Oliver (This is Our Life Book 3)

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Oliver (This is Our Life Book 3) Page 11

by F. G. Adams

  Scanning the area for the hundredth time, I notice the old classic car making another pass. This is the third time today the mysterious visitors have made a pass by Fallyn’s home. They’ve yet to stop or exit. What are they waiting for?

  The nonstop drive-bys have my instincts of danger ratcheted up to DEFCON 1. So, I’ve decided to stick close. My girls could be in trouble.

  Yesterday, I placed a call to Keagan and Lukas. There’s no other option, backup is required and we need a plan, stat. My gut is screaming that something is about to happen, and I don’t want my vixen and her cub caught in the crossfire again. Never again if I have my say in any of it.

  I’m done with playing games. I can’t approach her yet, but I will soon. A reckoning is coming.

  “It’s happenin’ too often. That car keeps coming ‘round. I’ve seen it four times today. I feel it’s only a matter of time before they make a move.” I sighed. “You can bet your sweet ass, Fallyn’s a smart one. She’s gonna figure it out and run. It’s time for reinforcements, K. And it’s time to tell her the truth of why I’m here.”

  “Whoa. Slow your roll, brother. We have to think this through. Everything has to be perfectly set. Ya go in all halfcocked, and we’ll lose them. I know what we need to do, Ols,” Keagan replied.

  “Okay…tell me the plan,” I demanded.

  “We need to talk to Matilda.” Frustration laced his voice. “She’s the key to Fallyn coming home. She’s the key to unlocking this never-ending fuckin’ madness Fallyn and Harper are livin’ in,” he added.

  “What the fuck, Keagan. You know she’s blocked us at every turn. Matilda Blackwood protects her own, and we aren’t part of that,” I delivered my point in outrage. “Well, maybe you are now, but I’m not sure it’ll matter, man,” I softened the blow, but the truth was, this could go sideways really quickly if Matilda wouldn’t help us yet again.

  “Just give me some time. With all the new information, she will help us. She has to, Ollie. I’m not gonna give her a choice. This has gone on long enough. It’s time for the sisters to reunite. Time for Harper to be part of a real family,” Keagan responded. “And you’re gonna help me talk to her.”

  “Me? She’s never givin’ too shits about who I am. What makes you believe she’ll want to hear anything I have to say?”

  “Because you found her. You’re there now, and you’re seein’ what’s goin’ on. It’ll work this time ‘round. Trust me. We’re goin’ live in about thirty. Be ready,” Keagan said. “We will finish this, Bishop.”

  “Let’s do it, K. I’ll follow your lead.”

  I hung up and continued surveillance.

  Thirty minutes later, my phone lit up and Keagan’s ugly mug came into view.

  “Ollie. I’m here with Matilda,” Keagan said.

  “I told you to call me Grandma, son. Don’t make me say it again,” Matilda Blackwood’s voice echoed through the phone. I watched Keagan blanch with exasperation. Clearly, she stressed him. If the situation were different, I’d find it very funny.

  “Yes, ma’am, Grandma M. Whatever you say. I’ve got Oliver Bishop here with us,” he answered by handing the phone to Matilda.

  My mouth went dry, and assembling a single syllable was useless. This is the matriarch. The one person who holds the Blackwood family together. A person who can crush a man like a bug in an instant with her wicked tongue. One of the few important people in Fallyn’s world.

  “Well, don’t look so surprised, son. I know all about you. Believe it or not, I’ve been watching you for a while. And I received a phone call a little earlier from a certain someone. You’ve made quite the impression on my girl.”

  For a few more brief moments, I’m tongue-tied, unable to speak. What the hell? Did Fallyn call her? Placing a call to Matilda was dangerous and not a smart move on Fallyn’s part.

  I gathered up the strength needed to reply, “O…okay…yes, ma’am. I need to talk to you about your granddaughter. We found her, ma’am. We found Fallyn.”

  “Oh, yes, dear. I know. We’ll get to that in due time. First, I want to know what your intentions are.” Matilda Blackwood laid it all on the line. No holds barred. Not even concerned that we had Fallyn and Harper’s location.

