Oliver (This is Our Life Book 3)

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Oliver (This is Our Life Book 3) Page 9

by F. G. Adams

  “When pigs fly?” I ponder how to get out of my current situation while trying to loosen the grip he has on my hand.

  “Aw, Mom. Please?” Harper sweetly pleads, wrapping her hand in my free one. “Don’t be such a party pooper.”

  Well, shit. I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. I really don’t want to get on that death trap. I’m petrified of heights. Yes, I know the idea is crazy, but you can be a dare devil and still be scared from time to time. Fear hasn’t stopped me from trying. I’m a junky for the thrill to push myself to the limit and overcome said fear. But trusting an old, beat-up piece of machinery isn’t my cup of tea.

  Her friends keep glancing back and forth at the spectacle Oliver and Harper are showboating. She’s putting on the act of a lifetime for them. On one side, Harper is begging and pleading for me to get on the ride with Oliver. On my other side, Oliver is pulling me closer to the contraption called a ride, telling me how cool the view will be.

  Surely, one ride won’t hurt, and I can pacify them both. Then I’ll hightail it out of here, back to my predictable, boring world.

  “Chop-chop, you crazies. Let’s do this before I change my mind,” I rapidly announce and wonder what in the hell I’m doing.

  Here I am, a middle-aged woman on the run from a psycho bent on owning me, but I’m worried about hurting my little cub’s feelings over a freaking carnival ride.

  Harper jumps up and down in victory.

  “Woohoo, Mom! I just knew you wouldn’t chicken out.”

  “I’d say it’s about three hundred feet or so in the air, Ms. M,” Susie gleefully reports. “Only you, the night sky, and a lil’ iron rod keeping you from falling to the concrete below.”

  My knees lock at her vivid description. Are you serious? Taking a gulp of fresh night air, I search for my inner dare devil. She’s there. Patiently waiting to guide me on this new adventure.

  “I knew you wouldn't cave, Vixen. Too much pride in ya. How about we find out what Rescue looks like from up there under the moonlight?”

  Oliver points in the direction of the stars as his other hand guides me onward in the direction the ride operator is pointing.

  My knee bends as I step into the rocking chair of horror. Steadying myself, I swiftly plant my derrière on the solid bench and slide over farther to allow room for Oliver’s hulking frame. The swaying of the car forward and back picks up as Oliver follows. I ball my hands into tight fists in my lap and count, trying to regain focus.

  One. Breathe.

  One. Two. Breathe

  One. Two. Three. Breathe.

  One. Two. Three. Four. Breathe

  One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Breathe.

  His hand cups my nape, and heat radiates from the simple touch. My breathing returns to normal as the iron bar is locked into place with a pin by the ride operator. He slaps the side, signaling a go to the other operator standing by the controls. Adrenaline pumps throughout my body as I ready myself to conquer this Giant Wheel of Terror.

  “Y’all enjoy the ride, ya hear,” he says when the car begins to climb upwards.

  I watch as he beckons Susie and Harper into the next available ride and try not to let my worry show. The girls point in our direction, and the operator smiles and nods. My eyes narrow. That’s odd. What are they up to?

  “You could worry the wart off a horny toad, you know? She’ll be right behind us, Vixen. We’ll be off this ride standing sentry, waiting for her arrival when it’s all said and done. And, just so you know”—he squeezes my shoulder—“as long as I’m around, I won’t let nothin’ happen to the kiddo. So, you need to relax and let me do the worryin’ for a change. Deal?”

  “I’m not sure if I’m capable of doing what you’re asking. For so long, it’s only been me and Harper.”

  I lay my head against his comfy shoulder and inhale. Smell-azing. His woodsy, all-man scent is fast becoming an addiction.

  “Where’s your family?”

  I sneak a glimpse at him, and he’s looking directly at me, patiently waiting for a response.

  “Here and there. We don’t see them much. My job keeps us on the move. At first, it was really hard leaving behind all I knew for a fresh start, but it is what is it is, right? Where do you call home?”

  “Here and there,” he chuckles.

