Hot In Here (Ashton Heights Fire # 3)

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Hot In Here (Ashton Heights Fire # 3) Page 11

by Sami Lee

  Blair studied her face for a moment, his own expression unreadable while Ally knew hers revealed everything. All her fears and doubts.

  At length, Blair said, “I think you can do anything, Ally Cat. Starting with learning to obey my commands.”

  He put her blindfold back on and proceeded to show her how easily he could make her submit, how thoroughly her body belonged to his. He used the flogger more, harder this time, and left her flesh burning in a not-unpleasant way. He lubed her ass and made her take a butt plug. The constriction in her back passage made the emptiness of her cunt even more acute, and Ally struggled against her bindings, pleading for an orgasm that Blair denied her for a long, long time.

  He teased and tortured her until she was crying out her need for release and calling him Master without a second thought. Only then did he finally allow her to come. It took only a single stroke of his fingers inside her, one swirl of his thumb on her clit, to set her off. She was still in spasms when he entered her with his cock and fucked her bound body like he truly owned it.

  Ally thought perhaps he really did, and fell asleep later that night with that thought in mind. She woke in the early hours with not one, but two male bodies beside her. Leo had come home from night shift and slipped into bed with her and Blair. Ally lifted her eyelids to find him gazing at her from the opposite pillow, a somber light in his green eyes.

  “We need to talk.”

  Ominous words if Ally had ever heard them. “What about?”

  Leo shared a glance with Blair, who Ally realized was awake behind her. It was Blair who responded to her question. “I lied last night, Ally. I can’t handle the secret anymore. Not after what happened between us.”

  Ally opened her mouth to argue. In the end, she couldn’t. Blair was right. She’d given him everything last night, had not only submitted but had been his submissive, body, mind and soul. That meant something.

  “Blair told me what you said, Ally,” Leo said. “I understand you’re wary of trusting in this. It’s never going to be a conventional arrangement. But you wanting to hide it…it hurts, baby.”

  “I don’t want to hide it,” Ally said. “I just—”

  “Don’t think it’s going to last so figure there’s no point admitting to it?” Leo filled in.

  Ally clamped her mouth shut. Releasing a sigh, Leo rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. Cold air brushed her shoulders as Blair got out of bed altogether.

  Leo’s voice was flat. “I don’t think we should see each other anymore, not until you’re ready to admit you’re involved with us.”

  It was like the slap of an icy hand on her face. “You don’t mean that. Why can’t we just keep going as we have been, and I’ll tell my family when the time is right? Why are you rushing this?”

  Turning swiftly, Blair planted a hand on the pillow on either side of her head and pressed his face in close to hers. “Because you’re mine now, Ally, mine and Leo’s. I made you mine last night, and I won’t stand for the world not knowing it anymore. I won’t stand for guys at the Sovereign trying to pick you up because they think you’re available.”

  “That only happened once.” In their presence anyway. It had happened three more times that she hadn’t told Leo and Blair about. “I can handle myself.”

  “We know that, baby,” Leo said quietly. “It’s not about that. We’re proud to be with you. We only wish you felt the same way.” He got out of bed and slid on a pair of shorts.

  “So what…are you kicking me out?”

  “For now, yes,” Blair told her as he straightened. “At least until you grow up.”

  “Grow up?” Ally stared at him, incredulous. She transferred her look to Leo, but he wasn’t offering any contradiction to Blair’s assessment. She survived the sting by allowing her anger to replace her hurt. “Neither of you have ever treated me like a child,” she snapped.

  “So why don’t you stop acting like one?” Blair asked, before turning on his heel and storming out of the bedroom.

  Ally turned her stunned look from the now empty doorway to Leo. “Leo—”

  “He’s falling for you, Ally.” His quiet statement knocked the wind out of Ally’s righteous anger. “He’s only protecting himself.”

  Ally’s heart thundered at the thought of Blair falling for her. Was it true? The man had completely slayed her last night, he’d ruled her body, had control over every one of her responses. She was the one who ought to be protecting herself, because if he could master her body that way, it was only a matter of time before her heart was lost forever.

