Whispering Sun

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Whispering Sun Page 24

by Rita Karnopp

  Drawing strength from the warm body pressed against him, Two Shadows raised his gaze to the darkening sky. Words, even thoughts weren't necessary. Napi would know Two Shadows heart begged for the protection of his woman.

  "Sarah, I want you to stay here. You are not to let them see you. If I should...if they should happen to―"

  "Kill you!"

  "Shh! Yes, if they should kill me, I want you to get out of here as fast as you can. They won't come after you, if they don't know you're here. You have that advantage. Make your way back to Fort Bryson as fast as you can. You know where the water and blankets are hidden. You have a knife and you know how to use it." He watched her trembling hands cover her face.

  "Let me help. I'm as good with my knife as you, even better than those lowlifes down there. I could―"

  "No! You will stay here. I won't argue about it, Sarah. You have to promise me you'll do as I say. I need to know I can concentrate fully on what I need to do. I cannot be worried about you, or I will be killed."

  "I'm not asking you to worry about me. I want to help. If you die...my heart would be dead, too. Let me help you fight."

  "I won't have it, Sarah. It has to be my way. Please don't fight me on this, I don't have the time or the energy right now. Just promise me." He cupped her chin in the palm of his hand, lifting it up toward him. He bowed his head, taking her mouth with savage intensity. He released her with equal force, sliding away into the darkness.

  He thought of the four arrows that remained in his quiver. He moved around a fallen tree when a lone coyote jumped across his path. Two Shadows stopped, drew an arrow, then paused. The animal stared back, barked once, then ran into the night. Two Shadows stood, looking after it. He knew only too well, it had been a sure sign that something bad was going to happen.

  Shaken, he struggled to ignore the coyote's warning. He couldn't think about it. He couldn't let anything draw his attention from his quest. Could Napi have sent Sarah and the coyote to distract him? Testing him? He didn't even have time to contemplate the possibilities.

  Charging his thoughts with images of the heartless, cruel men in the camp below, an immediate loathing filled him. Snapping and hissing from the fire echoed upward, fueling Two Shadows with an earthy energy, a oneness with wild, fiery power.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The warmth of the rock left with the setting sun. Sarah shivered, waiting in tense, silent watching. Her gaze froze on the man sleeping upon the stack of buffalo hides. One of Two Shadow's four arrows pieced his chest, not a sound had escaped his lips.

  She scanned the rocky edge, then paused at the shadowy figure of Two Shadow, bow pulled back in full draw. Immediately she searched the camp, finding the drunk had rolled into a ball, bending over Two Shadow's arrow, slouching against a pile of saddles. No one paid him any attention.

  Two arrows, two down, Sarah thought. Cold fear washed over her. There were six men here, maybe more. Two Shadows only had four arrows. At best, he could kill four from his vantage point. What would he do then?

  Besides, it would only be a matter of time before the others realized they were under attack. She'd promised to stay and wait—hadn't she? She thought it over...had she answered him? He'd kissed her...before she'd had a chance to respond. She hadn't promised him anything. She couldn't watch these beasts kill the man she loved. He might be angry, but she felt a pressing need to help him...she had to at least try.

  Entering the camp edge, Sarah watched the cook sway, then fall to the ground, barely missing a plunge into the fire.

  "What's wrong with Coop?"

  Sarah heard the words, paused, drew in a deep breath, then coughed into the palm of her hand. Taking several steps forward, she pretended a delicate stumble, regaining her footing just in time.

  "Help me. Oh, thank God, I found someone to help me," she said through clenched teeth. She tightened her grip on the knife handle, hidden in the folds of her filthy skirt.

  Both men turned her way. The odor that emitted from their motion filled her nostrils, bile surfaced, causing Sarah to fight it down.

  "Lookee here. We gots us a fine lady visitor tonight," said the toothless card player.

  Sarah cringed as the other man boldly eyed her from top to bottom, lust evident in his leering manner.

  "Well, Missy, where'd you come from?" he finally asked, pulling himself to his feet.

