After Forever

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After Forever Page 5

by Krystal McLaughlin

  When I got home, I checked the garage. The car wasn’t there. At least that would buy me some time to figure out a place to hide the cat until morning. It would have been ridiculously hard to smuggle him inside with my parents at home. I quickly went inside and up to my room. I set the kitten on my bed and went in search of something for him to sleep on and food for him. I would make him as comfortable as I could.

  I took a blanket out of the hall closet, filled a bowl with milk and grabbed some of the leftover chicken out of the fridge. It was just going to have to do. I couldn’t get kitten chow. I set everything down in my closet, picked the kitten up from my bed and set him down in front of the blanket and food. He devoured the chicken and milk, then curled up on the blanket and went to sleep. I left the closet door open, so he wouldn’t freak out, and then started on my homework.

  A few hours later, mom called up to me to say that dinner was ready. I hoped that I could play it cool. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but I had to do it. I tried to stay calm as I slid into my chair at the table.

  “What’s that smell?” dad asked as I sat down.

  “I don’t smell anything,” I commented. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Mom walked into the room with a bowl of mashed potatoes. “Oh my god, I smell it too. I know what that is. It’s hard to mistake. Crimson, you have a lot of explaining to do.”

  I stared at her, incredulous. I didn’t know what to say. “What are you talking about mom?” I tried to play it off as I didn’t know what she was talking about.

  “I smell cat! Now start talking,” she demanded.

  “I...umm…I…” I began.

  “You what? Out with it already Crimson. Quit stalling,” mom fumed.

  I knew there was no way out now. She would find out eventually. So everything came pouring out. The animal shelter visits and the kitten asleep upstairs in my room.

  Neither of my parents said anything after I was finished. “Will one of you please say something? I don’t understand what’s going on. How could you smell the cat on me? What is the big deal? I’m going to take him to the animal shelter in the morning. Just tell me what I’ve done wrong.”

  “Oh honey,” mom said, shaking her head. She turned to dad. “We better tell her the truth now, don’t you think?”

  Dad nodded. “Yes, we better. It may already be too late though.”

  “Too late for what? Tell me what’s going on!” I exclaimed. This was getting frustrating.

  She sat down and looked at dad. “Do you want to tell her or should I?”

  Dad thought for a moment. “You had better. You know the stories better than I ever will.”

  “What stories?” What had I gotten myself into? What had I done?

  “Our family is special, Crimson. Though I wouldn’t call it special; it is more of a curse than anything. We are drawn to them. I was once like you honey. I wanted a cat more than anything. But your grandma wouldn’t let me have one. I didn’t understand. She wouldn’t tell me why. So one day, I brought one home from a friend’s house. I kept it a secret from both her and your grandpa.”

  I stared at her, awestruck. “So, you did kind of the same thing I did then? So you can’t be too mad at me, can you?”

  “Yes and no. I do understand, but it doesn’t make it right. I’m getting to that. What happened after tore my world apart.” She was on the verge of tears, but choked them back.

  “What happened mom?” I was starting to get very worried.

  “People started dying.” She said it so blatantly, that I thought it was a joke. But the look on her face said otherwise.

  “What do you mean people started dying?” I couldn’t even wrap my head around it. “What does death have to do with cats?”

  “Brace yourself sweetie; this isn’t an easy pill to swallow. Cats, they aren’t just cats. They are something more than that, something evil. Not everyone knows the truth, not everyone can see it.”

  “See what? You’re not making any sense.” I was so frustrated.

  “See them for what they really are. They are witches.”

  “Witches? But they don’t exist, they’re just in fairytales. This can’t be real.” I was shaking. Could it be real? No, this couldn’t be real. But mom and dad’s faces, they were somber, serious. They had no reason to lie about this.

  “Our ancestors were one of the original families that were able to see the truth. To see cats for what they really were. I thought I could shelter you from it all, much like your grandmother thought she could do for me. It apparently isn’t as easy as I would have hoped it would have been. But I didn’t have the guidance that I needed.” She was fighting back tears now. “Crimson, the witches, they killed your grandma and grandpa.”

