Taking a Risk, Part One

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Taking a Risk, Part One Page 17

by Anna Blakely

  Something about the way he said it made Olivia want to rip into that dang sack and see exactly what Derek bought. You already know.

  “D.” Jake’s single-letter warning was clear, but it didn’t seem to faze Derek.

  He put his palms in the air. “Hey, man. Just thinkin’ of you.”

  Jake’s only response was a grunt, but Olivia smiled. She could easily grow to love Derek. Her eyes slid to Grant, who was sitting silently in the front of the van. Yeah, the jury’s still out on that one.

  Once at the motel, Derek and Trevor went to check in. When they came back to the van, Trevor handed Jake a plastic key card.

  “You’re in room one twenty-five. Derek and I are right next door in one twenty-six, and Grant is on your other side in one twenty-four.”

  As the men unloaded their bags from the back of the van, Olivia grabbed Jake’s arm. “Which room am I in?”

  He looked right into her eyes and said, “You’re with me.”

  Chapter 16

  The room was small and modest, but was a palace compared to the shithole those men had kept her in.

  There was a small, square table with two chairs next to the window, and two queen-sized beds with a nightstand in between. The beds looked like heaven, but it was the small, white door at the back of the room that held her focus.

  “Go ahead,” she heard Jake say from behind her. Olivia turned around and watched as he sat his backpack—and that damn sack— down in one of the chairs.

  “You sure?” She scrunched her nose. “You’re sort of a mess, too.”

  He smiled. “I’m sure I am, but I can wait. Take your time. I’ll get one of the guys to make a food run.”

  Her stomach chose that moment to make its presence known, and Jake chuckled at the growling coming from inside of her.

  “What sounds good?”

  “Anything. You know me...I’m not picky.”

  “Alright. Go get cleaned up, and I’ll see what we can find.”

  Olivia walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. For a moment, she just stood there, leaning back against the door.

  This is real. She was in a motel room. With Jake. And she was safe. At least for tonight, she was safe.

  Her eyes began to fill, but she blinked the tears away and got the water running. If she started crying now, she’d never stop. Waiting for the water to get hot, she began removing the things from her sack.

  First, she pulled out a long sundress. It was black, with wide straps and brightly colored flowers. A pair of simple, black sandals came next, followed by a pair of black silk panties and a matching bra. Olivia blushed at the thought of Trevor and Derek picking out such intimate items for her.

  When she saw the size printed on the bra’s tag, Olivia smiled to herself. With Trevor’s movie-star looks, it was no wonder the man was an expert on such things.

  To sleep in, Olivia had expected to find a modest pair of pajamas or loose bottoms and a tank top. Instead, what she held in her hands was the most beautiful silk nightgown she’d ever seen.

  It was a blush-colored, floor-length gown with a bit of black lace along the sweetheart neckline and spaghetti straps. Having never owned such a beautiful nightgown, she just held it there and stared.

  A nightgown like this wasn’t made for someone who’d flop into bed and fall asleep the second she hit the pillow. This was made to be cherished. Touched. It should be worn by someone being loved. Maybe it will be.

  Putting the sack—and those hopeful thoughts—aside, Olivia continued to gather the things needed for her shower. Trevor and Derek had thought of everything.

  A toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss. Shampoo, conditioner, and a hairbrush. A razor and some shaving cream. They’d even gotten her deodorant and a jar of exquisitely-smelling body crème.

  So many things that, less than a month ago, she’d completely taken for granted. Never again.

  As she began setting everything out onto the small bathroom sink, Olivia realized she’d totally underestimated Jake and his team. They came off as these big, tough warriors. Soldiers ready for action. In reality, they were just a bunch of man-sized teddy bears with the hearts of saints.

  She stripped off Jakes clothes. Then, unable to avoid it any longer, Olivia looked in a mirror for the first time since she’d been taken. She gasped, and her hand flew to cover her mouth to keep from crying out.

  This wasn’t her. It couldn’t be.

