once upon a romance 07 - finding mr right

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once upon a romance 07 - finding mr right Page 7

by leclair, laurie

  Was she feigning interest in him just to get what she wanted? A hollow sensation ripped through his chest. God, he hoped not.

  Hadn’t he been hurt enough already?

  In minutes, he was out of the elevator, going through the glass doors, and striding down the hallway to Charlie’s office. All the way, he’d return a hello from the employees who worked there.

  “What did you do?” Peg, carrying her infamous clipboard, rushed up to him. “She’s in a lather. Never seen her like this before.”

  His steps slowed, and then he halted. “What? Charlie?”

  “Holy mackerel! I know. Who’d have thunk it from our dear, sweet girl?”

  Dex swallowed hard. “What do you suggest I do, Peg?”

  “Postpone, if you can.” At his scowl, she held up her hands. “Hey, that’s all I got, bub. Take it or leave it.” She headed down the hall in front of him. “Geez Louise! I try to help, but no one seems to notice.”

  That made him smile. “Good ol’ Peg.” His numb legs carried him the rest of the way. Peg, waiting at the door, had her fist on her hip and was tapping her foot. “Forewarned. Thanks, buddy.”

  “Now, that’s what I like to hear. Mad scientist scores, who knew?”


  Scrunching up her face, she winked. “Madison. It’s all over the store.”

  He groaned.

  “Yep. Holed up in your lab all day.” She raised and lowered her eyebrows. “What, you think we don’t know? I have eyes and ears all over the joint.”

  “And in the back of your head,” he muttered, and then knocked on the door.

  “Come in,” Charlie called.

  “Wish me luck.”

  “That and then some, buddy boy.”

  As he entered her office, he noticed she just hung up the phone. “Charlie.”

  “Dex, have a seat.” She waved to one of the two chairs in front of her desk.

  “You’re worried.” He knew her too well to dismiss her foul mood.

  “Do you know her? I mean before the other day?”

  Attacking Madison? His honesty won out. “No. I spilled the last of the perfume on her dress. She agreed to let me analyze it. And then help me.”

  “I believe she’s here on false pretenses.” Her eyes were dark and shadowed.

  He gulped hard. “How so?” God, what had he gotten into? His loyalty, strong and heartfelt, remained with King’s. Madison admitted to wanting to investigate the store, to see how Charlie had done it, to emulate the success for her own shop.

  Was she being honest, though?

  She turned her computer around for him to see. “She has her own online business. Vintage Vibe.”

  Peering closer, he took in the title, the logo, and as many of the details as he could. “How do you know it’s hers?” In the back of his mind, he knew it was. Charlie scrolled down and he saw the photo. Beautiful Madison smiled back. He sucked in a sharp breath.

  “She’s very good at what she does.” Charlie sighed and leaned back in her chair. “Dex, she’s a businesswoman in Austin. There’s no reason she should be looking for a clerk position at King’s in Dallas.”

  “A change?”

  Charlie shook her head. “There’s more to her than meets the eye, my friend. I had Peg pull her resume she handed into us yesterday. I just got off the phone with Edward.”

  “Dolly’s husband? Alex’s driver?”

  “Ex-cop, remember? Dear friend, too. Part-time security consultant. I asked him to run a background check on her.”

  “You’re kidding me?” But there were doubts floating in his head now. She wasn’t being truthful with Charlie or King’s. So what’s to say she wasn’t telling him the entire truth, either?

  “It’s standard procedure on all new hires. Since,” she snagged him with a sharp look, “you allowed her to work with you, I feel it’s only my right to have her investigated. King’s could be put in jeopardy.”

  “I’m sure she’s harmless.” Was she?

  “King’s can’t afford to have spies in its midst. You know just as well as I do that since we’ve had this tremendous success the last few years, how vulnerable we have become. How careful we need to be.”

