Dawn's Tale

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Dawn's Tale Page 9

by Nicholas Knight

  “Dawn’s a groovy chick. She is. She’s something special. I’ve heard a lot of people call her an airhead, but she’s not. Did she tell you about her past? Has she shared that with you at all? By that, I mean, has she opened up to you more than she has with the rest of us?”

  “If you mean sexually…if that’s what you’re referring to…she’s not like that anymore,” Reuben said in her defense. “She’s committed herself to me, and I trust her…I trust her” he repeated aloud, trying to not only convince William, but himself as well.

  “No, it’s not that,” William replied. “I’m here to tell you about what her Uncle did.”

  “Her Uncle?”

  “Yeah, on her mother’s side. Her father isn’t the only one who has issues. Dawn’s Uncle went total bananas on these older kids, when Dawn was just a child. Dawn was visiting her cousins in the Sterling suburbs. This family lived in a cul de sac, within view of the Elementary school. Her two cousins, who were 8 and 3 at the time, were out riding their Big Wheels. Their neighbors, who lived directly across from their house, had three sons who were either close to finishing High School, or had already graduated. These nasty neighbors weren’t the best people, and had been harassing Dawn’s relatives for quite some time, about…and over…trivial matters. These sadistic people had even maliciously trapped their cat at one point, and tried to have it put down. Anyway, these teenagers saw through their windows, that Dawn’s two cousins were out playing in the center of the cul de sac. Within minutes, these guys had phoned their buddies, and next thing you knew, they were all out riding their 10 speed Schwinn and Huffy bikes.”

  “What happened?” Reuben asked, anxious to hear the end of the story.

  “Dawn’s Aunt saw what was happening through their windows, and saw these teenagers come within mere inches of crushing their two young boys. The younger of the two boys, literally almost got run over, as he tended to stop his Big Wheel, and reach down to pick up bottle caps he’d find in the street. Just as the little boy did this very thing, one of the teenagers popped a wheelie, and when his bike landed, it came dangerously close to flattening the little boy’s head. As she screamed for her sons, their father...Dawn’s Uncle...had run downstairs to go out the door, and charged after them. Dawn watched nervously through their picture window, as her Uncle knocked every one of those teenagers off their bikes, and brutally beat them to a bloody pulp, introducing their prideful faces to the rock-hard asphalt.”

  “Wow,” Reuben said, “That’s heavy. Did Dawn’s Uncle get pinched?”

  “Oh yeah,” William said. “He spent some time in prison for first degree murder and aggravated assault, which included killing one and putting three others in intensive care. Look, Reuben...the point is, Dawn saw this happen…and at a very impressionable age. It was just one more afflicted notch on the laundry list of adversity moments that have inevitably and tragically traumatized her. She’s suffered a very hard...very painful...life. Knowing her as long as I have, I’d say she’s one tick away from exploding, much like how her Uncle did, in front of her.”

  “Well,” Reuben said, “It sounds to me like her Uncle was justified in what he did, even if he did end up snuffing one of those teenagers.”

  “I don’t agree. I don’t think violence can ever be solved with more violence,” William argued, “and though he certainly had valid reason for viciously attacking those kids, it doesn’t change the fact that he had it inside of him to do more. Her Uncle is just one of the many people in Dawn’s life, who have influenced her in a destructive way.”

  Reuben just slowly shook his head, and though he understood that William meant well, it still angered him that he was bad mouthing Dawn, even if it was subliminal or unintentional.

  “I know a lot of guys look at me like I’m a square,” William continued, “but I could really use a toke off a fucking doobie right about now...or even a taste of one of those special brownies.”

  “Really? I thought you were a Jesus freak,” Reuben said, surprised at his peer’s bold statement.

  “Oh, I am,” William immediately confirmed.

  “But you swear, and smoke reefer?” Reuben asked, just to make sure that he wasn’t delusional or somehow hallucinating this part of their conversation.

