Obsession (The Volkov Mafia Series Book 1)

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Obsession (The Volkov Mafia Series Book 1) Page 13

by S. E Foster

  Malc sits with us, but just grabs himself a cup of coffee and sits brooding while he waited for us to get on with planning.

  “Mother would you give us a few minutes please, there are things we need to discuss.” I hated having to get my mum to leave, but we were all here and I did not want to waste further time by going to the office to make plans.

  “Of course dear. Boys, if you will excuse me I am going to take my coffee in the living room.” With that she made her way out, leaving us to discuss business. I wait a few moments for the staff to leave the room before I speak to them.

  “I liked the idea you proposed before Anton, but it’s not without its risks. I think I need to go in dark. We can’t let him think we are onto him.” I hear Malc grunt and then Anton chirp in.

  “You can’t do that, how will we know if you’re ok? We have to make sure we know what’s going on at all times, you are the head of this family and you're knowingly walking into a trap, you do realise that don’t you?” I have listened to him groan on and on it was bugging me to no end now.

  “Look I will do whatever it takes to make sure she is safe, I will lay down my life for hers if it means she walks free from all of this, You two just have to do what you are told to do. Am I clear?”

  I hear Malc grunt his agreement but looking Anton in the eyes I could see the defiance in them.

  “Fine!” he spits out knowing that I needed his compliance.

  “So you and Malc will hold back and stay hidden while I attempt to make the drop, then when I’m taken inside or whatever their plan is, you wait one hour. I need to establish if the girls are safe and ok first before you two come in.”

  I knew the plan was risky, to go in unarmed and without a way to communicate with my them, but we couldn’t let him think we had the upper hand.

  I would act surprised and do my best to play along but I won’t be held accountable for my actions if I see a mark upon her body. I will make him pay for any pain he has caused, just like his brother did.

  “So what do you want us to do? Kill and extract or capture and torture?” Malc asks. I let his question swim around for a minute. What do I want to do? I want to be the one to kill Jake, just like I did his brother.

  “Kill everyone but Jake you save him for me. I want to make sure he gets it slow and painful just like Conner.”

  It is the first time in days I felt a little in control. I need that control, it is my anchor. The though of losing Faith is killing me, but I will see her back with me.

  “Yes boss.”

  We spend the next hour hashing out all of the little details and scenarios for if and what might happen. We calculate what weapons and man power will be necessary to get the job. Anton is sorting the men we need, he says he can get men that will follow orders with no questions asked and right now that’s what I need. The cars are all loaded up, ready and waiting to go at first light.

  I went to the bedroom, the one we’ve shared and it feels empty. I can’t bear the thought of going to bed without her. I can’t face waking up in the morning without her in my arms.

  So I must embrace the darkness once again to find my light and bring her home.



  I am sat in the office of the warehouse, thinking about the last couple of days and how this plan of mine is coming together. I can almost taste the sweet fucking revenge I am going to have. Not long now until I can do what I want to her.

  Revenge is what is driving me. It fuels my every waking action, motivates me to see this through. He killed my brother because of this fucking whore.

  I need to feed the demon inside of me. I crave the darkness that is consuming me, and I drift closer to it every day.

  I want to see the life drain from his eyes, as I do to him exactly what he did to Conner, I will see this through, I will have my revenge.

  Darren Young has been a great tool, he has done what I have asked of him. He hasn’t long got off the phone with Damien, and I so wanted to go up to him and snatch the phone away and scream at him, that it was me controlling everything. That it was me that took the girls, I wonder how he is feeling right about now after that call. Knowing full well her dad has hold of them. I bet Damien was climbing the walls trying to figure it out, so that he can get them back. There will be no coming back from this. But his usefulness has come to an end. If he thinks he’s going to get that paperwork then he has another thing coming. He will never see outside of this building.

  I think about the way I can do this, I want to see Faith’s eyes when I kill her father in front of her. I am thinking of doing it today because I have to prepare for Damien tomorrow. That is the kill I am going to get most enjoyment from. Seeing the torment in his eyes as he watches while I take her, to watch as he dies inside knowing that she will never be the same .

  I need to get this prick dealt with, and the sooner the better, I want to concentrate on the main event. I call Darren into the office. I want to make this quick, but I also want to torment Faith while I do it, and let her know that I mean business. What I do to her father is going to be like a walk in the park compared to what I am going to do to her and that fucker Damien.

  “I want the girls brought from the room” I tell him, his look tells me that he does not understand why I want them.

  “Why, what do you need to do that involves them? I made the call and you have them here.” This little prick is really starting to piss me off. I should just shoot him right here where he stands and be done with it. Where would the fun be in that though, I want to toy with my prey a little before I complete the kill.

  “You want that paperwork? You get the girls in that room along with yourself in 30 minutes, am I clear?” I tell him trying my best to keep a lid on my temper. It would be so easy to blow right now, I just want him out of the way, and the sooner the better really. He just nods and leaves. I love the power you can hold over people when you have something they want, people will do just about anything.