  Sarah took a step backward, wondering why one of Two Shadow's arrows hadn't landed in either man. "I've been traveling with my husband. He had a fool's notion that gold lined every cave in these mountains. Two days ago he entered one cave too many, a bear killed him. I've been wandering around, trying to find my way out of these mountains. I can't tell you how glad I am to see you. Surely I'd have died…" she paused, noticing a blank expression appear on the face of the toothless skinner. He dropped to his knees, then collapsed to the ground.

  "What's wrong with you, Henr―"

  Sarah moved fast and accurate, stabbing her knife into the skinner's neck. His words slurred, then ended, replaced with a burst of blood. It rolled down the corner of his mouth and oozed from the man's neck. She watched a shocked expression wash over his face before he crumbled near his friend.

  "How come you all got so quiet out here," a loud, rumbling voice asked from inside the shelter.

  She stood motionless, watching the flap of the tent snap forward, followed by the shadow of an enormous bulk of a man. She watched him move toward the fire, taking in the slain bodies of his men. By the light of the campfire, Sarah saw an ugly scar stretch from the creases of his left eye, across his cheek, down to his chin. She felt her heart beat with such force it hurt.

  He had a roughly sewn buffalo coat draped over huge shoulders. She couldn't help staring at his short, fat neck and large head, where a tangled mass of graying hair sprouted wildly. The grotesque scars across his face created a fierce, formidable figure, the ugliest man she'd ever seen.

  "Where'd you come from girl?" he shouted at Sarah. "What have you done to my men?"

  Sarah wanted to run, but her feet froze to the ground. She shuddered watching the menacing giant move toward her. She couldn't control the spasmodic trembling within her.

  "Leave the woman alone. She didn't kill your men, I did."

  Sarah recognized Two Shadow's low, controlled voice. She watched the skinner pivot to face the voice. A chilling black silence surrounded them.

  "What do you want with me, Indian?"

  Two Shadows projected a hostile, hateful glare. He squeezed the handle of his knife. "You probably don't remember, but you killed my mother and sister. Now I'm going to kill you."

  Two Shadows watched the hideous man roll back his head, laugh loud and boisterous, then jerk the buffalo robe from his body. Two Shadows stood his ground, unmoving.

  "Don't count on it, Indian. I probably enjoyed your mother and your sister. Before the night is over, I'll enjoy your woman over there. Come and get me, heathen!"

  Glaring at the man, Two Shadows stiffened his spine. He watched the offensive man pound his broad chest, then in an over-exaggerated gesture, pulled his knife from a sheath at his thigh.

  "You'll no longer plunder and rape my people's villages. You'll no longer take from us what you have no right to. Prepare yourself to die, white man. Tonight you'll have to face your God," Two Shadows said, lifting his knife, jabbing it in the air. He watched the amused expression disappear, replaced with one of hatred. Two Shadows felt a surge of satisfaction.

  "I did nothing your people didn't do to me. Crows captured me when I barely turned ten. They didn't want me. They treated me like a dog. No, worse than a dog. I ran away. Each time they caught and brought me back, they'd burn more of my face. I didn't give up. One day they didn't catch me. I made it back to my white people. But by that time I'd become a hideous-looking sixteen-year-old, with no place to go. Everywhere I went people ridiculed me, made me an outcast. I learned to take what I want. Kill when I'm angry, drink when I'm not."

  "If y
ou hate the Crow for what they did to you, why do you attack the Blackfeet, who have done nothing?"

  "A dirty Injun is the same no matter what you call him.

  So you see, you don't scare me."

  "That is your mistake, white man. I am not a helpless woman or innocent maiden. I am not a sick old man. I am a strong, Blackfeet warrior. I have killed all of your men. Now I will kill you," Two Shadows said, lashing out at the arm of the skinner, taking a slice of skin with it. "I will slice you up, piece by piece, like you did my gentle, loving mother."

  Side stepping the knife action from the bulky frame, Two Shadows chuckled low and deep. He moved his knife with precision, once again taking a chunk of meat, this time from the skinner's chest. "You are slow and clumsy, old man."

  "We'll see who's clumsy when I feed your head to the coyotes."

  Pausing, Two Shadows thought about the young pup that had barked at him earlier. A sharp, burning on his forearm jarred him alert. He'd lost concentration, and paid.