  “Touché, my worthy opponent. You threw that one back faster than a hot potato fresh outta the oven.”


  “Please don’t use that with me, cowboy,” I groan, trying to put space between us.

  “C’mon, what’s your problem with a little ‘hmm?’”

  He tugs me closer, not letting go of my shoulder, placing my head on his chest of steel.

  “First off, it’s completely rude to the person on the receiving end. Second, how does one interrupt a ‘hmm’ properly without looking like a fool? And finally, we have a dictionary full of words that most intelligent people use. Talk about a pet peeve. Here’s your sign,” I huff, struggling not to lose my temper.

  Laughter explodes from him. I can’t help but smile from the pleasing sound.

  “You’re a firecracker. Another plus in my book. Hey”—he applies pressure to my arm until I look at him—“You ever gonna tell me your real name?”

  I nod and whisper, “Fallyn Montana.”

  “Fallyn, huh?”

  He winks and places a tender kiss on my forehead.

  “I still prefer Vixen. By the way, my friends call me Ollie.”

  “Oh, so are we friends now, Ollie?” I playfully retort.

  “Well, of course. As a matter of fact, I believe we’re headed beyond friendship status. Wouldn’t ya say, Fallyn?”

  The close proximity of his body to mine delivers a rush of desire flooding my senses akin to a summer downpour back home on the ranch. My trepidation and fear long since disappeared from the here and now. His butterfly touches escalate my need to know more about this unknown giant who barreled into my life without asking.

  I’m not sure if Oliver is aware of his continued caress across my shoulders and neck. The rocking motion and warmth soothe me. For the first time in so long, I let my guard down and relax.

  We’re on our second rotation almost to the top when the ride halts and we’re swinging in the wind. Oh, God! We’re going down. I painfully grip Oliver’s leg, imagining the worst case scenario.

  “Oh, shit. What if we’re stuck? Would they make us climb down? What if—”

  “Whoa there, Vixen. Retract the claws from my achin’ limb, please. They’re just lettin’ passengers off.”

  “You sure about that?”

  He nods and points down. I sigh in obvious relief.

  He licks his lips, and the anticipation of feeling them against mine builds. I’ve got this. I want to kiss him. Just this one time for myself. I shouldn’t want anything that has no future. Yet I don’t want to regret not taking a chance. One little step to being me again. I could walk away from Oliver with a positive memory instead of a negative one. I can’t do that to him. I’m not that selfish, am I? You are so stinking wishy washy, Fallyn.

  Just when sanity rears her ugly face, soft warm lips connect with mine.

  Gentle as kid gloves, he coaxes me to accept what he is offering. Slowly urging me to respond to the fire burning inside. Every nerve ending in my body flares to life at his kiss and years of carefully-built walls shatter around my heart.

  I’m overwhelmed at the sensations pulsating through my body. He pulls me closer until there’s no space for air between our lips. He prods the seam of my mouth with his tongue for me to open. I concede, sealing the outside world from the heated moment. My heart races as his tongue begins to duel with mine.

  Sucking, tasting, feeling. I’m alive.

  The kiss quickly turns more intense as Ollie’s dominance nurtures my battered soul. Where were you all those years ago? I’ve dreamed of this moment all my life.

  The bucket jolts as the ride’s engine moves again to a new position.
br />   His forehead leans into mine as we both catch our breath.

  He mumbles, “Better than I ever imagined.”

  He showers me with koala kisses, rubbing his nose over mine. Unsettled feelings wash over me like freezing rain. The warmth we shared only moments ago vanishes.

  This cannot happen again. I’ve had my moment in time, and now I’ve got to put on my big girl boots and walk away from the first person who’s made me feel like a human. Correction, not a human, a woman.

  I try to distance myself from him as the ride draws to an end. I ignore his frustrated groan and swat his hand when he tries to cradle mine.

  Fireworks light the sky as the ride lowers for us to exit. Harper and friends are waiting close by. I’m not sure in my muddled brain how she got off before me, but I don’t really care at the moment. I need to get the hell out of here.