  “Umm. Well, I’m not sure what you’re talking about, ma’am.”

  Confusion is my only option in responding to the crazy-ass question she’s thrown my way.

  I can’t tell her the truth. Can I?

  “Oh, you know exactly what I mean, Oliver Bishop. I want to know what my granddaughter means to you. Are you in it just to bring her home, or do you have feelings for her? Don’t think too hard. Answer me now, boy. I need to know your plans,” Matilda sounded off with authority and certainty. As if she was the teacher and I was the student taking a test. My answer would determine the outcome of my future job. A job I wanted like crazy.

  “Yes, alright,” I stated, provoked by her picking. “I have feelings for her…and Harper. Man, I’m sorry, Keagan. Stuff happens when you least expect it, and I’m the one blindsided here. It’s just..I don’t know. She makes me feel alive for the first time since…Taylor.”

  I shook my head and lowered my eyes from the screen in defeat.

  “Go on,” Matilda prompted.

  Looking up, I saw Matilda’s face on the screen with sincere interest in her eyes.

  Breathing in the crisp, cool air around me, I continued, “Yes ma’am. Yes, I do have feelings for both of them, Mrs. Blackwood. If that’s what your lookin’ for,” I replied with all the dignity I could muster but was at the same time apprehensive about Keagan hearing my confessions. I’ve crossed the line.

  A muttered curse in the background of ‘Fuck’ assured me Keagan heard and is not pleased.

  “Language, Keagan.”

  Matilda didn't skip a beat.

  “Sorry, Grandma M,” an agitated Keagan countered. Yeah, this was one for the history books.

  “Thank you,” Matilda reacted to his comments and kept going, “I understand, Oliver. I believe you. Thank you for being honest with me.”

  Relief washed over me as my shoulders fell slightly from the built-up tension. Matilda’s gaze traveled back and forth between Keagan and me. A battle raged in her wise eyes; she was wound tighter than a clock. Until something clicked and understanding registered.

  “Well, okay, then. Get on with it. Tell me what this big, burly hunk of a man came by to tell me.”

  Matilda’s voice was flavored with humor as she nodded her head toward Keagan. I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Ahem,” I cleared my throat. “Well, ma’am, I believe that Fallyn and Harper have been found again. Not by us, of course, but the Cabriccis.”

  I stopped and waited. The mother of the family gasped in surprise as she visualized the horrors Fallyn has endured.

  “Dear God in Heaven above. This is the fastest yet. They’re getting closer and closer. Too close.”

  The look on her face was visibly tense. Matilda didn’t have a clue.

  “It’s time for all of this to end, M…Grandma M. And we can help. If you will let us. You are the only one who can convince Fallyn that we can help her. It’s time to take the Cabricci family down, and believe me, we are the team that can do it. Only if you open the door, Grandma M,” Keagan retorted.

  “Ya think so, do ya, son? Are you ready to take on the entire Cabricci clan, Keagan? Bear the consequences of any retaliation? Do you really think you can do it?” Matilda reacted with aggravation and contempt.

  She was still skeptical about the whole mess. It has been a long and tiring fifteen plus years.

  “If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you fifty times, woman, we have the manpower to do this. You’re holding us back. You hold the last piece to the puzzle, Matilda.” Keagan’s frank statement was heated and intense.

  Matilda’s clipped expression switched to acceptance, and she answered, “Alrighty, then. You’ve made your point, Keagan. And I believe it’s time for them to come home. L
ord willin’ and the creek don’t rise. The last piece is in place. That’s the only reason you’re getting my help now. Don’t make me regret this, Keagan. What do you need, Oliver?”

  A few hours later, a plan was formed, Matilda scheming right along with us. I still can’t believe how easy it was. The relaxed chitchat back and forth during the rest of our conversation was soothing. She’s a wonderful lady, whose claws come out when provoked, only if someone messes with her family.

  However, when you’re on her side, Matilda is good-natured, very pleasant. The type of grandma any person would be lucky to have in their life. If time allows, I hope to get to know her better.