  This is what Jake had been looking at for three days? He’d actually kissed her looking like this? Okay, she was wrong. Jake didn’t just have the heart of a saint...he was one.

  In addition to being filthy from head to toe, there was dried blood in her hair, as well as on her cheek and jaw. Her forehead and the right side of her face was bruised, and her upper arms were a plethora of blues and grays from where Cetro had grabbed her.

  She chose to ignore the shadowed marks on her left breast. They’d been left by a dead man. He was gone, and she was safe, so there was no reason to give him—or any of the men who’d taken her— another second of her life. Which meant she had to get his blood that was still on her washed away. Now.

  After quickly removing the bandages from her feet, Olivia stepped into the shower. Hissing at the stinging in her feet, she let the warm water rush over the many cuts and scrapes there.

  For the first few minutes, Olivia simply stood still, letting the hot water run over her entire body. She looked down and cringed. The water surrounding her was nearly black from the dirt and blood that had covered her.

  It wasn’t until after she’d shampooed her hair three times, thoroughly washed her body just as many, and shaved that the water finally became clear.

  She dried off and rubbed the lavender and vanilla-scented lotion the guys had gotten her over her smooth, clean skin. Wearing nothing but a towel, she used the wall-mounted blow dryer before brushing the hair she would have sworn could never feel clean again.

  Olivia had just clicked the blow dryer back into its cradle when a knock at the door startled her. Jake spoke from the other side, and she inwardly cursed herself for being so jumpy.



  “Trevor’s out here. He wants to take a look at your feet.”

  “Okay. I’ll be out in a sec.”

  “Take your time.”

  Looking around the small room, she contemplated her options. Going out there in the towel was most definitely out of the question. There was the nightgown, but as she held it up again, she decided it was much too intimate for Jake’s teammates. That left the dress.

  As soon as she had it on, Olivia gave herself a once-over in the mirror. For a split second, she wished she had some makeup, then rolled her eyes. They’d all seen her at her absolute worst, so anything else was a definite improvement.

  She tossed the t-shirt, boxers, and disgusting bandages into the small wastebasket and tidied up the sink. After running the brush through her hair one last time, she opened the door and stepped out into room.

  Jake and Trevor were both sitting at the small table talking, but when they saw her, all talking ceased. Jake’s eyes met hers, and suddenly, Olivia felt very subconscious.

  She licked her lips nervously and ran her fingers through her hair. “I-I know I still look a mess...”

  Beneath the table, Trevor gave Jake a not-so-discrete kick in the shin. Jake cleared his throat, “You, uh, you look...fine.”

  Rolling his eyes, Trevor shook his head, making Olivia smile. Standing up, he said, “Hop on the bed, and I’ll check you out.”

  She sat down on the bed closest to the table. Trevor crouched down in front of her, gently picking up each foot to inspect her soles.

  They were still a little sore, but the hot water seemed to do wonders. After cleaning them with antiseptic wipes, Trevor applied antibiotic cream to the cuts.

  “I think you’ll make it,” he teased as he finished putting away his supplies. “I’ll leave the ibuprofen and antibiotics
for you, but it would probably be best if you got something in your stomach before taking them. You’re dehydrated, so don’t overdo it on the food or liquids. Small bites, chew slowly, sip your drink...”

  “She’s a nurse, Trev. She knows what to do.”

  Trevor looked at her apologetically. “Right. Sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” Olivia smiled. “I actually did forget about the small sips when Jake first gave me some water in the jungle.”

  Trevor grimaced. “You get sick?”

  “Definitely not one of my finer moments.”

  Trevor gave her a little wink. “It’s okay. We’ve all been there. Trust me.”

  Olivia couldn’t imagine fierce men like these doing something as weak as vomiting.

  Trevor walked back over to the table. “I’ve got her covered, Jake. Why don’t you go shower. I’ll wait here until you’re done.”


  Jake stood. When he stretched his arms above his head, the hem of his dirty shirt rose above his waist, displaying only a glimpse of his perfectly tanned, washboard abs. Olivia had to force herself not stare.

