I'm Maid for You

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I'm Maid for You Page 2

by Luxx Monroe

  Just as I was about to respond, the door opened again and there he was. Dark, beautiful hair, and eyes that were partly green and blue, almost like they couldn’t make a decision and decided that both colors could stay. I pulled the phone away from my face and clicked if off. I could handle this and figure it out.

  “I’m sorry about the confusion, Natalie. Please come back in and let’s sort this out.” He pushed the door open some more, and when I walked through I could feel his hand on the small of my back. A slow burning sensation formed around his touch, and if I thought my panties were wet earlier, well now they were just plain drenched. I couldn’t believe the effect this guy was having on me, and he was only touching my back.

  “That’s okay, Mr. Bryant. My boss, Maggie, didn’t quite understand what you were looking for.”

  “Please, call me Kent.”

  I gulped and watched his eyes roam down my totally inappropriate maid outfit. I could kill Maggie for letting her staff go out in public in these things. No wonder she had to have a set of guidelines. I felt like I was in a bad porno. “Okay, Kent.”

  I noticed his eyes flared for a split second, but then in an instant he was back behind his desk. “Please, have a seat. It looks like I have a proposition for you.”

  Well, now he had piqued my interest.

  Chapter 2


  What the fuck was I doing? A proposition? A live-in maid service? I wasn’t looking for either, and yet there went my mouth. I couldn’t believe how I was acting, and never in my life had I felt more out of control. Natalie was right when she read off the list I’d created. I did just need a maid in the mornings. Hell, I already had a whole slew of workers that could take care of everything else. What would I do with a live-in maid? My mouth had made that decision for me before my mind could comprehend what I was saying.

  However, for some reason, when I laid eyes on the woman before me, I decided right then that a live-in maid was what I wanted. I wanted her. I had never wanted something so much in my entire life, and here she was, sitting in front of me, in every man’s fantasy outfit. Now I just had to persuade her to agree to my new plan. I also had to send flowers to Nancy, my secretary, for getting that new contract sent out so quickly.

  “Yes, a proposition. You see, Natalie, my full-time housekeeper just had a baby, and has asked for a little maternity leave. I agreed that it was important for her to be home with her husband and child, so I decided to give her some time off. Jenny lived at home and had a half-hour commute both ways every day. It was hard, and I decided the next housekeeper I was going to hire needed to be able to live here. If this is something you’d consider, I’ll make it well worth your time.”

  Natalie stared at me like I was standing in front of her wearing a black cloak and asking her for her soul. She must have thought I was crazy, but my excuse sounded plausible to me, even though I made half of it up. Yes, Jenny had a baby, but she didn’t ask for time away. Her husband ended up getting a huge promotion and she decided to quit and be a stay-at-home mom. I couldn’t argue with her decision, and her commuting wasn’t a big deal, but for some reason my new mission was to get Natalie in my house.

  Finally, she cleared her throat and started to fidget a little in her seat. “Well, you see, Mr. Bryant, I mean, Kent.” She cleared her throat again and lifted her beautiful porcelain-like hand to her neck and stroked it softly. I felt the bulge in my pants grow by the second and tried to readjust myself without her noticing.

  “Would you like a drink?” I asked and she quickly shook her head.

  “No, no. I’m fine. It just seems a little warm in here.” She uncrossed her legs and crossed them again, exposing a small glimpse of white cotton between her thighs.

  I leaned forward and grabbed a pen and paper before I totally lost it. “Tell me, Natalie. Are you working anywhere else? Do you have a boyfriend who would have a problem with this? Anything that is an obstacle, I’m sure we can get it figured out.”

  Natalie sat up a little straighter and clenched her legs together. I wondered if I was having the same effect on her as she was having on me, but I chalked it up to nerves. “No. No boyfriend at this moment, and as far as work goes, I’m a chef at a small restaurant. I only work evenings and I’m really not making that much. I would have to quit, though, and I’m not sure I’m ready to do that.”