  “Don’t kid yourself,” William said in response. “Jesus was the hippest hippy in the bunch, man. Think about it. Every painting you see of Christ, he has long hair. He wore cheap rags for clothes, so he clearly didn’t care about fashion or materialism. The Bible makes it clear that he was hated and hunted by the government, because they felt threatened by him. Jesus came to bring peace, love, and mercy to all he came across. He cared for others more than he valued himself, even though he was the Son of God. He accepted and befriended those who were different or lost. He walked around barefoot, half the time, protesting injustice and preaching love. Wouldn’t you call that a hippy?”

  “Wow, yeah” Reuben answered, “that actually makes a lot of sense. I never looked at Jesus that way, William. That’s a very intriguing analysis of the Messiah.”

  “John Lennon is the Walrus, who believes that people are naturally good, if they just believe in love. Jesus Christ was the Lamb, who believed that people are inherently wicked, but are worth saving. They both love mankind, and want only peace and love for the world, man. Can you dig it?” William asked, grinning like the basket case he was.

  Meanwhile, Dawn had begun to feel claustrophobic alone in her room, from the separation anxiety she instantaneously felt from the evolving doubt on whether or not they were going to make their relationship work, despite all the obstacles that were blocking their progress. Though it would have been easy to crash on her bed and curl up into a ball, she decided to go for a stroll and sulk while being mobile. As she wandered without direction, through the mental health facility, with her chin hanging low and her eyes focused on the floor, she literally and inadvertently bumped into Nurse Monica.

  “Oh, shit!” Nurse Monica said, as she nearly fell over backwards, and tripping over her own feet.

  “Fuck,” Dawn said, realizing what she had done. “I’m so sorry, Nurse Monica.”

  “Its fine, sweetie. It’s okay. It was an accident,” Nurse Monica relieved her, as she regained her balance and collected herself.

  Out of the blue, Dawn began to completely break down emotionally, sobbing and weeping in front of the friendly nurse.

  “Oh my God…Dawn…what’s wrong?” Nurse Monica asked, genuinely concerned. “Are you okay? Sweetie? What’s the matter, hun? Did something happen?”

  Nurse Monica outstretched her arms and stepped up to Dawn, wrapping her arms around her back, pulling her towards her. Dawn cried in her chest, as Nurse Monica hugged her tight and gently stroked the back of her head, doing what she could to console her. Though Dawn wasn’t talking or confiding in her, Nurse Monica was attentive enough to sense that something was causing her pain…something that she didn’t feel safe to unveil. She could feel Dawn’s heart race and her body tremor.

  “Dawn,” she said softly, so that only Dawn could hear, “I’m here for you, sweetheart. Whatever it is, I’m here for you. It’s okay to talk to me, if you decide you want to. It’s safe to talk to me.”

  “I love him,” Dawn told her in a whimpering whisper. “I love him.”

  “Oh, honey…sweetie,” Nurse Monica said in response. “It’s okay. It will be okay,” she added, not sure who Dawn was talking about, but felt for her all the same, seeing how torn up she was about him. As both staff and patient passed by them, they continued to stand in place together, holding each other, for several more minutes, as if for that brief period of time…they were the only two people left that existed.

  Hours later, Reuben and Dawn were deliberately making a conscious effort to stay clear from one another, for appearances sake, hoping that it might dispel any further potential interference or interdiction. It was unbearably painful being apart, but they agreed telepathically, to wait until they could get out of ther
e, before resuming their hot n’ heavy, committed courtship. Dawn had awoken something in him, something that could never be extinguished or replaced. Reuben, for the first time in his life, felt alive. He thought back on what it felt like to be inside her, remembering how he would pump her hard and fast, and then return to going slow and taking his time. Reuben watched from a safe distance, staring unobtrusively at her delectably luscious ass, when a hand that wasn’t hers touched his aching shoulder.

  “You know she’s just above the age of consent, right?” Nurse Carl said, at a volume exclusive for Reuben’s ears alone, “You’re chasing what was not long ago, jailbait, Charlie. This isn’t going to end well, for either one of you.”

