Taking a Risk, Part One

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Taking a Risk, Part One Page 6

by Anna Blakely

  He smiled down at her, making her heart do a little dance. Oh, how she’d missed that smile.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll get there in time. Come on.”

  Gently grabbing her elbow, he guided her as they continued east. Olivia pushed away her inappropriate thoughts. Now was most definitely not the time for that. Later, when she was home and alone, she could stir up the memory of how he’d looked at her just then.

  Fear of never making it out of the jungle alive had her already-frazzled nerves running at full speed. Jake seemed certain they’d make it, so she’d trust that he knew what he was doing.

  Olivia looked over at him, amazed. The man was barely breaking a sweat. Shouldn’t he at least be a little panicked?

  Not that she wanted him to be. It was just that she was about a hair’s breadth away from a complete and total meltdown, and he didn’t even look worried.

  She always had a feeling that there was more to his job than he’d let on, but seeing him here, like this—If there were any previous doubts he’d been lying about what he did for a living, they were long gone, now. The man was simply too at ease in such a deadly situation.

  Sure, it could just be his military training kicking in, but Olivia didn’t think so. Plus, there was the team he’d mentioned. That little tickle in her gut told her there was a lot more to the man she’d known nearly her whole life than he’d ever shared with her.

  As they kept on, she continued sneaking peeks, those quick glimpses holding all the proof she needed. Jake was alert, his eyes darting about in every direction, checking for any possible threat.

  His stride was long and strong, his steps silent and purposeful. His taught, chiseled body was completely attuned to their surroundings, and he held his gun so comfortably in his hand, it was as if it were actually a part of him.

  This was a side of Jake she’d never seen before. He was dark. Dangerous. And as much as she tried not to ignore it, sexy as hell.

  Avoiding that line of thinking altogether, Olivia decided to ask again about Plan B. She’d just opened her mouth when Jake stopped abruptly.

  He let go of her hand and motioned for her to stay quiet. Olivia’s lips tightened as she strained to hear whatever it was that had Jake so spooked. Twigs snapped, the sound coming from somewhere close by. Her eyes flew up to his.

  Without warning, Jake pulled Olivia behind a cluster of bushes with leaves nearly as big as she was. He pushed down on one of her shoulders and, without hesitating, she dropped into a squat. Using her hands to balance herself, Olivia ignored the wet dirt and leaves—and whatever else was beneath her.

  They heard another snap, this one way too close for comfort. Jake quickly dropped down with her. Check that...on her.

  Holy. Hell.

  Now flat on her back, Olivia tried to wrap her head around the fact that Jake McQueen was lying on top of her, their bodies pressed together. She held her breath and tried not to move.

  If the situation weren’t so serious, she probably would have laughed. How many times had she fantasized about lying beneath this man? About a billion or so, if she had to guess. But this wasn’t her bed, and in her fantasies, they sure as hell weren’t being hunted by a bunch of crazy-assed murderers.

  Shutting her eyes, Olivia began to feel crushed. Not physically. No, it was her spirit that had taken the hardest hit of all. This became evident when she found herself wishing in vain that she could somehow fast forward through all this insanity and just get back home where she belonged.

  It wasn’t like her to waste useless energy complaining about something she couldn’t change. Not even mentally. But damn it, she was just so sick of this!

  Sick of being scared. Tired of being hungry and thirsty and...well, tired.

  Olivia was beyond ready to be someplace cool, where her clothes didn’t stick to her like a second skin and her entire body didn’t feel like one big mass of sweat and stench. She wanted to be able to fill her lungs with air that wasn’t so thick with humidity, it felt as though she were trying to breathe underwater.

  Enough whining, Bradshaw. This isn’t helping.

  She drew in as much air as her bruised ribs would allow and forced the negative thoughts away. As she did, Olivia noticed that, like before, Jake was being careful not to let his full weight press down against hers. Given their current position, however, contact with his lower body was unavoidable.

  It was impossible to miss exactly how lean and hard those muscles were. And he was definitely hard. Everywhere.