  “Copycats.” He nodded, recalling the many stores trying to permanently borrow their ideas. One reason why Charlie acted so fast and so surely most of the time was to get the lead on an ad or product. If word leaked ahead of time, they’d be toast. But her employees were loyal to the core. No one had blabbed. Not yet. That thought sent a trickle of unease down his spine. The employees hadn’t, but would anyone they confided in do it? Madison? He’d given her access to his computer to type out his scribbled notes.

  “By the look on your face, I see you understand where I’m coming from.” Sitting up, she looked him square in the eye. Her face softened. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come down on you so hard. You know what this store means to me. I trust you. Even after you left, I know how dedicated you were to King’s and to me. You never sold out. You never took the offers from the competition. For that, I will be eternally grateful.”

  “You wound me,” he said, and then smiled. “Never. This is my family.” He meant it, too.

  “Thanks, Dex.”

  Could he approach her now? Should he do as Madison suggested? “There’s something else on my mind. That director position.”

  “Product development?” She asked almost absently, glancing at the computer screen once more before she clicked off the monitor. “The headhunters are combing through applications.”

  His heart stopped. “But…I would like to have it. The chance to prove I can do it.”

  Her head jerked up and she held his gaze. Her eyes were dark and cloudy now. “I’m surprised you’re interested. It involves more than the lab part. Leadership, supervising a dozen other employees, a wide range of product knowledge…”

  Doubt shone in her stare. “You don’t think I’m capable.” That hurt worse.

  “Dex, you’re good at what you do—”

  “But that’s all. Right?” A slow burn began deep inside him. “I’m more than that.”

  “People skills?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

  He snorted. “You think Griff has them?”

  Her laugh came quick and easy. He joined in. “You are so right about that one, friend.” She sighed. It echoed in the room. “Look, King’s is growing by leaps and bounds. In the past, I’ve hired a few people here and there, even a dozen at one time. But hundreds all at once? Overwhelming, to say the least. Peg’s got a to-do list for me and it’s a mile long. Griff’s handling as much as he can, but, bottom line, this is my company. I need the best of the best.”

  The silence hung in the air. He was crushed by what she didn’t say rather than by what she had said already.

  “Look, you haven’t made the most…logical decisions lately. I get it. You’re operating on emotions when it comes to certain things, which shall remain nameless.” She shot him a sympathetic smile. “Go. Finish the perfume. Then we can discuss you getting into a training program for a future promotion in the product development department.”

  Training? Future promotion? He wanted more. “What if I come up with a few ideas for products in the meantime?” Prove that I can. “Work with some people.” Who would be willing to work with him on this?

  “As long as it doesn’t interfere with the perfume deadline.” She glanced at her calendar. “Time’s running out, Dex.”

  “I’ll operate out of my garage for the rest of the creation. With Madison’s help.” For whatever reasons, there was one person who wanted to help him. He dragged a hand down his face. “If you can call it that. It’s slow going.” Now, he had to add on creating a few products.

  “I’ll send over a confidentiality form for her to sign. Whatever happens at King’s, stays at King’s. And, Dex, watch your back.”

  “And King’s back.” He stood, but hesitated before he walked to the door. “Charlie, could you pass along the
information you get about Madison to me?”

  “Are you sure you want to know?”

  He held her concerned gaze for a second. Steely determination took hold. He wanted to know. He needed to know if he could trust his own judgment about anyone any more, especially her. “Yes.”

  “Until then, are you sure you still want to work with her?”

  “She’s not on payroll, so I won’t bring her back to the store. But, yes. I do.”

  His chest squeezed tight.

  Please, Madison, don’t make me look like a fool again.


  Madison wandered the store, noting the jaw-dropping displays and the high-end products. King’s was certainly the king of all the stores she’d ever been in.

  The high heels sparkled in the case. The diamond encrusted matching clutch sat beside it. The draped red, silky fabric set them off in a dramatic fashion. She stayed for a moment too long, her breath fogging up the glass.