  I analyzed Natalie for a minute and started to really think about my rash decision. I was praying she wasn’t crazy, but I also knew I wanted this. Her. I wanted her. I also replayed in my mind the fact that she didn’t have a boyfriend. Perfect. “I promise that what I’ll be paying you will make you never think about your past job.”

  Natalie looked down at her purse, and I could hear a quick vibration coming from inside it. She reached down and clicked her phone, to ignore a call, I assumed.

  She looked back at me and sucked in her bottom lip. I wondered what she tasted like, and clearly had to readjust myself again.

  “Well, I’m making close to twenty-five-dollars an hour with my current job, and I know that’s low for a chef’s salary, but I’m really close to getting my dream job. I can’t just pass that up for a cleaning job, no offense.”

  I noticed a soft blush rise in her cheeks, and it made me want to make her blush every chance I could get. “What if I paid you double that and gave you full benefits? Would that change your mind?”

  Natalie gulped and looked down at her hands. “Double that? You would pay me fifty dollars an hour? How would that work?”

  I leaned back and thought about that. I obviously hadn’t thought about my plan in great detail, but she didn’t need to know that. “We’ll clock you in at forty hours a week, and you’ll get paid double for any extra time you put in. I’ll have a system that you’ll use to monitor your hours. You’ll have your own suite, which will be on the west side of the property. You’ll have access to the pool, gym, and any other amenities whenever you’re not on clocked hours. I’m also intrigued by your cooking history and I would like to hire you as my personal chef. I would pay you for that service too, making your annual income almost triple what you make now. Does that sound like something you could do?”

  Natalie’s eyes were as big as saucers. I thought maybe I’d lost her, but just as I was feeling there was nothing else I could do, she finally responded.

  “Okay, I’ll take it. I’ll be your live-in housekeeper and chef.”

  It took everything in me to hold back the grin that was threatening to take over, and I stood to shake her hand. “Great. I look forward to working with you, Natalie. Please make whatever arrangements necessary for the rest of the day, and I can have you moved in here tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow?” Natalie gulped and placed her hands behind her back.

  “Is that a problem?”

  She shook her head and reached down to grab her purse. I got a perfect view of her large breasts and knew I’d made the right decision.

  “No, not a problem at all. Thank you, so much Mr. Bryant, I mean Kent. I’ll be here tomorrow, ready for our new arrangement.”

  Natalie and I walked back out into the hallway, and I could feel the electric energy between us. I hadn’t felt this way about a woman in a very long time. I was used to the usual quick hook-ups, but by the second time, I was bored and ready to move on. For some reason, I wasn’t too concerned that was going to happen with Natalie.

  Chapter 3


  “You’re freaking kidding me. He said that?” Maggie was pacing around her office, stunned at the news I’d just shared with her. “He wants to pay over one-hundred-fifty grand for you to live in his mansion, swim in his pool, and all you have to do is cook and clean? Who is this guy? I don’t know, Nat, it seems sketchy. I’d like to run a background check on him.”

  I watched Maggie as she lost her cool, and I tried to contain the snicker that was stuck in my throat. I did, however, appreciate that she was looking out for me. “Of course we’ll run a background check. Maggi
e, the guy seems harmless. He has way too much money, but if I’m going to get my mom the treatment she needs, I have to do this. It’s the best option so far.”

  Maggie walked over to a chair next to mine and sat down, facing me. “What else did he say? I just don’t want this to affect my business, you know? I’ve never allowed a live-in maid service, and I don’t want to start.”

  “Right, but what if all of his colleagues notice how great I am and want to hire more? You could really make some money off of this idea.”

  Maggie looked up at the ceiling, and I could tell she was contemplating my idea. “You’re right. Except for one thing, one huge thing that you have to promise me.”

  I sat up a little straighter and gave her a quick nod. “Anything.”

  “Is he handsome?”

  I let out a small laugh and placed my hand to my chest. “Why does that matter?”

  “Nat, is he good looking?”

  “He’s fucking hot, but that doesn’t matter. I’ll do my job, I promise.”