  It felt as though it was lost already as Leo started walking out. Ally stopped him with an impulsive question. “What about you? Are you falling for me?”

  Leo threw a sad look at her over his shoulder. “I fell for you the first night we spent together.”

  A week and a half later

  Blair sat at a table in a back corner of the Sovereign, nursing his beer and scowling. He’d avoided coming to the pub since he and Leo had sent Ally away because he didn’t want to see her. But the guys were having farewell drinks for Mitch West, who was transferring to another station. Mitch had been a good chief, and Blair at least owed him a proper send-off.

  So here he sat, trying to pretend he wasn’t having a miserable time. Trying to pretend he wasn’t watching Ally Wachawski wait tables out of the corner of his eye and silently cursing her for ruining his favorite watering hole for him.


  Blair barely looked up as Leo pulled out the barstool opposite him and sat. “Hey,” he replied grouchily.

  “You have to try and cheer up, Blue,” Leo said. “Mitch will think you’re pissed he’s leaving.”

  “Look who’s talking.” The shadows beneath Leo’s eyes bespoke of a string of restless nights. “You look like shit.”

  “Yeah, well.” Leo’s gaze strayed to the restaurant area of the pub. “It’s not easy to see her.”

  Blair silently concurred with that assessment. When he’d told Ally to grow up, he’d been fueled by a righteous fury that had covered for the hurt he felt deep inside. He’d kept himself busy working and pushing himself at the gym ever since. He might have avoided the Sovereign forever if Mitch hadn’t up and taken that transfer. As far as Blair had been concerned, if he never saw Ally Wachawski again it would be too soon.

  But now that he’d laid eyes on her, he couldn’t seem to drag his gaze away. Those lush curls were secured at the back of her head in a ponytail that didn’t stop Blair from recalling how it felt to have those tresses gripped in his hand. She was wearing a short black skirt and knee high boots with her white blouse. He saw several men eyeing her ass as she moved through the tables.

  That’s my ass, Blair thought bitterly. That’s my woman.

  Possessiveness was a new experience for him. He didn’t like how much of a jerk it made him sound in his own head.

  “Maybe we were too hasty,” Leo said, rousing Blair from his bleak thoughts. “We shouldn’t have pushed her for a commitment she wasn’t ready for.”

  “We didn’t ask her for commitment, just honesty,” Blair pointed out. “I won’t be with someone who’s ashamed of me—ashamed of us.”

  “I know. But we could have been more patient.” Leo stared down into his own beer, appearing despondent. “Hell. I miss her. I want her back.”

  “What are you suggesting?”

  Leo’s lips tilted mirthlessly. “We beg for another chance.”

  “I don’t grovel,” Blair snarled.

  “Jesus. Could you can your stupid pride for five minutes and at least consider it?”

  Blair opened his mouth to deliver a comeback. He was stopped from speaking by the clap of a huge hand on his shoulder. “Blue. Chats. What are you two looking so down in the dumps about?”

  Blair and Leo both looked up into the grinning face of Corey Wachawski. Blair was hit by the blue of the other man’s eyes, so similar to that of Ally’s. Leo’s words reverberated in his head. “I
miss her. I want her back.”

  Shit. So did Blair. And here in front of him was the reason they’d broken up.

  “Ask your sister.” The words were out of Blair’s mouth before he even knew he was going to say them.

  Corey looked at him quizzically. “Pardon?”


  At the warning tone in Leo’s voice, Blair stifled what he’d been about to say. Instead, he muttered, “Nothing. How’re Erica and Griff?”

  “They’re fine.” Corey folded his arms over his chest. His massive barrel chest. The pose pushed out his huge biceps, made them look enormous. He was no longer smiling. “What were you saying about my sister? How do you even know her?”

  “We’ve met,” Leo said before Blair could give a more graphic explanation. Not that he’d been going to. He might be grouchy, but he wasn’t completely insane. I tied her up and made her call me Master was definitely not something you said to your girl’s older, muscle-bound brother.

