They Call Me Death

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They Call Me Death Page 18

by Missy Jane

  She didn’t know what to do, what to say, and she wasn’t sure if she had the words anyway. It wasn’t possible—at least it wasn’t supposed to be possible. A human taking on a pack of werewolves, it was too much like an urban legend. Managing to escape them, certainly, but actually taking them down… Impossible. To her knowledge it had never been done, though her father had conjectured about how it might be possible.

  “You should go home.”

  His voice was deep, slightly sharp, the gravel in his tone strangely soothing and electrifying all at the same time.

  She couldn’t stop the snap of her words as she pocketed her spray. “That’s where I was headed. I certainly wasn’t going clubbing at this time of day.”

  She could have sworn she heard a chuckle before he replied. “You should let your boyfriend walk you everywhere.”

  “I don’t have a boyfriend.” She stared at him a moment, trying to decide if he’d just given her a horribly cheesy pick-up line, or if he was making assumptions. From his expression, she decided he wasn’t trying to scope her out. “Besides, I’ve seen most grown men scream and run when they’re confronted with Shifters. I could do without the hysterics.”

  “True, but two are less likely to be attacked than one.”

  “And one shouldn’t even be attacked at five in the afternoon. They shouldn’t be shifting until moonrise.”

  There was a soft whoosh of air as the shadow shifted his weight. “You have a good point. They shouldn’t be able to… Come on, I’ll walk you home.”

  He turned and took a step into the watery light of day, pausing as he waited for her. She stared at his wide shoulders and decided his offer had to be one of the most interesting proposals she’d ever had. She wondered if he ever thought of hiring himself out as a bodyguard. She knew she’d be one of the first in line to pay for his services.

  “You shouldn’t walk home alone,” he repeated, his back still to her.

  Sighing, she shrugged and made her way out of the alley, carefully stepping over the lifeless bodies of the wolves. She knew that in the next hour, their tissue would begin to break down and their bodies would shift back to human form, leaving them naked and mangled. There had been a time when she’d pitied them, but she had been very young then.

  In the soft light, she could easily see the muscled physique and proudly held body of her rescuer. His dark brown hair was worn in a severe crew cut, a look that hadn’t been popular in the civilian sector for years. She noted his urban camouflage, from his broad shoulders all the way to his large feet, and felt suspicion crawl up her spine. There were two guns strapped to his side, and she was sure each was filled with wolfsbane bullets. If the bullet itself didn’t kill the animal, then the concentrated liquid at its core would poison the blood as well as cause excruciating agony. Only certain government-sanctioned agencies were allowed to carry such things, though she knew civilians had ways of purchasing the bullets underground.

  When she finally reached the stranger, she stopped directly in front of him, determined to see the face of the man who had saved her life. Government or not, she had to concede she owed him more than she could ever repay. What she saw when she finally laid her eyes on him sent her back a quick step.

  He was gorgeous. There was no way around it. This man was a fine specimen of the male species. From behind she could see that he was well muscled, but a nice body did not an interesting face make. And his face was more than interesting, it was enthralling.

  A powerful attraction is the last thing these arch enemies need. Or is it?

  The Trouble with Curses

  © 2008 Anara Bella

  Selena Tremayne is different. For one thing, how many vampires do you know faint at the sight of blood? Despite the problems her “differences” cause, she’s grateful. It means she’s not an all-out-evil killing machine. It also means she can’t afford to let anyone get too close. And a guy like Rafe, delicious as he is, is to be avoided at all costs.

  Rafe Hunter is a vampire slayer, an odd job thrust upon him by dint of birth. And with his augmented abilities, no one else does it better. Those abilities run into a major short-circuit, however, when he meets Selena. The mysterious beauty clouds his every instinct—something he can ill afford in his line of work. Because of her, his quarry has somehow slipped out of his grasp. Twice.

  Coincidences are piling up, and he can’t help but wonder if simple lust is the culprit. Or if it’s something deeper—with dangerous repercussions that extend beyond anything either of them imagined…

  Enjoy the following excerpt for The Trouble with Curses:

  “Okay, Rafe. I know you’re back there. You may as well show yourself.”


  “I have no intention of letting you find out where I live, so you have nothing to gain by following me. I’ll wander around all over town all night long before I’ll show you where I live.”

  A dark shadow separated itself from the wall. “How did you know I was here?”

  His rich, deep voice shivered down her spine in its usual intoxicating way. “I have a sixth sense about these things.”

  “Has to be something like that because I’m damned good at what I do. No one’s ever caught me tailing them before.”

