I'm Maid for You

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I'm Maid for You Page 7

by Luxx Monroe

  “Honey, what’s wrong?” She placed her hand on my head, and started to rub her fingers through my hair. It’s what she would do when I was younger and was sad about life.

  “Oh, Mom. I’ve made a real mess of things.”

  “Nat, come on. Life isn’t that bad.” She smiled at me and lifted my chin. “I can tell this is about that man, the one you’re working for? It will all work out in the end. I promise.”

  I snapped my eyes up and looked at my mother. “What do you mean, the guy I work for?”

  My mom’s laugh threw me off guard, and I looked over at her IV to see if the doctors were giving her something new that was making her a little crazy.

  “I’m not on anything so quit giving me that look.”

  I still didn’t say a word and watched as my mom took my hand in hers. “He’s a really great guy, and I know you two will be happy together.”

  “Mom, how do you know about, how did you-”

  “Oh, come on. I might be sick but I’m not an idiot. Maggie told me a little, and when I found out what you were doing, I decided I needed to meet this man.”

  My eyes were practically bugging out of my head, and I felt like the room started spinning. “You met him!”

  “Shush, honey. You know old Miss Riley next door gets all fussy if we wake her up.”

  I looked out the door and then back to my mom. “You need to tell me what’s going on.”

  “Okay, dear. Just listen to me before you say anything, okay?”

  I nodded and leaned a little closer to her, making sure I could hear everything she was about to say.

  “Well, it all started when you quit your job at the restaurant. I’m not a fool, and I could tell something was going on. I cornered Maggie, and got her to spill about the new job. I didn’t say anything to you, well because I knew you were just trying to do what was best for us. I noticed, however, that you were changing, that you seemed really happy. Probably the happiest I’d seen you in a very long time. Then, when I found out that all of my medical bills were going to be taken care of, I knew I needed to see what was really going on.”

  I held up my hand and tried to speak.

  “No, now be quiet. I’ve got more to say.”

  I closed my mouth and blinked a few times before I waved my hand for her to continue.

  “When I finally received the name on my billing account, I put two and two together and decided I needed to meet the man who saved my life and my daughter’s heart.”

  “Wait, Kent paid for all of your medical expenses?”

  My mom nodded, and I could see a few tears break through her lashes. “He’s a good man, honey. I approve of him.”

  “You met him?”

  “Of course. I called him right away and invited him to come and meet me. He was a perfect gentleman, and I could tell how much he cared for you. I’m surprised he didn’t tell you.”

  I instantly felt guilty about keeping my mother’s illness to myself. Everything he had said was true. He was going to take care of my mom, and me. I placed my hand over my stomach, and started to cry.

  “What’s wrong? Did something happen that I don’t know about?”

  I reached over and grabbed a Kleenex, and I spilled about the baby. “I’m pregnant, Mom. Kent doesn’t know. I’ve been too nervous to tell him.”

  My mom’s face brightened the moment I said the word baby. “You’re having a baby? I’m going to be a grandma?”

  I laughed and went in for a hug. “You are. I’m glad you’re happy, and not disappointed in me.”

  “I would never be disappointed in you, and a baby is a celebration. Never a disappointment. You need to make this right. Go find him and tell him right away. He has a right to know.”

  I wiped a fresh tear off my cheek, and looked up at the ceiling. “Well, that’s the thing. I asked Kent if he loved me, and he couldn’t say it. How can he not love me, and have a child with me?”

  My mother’s laughter was the last thing I expected to hear, and when I had decided she was definitely on some sort of high pain medication, she reached over and slapped my arm. “For such a smart girl, you sure can be an idiot.”


  She laughed again and shooed her arms towards the door. “He loves you. Now go find him.”

  I stood-up and headed out of her room. I looked back at my mother and hoped she was right. A few emotions ran through my body, and I’d never been so nervous to tell someone such wonderful news before.

  Chapter 10


  When I finally made it home after my overdue errand, I called for Natalie, but she was nowhere to be found. I rushed up to her suite, and stopped when it looked like she’d been robbed. There were clothes thrown everywhere, and some of her things were missing.

  Panic coursed through my body, and I started yelling her name. I made my way back to my room hoping she was taking a bath, or a shower, and that’s why she wasn’t able to hear me.

  I knew it was bad when I saw her maid outfit on my bed. She’d quit. She’d given up on me.

