Temptations of Christmas Future

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Temptations of Christmas Future Page 12

by Lexi Post

  That she’d taken on his role as interrogator at Brody’s had been a defining moment for him. Unlike Blair, Joy wasn’t a pushover, doing what had to be done, so he wouldn’t be the only one urging Holly along. And unlike Coira, she was honest despite her habit of suppressing her reactions to hide the depth of her feelings.

  Joy was far more than puppies and marshmallows and if that were true, it meant he had the chance to be more than locusts and rain. It was that possibility that had him giving her the experience she deserved.

  As he kissed her inner thigh, he had to thank whoever set up the shocks at his cottage because there he’d be tempted to use the many devices at his disposal. Here, among the stones, they could return to the elemental experience of a man taking his woman.

  His woman?

  Maybe not his, but as he kissed the hard nub at the apex of her thighs, definitely woman. He continued his kisses over her belly, enjoying the fluttering that played across it. He moved to her ribs and true to her word, she wasn’t ticklish there. When he reached her full breasts, he forced himself to featherlight kisses despite the hardness of her nipples.

  He ran his kisses over her collar bone, along her jaw, on her cheek, eyebrows and nose, until he reached her forehead and her hairline. Her hair sprawled out above her, and with his weight on his elbows, he let his face fall into the rich silky waves. He breathed deeply.

  His lungs filled with the scent of peppermint and a sweet essence that was pure Joy. Her hands came up to lightly rest on his back as she turned her head and kissed his neck. He pulled back to gaze into her turquoise eyes. “You are bliss itself.”

  “And you are a dream come true.”

  At her response, he remembered the photo of himself tucked away in her drawer. He had to know. “Have you dreamed about me?”

  He expected her to look away, but she didn’t. “I have.”

  For a moment, he forgot to breath. “Why?” He couldn’t see any possible reason for her to dream about him. They’d barely said a few words in passing. They had different philosophies. They were from completely different countries and time periods.

  She ran her hand through his hair, sending hot need racing down his back. “Because something about you calls to me.”

  “Like a moth to a flame?” He quirked his lip up.

  She shook her head. “No. Like the flower turns to the sun or a river seeks the ocean. I can’t explain it any other way.”

  Was that why he’d chosen her to work with? Was there an unconscious need on his part as well, and he simply didn’t recognize it? It was something to ponder, but not now. Not while he had her in his arms.

  “Kiss me.” Joy’s breathless words were more a command than a request, and he was happy to comply.

  Taking her lips with his again, he swept his tongue between them and tasted her.

  She grasped him tighter as her tongue played with his, retreating then beckoning, at once submissive yet dominant and everything in between. That was Joy.

  He held her as long as he could, enjoying her mouth with his own, but his cock had been denied too long and demanded attention. Last time he had her, he couldn’t wait, but this time it was her choice, her speed.

  He broke their kiss and pulled himself away to rest his back against the monolith shading them. He grasped her hands and pulled her to a sitting position, her knees bent over his calves.

  She smiled. “You read my mind.”

  Happy to have pleased her, he opened his arms. “Do with me as ye will, lass.”

  Her gaze softened before she scooted herself up onto his legs, her moisture leaving a light sheen on one of thighs. His hard cock stood up between them, but she made no move to lower herself onto it. Instead, she leaned forward and took one of his nipples between her lips and sucked.

  The fission went from his chest to his groin at lightning speed, and he sucked in his breath. Her teeth rolled his nipple before biting it lightly. Schitz, if she kept that up, he’d never last.

  Maybe she needed a bit more encouragement. He moved his hand to the moisture between her legs and flicked her barbell with his finger.

  “Oh.” She rose up.

  That little piece of jewelry would be his saving grace. As she leaned in to play with his other nipple, he flicked the barbell again. Again, she came off his lap and let go of him.

  She stared at him a moment, trying to figure out what he wanted.

  “I need ye, woman.” He barely kept the growl from his voice.

  She gave him an impish smile before rising up above him. “Now?”

  Her innocent look was in stark contrast to her hardened nipples and her flushed cheeks.

  “Aye, now.” Despite the urge, he kept his hip from thrusting upward, forcing himself to remain in place as her moist opening covered his tip.

  He set his jaw, determined to let her find her own pace. Luckily, Joy was as excited as he was.

  Slowly, she glided down the length of him until she was fully seated. She angled her pelvis toward him, bringing her luscious breast to his face.

  The invitation was too blatant to resist, and he latched on to the hard nipple and sucked. He grasped her nub between his teeth and held it, forcing her to pull against him when she rocked away. That she liked it was obvious in her tightening sheath.

  “Oh yes.” Joy grasped his shoulders as she rocked her hips back and forth grinding against him.

  Soon she was lost to the sensations of her barbell rubbing against him and her clit while he stayed still, letting her take her pleasure as she liked.

  At her yell, he had to let go of her breast to clench his jaw, determined to let her have her complete fulfillment. There was something about watching a woman exploding with ecstasy around him that he’d always found to be the most intimate of situations.