  Corey raised a brow at Leo. “Since she’s been working here?”

  Never one to tell a convincing lie, Leo let out a sigh. “No. From before that. The truth is—”

  “Chats.” This time it was Blair’s turn to use the warning tone. “It’s not up to us.”

  It had always been Ally’s job to tell her brother the truth. Just because she’d decided a relationship with them wasn’t worth facing a conflict with Corey didn’t mean they could spill the secret for her. It wasn’t their place.

  “It’s sure gotta be up to someone to tell me what’s going on.” Corey leaned in closer to Blair. He was standing and Blair was sitting, so the pose was threatening. “I don’t think you want me making the assumptions I’m starting to make.”

  Blair didn’t take well to being stood over, so he rose out of his chair and faced Corey on a more even level. Or tried. He still only came up to the guy’s jaw. How tall was Wachawski anyway? Six-four, six-five? Blair refused to break eye contact. “What assumptions might they be?”

  “That you and Leo tried to chat my sister up.” Corey’s gaze narrowed. “I know what you guys are into, but that’s not Ally’s thing.”

  Blair snorted. “You sure about that?”

  Leo stood as well and came to wedge himself in between Corey and Blair. “Guys, this isn’t the time or place.”

  “You need to have a serious talk with your sister,” Blair said, ignoring Leo’s attempt to smooth things over. “And stop putting pressure on her to be what you want her to be.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Corey asked.

  “She’s not some china doll who needs to be wrapped in cotton wool. She’s tough and snarky and funny and hella sexy. If you knew her better, you’d see that.”

  At the word sexy, Corey flinched. “You want me to see my sister as hella sexy?”

  “No,” Leo said levelly. “But we’d like you to deal with the fact that we do.”

  Corey’s eyes flared. He took a step towards Leo. “Don’t talk about Ally that way.”

  “In what way? Like I’m a woman and not a little girl?”

  All three men turned at the sound of Ally’s voice. She stood a few feet away, glaring at them. Her hands were planted on her hips and her blue eyes snapped in much the same way as her brother’s. She was so puffed up her blouse strained across the front of her chest.

  She was magnificent.

  “I’m not a kid anymore, Cor,” Ally pointed out. “I don’t need you threatening every guy who’s trying to get into my pants.”

  “So they have tried to pick you up?” Corey asked, missing the point entirely. “Do you realize that they’d want… Hell, they share women, sis.”

  “I know.” Ally stood straight and tall, facing her brother with not a touch of red in her cheeks. “Because they’ve shared me.”

  That was when Blair knew he could fall irrevocably in love with Ally Wachawski if she let him.

  It was also when Corey aimed a fist at his head.

  Ally watched in stupefied horror as her brother took a swing at Blair. Luckily, Blair ducked in time to avoid the blow. He managed to sidestep out of Corey’s line of fire. Trouble was, that left Leo out in the open. Leo held up both hands, indicating he wasn’t going to fight. Still, Corey approached him and stood over him menacingly. The other guys from the Ashton Heights fire station looked on, seemingly too surprised to do anything right away.

  This is ridiculous, Ally thought. She cast her glance around, spotting a half-full jug of beer on a nearby table. Quickly, she picked it up and walked over to where Corey stood grilling Leo about his apparent disrespect for the concept of mateship. Without allowing herself to reconsider the impulsive act, Ally tossed the contents of the jug all over Corey.

  “What the…?” Corey swung around to stare at her. “What did you do that for?”

  “It’s the standard method for breaking up dogfights, so I figured I’d try it,” Ally said. “You definitely need to cool down, animal.”

  Corey swiped at the amber ale dripping down his face. “Ally, have you gone nuts?”

  “Maybe,” she conceded and then thought better of it. “No. You’re the one who’s nuts. You still think of me as that little girl with pig tails who needed you to defend her against the school bully. Or the teenager with raging hormones who was always trying to sneak out of the house to meet boys. I needed someone to save me those time, I honestly did.”