  Olivia did her best to pretend she hadn’t noticed. She understood that it was just his body’s natural reaction to a major adrenaline rush.

  Any other time, ignoring something like that—especially with this man—would have been a major feat. But given that her head was pounding, her ribs ached with every breath, and her feet were sore as hell, she found it surprisingly easy.

  Jake stiffened, and she could feel his muscles become tense. Olivia’s thoughts returned to where they were and why they were here. Her mind became a chaotic mess of terrifying realizations.

  She and Jake were hiding because some very bad men wanted to kill them. He was literally risking his life for her because she’d been a coward and hadn’t fought back when she should have. She’d done nothing to try to help Malani and the others, and they’d been slaughtered because of it.

  One member of Jake’s team had already been wounded while trying to save her. Trevor could be hurt right now. Jake could die. All because of me.

  Her breathing increased, and she closed her eyes again to help regain some composure. She loved Jake more than anything. Always would.

  He was a warrior, courageous and honorable. Everything she wasn’t. That particular realization was utterly soul crushing because, in that moment, Olivia knew she would never be good enough for someone like him.

  Looking back up at Jake, she found him completely focused on keeping her safe. Suddenly, Olivia was filled with an overwhelming sense of unworthiness.

  For as long as she could remember, she’d wanted Jake. More than anyone or anything. And in a matter of seconds, that all changed.

  Watching him, now...knowing he was willing to die to protect her, Olivia wanted nothing more than to get as far away from him as she possibly could. Those other men wanted her, not Jake.

  She needed to get away from him. Somehow distract the men who were chasing them. Then, she could take the target off Jake’s back and put it onto to hers where it belonged. She could—

  “Don’t. Even. Think it.”

  Jake’s words were whispered so low, Olivia thought she’d imagined them. When she found his beautiful, narrowed eyes with their knowing glare staring back down at her, she knew she hadn’t. How does he do that?

  Jake always seemed to know what she was thinking. Almost as if he had a sixth sense or something. It was fascinating and, to be perfectly honest, sometimes a little creepy.

  As the logical part of her brain finally decided to join the party, Olivia understood that he was right. If she moved now, she’d be putting him in even more danger than he was already in.

  At his core, Jake was a protector. If she tried to get free and leave him behind, he’d do everything in his power to stop her. The struggle would give away their position and Jake could be hurt, or God, even worse. Those images had her closing her eyes again and turning away. I’m so not worth the risks he’s taking.

  Those damning thoughts hit her again and again, and Olivia was still mentally kicking her own ass when something smooth touched her face. Snapping her out of the brutal self-evaluation, Jake’s gloved fingers found her chin, turning her head so she was looking back up at him.

  The angry glare was gone and his expression had softened. He began to lean in even closer, and...Holy crap! Was he going to kiss her? Here? Now?

  When his lips began to move, Olivia instantly realized her mistake. Jake wasn’t trying to kiss her. He was mouthing the words, “Don’t move.”

  Before she could process her
embarrassing misinterpretation of his intentions, he was moving away in a crouched position. Olivia followed his order, and didn’t move a muscle.

  It was hard, especially when he left the bush’s protection. She could no longer see him, but stayed like that, stock-still and barely breathing, for what seemed like an eternity. Until...

  A single gunshot echoed throughout the green hell surrounding her, making her entire body jolt as if she’d been shocked. The sound was much closer than the rat-a-tat-tats she could still hear coming from the camp, and Olivia was immediately thrown back to that horrific day two weeks ago.

  The gunshots. The blood. Their lifeless faces. Only this time it wasn’t Malani’s dead eyes staring at her. It was Jake’s.


  All thoughts of self-preservation gone, Olivia got up and scrambled around the bush. Her only goal was to get to Jake. All she could think about was trying to help him.

  Her heart pounded. Blood rushed past her ears. She looked around as she ran, but saw nothing but more trees and shrubs. Stopping near one of the smaller trees, she spun around in circles looking for him, but Jake was nowhere to be seen.