  He grabbed his sack of goodies and headed for the bathroom, stopping briefly in front of her. “I won’t be long.”

  “I’ll be here.” Her body tingled from the heated look he gave her, before turning and walking into the bathroom.


  Jake wasted no time stripping down and getting into the shower. As the hot water ran down his back, he pictured Olivia, sitting out there in that damn dress.

  Even with the bruises, she’d come out of the bathroom looking gorgeous. And the best he’d come up with was fine?

  He silently cursed himself as he lathered the soap and began to wash his body. If he had any thoughts of turning their friendship into something more, he was definitely going to have to step up his game.

  Not tonight, though. Liv had been through too much for him to pounce on her now, even if that was exactly what he wanted to do.

  She needed food and sleep. In that order. Jake looked down at his hard length, and wished someone would send his dick the memo.

  Turning the water to cold, he finished with his shower and dried off. He threw on the boxers, jeans, and plain gray t-shirt the guys bought, before quickly swiping on some deodorant and brushing his teeth. And he did it all while trying to ignore the box of condoms still sitting at the bottom of the sack.

  Jake shook his head and spit into the sink. Derek might be a wiz at all that technical shit, but the guy was about as subtle as a killer whale in a fucking blow-up kiddie pool.

  He rolled his soiled clothes into a ball and put them into the sack, hiding the blue box from sight. The last thing he wanted was for Liv to think he was planning to take advantage of her.

  After picking up his gun from where he’d set it on the sink, Jake shoved it in his waistband and ran his fingers through his towel-dried hair. He stepped out of the bathroom, freezing at the sight before him.

  Trevor and Olivia were sitting on the edge of the bed...and she was laughing. Not the tiny chuckles she’d given him a few times since he’d found her. This was a full-body, head-tilted-back, shoulders-shaking laugh.

  It did things to him he couldn’t explain, and Jake knew he’d never forget the way she looked in that moment. He was still standing there, staring like an idiot, when the two looked over at him.

  “Damn, man. You almost look human again,” Trevor joked.

  Jake flipped him off as he made his way into the room.

  To Olivia, Trevor asked, “What do you think of the cleaned-up version of the boss man?”

  She tilted her head, playfully answering, “Eh, he’s...okay.”

  “Nicely done,” Trevor whispered to Olivia before turning to give Jake a smartass smile.

  Jake glanced at Olivia, who was struggling not to laugh. Normally, he’d give back as good as he was getting, but the sparkle in her eyes was back. For that, he’d take whatever ribbing they wanted to throw at him.

  He ran a hand over his jaw and grinned. “Funny girl.” Olivia bit her bottom lip as she smiled up at him, and damn if he didn’t get hard again. “I guess I deserved that,” he admitted as he walked past them, praying neither one would notice.

  Olivia started to say something else, but a knock on the door silenced all three. Trevor stood, and he and Jake drew their guns. Jake motioned for Olivia to go into the bathroom, thankful when she did so without question.

  Both men stood on either side of the room’s door. Jake leaned over and looked through the peephole. His shoulders immediately relaxed.

  “It’s just D.”

  He could hear Olivia’s sigh of relief behind him. Jake hated that he’d scared her, but it couldn’t be helped. He finally had her back and was taking zero chances with her safety.

  Thumbing the gun’s safety, he tucked it back into his jeans before opening the door.

  “Hey, boss. You look a lot better.” Derek sniffed. “Smell better, too.”

  Jake stepped aside to let the other man into the room, glaring as Derek passed by.

  D went to the table and sat down two bags, along with two Styrofoam cups with lids and straws. Jake turned to see Olivia still hovering by the bathroom door.

  “Sorry,” he offered sympathetically. “I just don’t want to take any chances.”

  She started walking back toward him. “I’m good.”

  Hearing her voice, Derek glanced her way. His eyebrows went up, and he smiled. “Wow. You look great.”

  Trevor barked out a laugh. With his hands on his hips, Jake closed his eyes and hung his head, sighing loudly.

