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Dissonance Page 20

by Drew Elyse

  “Logan?” I gasped.

  He looked up at me from where he’d been kissing the swell of my breasts. “Let me please you, baby.”

  I swallowed thickly and nodded my head. With a quick flash of that sexy smile, he returned his lips to my bereft skin and his finger stirred against me again. He slid the long appendage back and forth between the sensitive lips and I moaned. My hips began to move against his touch of their own volition. He had done this to me several times, and yet it felt more intense than ever in that moment. Maybe it was the knowledge that neither of us was going to be stopping there that permeated between us, making everything seem more powerful.

  He pulled his hand back a bit and a whimper of dissatisfaction barely managed to escape my lips before he had the tip of his soaked finger against my clit. I cried out from the undiluted pleasure as he rubbed tiny circles against the hypersensitive nub. I could feel the walls of my sex clenching, desperate for the sensation of being filled by him, a sensation that I thought would be one I would always be afraid of. My back ached, every muscle tightening from his ministrations. The sounds he drew from me grew more frantic, dissolving into a repeated plea of his name.

  “That’s right, baby,” he grunted. “Come for me.”

  He need not have said it. Just the weight of the desire in his voice coupled with the continued stimulation of that packed bundle of nerves had me cresting, crying out and quaking with the pleasure my orgasm unleashed. As soon as he felt the violent shudders, he eased two fingers inside of me, pushing in and out as the flesh rippled around him. I was gone, completely lost in the all-consuming pleasure he’d coaxed from me. My legs gave out, but he was right there to hold me up as he continued to nurse me through every wave of bliss.

  By the time his hand stilled, I was limp. I leaned against him; sweat drenched and satiated, panting into his chest.

  “God, you’re incredible,” he groaned.

  Me? I hadn’t done anything. He was the one who had sent me headlong into a vortex of joy and unbridled lust. Surely he was some sort of Olympian sex god.

  As my body calmed, the pressure of him against me slackened slightly. Confused, I looked up at him. The heat that still blazed in those aquamarine eyes had my body tightening all over again.

  “Come with me,” he whispered coaxingly. In that moment, I would have followed him anywhere.

  I led her back to my room. My nerves were off the charts. I wanted her more than sense, but I wanted this to be perfect for us. Charlotte had admitted that she was not a virgin, but refused to say anything else. I hoped like hell that her experience was just not worth talking about, but I feared it was much worse than that. The innocence that poured off of her alone was enough to tread lightly, to go slow and give her time to adjust to this experience.

  I turned myself towards her, noticing the anxiety that started to rise beneath the satiated look on her face. Knowing I needed to cut those fears off now, I pulled her tightly against me. My lips descended to hers, drinking in her sweetness. God, just her kiss was enough to push me to the edge. She always started off hesitant, kissing me back gently no matter how vigorously I attacked. Then, my coaxing would bring out another side entirely. I would get a few timid swipes of her tongue, and before I knew it, my little vixen was devouring me.

  It was the same with anything sexual for Charlotte. If I could coax her out of her shell, there was no holding back on her end.

  Her kisses grew deeper, and I swear I could have fist bumped, knowing I could inspire this change in her. Her hands traveled down neck, meeting at my chest. She slowly, so slowly I thought for sure I would die before she finished, moved down the buttons of my shirt, freeing each one. When the damn thing was completely undone, I threw it off behind me, getting it out of the damn way. I wanted desperately to rip off the undershirt I still had on, but gave Charlotte control of the pace.

  Her hands traced the music staves that decorated my arm. She tapped each note, almost as though she were hearing them, playing through the lines. When she finished, she looked up at me, while her hands descended to right above my belt. She fisted my white t-shirt in her hands there, pulling it free from where it was tucked in, and lifting it off of my body.

  With it off, she had access to the rest of my ink, and she took full advantage. He fingers, lips, and tongue traced the black lines, and I had never been so fucking glad to have gotten each design done. Charlotte loved my tattoos, nearly as much as I loved hers. Seeing the dark lines contrasting against her milky skin was sexy as hell.