  I shook my head. No, this couldn’t be true. It just couldn’t. “I don’t believe you. This is insane. Witches aren’t real! They aren’t! Why would you tell me this? I want to know the truth.” I got up from the table and stormed out of the room, ran up to my bedroom and slammed the door shut behind me.

  The kitten woke up when he heard the door slam. He got up from the blanket he was curled up on, did a stretch and yawn, then sauntered over where I had collapsed on the bed. He started meowing at me. I peered over the side of the bed. He was looking up at me. I couldn’t help but smile.

  How could this poor, little, innocent creature be a witch? It couldn’t be true, it just couldn’t. I picked him up and set him on the bed next to me. He curled up next to me, and started purring. I lay there, petting him. It was comforting. I needed that. As I lay there, I decided that my kitten needed a name. I pondered over it for a while, then it struck me, I would call him Cinder. I didn’t know how or where I came up with it, but I just knew that it was right.

  When I woke up, it was still dark outside. I looked at my alarm clock. It was 3 a.m. My stomach was growling. I hadn’t eaten dinner, so I decided to head to the kitchen to make myself a snack. What I saw when I got downstairs was unnerving, terrifying. All the dishes were still sitting on the dining room table. Nothing had been put away. That wasn’t like my mom at all.

  Something just felt wrong, very wrong. I ran back upstairs and knocked on my parent’s bedroom door and called out their names. I got no response, but if they were sleeping, they more than likely wouldn’t hear me. I hesitated briefly, and then pushed the door open. The bed was still made. It didn’t look like anyone had even been in the room recently.

  I was so confused. Where could they be? I hurried from the room and ran out to the garage. Their cars were still there. My mind was racing. I didn’t know what to do. Call the police…and tell them what? What would I say? What could I say? I would never be able to explain what had happened. I shook my head.

  I decided to search the house from top to bottom. Maybe they had left a note or some sort of clue as to where they had gone. After hours of searching, I had come up empty handed. I resigned, forced myself to clean up dinner, made myself something to eat, and tried to go back to sleep. I hoped that things would look better in the morning.

  I was quite restless though, and only managed to get a few hours of sleep. I was just too worried. When I finally climbed out of bed, it was almost ten. I went back downstairs, but everything was just as I had left it.

  I grabbed my cell phone from my purse. I had several unread text messages, all from Rania. Wondering why I wasn’t at school. I sat down on the couch, trying to decide what to tell her. Maybe I should tell her to ditch school and come over. I didn’t really want to be alone. But it wasn’t like I could tell her anything either.

  I stared at the phone in my hand, trying to figure out what to do. I didn’t want to get her involved, but I couldn’t stand to be alone either.

  ‘Can you come over? Something happened last night.’ I finally sent her.

  ‘Sure. I’ll ditch at the next bell. See you soon.’ She replied.

  Thank goodness.

  I was falling apart by the time Rania showed up, apparently. B
ecause she took one look at me and threw her arms around me. And let me tell you, that isn’t typical Rania.

  “What is going on?” she asked, concern filling her eyes.

  “You had better sit down,” I replied. “It’s a long, complicated story. You probably won’t even believe me, but I swear it’s all true.”

  She shot me one of her signature looks, but said nothing. I sat down on the couch next to her, trying to gather my thoughts. I didn’t even know where to start. I took a deep breath and began, hoping that I would actually make sense.

  When I was done, Rania just sat there, staring at me, with her mouth gaping. I knew she wouldn’t believe me. Who in their right mind would? What I was saying was insane.

  “What am I going to do now?” I wailed.

  Rania shook her head. “I don’t know Crimson, I don’t know. But you need to get rid of that cat. Right away!”