  “Not that I’m guilty of your allegation,” Reuben said, “But you people are the last ones who should be preaching against cradle robbing or abusing authority.” Reuben turned, and looked his accuser in the eyes, “I suggest, Nurse Carl, that if you wish to keep your job and your health, that you leave her alone. My name is Reuben, by the way, not Charlie.”

  “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Nurse Carl equivocated, with the denotation of charlatan scribbled all over his pudgy face, “I’m happily married and a doting father of three children. I have no interest in throwing all that away for a whore like your little bitch.”

  “Okay,” Reuben said, “Let’s do without the pleasantries, shall we. I realize you see yourself as this smooth operator, who can’t be touched, but...you’re only fooling yourself if you think I fall for your sanctimonious manipulation. With that in mind, say whatever helps you sleep at night, just keep your filthy hands off of her.”

  “Or what?” Nurse Carl asked, getting right in Reuben’s pale face, as if to try and either intimidate him or kiss him. “Boy, you best keep stepping. I’m a US Marine. I can tear you up, like you were a sheet of tissue paper.”

  “What’s going on here?” Nurse Monica stepped in, discerning that something was terribly amiss.

  “Nothing,” Nurse Carl deceptively asserted. “Just friendly banter between staff and patient.”

  “Yeah,” Reuben regretfully conceded, just to avoid continued complication and interrogation, “No major indiscretion or altercation to speak of,” he knowingly lied, not foreseeing that it was much bigger than he had originally interpreted it to be, and that this would ultimately and inevitably lead to an unfavorable outcome for both himself and his first love.

  Reuben shamelessly walked away, not wanting to rock the boat further, by ripping out Nurse Carl’s putrid slime orb that he magically masqueraded as something resembling a heart. Reuben had no doubt that he would commit bloody murder, in order to protect his newfound love, but it just wasn’t worth it, if it wasn’t necessary. He had an endgame in mind, and that was to build a new life with Dawn, which would become even more impractical, if he were forever condemned behind bars. He wouldn’t be much good for her, if he could never lay with her under the comforting blanket of the night sky.

  October 31, 1977

  It was 3AM, and all of the convalescents were fast asleep, except for Reuben, or so he thought. He had only been there for a workweek, but it had begun to feel like longer than a millennium. Dawn had certainly made his stay more bearable, but on the other hand, this ever-growing newfound love that he attained in her, was now taking its toll on him. He wanted to break free from the confines of their psychiatric penitentiary, and he needed to take Dawn with him. He had no viable plan on where they would go, or how they would survive, and his parlous susceptibility to the sun’s poisonous radiation wasn’t going to make their quest of passion any easier. He obviously wouldn’t be able to move in with her, and he couldn’t invite her to live with him at his pad, as his parents would never let him have anything in the cellar that brought him so much happiness. He didn’t know what they would do, or how they would do it, but he knew that she was the one, and he had no intention of ever giving up on her or letting her go, knowing that if he did, he would spend the rest of his miserable eternity regretting it and agonizing over his loss.

  Dawn, incapable of forgetting about Reuben and dying to be held by him again, couldn’t manage to fall asleep either. Deciding to tolerate a cold shower, foolishly tricking herself into believing it would alleviate her relentless yearning; she put on her fluffy blue slippers, and left her room, heading toward the communal lavatory. Walking passed the nurses’ desk; she wasn’t marginally surprised, but refreshingly relieved to see that nobody was at their station. She figured that whichever staff member was on shift was either making their rounds or curled up asleep somewhere in the facility. She was just thrilled that they weren’t coming to her door, for once. When Dawn finally made it to the shared shower stall, she heard the water running. She quietly stepped into the bath area, which was sadly much larger than their sleeping quarters, and saw through the steam, that someone was in there. Reuben preferred taking hot showers, as the thick steam always provided a smokescreen of sorts, so he wouldn’t have to look at himself as closely. He was pleased to find that there were no mirrors in the communal bath area either, since the hospital was too concerned about losing a patient to broken glass, and thereby suffering the legal hell afterwards. Reuben just finished rinsing the soap out of his eyes, and happened to notice and recognize her familiar shadow through the cut-rate, white curtain.