  Unable to contain myself anymore, I grabbed her by the back of her head, my fingers sinking into her silky hair, and brought her mouth back up to mine. As I sunk my tongue between her soft lips, my fingers trailed the lace line of her bra around her ribs, releasing the clasp at the back. She let it fall to the floor before pressing herself into me. Her exposed breasts pressing against my chest had us both growing hotter, more needy.

  I walked her back to the bed, laying her back against the sheets. I bent over her, keeping my lips sealed with hers, until her hands started to attempting to work my belt loose. Only then did I pull back, looking down at the image of Charlotte in just a tiny pair of lacy panties, spread out like she was offering herself to me.

  “You’re sure, angel?” I asked her hoarsely. She always came first, and I needed to be certain she was ready.

  “Yes,” she answered. There was no hesitation. No lingering doubt colored her eyes as it had before. I knew, absolutely, that she was being honest with me.

  My shoes came off first, then I worked my belt open and undid my pants, all while Charlotte watched, seemingly breathless. God, this woman was fucking great for my ego. When I lowered my pants and boxers and my erection slipped free, I could have sighed at the relief. I could not help but stroke myself a few times as I stepped out of my discarded pants. Charlotte’s eyes were riveted on the sight of my hand wrapped around my cock. I went on just a bit longer, reveling in the unbridled lust in her eyes.

  When I released myself and stepped towards her, her eyes shot back up to mine. I lightly traced my fingers up her legs, marveling at their smoothness as I had before. I slipped my fingertips beneath her panties at her hips, pulling them down her long legs and discarding them behind me. Charlotte was finally, gloriously exposed. I had had her this way before, but knowing was about to happen made the sight feel brand new.

  I crawled over her, and she shifted into the center of the bed. My entire body was screaming at me to thrust into her, to finally experience the pleasure that I knew she could offer, but I kept control. My fingers ghosted over her heated core, noticing that she was still wet for me, more so than she had been before.

  “Logan,” my name came as a plea from her lips.

  I kissed her again, positioning myself at her entrance. I pulled back and whispered against her lips, “I’m going to take this slow, baby. But you have to tell me if it’s too much, okay?”

  “Yes,” she moaned, her hips lifting towards me, beckoning me inside.

  I feasted on her lips as I pressed myself slowly inside of her. She was tight, so tight that I had to carefully push in, afraid I would hurt her. She was soaked and so hot. I had never experienced anything like it. There was nothing between us, something we had already discussed, and that was a first for me. I had never been inside of a woman without a condom. After experiencing Charlotte bare, I wondered if I could ever handle doing it again.

  Slipping my arm beneath her back, I urged her to arch up towards me. She seemed only too willing to comply. I moved into her, inch after inch, pulling back slightly at times before surging forward again. Her face showed signs of discomfort, and it gutted me. I never wanted to hurt her. I stilled inside of her, giving her time to adjust, while I fluttered kisses along her sweet face and neck. Slowly, her body relaxed against mine, the tension melting away. Her hips began to stir slightly pulling back from me, gripping my cock as it slid out a bit, and making me desperate to take her.

I panted. “God, baby, you can’t do that.”

  “Please, Logan.”

  With that, I finally began to move. My movements were slow, pulling back until I was nearly unsheathed completely before pushing back into the depths of her. I could feel her tightening around me, squeezing my hard and propelling me towards release. I sped up slowly, pushing her higher and higher. One hand moved down to her thigh and pulled it up around my waist, and she mirrored it with her other leg, pulling my hips towards her. Her hands roamed over the tight muscles of my back. We were completely engulfed in each other as our bodies drove us towards release.

  Every muscle in my body felt strained to the breaking point and the clenching of her sex around me was almost too much. I could feel myself reaching the edge, but I knew she was right there with me.