  I sank down and laid my head against my bed. I had never felt this kind of emotion before. My uncle’s death was tragic, but my heart never felt like it was going to explode right out of my chest.

  I grabbed Natalie’s outfit, and held it against my nose. Her scent was intoxicating, and I felt a sudden pain run through my body. Just when I was about to stand up, I could hear someone behind me.

  “Are you smelling my dress?”

  I jumped up so fast, that I must have startled her as well because she backed up like I was some kind of wild animal.

  “You came back,” I breathed as I moved toward her.

  Natalie lowered her head, and gave me one quick nod. “I did. I need to tell you something.”

  I started to speak but she put up her hand to stop me. “You don’t have to say anything, In fact, it would be better if you didn’t.”

  I knew I needed to let her get out whatever was on her chest. Then, I would do the one thing I knew was right. The one thing I should have said and done the minute I laid eyes on her.

  I gave her a weak smile and walked her over to my bed. “Okay, I won’t say a word until you’re done.”

  Natalie was so serious that I became nervous I was too late.

  “Okay, sit down. I need to tell you something.”

  We both sat, facing each other. I tried to hold her hand, but she pulled away before I could even touch her.

  “Don’t. Just listen. First, thank you for your generosity towards my mother. I know you met her, and she fell for you, just like I did.”

  I tried to interrupt, but I could tell it wouldn’t have done any good.

  “Wait, please. I also need to tell you something else. Something about our future together.”

  I began to feel hope again, and I must have shown it because I could tell Natalie was close to losing it. I couldn’t see her cry again, so I let my emotions calm down, and told her to continue.

  “I know we both knew there was a possibility, that without us using protection that I could possibly be pregnant. So, I took a test and –”

  There was no way I could let her finish that sentence. The amount of joy filling my heart was more than I could handle. Natalie was pregnant with my child.

  I jumped off the bed and held her in my arms. “You’re pregnant. You’re having my baby.”

  I pulled back and saw the dam break. Natalie was crying, and it looked like I had caused her pain.

  “Shh, don’t cry. You have no idea how happy I am.”

  I knew the time was now, that I had to ask her this one question before I lost her.

  “Natalie, my Natalie. I love you, more than anything on this Earth. I wished and prayed that you were growing our child, and that we will have more in the future. I want you by my side, forever. Now and until we are so old we only have sex missionary style.”

  That earned me a small laugh, but she still looked a little skeptical.

p; I pulled out a baby blue box, and got down on one knee.

  “Natalie Rifton, will you marry me? Will you make me the happiest man on the planet? Will you make a home for our child and be my wife?”

  I looked at Natalie’s loving face and watched it transform from doubt to complete and utter happiness.

  “Yes! Are you kidding me? Yes!”

  I was tackled to the ground and our lips instantly found each other.

  “I’m not going to hurt you, am I?”

  Natalie giggled and shook her head. “No, not at all.”

  I picked her up, and laid her on our bed. “Make love to me. Show me that we are in this forever.”

  When she pulled her shirt off, I knew I was going to be a happy man for the rest of my life.

  We made love that night, not once or twice, but three times. I couldn’t seem to get enough.

  I wasn’t sure what our future would hold, but what I did know was that I found a woman who was maid for me.



  Two Years later

  “Kent, come on, you know Mason is going to be awake any minute.”

  I knew no matter what I said, there was no getting that man off my boobs.

  “But they’re so big and juicy. I love it when you’re pregnant. They double in size.”

  “Yeah, we’ll they’re sensitive as hell.”

  “Your mom will get Mason, don’t worry.”

  I smiled when I thought of my mother, living in our home, and in full remission from that evil stuff that was living inside of her. The doctors found an approach that kicked the living hell out of her cancer, and to this day she was still receiving clear scans.

  “I guess you’re right. Play away.”

  Kent chuckled and moved over to my other breast. His warm tongue licked and nipped at my sensitive peak, and the pleasure and pain made me drip with anticipation. I felt my boobs start to harden, and I knew I was close to leaking.

  Kent pulled away, and just when a small stream of milk ran down the side of my breasts, he licked it up, and wiggled his eyebrows at me.

  “That’s so weird.”

  He let out a loud belly laugh, and trailed a path of kisses to my round stomach. “How’s my little Sophie girl doing?”

  “She’s still quite the acrobat. I’m pretty sure she’s going to come out doing cartwheels.”

  Kent laughed again, and placed his lips on my stomach. “I love you, sweet baby girl.”