  Unfortunately, reality begins to set in. I look around at the happy people living happy lives, and wish that could be me. But it’s not, and it never will be.

  Before I can reason with the feelings fighting to be free, I hastily walk over to Harper.

  “It’s time to go.”

  “What? Can’t we—”


  “Why not?”

  “Harper, that’s enough!”

  She looks at Oliver, then back at me.

  “See ya later, guys.”

  I don’t look back. I don’t react. The shield that’s protected my heart all these years is firmly back in place.

  Tonight was incredible. Even the pleasure wheel of death will go down in history as my first real kiss.

  Why, oh, why did you stumble into my life, Oliver? And why the hell did you make me feel again?



  I’m scared as hell to want this, her, anything. But here I am, wanting it all in this moment.

  I’m lost to the sensations. Sipping on soft, pliable lips. Strawberries and mint.

  Peace. Contentment.

  Completely off-track.

  Yet at the same time, a feeling of home.

  My head is soaring through the clouds as the stars twinkle in the night sky.

  Great. Now I sound like a Hallmark card.

  Nevertheless, I feel lighter than I’ve felt in forever. Well, a long while anyway.

  Is it possible that one kiss can transform a person’s life in a simple moment?

  Not simple. Nu-uh. There is something here. A spark, a connection, or just a physical reaction. Either way, my head is spinning, and it’s not from the Ferris wheel we’re on.

  This woman could make me lose my man card, and I’m fine with that.

  I lean in, and our heads touch as I catch my breath.

  “Better than I ever imagined,” I reverently whisper.

  The pleasure disappears as swift as lightning. The warmth of small, luscious lips and her petite body pressing tightly against me vanishes. I’m caught off-guard. Shaking my head to clear the cobwebs, I glance down to eyes filled with confusion. A troubled expression gracing the beautiful Fallyn Blackwood.

  My seductive little vixen has come back to her senses by the looks of it.

  With my one hand around her wrist stroking her rapid pulse, I use the other to reach for her puckered lip. Longing to soothe the new emotional disruption playing rampant in her head.

  In an instant, she yanks her hand from mine like she was stung by bees. Fallyn is ready to run. It’s what she does best, and I let her go. She squishes herself up against the other side of the seat, staring straight ahead, quiet, for the rest of the ride down. Not another word is spoken, and I don’t pursue. She’s moved as far away from me as possible. Physically and mentally. Fuck!

  The ride comes to a halt and the carney opens the locked bar latch to let us off the Ferris wheel. I’m blown away by the feelings jostling around in my heart. The tiny sprite has cast a spell on me.

  I don’t move or call out as Fallyn jumps out of the seat and exits, leaving me in her dust.

  She barrels over to the small group of waiting kids, tugging and pulling the gangly Harper by the arm. Her wide-eyed expression and shaking extremities add to the steam bellowing off the mad little lady. Harper tries to pull away but fails. Fallyn wins. Harper briefly glances in my direction, and then they’re gone.

  What a shit storm I’ve stepped into, an aftershock so powerful I never saw it coming. MacGyver would call it a bombshell shit. I’m in big trouble.

  “Ahem…dude. The ride is over. Ya need to exit,” the voice of the tatted carney with a few teeth missing attracts my attention.

  “Yeah, sorry. No problem, I’m out. Thanks for the ride,” I say, unfolding my long legs out of the swinging seat. Bringing me back down to earth.

  A lightbulb goes off inside my head. Screw this shit. Holding my head up, along with a kiss-my-ass grin, I begin my pursuit. Because let’s face it, Fallyn may have been shocked silly by what happened on the Farris wheel, but she was caught up in the moment. Just like me.

  I never dared to believe I could feel anything again. Maybe it’s just physical, but I don’t think so. There’s something about the little woman, and it’s driving me mental.

  Here I was being so bold that I finally caught my ghost vixen. In reality, it’s Fallyn who caught me. Hook, line, and sinker.

  I’m not sure how it happened, but here it is. Maybe it began the moment Keagan handed me the photo, or maybe it’s just fate stamping its mark. Either way, I’m knee-deep.

  Game on, baby.