  "It is not you who will be enjoying my woman tonight, it will be me. I will be celebrating your death, which I have waited to do for fourteen years." Two Shadows could tell his words wore on the skinner. He'd flinched and retreated a step.

  "You talk like a big man, Indian. I have been skinning buffalo for years. I will skin you like a fat buffalo, alive. When I'm done with you, you'll beg me to kill you."

  He attempted another stab, missing. For each step Two Shadows moved closer to the hideous form, the skinner stepped backwards, moving his knife in front of him.

  In spite of the cool evening air, Two Shadows found himself hot and sweaty. He felt his fast heartbeat in the tight grip of his hand. Knowing he faced the man who'd haunted his days and nights since childhood charged him with adrenalin. Vengeance would soon be served, his quest would be over.

  Deep in thought, he missed the leg motion of the skinner, Two Shadows took a full blow in the stomach. He dropped to his knees, gasping for breath.

  Pain gripped each follicle of hair as the scar-faced man yanked hard. Two Shadows sucked in life-sustaining air only to find it short lived. The skinner now pressed his fingers around Two Shadows throat, squeezing, choking. He wanted to fight back, only to realize his own arms had dropped limp to his sides. He had to find strength within himself to break free.

  If he failed, he'd condemn Sarah to a life of hell. He had failed his mother and sister. He had failed Trail Walker, He Who Listens, and Horse Racer. He had failed his people.

  Disturbing laughter spewed from the ugly man's mouth. "So, big Indian not so big after all." Again his evil laugh echoed in the canyon walls.

  Two Shadows noticed the beast now gazed over Sarah's stiff, frightened form, unquestionable lust fill the man's eyes.

  Anger, raw and wild filled Two Shadows. Years of anguish returned to give him strength. In a single, driving effort, he drove with his leg muscles upward, breaking the skinner's grip. Although feeling seemed non-existent in his fingertips, he mentally forced his fist to thrust the knife into the thigh of his attacker.

  The foul-smelling man stumbled backward, bellowing in pain, grabbing at his leg, the knife still protruding from his flesh.

  Choking, gasping for needed air, Two Shadows dropped back to the ground. Aware of the skinner's pain pumped Two Shadows with new life. Fresh air brought feeling back to his limbs.

  With horror, Two Shadows watched Sarah lower her head and slam into the skinner's stomach.

  Although Two Shadow's reflexes had slowed, he dived, reaching for her. He caught a handful of her skirt and pull it hard as he fell to the ground, taking her with him. The skinner reached out, but was left empty-handed and staggering backward.

  Two Shadows scrambled to his feet, ready to defend the woman he loved. He felt Sarah clinging behind him.

  Together they watched the huge man fall against the large, black pot of stew, tipping it sideways, sending the scalding contents across his chest and arms. He screamed in agony, frantically whipping at his burning skin. Crazed with pain, he continued stumbling backwards. Too late to correct his mistake, flames quickly crawled across his buckskin trousers and vest. His body convulsed and writhed. His hair blazed, then shriveled against his scalp. He pitched forward, face down, into the hungry flames.

  Feeling Sarah shudder, Two Shadows pulled her into the safety of his arms. The horrid stench of burning flesh brought images of his burning village. "He won't hurt my people ever again." Two Shadows hatred melted away with the burning, black heap in the fire.

  Without looking back, Two Shadows guided Sarah away from the dead bodies and out of the skinner's camp.

  In silence they retrieved their belongings from under the pine tree. Two Shadows made camp just inside the hidden entrance. They'd be safe for the night.

  He could tell the warmth of the fire eased Sarah's tense nerves. He appreciated her silence and his need for private thoughts. He watched her untie the wing-bone and work her shaky fingers through the long braid.

  Two Shadows moved behind her with brush in hand. "I should be angry with you," he whispered against her ear.

  "I know you didn't want me to help. That you felt you had to do it alone. I just couldn't stay hidden, waiting, watching, hoping they didn't kill you. There were so many of them. I felt driven, almost told, to go down and help."