  I looked down at my husband, the father of my children and smiled with pride. Kent was one of the best daddies, and I knew I was so lucky to have him.

  I pushed him off me, and rolled over to my side. When you’re eight months pregnant, there’s really only one way to have sex.

  “You dirty girl, always liking it from behind.”

  I rolled my eyes, but forgot about everything when his hands spread my legs apart, and his warm tongue lapped up my cream.

  “Oh my God, I’m so sensitive. That feels amazing.”

  I heard Kent grunt, and his tongue picked up the pace. He reached around and gave my boob one more squeeze before I shooed him off, hoping I wouldn’t leak anymore milk.

  “You taste so damn good, I could eat this pussy every day of the week, and still not get enough.”

  Maggie never believed me when I told her how much Kent liked to go down on me. She said I found a unicorn, and men like him weren’t real. She had that right, I did find someone special.

  “Fuck it, I’m not going to last with you so fucking wet and my cock not inside of you.”

  Kent flipped me onto my hands and knees, and lifted up my ass. “This will always be my favorite. Your perfect ass begging me to take that greedy cunt of yours.”

  I smiled, loving his dirty talk, and reached around, well as best as I could, to open my slit for him.

  “Baby, that’s hot.” He slid the tip of his dick in and took a moment to let me adjust. I knew he loved that I had a C-section with Mason, and told me that my walls were still as tight as when he first had me, but I secretly wished I would have been able to have a baby naturally. However, when he was pounding in and out of me, I didn’t care either way, only that we still had amazing sex.

  “I can’t take it anymore. Please, fuck me.”

  “I’m going to fuck you, honey, but not too hard. That’s my baby girl in there.”

  I smiled at his words, and rubbed our little Sophie.

  When I felt him slide all the way in, I moaned out in ecstasy. “Yes. Oh, yes!”

  Kent grabbed my ass cheeks, and started to move in and out. He pumped at a steady pace, and moved his hand down to a different entrance.

  I finally let him try anal after Mason was born. I drank enough wine that I braved the new experience, and I actually enjoyed it.

  “I’ll get in this tight little ass of yours again. After Sophie is born, it’s game on.”

  I laughed, but was quickly panting when his finger found my clit. “Come for me, baby. Come hard.”

  I moaned and felt his cock grow bigger. “I’m going to come, but not inside of you. We don’t need our princess here early.”

  His last two pumps sent me over the edge, and when I felt his warm liquid spread across my back, I knew he had come with me.

  “Shit, hun. That was fucking amazing.” When he pulled back, he grabbed his shirt off the floor and wiped his seed off my back. “Lie down, and I’ll get a wet cloth to clean you.”

  I could still feel my walls pulse with pleasure when I lay down on my side. Sophie was kicking up a storm, and I pictured what our little girl would look like. Would she have Mason’s turquoise eyes, or would she take after her daddy?

  Kent walked over and pressed a warm cloth to my back. “I love you, Natalie Bryant.”

  I sat up and kissed my husband on his cheek. “I love you, Kent Bryant.”

  “And I love you, baby girl.” Kent gently rubbed the underneath of my belly. “I can’t wait until your pregnant with number three. Maybe Sophie will have a little sister.”

  I rolled my eyes, and laughed about Kent’s obsession with me being pregnant. We did, however, agree on four so I knew he was right. Maybe Sophie would have a little sister.

  I looked over his shoulder and caught a glimpse of my maid’s outfit. Before I was pregnant with Sophie, I would wear it sometimes to get a rise out of him.

  “Who knew that taking a maid’s job would land me you.”

  Kent reached over and kissed the end of my nose. “Well, baby, as I always tell you. You were maid for me.”

  I always laugh at his joke, but this time I couldn’t have agreed more.

  A Note from the Author

  I want to thank you so much for purchasing my debut novella, I’m Maid For You. I had a wonderful time writing this story, and even made myself get a little steamy when writing Kent’s dirty words.

  If you loved Natalie and Kent’s story, there is nothing greater you can give an author in return than a review on Amazon and Goodreads. They mean a lot, and I thank you from the bottom of my dirty heart.

  I’m Maid For You may be my debut novella, but it certainly won’t be my last. Here are a few titles to look for in the near future.

  * Snowed In With You

  * Yes, Mr. Mitchell

  * Take Me Home

  I also love connecting with you! Come find me at:









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