  “Natalie Mae, you cannot sleep with Kent Bryant. I almost lost half of my clients when my last girl slept with the man of the house she was cleaning for. I’m not hosting an escort service, and I can’t have my name ran through the mud.”

  I patted Maggie’s cheek and let out a little sigh. “Mags, I would never do anything to jeopardize your business. I won’t sleep with him. Besides, if I did, he’d probably be done with me and throw me out. Then what would I do? I’m about to quit my job and lease my apartment. I’d have nothing. I’m not stupid. I know how much I need this money.”

  “You know I’ll lend you as much as I can. You don’t have to do anything.”

  I stood up and walked over to a picture that captured Maggie receiving an award for her new business. “I know, hun, and I appreciate everything you’re doing for me. You need to keep your money in your business. This is my problem, and I want to take care of it.”

  Maggie stood so she was standing right beside me and wrapped her arm around my waist. “Well, just think. You’ll be living the dream for the next little bit, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll just get you set up somewhere else. This is going to work out, I can feel it.”

  “Thanks. I don’t know what I’d do without you, but now it’s time to totally alter my life. I’m a little nervous, but I can’t believe this opportunity. I’m going to call my mom’s doctor and tell them we have a new payment plan.”

  We hugged each other and I headed out of her office, so I could be on my way to my new life.

  The first thing I did was call my boss to tell him I had received a new job offer. He wasn’t very happy and ended up offering me more money, but it wasn’t close to what I’d be making with Mr. Bryant. I also let my landlord know about my new living situation and she was so sweet and generous. It ended up working out well because her niece was moving to the city and needed a place to stay. I agreed to leave my furniture, because frankly I wasn’t quite sure how long my new arrangement would last. I was hoping for the next year, at least, because that way I would be able to save and have a great cushion for my mom and me to live off. Maybe by then I’d land a new chef career with Mr. Bryant’s recommendation.

  Later that night, when I was packing my belongings, I looked around my room and decided I was excited about doing something different with my life. I was stuck in a rut and everyone around me knew it. My love life was hopeless because of my odd working hours, and I barely had enough time to think about myself. Living with Kent would hopefully give me that sense of adventure I was looking for, and it would be especially fun looking at his gorgeous face everyday.

  Speaking of his gorgeous face, I couldn’t seem to get his beautiful eyes out of my head. When I noticed I hadn’t thought about him in a span of minutes, there his face was again, flooding my mind and holding it hostage.

  I glanced at the clock next to my bed and couldn’t believe it was already midnight. I decided to call it a day and pulled back my covers. The minute I closed my eyes, Kent’s face appeared and sent a pulse of pleasure straight to my core. I let out a small hum and reached down to try to relieve some of the pressure that had been building up all day. Not sleeping with Kent, that was probably going to be one of my greatest achievements to this day, but I could at least pleasure myself while picturing his own hand in my panties.

  I rubbed the top of my clit and let out a loud moan. I imagined Kent’s rough hand pleasuring me, and his five o’clock shadow brushing across my face. Within minutes I was pulsing so hard I thought I was literally going to see stars. I’d hoped that having an orgasm would relieve some of my want, but it only intensified it. It made me want Kent more, and I hadn’t thought that was possible.

  I awoke the next morning with a huge bubble of nerves in the pit of my stomach. I hoped I was making the right decision as I looked at my packed bags by my door. I’d called my mother last night, and she was in tears when I told her I’d found a way for her to receive all of her treatments. I also called her doctor and told him to go ahead with our previous plans. She was going to get her mastectomy at the end of this week, and would start her chemo next Monday. I was ecstatic with how quickly her team was moving forward, and I had a really good feeling that we would beat the beast living inside of her.

  I needed to talk to Mr. Bryant, however, and make sure I’d still be able to sneak away for my mother’s appointments. I also didn’t want to get too personal and tell him quite yet about her sickness.