  Back in the present position, I note that Lukas and MacGyver have already touched down in Norfolk. They’ll be in the area soon.

  At seventeen thirty, my phone pings, letting me know that the guys checked in to the Smithfield Inn.

  Around nineteen hundred hours, the mysterious car drives by the residence again. This time, it stops a few blocks away.

  A tall, lanky man unfolds himself from the passenger side. The tacky black leisure suit he is wearing makes me chuckle, but looks can be deceiving as I glance down to the boots on his feet. Military grade. Dangerous. He surveys the area, left to right, and proceeds down the street to Fallyn’s home.

  Immediately, I jump from my stand and sprint through the woods. Adrenaline courses through my veins swiftly as I rush to arrive at the house before he does. My girls are in there. I remind myself that Lukas and MacGyver are on the way and should be here any minute.

  I reach the door just as the target approaches the sidewalk in front of the home. My legs are burning from the mad dash to get here in time. Hunching over, I blow out a series of short breaths to gain control of the tingling in my chest.

  From my peripheral view, I can see him take one look at me and turn around. The unnamed man proceeds back toward the parked car, but not before a growl escapes him. I’ve foiled his plan. Whatever the fuck that is.

  The screeching of tires gets my attention, and I look up to see Lukas and MacGyver pulling onto the curb of the residence in a black utility vehicle. Lukas exits the vehicle, and I meet him halfway.

  “Hey, sizzle chest. We made it,” Lukas’ happy jab reaches out to me, and I instantly feel better.

  It’s been too long and my backup has arrived. Unfortunately, there’s no time for pleasantries.

  “No time, Luc. The perp in question almost came close to the residence. I scared them off by comin' out of hidin’. My cover’s blown. They’re sittin’ right down the street. You need to get in and follow. Take them down, Jolly Green. They need to go away,” I give my orders.

  “Got it. On the way.”

  Lukas makes an about-face, enters the vehicle, and drives away scattering dust and debris in his wake. He’s all about business when needed.

  I turn in the direction of Fallyn’s front door. I stop mid-stride and touch my cheek then walk on, thanking myself I didn’t plaster that cameo shit all over my face this morning after I sponged off.

  It’s time to talk. Time to come clean. Time to get them out of there. Let’s just hope Matilda was serious. Here goes nothing.

  After rubbing the back of my neck repeatedly, I raise my hand to ring the doorbell and knock.



  Be careful what you desire, because sometimes the pathway to fulfilling your craving is narrow and around every corner jam-packed with surprises you might not be expecting. The doorbell chimes echo down the hallway.

  “Coming!” I yell from the other side of the house.

  I just got out of the shower and was searching for something to wear when the first ding dong started, and for the last few minutes, the annoying, constant sound hasn’t stopped. Somebody’s impatient. Perfect way to start the weekend.

  Grabbing the closest pair of jeans and a sweater, I make my way to the front door in a disheveled mess, not even sure I’m totally clothed. I’m almost there when pounding on the door joins the persistent ding dong.


  You would think the final destruction of the world is taking place outside from the racket this unknown ass-wipe is causing. I’m gonna have a few choice words for the jackass when I see them.

  “I said, I’m coming!” I shout again and glance through the peephole.

  I’m astonished at what I see on the other side. Oliver stands with one muscular arm braced on the door and his other ready to deliver another pounding knock. The look on his handsome face has me frozen like a mannequin in a department store window, motionless with uneasiness.

  Oliver’s commotion on the other side pierces the momentary haze and snaps me back to the present. I reach for the lock and open the door, unsure what’s about to take place. Swinging the heavy door wide, I plaster a smile on my face.

  “Good heavens, Ollie. What in the hell’s bells is all the ruckus about?”

  A flash of relief sweeps across his face then rapidly changes to annoyance.

  “The real question here is, what took you so damn long to answer the door, and where in the world is Harper?”

  “I was trying to—”

  “Never mind. Doesn’t matter. You’re here and we’re leavin’. You and Harper need to get your things together, fast. We’re outta here in thirty minutes, Vixen. Go pack.”