  I try to calm myself thinking about all the other girls I have had. The thought of killing the girls is keeping me hard, and I haven’t done one since before Conner died. This will be my first one on my own and I can’t wait. It’s been too long since I have fed my beast. My craving kicks up a gear at this rate I won’t be able to control myself until tomorrow. I know after the kill I will need to satisfy the need within, but I can’t touch Faith until I have Damien at his weakest, strung up and helpless. I suppose I could go to a bar and pick up some random slut to fuck tonight just to take the edge off, but I can’t risk anything going wrong tomorrow, it all needs to go perfectly. Then it hits me, what I will do. A small smile plays across my face at the thought.


  Thirty minutes later I see the girls knelt on the tarpaulin, and fuck if it does not start to make me hard. Seeing their heads down looking at the floor the tears probably sliding down their cheeks. I see Darren stood off to the side, there are two guards over by the doors and two guards behind Faith and Camilla. I checked before I left the office that my gun was fully loaded hidden in the waistband of my trousers at the back, hidden from view by the suit jacket that I have on.

  I know the guards won’t bat an eyelid when I tell them act. I walk closer to the girls. My steps precise and methodical. I have planned what I want to say, I want to put the fear of God into her for tomorrow. So far, she has not shown much fear when I have spoken to her. Anger yes but not fear. That is something I need from her and I know just the thing to do to do it

  My plan is pretty simple. Kill Darren while Faith watches on her knees. This evening’s entertainment is going to be so much fun.

  “Darren can you come to stand at my side while I address the girls” I ask in my most sincere voice, it must be right as he does not even question me, he just moves to my side.

  “Now then girls I want to tell you a little story, one of which you will not have heard before.” I say to both of them as I speak, Faith’s head snaps up in my direction and I
can see the fire in her eyes, her spirit is still not broken. But that is something I am about to change with these words. They should have her reeling back into the shell of a person she was before Damien made himself known to her. I can’t wait to be the one to burst her bubble and add to the shit storm that is her life. Not that she will have a life much longer if all my plans work out the way I want them to.

  Camilla keeps her head down staring at the floor I can tell all this has already broken her, it was easy with her she has no fight in her not like Faith. The guard outside the room they are in said he heard her cries all night.

  “Do you know who I am, Faith?” I question her, I can see that she is thinking about what I have said.

  “Yes you're Jake and you work for Damien.” She answers me not a hint of fear in her voice, she is not quiet when she speaks. She looks me straight in the eye as she delivers her answer. I do admire that trait but that is what I am going to have the most fun breaking.

  “You’re only half right there, see I have known about you for over 6 months” I see confusion play across her face but she does not lose eye contact, she keeps her stare focused upon me and me alone.

  “I am sure you would have known about me, as you have been working for Damien, he said he had been keeping me safe since he left me at the hospital.” She replies. I don’t think I will tell her just yet. I will wait until I have killed her father who is still stood at the side of me the prick, has not said a word.

  “We are getting slightly off track now. I am going to tell you how I came to be working with him.” I say pointing at Darren to my side.

  “You see the day you went out with Camilla, I was on duty to watch over you and I did, but I saw it was your father who came and I delayed calling, I wanted to see what would happen but they still managed to show up just in time. And I let him give me a couple of punches to reprimand me so to speak.” I can see her trying to connect the dots and she won’t get it without all the pieces of the puzzle.

  “So you’re playing both sides. Don't you think that Damien will figure it out and know what you are up to?” I cut her off when my hand meets her cheek not wanting to hear any more. The sound the slap bounces off the walls, her audible hitch of breath is the only clue that she gives, to let me know that she felt it, no cry of pain, nothing. For a woman she is holding up well better than most.

  I can understand now why Conner was so infatuated by her. She’s beautiful and has a very smart mouth but that’s the appeal. You can see the strength she is finding deep down inside of her. She is trying to fight her fate with everything she has.

  “No and he still does not have a clue so when he walks in here tomorrow and I get the pleasure of killing him, I will take great joy in telling him he had a traitor amongst his men.”

  Her head drops a fraction when I mention killing him, and it’s the first time I see her have a slight defeated look on her face, even if it’s only for a brief moment.

  “I won’t let you kill him” she whispers, it was so quiet I almost missed her saying it.

  “You don’t have a fucking choice!” I shout at her. The look in her eyes when I raise my voice is one of anger and pure hatred.

  “Now back to what I was saying, you have a choice to make, how do you want me to kill your father? Would you like him to be shot in the head or shot in the chest either way he is getting shot, the choice is yours Faith.” I hear Darren gasp at the side of me as if he has just heard what has been said.

  “You can’t do this!” He pleads with me “We had a deal!” When I don’t answer straightaway he tries to move from my side, I nod to the guards by the door and they make a move to grab him.

  “I think you will find I can do whatever the hell I want Darren, I have no use for you, you’re expendable.” When I see they have him held tightly so he won’t be moving I look back at Faith who has a slight smile playing across her face. What the fuck why would she be smiling at the choice I asked her to make it’s almost as if she does not mind him being shot.

