Whispering Sun

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Whispering Sun Page 26

by Rita Karnopp

  "I will wait as you ask. Then I will run very fast to get Many Pipes for you."

  Watching his brother walk from the tipi, Two Shadows saw the smile of pride and self-importance touch his young face. He would make a fine chief for the people one day.

  Making his way to his own sleeping blanket, Two Shadows lay listening to the soft chatter of the women as they cleaned Whispering Sun's body. It wasn't long before Willow Basket sent Little Arrow to bring Many Pipes. He struggled again for the elusive sleep, yet, worrying about Whispering Sun kept him awake. He rose, working his way back toward the women.

  Whispering Sun lay on a new buffalo hide, soft fresh blankets covered her clean body.

  Many Pipes entered their tipi, chanting and humming. "Brew this biscuit-root in a pot of hot water to make a drink for the girl. Otter Woman, you know how to make a fine powder of this sub-alpine fir needles. Do it quickly, I will need it for her leg," he said, handing her a wooden bowl heaping with needles. He then opened a large bag, taking from it several bowls and small leather pouches. His chanting and singing continued as he washed himself in various waters. Sprinkling dried sweet grass on live coals, he bent over its fragrant smoke, rubbing his hands in it.

  "I beg you to forgive me for interrupting, Many Pipes, but is there any way I can help?" Two Shadows asked.

  "I see you cannot find rest, great warrior. It must be a great love you feel that won't permit your exhausted body to sleep. Then I believe the Great Spirit wants you to help me. Come closer and purify yourself in my sacred steam." He added more herbs to the hot rocks at the edge of the fire. He then poured a small vessel of water upon the red rocks, causing a great scented steam to rise toward the sky. The medicine man allowed the vapors to encircle his body, chanting and singing as he did.

  Two Shadows sat cross-legged beside the great man, imitating his gestures, cleansing himself.

  Many Pipes turned from the fire and faced Whispering Sun, he laid back the blanket that covered her injured leg.

  The swelling had gone down, Two Shadows breathed a sigh of relief. The skin around the gaping cuts now looked a healthy pink.

  Many Pipes reached down and carefully picked up a handful of prickly pear thorns. He held them over the steam behind him, then handed them to Two Shadows. "Hold these. Now listen carefully. I will place my healing powder into the girl's wounds. I want you to insert a thorn into the flesh the full length of the open areas. Do you understand?"

  A great warrior had no trouble killing and scalping when needed, these things were a way of life. But, the thought of pressing sharp thorns into the wounds on Whispering Sun's leg made his skin crawl. "Yes, I understand," he finally managed to answer.

  They worked quickly. Once the thorns were in place, Many Pipes took a stick from the fire and leaned over her leg. "You must push the skin on each side of the wound together. Do this as I move up the leg. You must not fail to keep the skin tightly pressed together."

  "I will do as you ask," Two Shadows answered, a bead of perspiration rolled down his back.

  As Two Shadows pushed the soft, pink flesh together, Many Pipes carefully lit each thorn, allowing them to burn into the skin, cauterizing it.

  The sickening smell of burning flesh, Whispering Sun's flesh, made him feel ill, but he kept his word. He gritted his teeth and continued to press the skin together, allowing Many Pipes to do his work.

  "Otter Woman, I need the fir powder."

  Two Shadows watched the old woman hurry to Many Pipe's side. It surprised Two Shadows that Many Pipes allowed Otter Woman to hold the bowl for him. Fiercely independent, the medicine man often bragged he had no need for a woman's meddlesome help. Could he be smitten with Otter Woman? Two Shadows thought the mere idea worth a chuckle.

  "Willow Basket, give Whispering Sun several sips of tea now and when she becomes restless. She will need much rest. If she becomes feverish, wipe her down with a cool cloth. Watch the wound for swelling. If it becomes red and shiny, you must send Little Arrow for me at once."

  "Will she...live?" Two Shadows asked, afraid of the answer.

  "She is young and healthy. The mountain lion that attacked her may have been sick. If that is true, only the Great Spirit can help her. I will go to my tipi and pray that Napi will protect her. I will pray that he will help this woman you love to stay in this world. If he does not hear my prayers, then she will travel to the Sand Hills."