  “Dawn?” he called out with hope, in just above an audible whisper. “Is that you?”

  Dawn slowly pulled open the cheap shower curtain, and once again faced the enchanted, yet complicated, love of her life. She had already disrobed, and was more than ready to join him.

  “You shouldn’t be here,” Reuben said, worried that they would get caught, and would in turn, directly endanger her.

  “Do you really want me to go?” she asked him…already knowing his answer…giving him a pouty, puppy-dog mien while deliberately speaking in a baby-type voice, while she tilted her head down and manipulatively batted her big, beautiful blue eyes.

  Reuben, against his better judgment, opened wide his unconditional arms to her, and the illuminatingly radiant Dawn joyously stepped in to join him, carefully closing the discounted curtain behind her. Locked in a tender embrace, they held each other for several minutes without saying a word, caressing and exploring one another. Dawn felt both fresh cuts and old scars all over his aching back. Tears rolled and streamed down her empathetic face, mixing with the hot water from the showerhead, as she genuinely hurt for her cherished companion. She could relate to his haunting pain, enough to keep her from asking him to reveal any more details about the nature or origin of his wounds. She figured he would share more with her in time, if and when he was ready. As Reuben reached around and affectionately kneaded her back, while he was holding her close, he felt a mane of coarse hair (about three inches long) that seemed to begin at the crest of the spine of her neck, and ended just above the gothic tramp stamp which permanently hovered over the crack of her ass. Reuben understood why she kept the hair on her head at the length she did, as it concealed the brisk hair on her neck and back rather effectively. Other than this mane aligning the center of her spine, the rest of her back felt as smooth as a baby’s tush, and he still continued to see her as the embodiment of his prayers. Reuben loved her with everything inside of him, and nothing was ever going to change that. His prayers were always brutally and blatantly ignored, that was until God graced him with Dawn. He was so afraid of God being an Indian giver that he was fully prepared to sacrifice the fate of his own soul to keep her in his arms.

  “You never answered my question,” Dawn said in a muffled voice, with her hot mouth pressed against his albino chest.

  “What was that, baby?” Reuben asked, not recalling at the moment, which question she was currently referring to.

  The slender yet voluptuous Dawn delicately pushed herself from his chest, using her flat palms on his middle-aged gut, so she could look her best friend in the eye.

  “Would you like to kiss me?” she asked him again.r />
  With that, Reuben slowly leaned inward, and met her waiting lips halfway, soon sharing a kiss of intimacy that would redefine the meaning of passion. Their thirsty tongues explored one another, as if touring each other’s tonsils, there in the communal shower stall. The steamy shower was refreshing, but not because they hadn’t run out of warm water.

  “I’m utterly mesmerized by you,” he said. “You are what I have waited for…for so long…even before I knew I had been waiting for you.”

  “I can’t be without you,” Dawn said back. “You are my every breath. You make me feel safe, Reuben. I don’t know why or how exactly, but you do.”

  “You do realize that I’m old enough to be your father, right?” Reuben asked, not wanting her to abandon him, but at the same time trying desperately to ground himself in some level of reality again, for both of their sakes. “I mean, I’m no young blood. Are you sure you want to be with me?” he asked, worried about little things like the possibility of erectile dysfunction and heart failure, because of his seasoned age and because he had already lived much longer than he was medically expected to.

  “I believe kismet brought us together,” Dawn answered him. “You are my kindred spirit. My soulmate. I’m never going to let you go or throw you away…unless you tell me to. Please don’t tell me to. I need you, Daddy...Daddy-O.”

  Reuben, because of his incurable disease, had repellant armpit odor that he couldn’t manage or maintenance. His bleached skin had an aversion to any and all forms of deodorant. In fact, the only laundry detergent he could handle without issues was Ivory Snow. When the desirable Dawn took the bar of Coast soap off the small shelf (which was gripped onto the shower liner), she dropped it, as it had managed to slip right out of her silky hand.

  “I’ll get it,” she said, as she bent down in front of him, brushing the top of her head against his penis, on the way down.


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