  The nearby shoe department, a women’s fantasy, drew her like a moth to a flame. The opulent setting and plush seating area caused her to hesitate. But the warm, friendly staff made her feel at home. Walking along the walls, she scanned the perfectly positioned array of shoes nesting on the tiny shelves. The colors and designs took her breath away.

  If only!

  The idea of setting up something this elegant made her heart flutter. Could she? Did she want to? King’s made her think it was indeed possible and not just the excuse she’d given Dex.

  She allowed her feet to take her throughout the departments, each one more impressive than the last.

  Since getting engaged to Jacob, her future mother-in-law had exposed her to where the wealthy shop. It left her stunned and out of sorts. Uptight. Rigid. Even the staff of those stores held their noses up, especially at her vintage look.

  Here, the employees smiled and greeted her. They made her feel welcome. And the décor and wares dazzled her. It was as if she was in a make-believe fairy tale, somewhere magical.

  Until this moment, she felt as if she were chasing an elusive dream of finding her birth mother. But being in this store, among all those beautiful things and endearing people, the real possibility sunk in. “So close.”

  Did you ever work here? Shop here? Did you feel the same way I do now?

  Madison sucked in a sharp breath. It was the first time she’d ever talked to her birth mother as if she were, well, real.

  Now, back on the first floor, she nearly squealed with delight.

  Slowly, she spun around, taking in the beauty bar, wedding boutique, jewelry counter, men’s department…

  “Hey, you,” Dex called out, stopping her in her tracks. “There you are.”

  Was that relief in his voice? She giggled. “Caught. Admiring. This place is incredible.”

  “I know.”

  “I feel like pinching myself.”

  “Feel free.”

  But he wasn’t grinning. That brought her up short. “Oh, how did it go? Was she angry?”

  His gaze didn’t meet hers. “My bad. I should have gone through her first.” He shrugged. “We’re moving the operation back to my garage. Peace. Quiet. Working around the clock. I’ll just go get some of my things and be right back.”

  “I’ll help.”

  “And what—deny you the pleasure of this beautiful sight?”

  “Come with me.” She tugged on his arm. “For a few minutes, at least. We can explore together.” She longed to share this with someone.

  Emotions warred in his gaze. Curiosity about her, questions, and doubts beamed bright.


  Something shifted. The smile on his lips now reached his eyes. “Yes, Madison.”

  When he looked at her like that, she melted. When he said her name, so soft, so gentle, she thought she heard music.

  His long, warm fingers wrapped around her hand. “I’ll show you.”

  A shiver of anticipation and delight raced through her. “I’d love that.”

  The tour ended up lasting longer than either one of them planned on. Dex stopped and lingered in the departments. He leaned over and straightened more than one product throughout the store, making certain it was positioned just right.

  His love of all things King’s shone bright. A pang of admiration beamed in Madison at the care and attention he gave the people and the items.

  Sometimes he even talked to the employees and managers, inquiring about what the customer asked for and what they needed and wanted.

  “What’s the hottest item selling this week?” he asked an older woman in home decor.

  “Oh, Dexter,” she said, touching his arm and blushing. “How nice of you to ask.” She put her fingertips to her cheeks. “Oh, let’s see. Anything that’s lush and has a metallic shine or thread in the fabric. Accessories, of all kinds. Vases, and candles, and pillows, oh my.”

  He chuckled and Madison and the woman joined in. “Very good.”

  If possible, the woman blushed even more and she giggled. “I’m funny like that. You should come by more often.”

  “I think I will.”

  The woman nearly swooned.

  “She likes you,” Madison whispered as they finally left the area.

  “I never knew she was so nice,” Dex said, looking over his shoulder and nodding to the lady.

  “Come back soon, Dexter.”

  “Will do.”

  “See.” Madison chuckled. “You’re a hit.”

  “I feel like a new person, venturing out like this.” He strode along the aisles, commenting to the customers. “Finding everything you need?”

  “You’re a natural at this, Dex.” Inwardly, she gained a newfound respect for him.