  "No. You must not speak of it. She cannot die, Many Pipes. If she dies, my heart will die, too."

  "What you need, my son, is sleep. There is no more we can do for your woman now. She needs rest and so do you. Go sleep, Two Shadows. A great medicine man and a great warrior can do only so much. We have done all we can for her." Many Pipes rolled up his packets of herbs and bowls, then tucked them into the leather bag he brought with him. Drawing his tall, broad form upright, he left the tipi, singing and chanting as he went.

  Willow Basket gently raised Whispering Sun's head and squeezed the drink between her lips with a cloth.

  "Please try to rest now, Two Shadows. We will watch the girl while you sleep. She looks much better already. Your heart must tell you this is true. You can be of no use to her if you are not rested."

  "Her name is Whispering Sun," he paused and looked down at her. It hurt to know she suffered because of his misjudgment. "I will go rest. If she wakes, you must let me know."

  "I will do as you ask, son. Now leave us women to our work."

  Once again he allowed his weary body to collapse on his familiar sleeping blanket. It felt good to be home. To hear the sounds of the village outside his tipi. To feel the warmth of the fire. To smell the buffalo stew cooking. He welcomed the soft tones of the women talking. His head grew heavy, his tired mind traveled over the events of his quest.

  Whispering Sun came to him, nestled against his chest. He reached out to pull her in closer...his hand found nothing. A chilling breeze flowed over him and he bolted upright. Had he felt her soul pass over him on the way to the Sand Hills? He shot a penetrating glance toward the women. Their calm talking told him he'd been wrong.

  Two Shadows lay back onto his blanket, confused. What had his dream meant? He wanted to think about anything but the cold chill that had washed over him. He didn't have to ask the dream interpreter to tell him it meant death of a loved one. Would he lose love as quickly as he'd found it?

  His body felt heavy. Thoughts would come no more. He gave in, knowing only too well he might face a more fearful adversary in his dreams.

  * * *

  The scent of herbs permeated Two Shadow's nostrils, nearly choking him. His mind snapped from sleep, bringing his surroundings to life. Pulling himself up, leaning on his elbow, he quickly glanced in Whispering Sun's direction, searching for a sign that she'd lived through the night.

  He rested his gaze on Many Pipes. The man's massive body betrayed the gentleness of his nature. One only needed to look at him to know he held a position of much power and importance. He held his head high, his posture erect. His long, thick hair fell loosely upon his shoulders, like the mane of a stallion.

  Two Shadows watched Many Pipes remove the cover from his medicine drum, then warm it over the fire. The yellow drum, symbolic of a clear sky, had a red ball in the center of it, representing the sun. It brought the medicine man power in healing the sick.

  Many Pipes tossed back the blanket from Whispering Sun's injured leg. Two Shadows watched the healer select several dried herbs from his medicine bag and tossed them into a pot of hot water.

  With a stick, he slid a hot rock from the campfire to the ground by his knee. He placed dried sweet pine upon it. Soon a swirl of smoke rose. Many Pipes held his hands in the smoldering column, while he chanted his prayers to the Spirit of the buffalo, asking that he might be endowed with power to discover the place where the disease lay. Kneeling at Whispering Sun's side, Many Pipes placed his hands upon her leg. Two Shadows watched with interest as the mystical man moved his fingertips along the tender gashes.
  He placed the hot rock into a kettle of water. It sizzled, creating a gush of steam to rise before him. He dropped various roots into the kettle, roots of mystery. Medicine that had been passed down from medicine man to medicine man. Two Shadows listened and watched with much interest.

  "Hear us, Great Spirit of the Sun! Pity us and help us. Listen and grant us life. Look down in pity on this sick woman. Grant us power to drive out the evil spirit and give her health."

  Two Shadows found himself drawn into the prayer for the Great Spirit's help. When Many Pipes closed his eyes and stretched his face to the sky, he emitted a throaty chant, beating his drum in cadence.

  Although Two Shadows wanted to rush to Whispering Sun's side, he remained motionless, unable to do anything but watch.