  “Look at me, Charlotte.”

  She pried her eyes open to meet the uncontrollable need that had to be showing in mine. She broke apart then, her entire body quaked as she succumbed to her orgasm. Her cries echoed in my ears. I continued to pump into her, trying to suspend her pleasure as long as I could. A rush of heat moved up my spine, my balls tightened nearly to the point of pain. Her walls clamped down on me again, and I exploded. I slammed all the way into her one last time, pumping everything I had inside of her. Neither of us looked away until we collapsed, sated and exhausted from our shared climax.

  I pulled her into my arms once our frantic breaths had evened out. I draped a plush comforter over us, and she looked into my eyes again. “Are you okay?” I asked, worried that I might have hurt her.

  “Yes,” she smiled at me, he face engulfed in bliss.

  Relief soared through me at that little grin; I felt the urge to pound against my chest from the knowledge that I had pleased her so much. I kissed her lightly, settling her against my chest so that she could sleep.

  A few minutes passed before I heard Charlotte’s voice. “Logan?”

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Why me?”

  I looked down at her, completely lost. “What’re you talking about?”

  “What you said earlier,” she said, “why me?”

  It took a moment for her meaning to sink in. She was asking why I loved her. I wanted to tell her she was crazy if she couldn’t recognize it, but I knew she needed a real answer from me. She didn’t see herself the way that I did, and I needed to help her understand.

  “The moment I first saw you, I wanted you. How could I not? You’re gorgeous. But, it was so much more than that. I didn’t understand it, but I would not going running out into the rain like that for just anyone,” I grinned wistfully, remembering that day that changed things forever. “You drew me to you. And then, when you looked up at me, I was entranced.”

  “I probably looked like a drowned rat,” she laughed lightly.

  “Maybe a bit,” I admitted, “but it was really just your hair. That didn’t matter at all, though, when I got my first look at your eyes. It took everything I had not to kiss you right there. The only thing that stopped me was Eli’s warning.” She scoffed at that, and I chuckled. “It didn’t help that you continued your onslaught.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “You came up here, and put on those sweatpants,” I groaned and she slapped him playfully on the chest. She had no idea how sexy she had looked. I continued seriously, “No, it’s the way you’re so shy, despite the fact that you throw me off balance with your beauty every time you walk into a room. It’s the way you never cease to throw out one more thing that is so impressive that I feel like I could never possibly reach your league. It’s the way you love Eli and Alex so fiercely. It was that Kinnell poem you showed me. But mostly, it was the way you reacted when I said you could play the piano, your eyes lit up like I’d given you the greatest gift you could imagine. And the way you played it, so consumed in the sound. The way you talk about music like it can save the soul. I never thought I’d find someone else who lived through music the way I do. And yet, here you are.”

  She was starting to look overwhelmed by everything I was saying, so I gently caressed her arms, trying to keep her with me.

  “And despite how hard I tried,” I continued, “despite the fact that I doubt that I’ll ever really deserve you, I can’t stop myself from falling in love with you.”

  Her whole body tightened against me, just as it had the first time I’d said those words. I hated that that was the only way she knew to respond, but I knew it would take time for her to be comfortable with me saying them. I could wait.

  “Don’t worry, angel,” I cooed. “I meant it when I told you I won’t say it until you are ready for me to. Just know how I feel for now. I need you to understand that you have me, completely.”

  The following Tuesday, Logan called me from work, telling me that we had something to do that evening. He told me that he wouldn’t be home until around eight o’clock, and I needed to be ready once he was.

  “Ready for what?” I asked.

  “Can’t tell you that, angel,” was his answer.

  “Another surprise, Logan? Really?”

  “Damn, babe, you don’t have to sound so excited,” he joked.

  “I don’t like surprises.” I sounded petulant at that point, but it didn’t matter.

  He contemplated that for a minute. “A. I think I have proven that you do,” he offered. “B. Would it help if I told you that this surprise isn’t really for you?”