  I nodded, knowing she was right. After what had already happened, I was starting to believe. “We can take him to the animal shelter, since I was already going to do that. Let’s go right now.” I didn’t want to waste any more time.

  I sent Rania to the garage to find a box, while I went up to my bedroom to get Cinder. I found him curled up in the closet again. I picked him up carefully, trying not to wake him. No such luck though. He woke up the second I got him off the ground. He snuggled into my arms and started purring. Of course, he was going to make it difficult for me to get rid of him. I pushed his cuteness away and reminded myself of what had already happened. Taking him to the shelter was the right thing to do.

  Rania was waiting for me in the living room, holding a box. She set it on the coffee table when she saw me. “Goodness, he is adorable. You’re sure he’s an evil witch?” It was obvious she was trying to make light of the situation.

  I didn’t say anything as I set him in the box. “I think we should take my parent’s car. I don’t really feel like walking all that way.”

  Rania agreed.

  I grabbed the keys off the kitchen counter and we headed out to the garage. Rania carried the box.

  “You had better hold the box while I drive. I don’t want him to get out.”

  She glared at me, but agreed, knowing I was right. She handed the box to me, opened the car door, and climbed in. I handed the box back to her and shut the door. I then got in the car myself, and started it up. It was only a five minute drive to the shelter. I found a parking spot and we headed in.

  Branna was sitting at the front desk, as always. She looked up at Rania and me. She was quite startled when she saw us. “What on earth are you doing here?” she asked. “Shouldn’t you be in school still?”

  I tried very hard to swallow the lump in my throat and nodded. “Yes, I know we should be…but something has happened.” I stopped there. I couldn’t tell Branna the truth, at least not all of it. She would never understand. Besides, I didn’t really know her all that well.

  She looked very concerned. “What’s happened Crimson? You can tell me,” she coaxed.

  Tears now streaming down my face, I said, “My parents are gone.”

  “What do you mean gone?” She obviously didn’t understand what I was saying.

  “I don’t know. I woke up early this morning and they were gone. No sign of them at all. The car was still in the garage. They just…disappeared.” I stopped myself there, before anything else came pouring out. “That’s not why we’re here though. I elbowed Rania. She thrust the box forward.

  Branna peered in, “Oh my, what a cute little guy. Where did you find him?”

  “He followed me home last night.”

  Branna nodded. The look on her face said that she understood far better than she should have, but the look was fleeting. She got real serious then. “I cannot take him in,” she said calmly.

  “What do you mean you can’t take him?” Rania spat at her. “You’re an animal shelter, that’s what you do.” She was furious enough for the both of us.

  Branna looked completely un-phased by Rania’s outburst. “I just don’t have the room for another animal right now. I’m sorry. You’re going to have to keep Cinder.”

  How could she have known that? I hadn’t told her that I named him Cinder. I tried not to let it show that it freaked me out. “Come on Rania, let’s go…now!”

  “But, but, what are we going to do with him?”

  “We’ll figure something else out. Please, let’s just go.”

  “Oh, fine. I don’t want to hang around here anyway,” she said, giving Branna one of her looks.

  I practically drug her out the door.

  “Alright, what’s going on?” she asked once we were outside and standing by the car.

  “She…she knew what I named the kitten! I never said what I was calling him.”

  Rania looked at me for a moment, puzzled. “I don’t even think you told me that,” she concluded. “So how could she have known that?”

  “I don’t know, but I don’t like it. I don’t like what’s going on. What are we going to do now? I can’t keep this cat. I just can’t.” I knew I was going to start crying again.

  Rania set the box on the hood of the car and wrapped her arms around me. “We’ll figure something out, I promise. For now, I think you should stay with me. I don’t want you to be alone, and my parents won’t mind.”

  I smiled. “Thanks Rania, you’re a good friend.”

  We headed back to my house, so I could gather up some things. I was so glad I had Rania for help. Without her, I’d be so lost. I wandered around my room in a fog, trying to figure out what I needed to bring with me. I tried to hurry, because I knew she’d be impatient. She always was. At least I could count on that.