  Hell, she probably would have ended up pregnant if left to her own devices when she was sixteen. Her libido had been in overdrive and she would have let it steer if she’d been allowed a lot of contact with the male of the species. Now…

  Well, her libido was still in overdrive, but at least she knew how to practice safe sex.

  “But, Cor,” Ally said as she stepped forward. She touched her brother’s arm and held his gaze. She waited until she knew she had his undivided attention before she spoke again. “I don’t need you to save me now. I’m all grown up, and what I’d really like is your support.”

  “My support?” Corey looked from Ally, to Leo, to Blair and then back to Ally. “You’re not saying you and these two are…you’re not seriously…”

  “I am—at least I was. Having sex, I mean. With him.” Ally pointed first at Leo, then at Blair. “And him. And if they’ll forgive me for being a chicken shit and not telling you about it sooner, I’d like to do it again. And again and—”

  “Oh God, I get it.” Corey grimaced. “Stop saying it.”

  “Get used to it, big bro. I like sex.” Ally braved a look at Leo and Blair. They were both standing to the left of Corey, looking at her with huge smiles on their faces. Ally smiled back, feeling giddy with relief. Their expressions told her forgiveness was entirely possible. She sent up a thank you to the heavens. This time without them had left her aching with regret and loneliness. “I like them, as people. Not just as a pair of giant—”

  “Shit, sis! Would you quit it?”

  Ally looked back at Corey, amused to find he actually had his hands over his ears. With a laugh, she reached up and tugged one away from his head so he’d have to hear her. “I’m crazy about them, Corey, and if they’ll have me back, I intend to keep seeing them for the foreseeable future. I’d really appreciate your approval, and if you don’t give it, everyone will know you’re a hypocrite.”

  “It’s not the same as my situation,” Corey said, obviously realizing she was referring to his own triad relationship. “Erica’s not my sister.”

  “Thank God. That would be gross. And illegal.”

  Corey let out a half groan, half laugh. “Christ, Al. You’re the baby of the family. I taught you to ride a bike.”

  Ally smiled softly at him. “And you’ve also taught me to grab my chance at happiness as soon as it comes along—in whatever form it takes.”

  He heaved a sigh. “You really think Blue and Chats are gonna make you happy?”

  Ally looked over at Leo and Blair once more, a question in her eyes. They both gave her the
answer she was looking for when they rushed to her side.

  “We’re going to do everything we can to make sure of it,” Leo declared, looking down into her eyes.

  “What he said,” Blair quipped.

  Ally let out a squee and then kissed them on the cheek—Leo first, then Blair—promising herself that later she’d kiss them properly. For now, she had a shift to finish. And a brother who was still struggling with the knowledge of her sexuality.

  Her brother struggled enough with the cheek kissing, if his groan was anything to go by. “Fine. If this is what you want, I promise I won’t punch either of these jokers in the face.” Corey gave both men a warning look. “But if you hurt her—”

  “We won’t,” Leo pledged.

  “We promise we have no intention of hurting Ally.” Blair leaned close to Ally’s ear and added in a whisper only she could hear, “Not unless she wants it.”

  Ally quivered, thinking she was going to have her work cut out for her dealing with the two very different, both lethally sexy men.

  But she was going to love every minute of it.

  “I can deal with this, for your sake, sis,” Corey said. “But as for watching you three snuggle…I’m not there yet. So I’ll just be going over there now.”

  Corey walked away shaking his head. When he was gone, both Blair and Leo moved in closer, sandwiching her between them. Leo touched her face. “Ally, baby. You’ve made me so happy.”

  She’d made herself happy too, but seeing the pleasure in Leo’s eyes was even better than her own happiness. How could she have looked into those dreamy green eyes and said she wasn’t sure what she wanted? She wanted him. And Blair. The time spent without them had confirmed it. “I’m so sorry I didn’t do that sooner.”

  “It’s okay,” Leo said.

  “Is not,” Blair disagreed. He pressed in closer to her side. “I’d say she deserves a good spanking for torturing us like she did.”

  A shaft of hot lust ripped through Ally. When she spoke, her voice was threadbare. “I don’t finish until nine.”


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