  “What? No! Now I’m just more confused!”

  “But you don’t have to worry about a bad surprise.”

  He sort of had me there.

  “What am I supposed to wear to this surprise that’s not for me?”

  “A black dress, something sort of formal,” he suggested.

  “That’s all you’re giving me?”

  “Yupp. I’ll see you at 8.”

  He rushed to change when he got home later, emerging in pair of charcoal dress pants and matching vest that contrasted perfectly against his black shirt and tie. How anyone could be so annoying and so absolutely delectable at the same time was flabbergasting. Seeing him don suits for work each day should not be underrated, but I’d nearly drooled seeing him in that outfit. The tailored suits looked incredible, but losing the stuffy jacket did amazing things for him. What really overwhelmed me was the way he rolled his sleeves up, revealing the bit of ink on his forearms. This didn’t look like some hot guy in a suit, this was my Logan. He was dressed nicely, but the personality of man I’d come to care about more than I was ready to admit still shown through.

  Logan grabbed his acoustic guitar when we left. That brought on another round of interrogation from me. What did he need with that? Why were we dressed nicely? What the hell was going on? He dismissed all my questions, leading me down to the car.

  When we pulled up to an abandoned-looking building just before sunset, I thought Logan must be losing his mind. He refused to give me anything to go on.

  “Logan, seriously,” I pressed, “what in the world are we doing here?”

  He just kept that same damn grin on his face and shook his head. “So impatient,” he admonished. He started getting out of the car. “Come on, all will be revealed once we get inside.”

  Logan grabbed his acoustic out of the back seat before coming to my door. If I’m honest, I really did think he had been planning a surprise for me. Between his admission earlier, the nice clothes, and his guitar, I was more than slightly nervous as to where the evening was going. All sorts of ideas crossed my mind, each more over-the-top than the last. Apparently I’d been completely off the mark, but I was still wary. It was hard not to be when standing outside an old brick building with no idea as to why you’re there.

  A screech of under-oiled hinges sounded from behind me just before a voice I hadn’t been expecting.

  “About time you two got here,” Eli complained. He was well dressed too, wearing black pants, a white button up and a thin black tie. Somehow, he managed to pull off the look without looking like a wai
ter. I could just imagine Alex whispering that he looked edible, or something equally uncomfortable, to me.

  “Well, it was hard to instill a sense of urgency when I couldn’t tell her what we were doing,” Logan answered.

  Eli sighed. “Come on, I have to get going soon.”

  I just followed Eli’s lead, figuring questions were futile. He led us inside and immediately started climbing a flight of stairs to our left. I took a look around at the first floor as I took the first few steps. Given the exterior, it was sort of what I’d expected. It was empty, probably a storehouse at one point. It was old, but well maintained, there were no obvious issues that needed repair. It seemed oddly clean and lacking of dust, though, for a building that seemed completely unused.

  “What is this place?” I hedged, hoping I’d at least get an answer to that question. I wasn’t disappointed.

  “Warehouse,” Logan said from behind me. “My dad bought it a few weeks back. The company that owned it went into foreclosure. He had a crew in here this week cleaning it up. We’ll sell it or rent it out to another company once we figure out which is more lucrative.”

  “Oh.” I wanted to ask once again what we were doing in a warehouse, but I let it go.

  At the top of the stairs, Eli opened another door and a distinctly floral scent flooded my nose. Moments later, I understood why. The room wasn’t particularly large. It seemed like it might have been meant as a small office area or something. Any other details of the room were lost beneath dozens of bouquets of Alstromerias. The red and white flowers were displayed on every surface in the room. Unlit candles sat near the bundles of flowers that had been Alex’s since the first time she had been given them… by Eli.

  And then, I understood.

  “Oh my God,” I murmured, facing Eli and finally noting the air of nervousness about him. “OH MY GOD!” I shouted this time. I threw myself at him, hugging him with all of the force I could muster. “You’re really doing it?”


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