  He directed her to the escalators. “Thanks. I didn’t know I’d enjoy this so much. I spend so much time alone…”

  “Too much, it seems. It’s a new day.” She glanced up at him. Her throat tightened. His features were relaxed, his smile wide, and his eyes were dancing with glee. God, he was breathtaking. She nearly tripped.

  Dex grabbed her upper arm to steady her. “Easy.”

  His voice. When had it become hypnotic?

  Why was she even thinking of him that way? I’m engaged! To another man!

  As the human conveyor belt deposited them on the ground floor, Dex nodded to the wedding boutique. “I bet Rico would love to see you again.”

  “He’s in there?”

  “Should be. Let’s take a look.” He clasped her elbow and gently directed her toward the gorgeous pink and black wedding boutique.

  She liked when he touched her like that. Gentle. Tender. Yet strong. A tiny thrill went through her. Why with him?

  Approaching the wedding finery, Madison couldn’t dismiss thoughts of her own upcoming nuptials.

  With Jacob, it had been a whirlwind relationship. Meeting, dating, getting caught up in his presence—all added to the allure of someone like him wanting someone like her. Their engagement surprised everyone, even her.

  However, his parents were discreet about their displeasure, until she answered some very probing questions. No family to be concerned with. Well, her mother now suffering the last stages of the horrible disease didn’t account for much as far as family went. After all, zero family meant no embarrassing incidents for them to deal with in the future.

  That had caused Madison to clam up even more about her adoptive state. They’d never understand her driving need to find out who she was and where she’d come from.

  Her business did give them pause, but, on further review, they decided vintage clothing was far short of revealing lingerie. They’d brushed it aside, proclaiming she’d be far too busy with all the social events required of her to continue with that silly online business she had.

  A jolt went through her every time she considered giving up Vintage Vibe, her baby. The one and only thing that was really, truly her.

  All was well with them and with Jacob. But was it with her?

  She’d never ques
tioned her great fortune, grateful she’d found a family after the devastating news when the doctors had deemed her adoptive mother incompetent and quickly on the decline. Now she wondered…

  Something nagged at her. An absence? A void?

  It bothered her since she’d met Dexter. He’d made her think. And feel. Things she didn’t want to, but was forced to confront. The picture perfect family wasn’t so perfect after all. Jacob hadn’t called her back.

  And she hadn’t really noticed. Not much. In that one brief guilty moment in the rest room in Dex’s lab, she’d punched in the text. Then she’d forgotten about Jacob and needing him to reply.

  Sliding a glimpse at Dex from under her lashes, she wondered what the mad scientist was doing to her. What kind of potion had he concocted to make her knees weak and her heart jump like that?

  This was not good!


  “Oh, girl!” Rico squealed, rushing to her and giving her a fierce hug. He let go long enough to take in her outfit. “Spin, spin.” She did. “Gorg! I love that black and white checked skirt paired with that silk black blouse.”

  “Thanks.” She liked the vibrant man. “I came by to look around.”

  He smacked Dex’s arm. “You fast worker, you! Who knew you had it in you?”

  “No, nothing like that,” Dex hastened to correct him. “Madison’s curious.” He stopped short. “That’s all.”

  “Well,” he said, cupping her hands in his. “Let me show you the goods.” His wicked look took the sting out. “Not me, darling. I like boys.”

  She laughed. “Really now?”

  “I’ll leave you two alone.” Dex grinned and turned to her. “Hold on for dear life. He’s considered armed and dangerous.”

  Again Rico reached out and smacked his arm. “Oh, Dex, if only I were, I’d have a man of my own by now.” He pressed the back of his hand to his forehead. “Frankly, I do give a damn. Oh, where are you, Romeo?”

  “Lunch and a show, Dex,” she said. “Perfect afternoon.”

  “Enjoy the entertainment, Madison.” Dex nodded and turned to leave. “Rico, no dishing dirt.” There was an underlying warning there.


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