  “I need your choice Faith, what is it going to be?” This isn’t as much fun as I thought I would. My thinking is that she should be crying and pleading with me to spare him, not shoot him. But nothing like that leaves Faith’s lips.

  She has them turned up and pressed together in what I could only say is a devious smirk.

  “I would say shoot him in the heart but he does not have one, so shoot him in the head. I don’t give a shit what happens to him after what he did to me, so do whatever you want to him.”

  I see it’s not just me that finds him expendable in that moment. This is definitely not what I expected to happen, maybe I did underestimate the hatred she feels for him after what he has done to her.

  “Please Faith, I’m sorry don’t let him do this to me, I’m so sorry princess. I love you.” Darren pleads with Faith and I don’t know if his little statement will have any effect on her.

  “Ha don’t make me laugh. You don’t know what love is, if you did you would never even have considered telling Damien to keep me, and then when that did not work you try to hurt my friend when I won’t go with you, then to top it off you work with this scumbag.” She screams every word at him while looking directly in his eyes. She is not backing down.

  “Right, I think we have established that she wants you shot in the head and not the heart. So let’s crack on shall we.”

  He fights the guards that hold onto him.

  “You were supposed to protect me, not hurt me how can you hold me like this! Let me go.” He is still trying to get his words out even when it’s pointless. His fate is sealed and I’m done listening, I want to play.

  “See that’s where you’re wrong, I employ them, I pay them so they work for me and they do as I tell them to, not you.” I turn to face him, as he is only standing at the side of me, the guard is holding on tightly to him.

  I tell both of the men holding him to go and secure him to the wall, I want this over with now. I see them drag him kicking and screaming towards the bare wall with the chains hanging down from the ceiling, I know when I hear the clunk of the clasps that he is secure against the wall. His pleading comes back with full force as he begs and cries for me not to do this to him. I find it soothing when I hear someone’s distress and their pain, it excites me on a deeper level. It’s not the adrenaline that does it to me, it’s the pain they are going to suffer at my hands that turns me on. I thrive on the pain I’m going to give.

  I get my pleasure from their pain and I can feel the burn in my gut start, knowing what will happen. I am definitely going to have to get some release tonight, killing him is only going to secure that fact for me that my balls will be drawn up tight and my cock hard as rock.

  “I hope you’re looking girls?” I question them as I slowly walk towards the wall where he is secured, my steps don’t falter, as I get closer to him. His face pales when I stop in front of him.

  I reach behind me and pull out my gun. It’s already loaded and I make sure the safety is off before I aim it at his head. I can feel my cock start to stir.

  “Do you have anything to say before I do put a hole in your head” I wait for his reply but it does not come all I can see, is a look of utter defeat on his face. He knows there is no way out of this so why delay it. I squeeze the trigger of my SIG Sauer P226 and wait for slight recoil from the gun. The shot is loud as the sound reverberates around the warehouse. I watch as his head jolts back and then whips forward with the force from the shot. His body goes lax in the restraints, and that’s when I see the crimson river seeping onto the floor that lets me know that the bullet has hit its mark.

  I can feel the adrenaline coursing through my body. My cock is aching as it’s straining against my trousers wanting to find that much needed release. I turn to face the girls disregarding the body that limply hangs. I don’t care that they can see it, in fact I want them to get their fill looking at the dead body of Darren. They need to realise I am in control of what happens.

ooking at the two girls, I see Faith, she has a huge smile on her face. I watch her as suddenly her face changes to that of utter shock, I can see the turmoil of her mind, why she so pleased her dad is dead. It has still not broken her spirit and now I want to make sure I destroy it. What I am going to do next is sure to.

  My balls are almost painful, and I am craving the need to hurt, to get my kicks from sinking deep inside a screaming body that fights against your hold. I can’t wait until tomorrow. I am going to have to act now. I see Cami still sat next to Faith tears streaming down her face and I know what I must do so I don’t hesitate.

  “Now that the show is over, I want you to look at me Faith, because what I am going to say - I need to look into your eyes, to see your reaction, I want to see you break.”

  She looks me straight in the eyes and I see the anger there again that spark of defiance that she so badly wants to follow.

  This is going to please me no end.

  “You want to know why Faith? She just nods her head at me, it’s now or never.

  “Because your Damien killed my brother for what he tried to do to you,” I see her thinking for a moment searching for who my brother could be, I decide to help her along.

  “Conner was my brother!” I said pointedly at her. “I am going to enjoy doing what my brother could not manage to do. Firstly I am going to destroy something you love so that she will be no use to anyone ever again.”

  She quickly looks at Cami and tries to get up but the guards hold her still.

  I grip hold of Camilla and pull her up by the arm her strength in her legs has not returned after being sat in the same position for so long. She tries to fight my hold as I drag her towards the back of the warehouse.

  Her screams only excite me more.

  “That’s it baby fight me, it only gets me more excited.” My grip is firm as I make my way to the room I am going to use.




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