  Olivia’s sweet voice filled the room, “Thank you.”

  “No thanks needed, darlin’. You clean up real nice.”

  Before he could stop himself, Jake slapped his hand down on Derek’s shoulder and pushed him toward the door. “Yep. She’s beautiful. We get it. Now, would you both please leave, so the woman can eat in peace?”


  Jake had called her beautiful. Surely he hadn’t meant it. Her hair wasn’t fixed, she didn’t have a stitch of makeup on, and half her face was black and blue. Still, Olivia couldn’t help but like the way it sounded, coming from him.

  “Alright, alright. I can take a hint.” Derek’s voice drew her attention back into focus. He looked over at her. “Jake said you weren’t picky, and there weren’t a lot of places around, so I got him a burger and fries and you some soup. I hope that’s okay. I didn’t know what they’d been...” He hesitated, suddenly looking very uncomfortable. “I-I mean, I wasn’t sure what you’d eaten while you were...anyway, I figured you should probably light for the next couple of days.”

  Olivia hated the thought of everyone walking on eggshells around her, but appreciated the fact that they cared enough to do so. “Soup sounds perfect, Derek. Thank you.”

  “That reminds me,” Trevor reached into his jacket pocket. “Here. I’m sure you know how to take these.” He handed her two prescription bottles. Turning to Jake, he said, “Ibuprofen and antibiotics. She’s likely to be sore for the next few days, but nothing she can’t handle.”

  “Thanks, man,” Jake shook Trevor’s hand. “I appreciate it.”

  Trevor pulled Jake into one of those half-hugs guys do. They slapped each other’s backs, then shared a look that apparently said it all.

  “We will leave you to your dinners,” Trevor smiled back at her. “Enjoy.”

  “Thank you,” Olivia said again, truly grateful these men had been brought into her life. “For everything.”

  Trevor smiled. “Well, I’d say ‘anytime’, but let’s keep this to a one and done, shall we?” He winked, then opened the door and left.

  “Have fun, kids.” Derek said with a little bit too much enthusiasm. Olivia didn’t miss the smirk he gave Jake as he walked by.

  Shaking his head—she suspected he did that a lot around Derek—Jake secured the deadbolt and chain. He turned and held out a hand toward the table. “Shall

  He pulled out the chair closest to the door for her. It didn’t surprise her that he wouldn’t want his back to the door. It was a habit of his she’d picked up on long ago.

  “Thanks,” she smiled and sat down.

  Jake removed the items from the bags. He set the bowl of soup, a plastic spoon, and some napkins in front of her before taking his own seat. Olivia watched as he unwrapped a deliciously greasy cheeseburger.

  She removed the plastic lid from her bowl. Steam billowed upwards, carrying with it a mouthwatering aroma. You couldn’t go wrong with chicken noodle. “Your team seems great.”

  “Yeah, they’re solid.” Jake eyed their food and grimaced. “We’ll have a better meal when we get back home.”

  “Are you kidding? This looks wonderful.”

  Olivia could feel him watching her as she sipped the first spoonful. An explosion of flavor erupted on her tongue. In reality, it probably was no better than a can of condensed soup, but after practically starving for weeks, it tasted like heaven. She moaned in appreciation.

  “Good?” he asked.

  She wiped some broth from her chin. “Delicious.”

  He smiled wide, his whole face lighting up. Damn, the man was gorgeous.

  They continued to eat with little conversation. Olivia only ate half her soup, for fear she’d overdo it and make herself sick. Jake, on the other hand, had absolutely no problem finishing off all of his food.

  Against his objections, Olivia insisted on cleaning up the mess. Giving in, he excused himself to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Once he was out, she went into do the same.

  After, she changed into the nightgown. This time, when she saw her reflection, she smiled. If it weren’t for the bruises, she’d actually look halfway decent. Butterflies began dancing in her stomach as she wondered what Jake would think.

  Olivia ran the brush through her hair before turning off the light and walking out. Her breath caught in her chest when she saw him.

  Chapter 17


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