  She at her most vulnerable, and he basking in her pleasure, glorying in his ability to give her that. To have the experience with Joy was…unexpected. Doubt crept into his mind, trying to steal these few blissful moments, so he shoved it aside.

  Joy fell against him, her head on his shoulder, her breathing rough.

  He held her gently, loving the feel of her long hair against his skin. When her breathing finally calmed, she leaned back, causing him to groan at the added friction.

  “You didn’t orgasm?” Her eyes were wide.

  “No, I wanted to watch you.”

  She opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

  He chuckled then wished he hadn’t as it moved his cock inside her tight sheath. “If you would like to reach fulfillment again, I suggest turning around.”

  She looked behind her as if he meant she would see something then her breath caught as her sheath tightened. “Oh.”

  He clenched his teeth at the sensation, not sure he would be able to wait, but willing to try.

  Slowly, she slid off his cock, stretching his control, but once the cooler air hit, he gathered air into his lungs again and sat straighter while she positioned herself over him once more, this time facing away from him. She sat down fast, spearing herself on his cock and sending a spike of need tightening his balls.

  Joy looked at him over her shoulder. “Sorry.”

  He shook his head, his jaw still clenched. Taking slow deep breaths, he eventually found some semblance of control, though not much.

  “I’ve never done it this way. What do I do?”

  He wrapped his arm around her waist. “Just move up and down and enjoy.”

  She looked at him over her shoulder and winked. “That I can do.”

  He sucked in another deep breath at the excitement in her eyes before she turned away again. Fux, he wouldn’t last. Before she could start, he moved his hand down to her clit and rubbed his finger against it. Her sheath immediately tightened.

  With his other hand, he cupped her breast and used his fingers to tweak her nipple. Again, her sheath tightened.

  “I don’t think this will be very long.” Her words were whispered in worried tones.

“I’m ready when you are.” More than ready.

  She leveraged herself up and glided back down. Her sheath sucked at his length as his finger rubbed against her barbell. He buried his face in her hair, the scent of peppermint more enticing than before.

  She moved again, and he held his breath, trying to keep his orgasm at bay. Finding her rhythm, she kept a methodic pace that gradually increased. High-pitched moans left her throat with each downward movement.

  He forced himself to focus on her body, but the pulsing within her sheath pulled him closer to letting go. Just when he thought he’d failed, her sheath squeezed and she yelled.


  His body shuddered as his hips thrust upward, unable to control his actions. He grasped her breast in one hand and pressed her pelvis tightly to him, his cock pumping out his pleasure, filling her.

  His head fell back against the stone as his own yell left him.

  He remained like that as his breathing slowed and his body calmed, but at the vibration against his back, he groaned.

  As much as he’d enjoyed being with Joy, it was time to return to work and discuss their final visits. He couldn’t tell her what he planned, or she’d stop him. His gut said he was right and the only way to help Cameron was to put him in the middle of everything.

  Joy leaned back against him, the scent of their lovemaking urging him to forget about their task a little longer, but he wanted it done and over.

  “If I wasn’t already here, I’d think I’d died and gone to heaven.” At her giggle, her sheath pulsed against him.

  He would be hard in a matter of seconds, if he didn’t get them back to their assignment. “Unfortunately, we have a job still to do.”

  She sighed. “You’re right. I may be happy, but Holly isn’t. I think she’s even more confused about what she should do.”

  “I agree.”

  Joy sighed one more time before finally lifting herself off him. It took all his willpower not to grab her and force her to stay. Now that was odd. They hadn’t even had the kinky sex he’d hoped for.

  Either he was losing his touch or he’d lost his objectivity. Objectivity.

  Joy sat next to his legs, her own out to the side, ever the proper miss, but as naked as she was, he had no hope of concentrating.

  He phased. “Return clothes.” As soon as he was dressed again, he solidified.

  “Oh, you’re no fun.” Joy frowned before she followed suit.

  He quirked his lip. “We’ll focus better this way.”

  “I know.” She smoothed out the edges of her green dress. “Do you still agree that we show Holly what’s in store for Ethan and then the two possibilities for her?”

  “No.” At his answer, her attention turned back to him. “I think Holly’s two possible futures should come first. Since we’ve started with her, the probabilities have gone down on both.”

  “You really can see the probabilities of each?” Her eyes widened with admiration.

  He smiled. “You obviously haven’t worked with anyone from the future before. Yes, I can tell exactly which future has the highest probability.”

  Joy’s brows lowered. “So, at the hospital, when you said Thea dying was the most likely scenario, you actually based that on what you could see?”

  The urge to reassure her wouldn’t be denied. He was so far from objective on this case, if he was still alive, he would be fired. “Yes, but the probabilities of others are based on how things stand before we start the visit.” He paused. Did Cameron’s bosses understand that?


  At her prompt, he continued. “But the probabilities on Holly herself, shift depending on how she’s feeling and what she’s learning.”

  “That’s odd. I wonder if we’re helping or hurting. I’ve never had a case as complicated as this one.” She pushed her hair behind her ear, revealing her concern and that she’d forgotten her hair was down.

  “You mean in regards to our superiors meddling with it?” He grimaced, not happy about that himself.