  I decided it was now or never, and I loaded up my new life and headed to my new mansion. I hoped I wasn’t going to blow this and end up losing everything. I couldn’t think like that now, because I had more important things to take care of. Like Kent Bryant. Fuck me, living with him was going to be hard. Literally.

  When I pulled up to Mr. Bryant’s estate, Joe greeted me and had another man with him to help me with my bags.

  “Ms. Rifton, it’s a pleasure to see you again,” Joe said with a wink and continued to show me into my new home.

  “It’s nice to be here, Joe. Is Mr. Bryant home? I have a few questions I need to ask him.”

  Joe continued walking and motioned to the man who was carrying my belongings to continue up a large wooden staircase and he nodded as a reply.

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Rifton, but he had some early business to take care of this morning. He sends his apologies and asked me to give you this.” Joe handed me a letter, and I made sure to hold it tightly in my hand. “He should return later this evening, and has already set up a menu to his liking in the kitchen. If you need anything, please push the little red button that is located in every room.”

  I looked over at an intercom by the front door and realized it was setup throughout the entire house.

  “Thank you, Joe, and please call me Natalie. It seems way too formal for you to be calling me Ms. Rifton.” I smiled at my new friend and squeezed his arm.

  He smiled back and gave me a quick bow before heading back outside.

  I looked down at the letter I was holding from Mr. Bryant and did a quick survey of my living quarters. This place was massive. Who was I kidding? It was fucking huge! Why did one man need so much living space? I didn’t understand it, but it also wasn’t my job or my business to be wondering about my boss and his money situation.

  I couldn’t help but wonder how in the world I was going to clean all the windows in this place. The floor-to-ceiling glass was way beyond my reach, and I couldn’t mention my fear of heights now. I also noticed all the wood and etched detail that was built into the design. I loved it. If I was ever able to design my own home, it would be a mirror image of this place.

  I felt giddy all of a sudden and did a little happy dance that this place was actually my new home. I ripped the side of the envelope I was holding, and pulled out a lined piece of paper.

  Kent had hand-written me a letter, welcoming me to his home. He also told me which room would be mine, and that all of my new job requirements were listed in an envelope on the
desk in my new room.

  I walked up the grand staircase and easily found my new living area. Kent wasn’t kidding when he told me I would be staying in the west wing. I basically had my own living room, small kitchenette and en-suite. I gasped when I looked out my window and saw my view for the very first time. I loved living in a big city, but I also loved the rugged mountains that edged the suburbs. I’d never been in a more spectacular home, and it felt like my heart was about to jump right out of my chest.

  After I finally composed myself and settled down, I walked over and retrieved my list for the day. It was a list of your basic cleaning requirements and I decided to get started right away, that way I would have dinner ready by the time Kent made it home.

  I slipped on my work outfit and rolled my eyes when I looked at myself in the mirror. I did my hair in a quick side braid, put on my stupid little white hat, and found my cleaning supplies. I’d promised Maggie that I would wear her uniform, just in case one of Kent’s business associates stopped by and noticed her logo. The things you do for friends. Truthfully, I owed Maggie a lot, so this was the least I could do.

  When I was just about finished with my cleaning duties, I ventured to the kitchen and almost lost my bottom jaw. “Holy freaking shit. This is my new kitchen?” I said to myself and looked around one of the most topnotch kitchens I’d ever seen up close. I’d watched a few cooking shows on TV that featured kitchens that would compare, but I’d never seen anything like this in real life. I did another little happy dance and noticed the stove, or should I say, stoves. Yes, I had multiple stoves. I was in cooking heaven.

  I looked over my menu for the week and decided Kent had impeccable taste in food. I loved everything that was written down, and decided I would add a few of my own touches to spruce things up a bit.

  After I had finally finished cleaning most of the kitchen, I decided it was time to run to the store and grab the groceries I needed for the week. I noticed a credit card Kent had left with the list on the counter, so after I’d put on some more appropriate day clothes, I slipped it in my purse and made my way to the store. I’d never had an unlimited amount of money to spend while grocery shopping so this was a new experience that I had a feeling I’d love.


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