  Her stomach sank. Was he hurt? Dead? Oh, God! Breathing so fast she was on the verge of hyperventilating, Olivia took a risk and whispered loudly.

  “Jake?” Terrified, a steady stream of sweat ran down her back and another between her breasts as she waited a beat. Nothing. She tried again. “Jake!”

  Spinning in another full circle, her long, slick hair stuck to her face as her mind whirled with even more fear and worry. There was no sign of him anywhere. Not knowing what to do next, she kept standing there, trying to think. That’s when it happened.

  Olivia heard the explosion before she felt it. It was the loudest sound she’d ever heard. When the ground began to shake a few seconds later, she lost her balance and fell to her hands and knees.

  Birds she didn’t even know were there squawked and flew away as fast as they could. Agonizing screams echoed from a distance. Olivia squeezed her eyes shut and prayed they weren’t coming from any of Jake’s friends.

  Another explosion filled the air. The ground shook again, and then...silence. She heard no more screams or gunfire, just an eerie calm and the sound of her own breathing.

  Her body shook with terror. Olivia knew she should get up and keep looking, but she couldn’t move.

  She was numb. Didn’t even feel the pain she knew her ragged breaths should be causing.

  Just like before, she was frozen. Laughter filled the silence, and Olivia was suddenly back to where it all began.

  She felt the warmth of the sun on her skin. The cool breeze, and the relief it had carried with it that day. Her new friends and colleagues surrounded her, joining in the fun as Cody shared one of his jokes.

  Then, the scene changed, morphing into something much different.

  The doctors and nurses began twisting and turning. Changing before her very eyes. It reminded her of an old sci-fi movie. One with weird, swirling special effects.

  Olivia looked at her friends again, only to find them all lying on the ground, their bodies and blood surrounding her. A heady odor filled her nostrils, and it took her a second to realize it was the smell of death. They were all dead, and, just like that day, she was doing nothing to try to help them.

  Still on the ground, Olivia braced herself with her hands and knees. The tears running down her cheeks went unnoticed as she begged softly, “Please don’t leave me here alone. Oh, God, please don’t leave me.”

  She whispered those same words over and over again. Was still saying them when she felt someone touching her shoulder.

  Her body reacted without conscious thought. Screaming like a banshee, Olivia came up swinging. She went wild, striking out at those who’d hurt her friends. Her target easily dodged her fists, and it took a few more flailing swings before she realized her would-be attacker was actually Jake.

  “Easy, Liv. Easy. It’s just me.”

  All of the breath left her lungs at one time. Confused and disoriented, Olivia stood there, staring. She blinked, unsure if what she was seeing now was real or another figment of her screwed up imagination. With a shuddering breath, she wiped her face dry and looked at the area around them.

  Everything was exactly as it had been before the explosion. There were no bodies. No coppery scent of blood. All of that was gone...and Jake was back.

  Olivia’s eyes went to him. He was standing in front of her, gun down at his side. His other hand was still raised, as if he were waiting to fend off another attack.

  There was a small scrape on the left side of his forehead and a cut at the right corner of his bottom lip. Aside from that, he appeared to be okay.

  Olivia was thankful beyond words. She was also mad as hell.

  She swung her fist again, this time, ramming it into his rock-solid chest. Having forgotten about his vest, she knew it hurt her knuckles much more than it did him. Damn, if she’d ever admit it, though.

  Instead, she whispered loudly, “What the hell, Jake?”

  His eyebrows arched in surprise. “What?” Those same eyebrows quickly turned inward. “And I thought I told you to stay put.”

  “Yeah, well, I thought you were dead! You left, and I waited forever. Then, I heard someone fire a gun. I was afraid you’d been hurt, so I went looking for you. I called out, but you didn’t answer, and then, there were two huge explosions, and I thought...I thought—”

  Olivia was talking too fast, adrenaline and conflicting emotions soaring through her with such force, she had to stop and take a few breaths to calm herself down.