  Many Pipes brought a small disc of buffalo rawhide from his leather bag. He held it high in the air with his right hand, making motions in imitation of the buffalo, breathing upon it, swaying his body, keeping time on the drum with his left hand, chanting. He laid the rawhide upon the hot stone, then quickly placed it upon Whispering Sun's injured leg.

  He wet both his hands in the root water, then placed his fingertips upon a fire stone. Two Shadows heard a sizzling and cringed. With one quick movement, Many Pipes moved his hands to the buffalo disc.

  Once again, the medicine man beat rhythmically on his drum, chanting and praying for power from the eagle. Taking yellow paint from a small sack, he sprayed it through his medicine whistle over Whispering Sun's leg. Grasping a large eagle wing, he imitated the motions of an eagle flying. He beat the wing against her body. Many Pipes dropped the feather to his lap, then pulled the blanket back over her leg.

  Two Shadows watched as the exhausted healer gathered up his belonging and left without a word. Surely the wise, powerful man knew...no, he couldn't begin to guess what the man, closest to the Great Spirit, sensed. It seemed unlucky to dwell on it.

  With caution and uneasiness, Two Shadows moved to Whispering Sun's side. He pressed his palm to her sun-tinged forehead, surprised to find the skin cool to his touch. Unable to restrain any long, he tossed aside the blanket that covered her leg. He stared in amazement. The once red and swollen flesh now appeared pale with a slight tinge of pink. Only thick, ugly scars remained to speak of her ordeal.

  Two Shadows picked up her hand and raised it to his cheek, then lips. The warmth of her skin filed him with hope. A feeling of happiness filled him. Whispering Sun would live. He felt like singing and dancing. He couldn't help smiling. A joy filled him like no other. What a glorious day!

  He felt a great need to make himself presentable for her. Many times he'd watched men, young and old, make over themselves to impress a woman. He hadn't understood it before. Why wouldn't a woman be more impressed with a man who found hunting and horse games more important than a neat appearance? Yet, an unspoken need to impress Whispering Sun filled him.

  His stomach growled, loud and demanding. He'd hurry back in hopes Whispering Sun would be ready to eat stew. He found the thought of feeding her exciting.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The cold water washed over Two Shadows, exciting and refreshing. Never had it felt better. Thoughts of holding Whispering Sun in his arms warmed him in spite of his chilled flesh.

  In his mind's eye he saw her encouraging smile, her inviting lips. Images of their smoldering union caused his blood to run hot.

  "Two Shadows, are you listening to me?" A sweet voice asked him in Blackfeet.

  He shook his head to remove his intimate thoughts, then looked up. Speechless, he stared at the naked, dark-haired maiden. She'd entered the water and moved toward him.

  "Stop, Laughing Eyes. You must not do this."

  She paused.

  He recognized the look of longing in her gaze.

  "I have waited much too long for you, Two Shadows. I promised myself, the next time you returned home, I would give myself to you. So great is my love."

  "No, Laughing Eyes, you must not say this. I have not once encouraged you to give me this gift." He watched her take several more steps toward him. A flush of uneasiness filled him. "You do not understand. I want you to be my first man. I find no pleasure in looking at other warriors. It is only you my eyes hunger for. Do you not with to make me for your woman?" she asked, taking another step, now waist deep in the water.

  "Stop, Laughing Eyes. I cannot accept your offer. I don't wish to hurt you, but my heart belongs to another. Please understand."

  "No! It cannot be true. You would not love that white woman. The others are wrong. It is I that you love. You must look at my beautiful body. Does it not make you want me? You have a great hatred for the white man. How could you love a white woman? She is your enemy. She is my enemy. She is the enemy of our people. Look at me, Two Shadows. I can make you happy with my body. Take me, and your heart will soar with love. I will make you a good wife. What can a white woman do for you?"

  Two Shadows recognized the rage flashing in her black eyes. Her bronze breasts bounced seductively as she moved. Strange, he felt no impending desire. With Whispering Sun he craved to touch, feel, and taste every inch of her.

  Laughing Eyes stood beautiful and naked before him, yet he found no interest, no stirring in his blood for the beautiful maiden. Hadn't she been the maiden he desperately tried to place in his dreams? Hadn't she been the woman he forced himself to imagine taking to his buffalo robes? Anything but the golden-haired beauty, his Whispering Sun.