  “Yes.” Joy scowled. “I hope the powers-that-be don’t want us to hurt Holly. I just can’t do that.”

  He understood her concern. He liked Holly as well and was pleased she was strong enough to take everything they’d thrown at her so far.

  Joy laid her hand on his bare knee, sending his thoughts in a different direction all together. “Why do you want to switch the order of the visits?”

  He crossed his legs at his ankles to dislodge her hand so he could focus. She was too tempting. “I think we should hold off visiting Ethan. I want to see if she remembers to ask about what happens to him in the future. If she doesn’t, we can, of course, suggest him, but I think it will give us a good idea of how far she’s come in thinking of others, beyond the simple daily life events.”

  Joy smiled, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “That’s a wonderful idea.”

  He nodded once. “Thank you.”

  Her laugh permeated his body and settled into his heart. “I have to admit, I can’t wait to see how Holly reacts to seeing herself in the future. Which would you like to take, the happy Holly or the grumpy Holly?”

  She obviously thought the first would be easier, but he had a feeling both would be difficult for Holly, especially because they each were less than forty percent probable, which meant Holly’s emotions were in flux. “You can choose.”

  She appeared to think about it seriously. “Hmm, I’ll take the grumpy Holly as I think it will be easier to sway her away from it. Besides, you should get to show her a happy event. Maybe this way, Cameron will see that you’ve changed your ways.”

  From her concerned look, he had the feeling she was more worried about him than Holly, but he’d grown more and more confident that this wasn’t about him. “I agree with you that your visit will be easier to talk to her about.”

  When she continued to look distracted, he recalled she’d been late to the last visit, which was an impossibility considering their ability to travel through space and time. “Where did you go after you left me in Glasgow?”

  Her gaze snapped to his before sliding away. “I went to find Cameron. I wanted to ask him about you, but he was missing.”

  “Missing?” That bothered him more than the fact she’d gone to find out about himself.

  She pulled her legs under her so she was kneeling. “Yes. I tried multiple times at his office, but he was nowhere to be found. Then when I tried to join you, I couldn’t get any closer in time then when I arrived.”

  “I don’t like it.” Now they were being micromanaged, but not even by their own boss.

  She shook her head. “I don’t either. Now, I doubt every move we make.”

  At her continued use of the word “we,” a warmth settled in his chest. They may not know exactly what was going on, but he liked that they were working as a team. Another vibration against his back reminded him it was time to leave. He rose and held his hand out to her. “I think we should get back to our charge.”

  Joy placed her hand in his, a shy smile on her face. “Thank you. I enjoyed our break.”

  He cupped her cheek in his other hand. “I did, too.” He gave her a light kiss on the lips, not completely comfortable with the caring he saw in her eyes.

  After their assignment, if they both still had jobs and if Cameron was still their boss, there was no guarantee they would see much of each other. That thought had his gut tightening. He didn’t like that at all.

  “Shall we?” Joy’s brow rose with her question as she phased.


  Chapter Nine

  Joy held Malcolm’s hand, pondering the new feelings she had as they flew toward Holly. Something had definitely changed in him, which put to rest her panicked reaction to his vigilante work. He must have not made any mistakes there or he wouldn’t be in the afterlife. At least, she hoped that was the case.

  They reappeared just as Holly’s foot disappeared into the dining room of Sarah and Brody’s home. Followi
ng their charge, they floated in behind her and listened to the couple’s conversation. At least Sarah managed a smile now and then.

  Malcolm let go of her hand to move in front of Holly. “Are you ready for your next visit?”

  She nodded. “Who’s leading the way?”

  Malcolm chuckled. “I am.”

  “Really?” Holly looked to her. “You’re going to let him break my heart twice in a row. There’s so much sadness in my future, I don’t know what to try to fix first.”

  Joy took hold of Holly’s hand. “It’s not about fixing things. It’s about having meaningful relationships with others. If you do that, you won’t have to ‘fix’ anything.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Malcolm took Holly’s other hand. “Then allow me to show you.” He pulled them up through the ceiling and into the gray ether. When it cleared, they hovered above the same house. “We’re here, but I need to explain these next two visits.”

  Holly looked at him. “But we didn’t go anywhere.”

  “Actually, we did.” Malcolm let her go and faced her. “What you will see next is a future you.”

  “A future me? Is there more than one?”

  He smiled. “Aye. This future has a forty percent chance of happening.”

  Holly grimaced. “That’s not very good odds.”

  Joy chuckled. “Because you’re still with us, those are the best odds there are. They can change based on your decisions. After you see this future you, I’ll show you the other one that has an equal chance of coming true.”

  “Then I get to choose which path I want to take, right?” Holly’s eyes lit with excitement.

  “Correct.” Malcolm opened his arm toward the roof top. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes.” Holly let go of Joy’s hand and sped through the roof.

  Quickly, they followed into the now Christmas decorated living room.

  Holly pointed at her future self, sitting on an ottoman next to a baby lying on a blanket on the floor. “Well, at least I look pretty healthy. I was almost afraid I’d become a leper or something.” She chuckled, missing the look Malcolm threw her way.


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