  She glared at me from the doorway. “Are you ready yet? “

  I shot her a glare back. “I’m working on it!” I threw some clothes and beauty products into my duffle bag. “Umm, Rania, what are we going to do with Cinder?”

  “You’re not bringing him with us, if that’s what you’re getting at. I will not have that fluffy ball of evilness in my house. Besides, my parents would flip out. I don’t care what you do with him, but you can’t bring him with.”

  I knew she wouldn’t budge on the subject. Not that I wanted to bring him with. All I wanted was to be rid of him once and for all. But what was I going to do with him, since Branna wouldn’t accept him at the animal shelter. I let out a sigh. “I know this is going to sound horrible, but can we just leave him somewhere? Like at the park or something? Maybe someone will find him and take him in?” I felt so guilty once I had said the words, but what choice did I have? After everything that had happened, I couldn’t, I wouldn’t keep him.

  “Yeah, sure, we can do that,” Rania commented, not really paying attention.

  I sighed again as I zipped my bag shut. “Alright, I think I’ve got everything. Let’s go get this over with.” I wasn’t looking forward to what we were about to do.

  As we drove to the park, Cinder started to get extremely restless. It was almost as if he knew what we were going to do with him. I tried to force the thoughts out of my mind. I knew if it was true and he really was a witch, then he did know what we were going to do with him. That worried me…a lot.

  It was starting to get dark by the time we reached the park. And it was getting cold. That I actually felt bad about. No! He’s a witch, it doesn’t matter.

  “Just dump him out of the box and let’s leave already. It’s dark, I’m freezing, and I’m getting hungry.” Clearly Rania was getting impatient yet again.

  I set the box down and tipped it on its side, ushering the kitten out of it and onto the ground. He didn’t want to go. His claws dug into the side of the box. I gave him a push and he started hissing at me. I should have known this wasn’t going to be easy, but it had to be done.

  Rania looked at me, and laughed. “What, you can’t take on a 4 pound kitten? That’s so sad Crimson. Just leave the box and let’s go. I don’t have time for this.”

  I let g
o of the box. “Fine, let’s go then.” I stood up and brushed the dirt off my pants, then followed her to the car. I looked back as I climbed in. Cinder was still sitting inside the tipped over box, staring at us. I shook my head, and muttered “I’m sorry,” under my breath, got in and started the car.

  “You did the right thing,” Rania told me. “You don’t need to think about it anymore. It’s over now. We’ll get you settled in at my house, and then we’ll figure out what to do about your parents. They couldn’t have just disappeared. Someone must know something; someone must have seen or heard something.”

  I hoped she was right. “Do we have to tell your parents?” I asked as we were nearing her house. I bit my lip nervously, awaiting her response.

  She frowned. “To be honest, I think we should. They’ve got connections. They would be able to help, but if you really don’t want them to know, I won’t say anything. It’s up to you Crimson.”

  I wasn’t sure what the right thing to do was anymore. I wanted things to go back to normal, if that was even possible. “I think I want to sleep on it.”

  Rania nodded. “Of course, take your time. We’ll do things your way.” It was nice that Rania was actually listening to me for once. Who knew that all it would take was my world completely falling apart.

  Rania’s mom was standing in the doorway when we reached the house. “Hi girls! Oh, is Crimson spending the night?” she asked, gesturing to the bag I was clutching.

  “Yeah, if that’s alright with you and dad,” Rania said, smiling. No one could turn her down when she did that, not even her own parents.

  “Of course, honey. That’s perfectly fine. Dinner is about ready, why don’t you get Crimson settled in first.”

  The conversation at dinner was pleasant. Though, I really wasn’t paying that much attention. After we ate, Rania and I rushed up to her bedroom. I was thankful that I didn’t have to stay down there and make small talk with her parents any longer. It was just too much to handle. Especially since I still wasn’t sure if I wanted to tell them what was going on.


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