny sat up. So she had been right. This tall, handsome man was making a play for Katie. Surreptitiously, she studied her friend, who was doing her unsuccessful best to avoid showing that she was blushing. Seeing her embarrassment, Jenny came to her rescue.

  ‘What about you, Martin? Thinking about giving up the legal profession and becoming a professional rugby player?’

  He dragged his eyes away from Katie, turned towards her and shook his head. ‘No way, Jenny. I’ve had so much injury trouble this year, I don’t think I’d hack it in the professional leagues. Have you seen the size of some of those guys?’ His hand strayed to his bruised face. ‘Besides, if I was going to do that, it should have been ten years ago, maybe more. Thirty-one is not the age to try something like that. No, I’m pretty happy as a solicitor, just like my dad and my big brother.’

  Katie glanced gratefully across at Jenny, glad of the change of subject. ‘My dad was a solicitor. He was always on at me about studying law. I’m beginning to think he might have been right after all. Forget languages, forget the humanities, do something that’ll pay well. The trouble is, I haven’t got the funds to take a year out to retrain. I’m afraid I’ll have to keep looking for something that’ll pay the bills for now.’

  ‘Can’t you ask your dad?’ When they were younger, Jenny had often visited the big house where Katie’s folks lived, up on the cliffs with a view out over the sea. Katie shook her head.

  ‘That’s the real last resort. I got myself into this mess and it’s up to me to get myself out of it.’ Jenny gave her a smile. Katie could be stubborn when she wanted.

  ‘There’s more to life than money, Katie. It can’t buy happiness, or so they say.’


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