  Jake’s scowl eased with understanding, and he took a step forward. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to scare you. I left you there because I didn't want you out in the open and in more danger than you already were. I handled the threat. He won’t be coming after us again.” Jake stepped closer, gently grabbing her shoulder. “I was always coming back for you.”

  Ignoring the electric zing from his touch, Olivia processed Jake's choice of words. I handled the threat. She knew exactly what he meant.

  Although she wasn’t the least bit sorry he’d killed one of the bastards, she hated that Jake had been forced to take a life today. Because of me.

  The thought pissed her off even more. Not at Jake, of course, but that didn’t keep her from taking it out on him.

  “Yeah? Well, how in the hell was I supposed to know that? I heard the shot and then, nothing. How was I supposed to know it wasn’t you who’d been killed? Just in case you’re wondering, the answer is, I couldn’t. So, you can be mad at me for moving if you want, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to keep lying there, just waiting for those guys to come find me. And if you think I should have, then...you’re an even bigger idiot than I thought.”

  Olivia crossed her arms and lifted her chin. Okay, yeah...even she knew it was a juvenile move. But in that moment, it was either fight or break down in a sobbing, emotional mess. And she would not do that in front of Jake.

  One corner of his mouth twitched. It was a tiny movement, almost indiscernible. One that he was trying very hard to hide. Olivia saw it, though, and knew exactly what it meant.

  Stepping closer to him, she poked her finger into his chest. “Don't even think about laughing at me, McQueen.”

  Jake rolled his lips in to try to control it, but his shoulders still shook with laughter. Olivia punched the vest for the second time, releasing the quiet chuckle he’d been suppressing. Then—as unbelievable as it was, given their current situation—she found herself snickering, too.

  For the first time in weeks, Olivia felt something other than guilt and terror. Right or wrong, she allowed herself that brief moment to enjoy it.

  Still smiling, she glanced up at Jake. His eyes gleamed with laughter, and Olivia knew she would remember this crazy moment for the rest of her life. She was still thinking how good it felt to laugh again when a bullet whizzed past her head, exploding into tree next to her.
  Splinters of bark went flying. One struck her cheek, but she didn’t even have time to react before Jake yelled, “Get down!”

  He grabbed her shoulder, pushing her to the ground like before, only this time she was face down with Jake lying protectively on her back. He returned fire, and Olivia put her hands over her ears to help muffle the deafening sound.

  Leaves crunched beneath her elbows. They soon gave way to the sodden earth below as she scooted her arms down even more, making herself a smaller target.

  Her nostrils filled with the pungent scent of decaying foliage and dirt. She could almost taste the musty smell as it mixed with the hot and humid air. Olivia pressed her lips together and closed her eyes, her body jerking violently with each discharge of Jake’s weapon.

  Tears began to form, but this time Olivia refused to let them fall. She wanted to be strong and brave like Jake. Like her brother. God, she wished she could talk to Mikey now. He’d know what to do.

  He’d been a good soldier. Jake had told her that so many times. He said Mikey was the best in their unit, and she believed him.

  Help me, Mikey. I need you to tell me what to do so I can get through all of this. Please, Mikey. I just want this to be freaking over with already!

  Out of nowhere, Olivia was hit with a memory from when she was a little girl. She was six, and Pops had taken her and her brother to an amusement park. Mikey had talked her into going on a ride that looked like an octopus.

  When the ride started, its long arms went up and down while the entire thing moved in a clockwise circle. Then, each individual cart began to spin.

  When she and Mikey’s cart spun on that first turn, Olivia remembered crying and screaming that she wanted it to be over. She’d been so scared, certain she was going to fly right out of the dang thing any second.

  Mikey had pulled her close, his voice calm when he spoke into her ear. He told her to open her eyes and look for one thing inside the cart. He said to stay focused on nothing but that one thing, and the ride would be over before she knew it.

  Trusting her big brother, she did what he said. Olivia remembered opening her eyes and staring at a small, rusted place where the paint had long ago chipped away. With hiccupping breaths, she kept her eyes glued to that one spot, and by the next go-round, she’d stopped crying altogether.


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