  “Huh? What in the world are you talking about, cowboy? Why would we need to pack?” The lilt in my voice is forced as a spark of fear blooms in the pit of my stomach in response to his evasive answer.

  He combs his hand through his disheveled hair and stands at attention, an avenging angel towering over me. Oliver answers, “Cause you just can’t stay here anymore, Fallyn, and, damn it all, I need you to listen to me. My gut instinct’s screamin’ for us to get in the truck and go. I need to protect you.”

  His serious tone has me concerned, but the sincerity of his words has me wanting to comfort him. There’s a deep yearning inside me to see him smile. I want to chase away the bad and make him happy.

  “Why not, Oliver? ‘Cause you’re making about as much sense as Georgia’s weather. One minute, your blistering hot from the humid, stifling air, and the next soaking wet from a sudden downpour.”

  I place a fist on my hip and stare up at him with a sexy come-and-get-me-smile, trying to lighten his mood.

  “You’re a cute one, but no cigar,” he jokes. “I’m rather partial to the south’s weather pattern, too. They know how to grow ‘em juicy and good.”

  “Grow what?” I giggle. “Peaches? You’ve seemed mighty partial to fruit since we’ve met, or are you hungry for something else, cowboy?”

  “Ah, sweet lil’ Vixen, you’re so right. I’m not talkin’ food but something just as life-sustaining. Somethin’ that a man hungers for daily and prays every day to the man upstairs he will be lucky enough to find.”

  I stare up at him, wishing for a taste of the life he dreams for. I would settle for a taste of what he gave me on the Ferris wheel last week.

  He leans closer and whispers, “More like a beautiful, feisty little Fallyn with copper hair and blue eyes.”

  I’m mesmerized by his words. Just when his lips are close enough to touch mine, he pulls back. I’m left parched and thirsting for him.

  “Fallyn, damn it, you make me forget why I’m here. We can’t do this. I really wish we would have met somewhere else. Another time. Another place,” he gently whispers and snaps out of his reverie. “Just remember life’s full of surprises, but I’m here. I’ll help you through it. I promise.”

  “You’re making me a little nervous here, Ollie. What surprises are you talking about?”

  “I didn’t want to be the one to tell ya, Fallyn. Shit, there’s just no way ‘round it.”

  He falters as the sadness creeps back.

  “Roman Cabricci knows your location, and I have reason to believe he’s on his way as we speak. We’ve got to get you the hell outta here before his thugs come back. We need to divert the
m somewhere else, so we have time to get our plan in place.”

  One word. One name, and my fragile world starts crumbling around me, a wrecking ball demolishing the brief solace I found in Rescue. Faking a confidence that’s slowly fading away, I slip into a comfortable skin from years of perfection, throwing up walls of protection against the onslaught of feelings piercing my soul.

  “Only the strong survive, the weak fall by the wayside, Fallyn. You are a weakling, but I’ll take care of you. I know what you need,” Roman’s raspy voice taunts, reminding me of the harsh reality I’m living in.

  Nonchalantly, I square my shoulders and announce, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Who is this Roman person? What did you say his last name was again?”

  He gently caresses my knuckles then sadly smiles.

  “You know who he is, Fallyn. You’ve been runnin' from him for a long, long time, too long in my book. It’s time you let somebody else take care of you. It’s time to go home to Lakeview and a family that misses and loves you so much. Jocelyn needs you, you know? She’s the reason I’m here. I’ve been searchin’ for a long time for you. She wants—”

  Furious at him, I knock his hand away.

  “Don’t touch me. I’m clueless about all that gibberish. By the way, I don’t want your comfort. I don’t want your pity. And I damn sure don’t won’t your help.”

  I stumble backwards, the blood in my veins frigid from the onset of the reality I’m facing now. I push the front door closed, but a size-thirteen boot stops the door from shutting. I’m still reeling at his news; frustrated, because I feel like a fool allowing myself to hope for any sense of normalcy; but most of all, for opening myself to the raw pain of betrayal again. Oliver doesn’t care about me. He was sent here to find us. Plain and simple.

  “Who in the hell are you?” I throw my hands in the air, exasperated.


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