  He hadn't realized Laughing Eyes had moved closer, she now stood before him. He allowed his gaze to rest on her nipple-hardened breasts bobbing before him, begging to be touched.

  An unasked for stirring attacked his loins. Thoughts of how he'd encouraged Laughing Eyes as a young warrior haunted him. Her maturing body hadn't missed his attention. As a young warrior, he'd dream about taking her for his woman. Had the Great Spirit sent her to remind him of his Blackfeet blood? Did his future belong to Laughing Eyes?

  Confused, he stood motionless, watching her. She reached up and stroked his face with the palm of her hand. He didn't miss the slight tremble beneath her touch.

  "I have wanted to be with you my whole life. Day and night you fill my thoughts. I wish to be your woman. I wish to share your life."

  She closed the distance, pressing her shapely form into his. She seductively brushed her wet breasts across her bare chest. She gasped, her quickened breathing fanned his neck.

  He grabbed at her clinging hands, removing them from the back of his neck. Crossing her arms up against her exposed breasts, he stepped back. "You cannot seduce me with your body. I have learned that love grows in the heart. I'm sorry, Laughing Eyes, but my heart belongs to Whispering Sun."

  She slapped a stinging blow to his cheek with the palm of her hand.

  Two Shadows flinched. He gazed into dark, angry eyes. "I am sorry. I do not wish to hurt you. You must not ask me what I cannot give. The Great Spirit has given Whispering Sun to me. First she entered my dreams, then she entered my heart. It is not of my choosing. You must believe me when I say, at first I resisted her. But the power of Napi forced me to see beyond her white skin. If you give her a chance you will find you might like her."


  He watched her delicate, sweet face change into a twisted, hateful expression. The warmth left her eyes, the coldness of her gaze made him shiver.

  "You will regret this, Two Shadows. Many warriors have wanted me. I have said no. What a fool I've been. To think I nearly gave myself to a man with white blood in his veins. You did me a favor by waking me, by reminding me that a white man, or even part white man, could not be honorable. You may fool our people, but you do not fool me," she said, taking several retreating steps. "You are not Blackfeet. You are not white. You do not belong here and you do not belong with the white man. I have seen you confused by this many times. You have finally made your decision. Go to your white woman, make babies who do not belong, as you never will belong. I hate you, Two Shadows!"

bsp; He watched her turn and race from sight. The rustling in the bushes told him she dressed in haste, before anyone had a chance to see her.

  Her words came back to haunt him. The first doubts about whether he should have brought Whispering Sun to live among the Blackfeet surfaced. She knew nothing of his people's ways. Would she miss her fancy dresses and soft feather bed? What had he done to her? Did his heart steer him wrong?

  Life held no meaning without her in it. Suddenly it didn't seem fair to expect Whispering Sun to give up her white man ways to please him. Should he take her back to the white settlement and make her his wife there? Confusion filled his thoughts.

  His happiness seeped away with each unanswered question. A heaviness hung over him. Thoughts of living with the white man, in the white man world, no longer with the promise he would soon return back to his people, suffocated the life from his breast.

  He'd ask Whispering Sun what she wanted. Yes. Why hadn't he thought of it earlier. The decision would be hers. After having spent some time with his people, he'd ask her to choose.

  What if she chose her world? Two Shadows couldn't imagine living the rest of his life as a white man. He felt more Blackfeet than white. His heart beliefs were strong Blackfeet. He did love his white parents, but they understood his need to be Blackfeet. His whole life had been guided by Blackfeet ideals and Blackfeet rules.

  Had not Napi given him Whispering Sun to love? Would the Great Spirit make him choose between his Blackfeet life and the desire for a life with the white woman he loved?

  Loud, shrill cries from the village alerted Two Shadows. He rushed from the water, grabbing his breechclout as he ran. He learned quickly that Otter Woman's son, Walks Like Bear, had been killed in a raid.

  Two Shadows paused in front of his mother's best friend's tipi. He approached in time to see the woman raise her knife, then bring it down fast into her little finger, severing it clean. Otter Woman screamed and cried in grief. She struck at her thighs, arms, and legs with the knife. Blood dripped freely, covering her body.


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