  She threw him a quizzical look. “You do this often, do you?”

  He chuckled. “Actually, I do. I’m a private investigator.”

  Well, that explained it. If she hadn’t felt him behind her, she wouldn’t have known. “Just my luck.”

  “I didn’t intend for you to ever find out I’d followed you home tonight. I was just going to make sure you got in safely and leave.”

  That would have been great except he’d still have found out where she lived. “That’s really nice, but I already told you that I’m fine. I don’t need you checking up on me.”

  She heard rather than saw him shrug. One of the perks of having amazing hearing.

  “Sorry. My father always taught me that you took care of a lady. Made sure she got home safe and sound.”

  “But I wasn’t your date, so I’m not your responsibility.”

  “Doesn’t matter. Look, Selena, whether you like it or not I like you, and I want to get to know you a helluvalot better. I won’t give up on you anytime soon, it’s just not my way so you may as well give in and give me a chance.”

  “And I have no say in the matter?”

  “Yes and no.”

  Despite herself she laughed. “Meaning?”

  “You’ve already decided. Your heart and body have already said yes. It’s only your mind that refuses to give in.”

  “Unfortunately for you, it’s my mind that’s got the deciding vote.” The second the words passed her lips she wished them back. She’d as much as admitted to what he said.

  He shook his head. Stepping closer, he reached out and cupped her cheek. “No, it doesn’t. This is the real deciding factor.”

  She felt his sweet breath on her face just moments before his lips gently brushed across her own. They were feather-light and warm, at first coaxing, then growing more insistent as her response became evident.

  She knew she should push him away, but she couldn’t seem to make herself do it. She’d been fantasizing about kissing Rafe from the moment she’d first heard his voice trickle over her senses. Now that it was happening, the last thing she wanted to do was stop him.

  Her hands developed a mind of their own. Happily, they explored everything they could reach, from his hard biceps to his strong neck and finally ended up clutching his tight ass for everything she was worth.

  She was right in her initial assessment—he was most definitely sex-on-legs. And right now, with his erection nestled between their bodies, she wanted nothing more than to traverse the very path that led to what felt like his very impressive sex.

  She moaned into his mouth and ground her hips against him, feeling him return the exquisite pressure. Their tongues danced along each other, questing, exploring, enticing. Her breath caught
. Blood pounded in her ears, all but igniting in her veins. She tried to tell herself it was just a kiss, nothing more, but who was she kidding? She’d never felt anything that came close to this kiss before.

  Everything about him struck a chord with everything she was, and everything she wanted for herself, but was too afraid to take.

  With an answering groan, his mouth started eating at hers, their tongues now melding together.




  Oh Lord, how she wanted. She wanted it all with this guy. Sex without a doubt, but the terrifying thing was she wanted more than that. She could deal with just the physical. In fact, Anne was probably right that all she needed was a good, long night of hot and heavy sex.

  But with Rafe, she found herself dreaming of the happily-ever-after, and there was no happily-ever-after for her. There couldn’t be because of what she was.

  Pushing him away with a determination she didn’t even know she possessed, she stepped back. Did she have the same stunned expression on her face he did? With disgust, she realized she must.

  Neither said anything. They couldn’t. Both of them were breathing so hard you’d have thought they’d been running for their lives. Then again, maybe they had. Rafe, because he was chasing after her. Her, because she was striving to get away from his magnetic attraction.

  The whole thing was ridiculous.

  “Why can’t you just leave me alone?” Damn her voice’s quavery betrayal.

  He reached out and skimmed his thumb across her lips. “Because I can’t.”

  She shook off his touch and his hand dropped away. “That’s not an answer.”

  “It’s the only one I can give you.”

  Selena threw her hands up in frustration. “What am I going to do with you?”

  An utterly wicked chuckle erupted from him. “I can think of a few things.”

  “I’ll just bet you can.” So could she, although she’d never let him know it.

  Despite her resistance, he pulled her into his arms and held her close. “Stop fighting this, Selena. At least give us a chance.”

  It felt so good to be held in his arms. She felt warm, secure and cherished. She nuzzled into his shoulder and inhaled his comforting scent.

  How was it was possible to feel so comfortable with a man and yet be so turned on you wanted to screw him senseless at the same time? It didn’t make sense.

  She sighed and snuggled in closer. “You need to go away.”

  His arms tightened, drawing her even closer. “Whatever you say. Just as soon as I see you home.”

  “You’re not going to give in on this, are you?”

  He kissed her forehead. “Nope.”


  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  It’s all about the story…









  Red Hots!


  Science Fiction


  Young Adult




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