  Silence followed. Two Shadows thought about her words. Had Napi guided her into camp? Could it be? The Sioux had been convinced the Great Spirit protected her. Once again, Two Shadows couldn't help wondering.

  "I had a quest. I had to do it myself. If Napi wanted you to help me, then I must accept with gratitude. If you hadn't helped, I'm not so sure I'd be alive right now. It took great bravery to do what you did. You helped avenge the deaths of my people." He swallowed hard, deep emotion overcame him.

  "I'm glad you're not angry with me. I just knew I couldn't bear to live without you."

  He buried his face in her hair. "I feared what your life would have been like with that evil man. It would have been my fault. Our love would have turned to hatred in your heart. You would have realized I had caused your ill fate."

  "You were willing to give up everything to kill this one man who has done so many wrongs. How could I ever hate such a man?"

  "I had to stop him before he did it again. He forced so many young maidens. They had to raise his bastard children. They had to accept that a hideous white man had fathered them. They had to grow up knowing they weren't all Indian, nor were they all white. They belonged neither place. It's a disgrace not easy to live with."

  Sarah turned to face him, then nestled her face into his neck. "It's over."

  "Thank you for being there for me, Sarah." He pulled her closer. "I am protected by the Great Spirit. I have always felt it is so. I also believe you are protected by Napi. He made you for me. I feel it in my heart. If something had happened to you...I could not have lived with myself."

  "Hush. Nothing happened to me, it's over. That evil man will have to answer to God now, just like you told him. Make love to me, Two Shadows. Replace all that hatred with love. Never let the hate return."

  Two Shadows studied the beautiful woman before him. How he'd worshiped her from afar. How he'd imagined having her for his woman. It seemed a dream to have her in his arms, asking him to make love to her. He brushed his lips across her cheek, down her neck, then back up again. He brought his lips across hers, warm, slow, and inviting. He explored the moistness of her mouth with his tongue. He found his breathing increased just from the thought of having her.

  Sarah felt his anger melt as she reached out to him with the warmth of her love. She responded brazenly to his demanding kisses. She quickly realized her breathing quickened to match his. Already she felt moist and ready for him.

  "Undress for me, Sarah," he asked in a deep, husky tone.

  Standing, Sarah started the task of unbuttoning the disgraceful garment that now barely stayed together. She let the dress slide down to her hips, then pushed it lower,
exposing her underclothing. She felt a shyness as his hungry gaze watched her. It spoke of love and desire.

  "Don't stop now, Whispering Sun. Let me see all of you. Your body is beautiful. Do not be afraid to show it to me."

  He stared into her eyes, realizing her fingers worked at the ties of her bodice, releasing full, creamy breasts for his view. She leaned forward, sliding what remained of her bloomers down around her feet. He watched the fire light dance excitedly across her flesh.

  Taking a deep breath, he felt mesmerized by her naked beauty. Her long silken hair streamed across the peaks of her breasts like a golden waterfall. Her tiny waist dipped above narrow hips. His gaze traveled down to the triangle of yellow, curly hair that proclaimed her womanhood, then followed short, yet shapely legs. He stared breathless and trembling with need.

  Sarah stood boldly before his gaze, allowing him to see every inch of her. She watched him stand, then quickly shed his breechclout. He stood before her, as she had him. The sight of his strong golden body filled her with a sense of urgency and excitement. His need caught her attention, she felt a flush of heat sweep across her cheeks.

  "It isn't wrong to see each other, Sarah. You should not be shy with me. We are one, to share, to look at, to enjoy. Napi has made it so."

  She looked into his eyes, feeling his love, knowing his truth. He moved warm fingertips the length of her back, she trembled with anticipation.

  "Your beauty is beyond imagination, Whispering Sun." He dropped to his knees, sitting back on his feet. He guided her until she sat, straddling his thighs.

  Sarah gasped when he slid the palms of his hands around each buttock, pulling her closer to him. She slid her fingers over his muscular shoulders. His head lowered, she raised her lips until his mouth covered hers in a hungry frenzy.

  He kissed a trail lower and lower, until he seized a firm nipple and drew it into his mouth. He heard her encouraging gasp and moved to the other straining breast, loosing himself in her sweetness.


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