  I walk quickly, following close enough behind them. Keeping an eye on my surroundings as I quietly move through the shadows. Only stopping once when Fallyn halts to look behind her.

  Atta girl, keep your head on a swivel.

  I sink back into the shadows between two buildings. Discovery is not an option. When she's satisfied no one is following, Fallyn grabs hold of Harper’s arm again and continues her way to their cozy little house.

  A couple of minutes later, my phone beeps. I pull it from my back pocket to check it. The screen flashes with, ‘front door open’. Fallyn and Harper are home. Creeper? Nah, just covering all the bases.

  “Cool. It’s workin’,” I whisper.

  Earlier today, I managed to add some of my own personal security to what Fallyn already has in place at her house. All before I met up with them at the carnival.

  Lukas and MacGyver helped me gain access to the home with no problem. Which bugs the shit out of me. It was too easy.

  “You’re sure she won’t know I’ve been here, Luc? I don’t want her scared any more than she already is,” I questioned Lukas as I entered into the dwelling.

  “Nope, it’s all good, Ollie. I’ve bypassed the signal through the Wi-Fi on your phone. She’ll be none the wiser,” MacGyver replied, as if I was talking to him.

  Lukas added, “Roger that. Just make sure you don’t touch anything, bro. Clean up, just like always.”

  “Alrighty then. I’ll call ya back in a few once I finish installin’ all the equipment.”

  I hung up with the guys and didn’t start right away. I was curious and intrigued by the legendary Fallyn Blackwood. She’s been a worthy opponent.

  I performed a walkthrough of the kitchen, living room, even the bathroom. Looking around for access points, escape routes, and possible blind spots for an intruder.

  Opening the first door in the hallway, I entered the room. It was a young girl’s bedroom that had a warm, earthy feel. Harper’s room welcomed me in. As I moved further into the space, light from outside reflected off a stained-glass piece hanging in the window in a hidden alcove. A reading nook. Which, by the looks of it, had already been used a lot. Stopping right in front of the window, I studied the suspended glass. A scene of two bears, mother and cub. The mother protecting her baby, just like Fallyn.

  “Another interesting piece to the puzzle,” I murmured and moved carefully out of the room. The stained glass a forefront in my mind.

  I opened the next door in the hall,
and unpacked boxes were lined up against the far wall. Blocking the window completely.

  “Smart move, Vixen.”

  I was in awe of the intelligence and ingenuity Fallyn continues to reveal.

  After I closed the door, I reached for the last knob in the hall and turned until it opened. When I stepped into the room, the smell of vanilla, strawberries, and mint infused the air. An unexplained yearning blazed a trail right through me, but I had to ignore it. No time to be preoccupied.

  As I peered around the room, my heart hammered loudly in my ears, disturbing the quiet space. What I witnessed gutted me deep down to my bones.

  There was a queen bed positioned in the center of the room, furthest away from the window. One bedside table was situated by the bed with a plain, white lamp located on the corner. A simple white comforter covered the bed. The lone chest of drawers was placed strategically in front of the window, blocking most of the view.

  A lounger stationed in the far corner caught my eye because of the blanket hanging over the top. It was the only item with color in the room. At a closer inspection, I saw it was full of vibrant blues, reds, greens, and yellows. A patchwork of eclectic patterns sewn together to fit perfectly.

  Not a single decorative picture hung on the wall. No pictures on the dresser or side table. White walls, white furniture, white comforter. Even the lounger was a creamy-white leather. It didn’t look or feel like a very pleasant space. It was clinical. Drab. Depressing.

  “What the hell happened to you, Fallyn?”

  Once again, I asked the question that’s kept me up at night.

  The consistent gnawing at my heart continued to gain momentum. I couldn’t do this again. I didn’t want to feel this way. Ever. Again.

  However, my mind was playing a different tune now. Tricky sucker. A sweet humming melody coaxing me to help her. She needs me. What in the fuck am I going to do?

  The constant fidgeting, not to mention her anxiety-filled eyes, indicates a cry for help. She’s desperate. Touring her home cemented my convictions even further.


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