Tricia's Army Sergeant: A Story of Passion & Awakening in Mid-Life

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Tricia's Army Sergeant: A Story of Passion & Awakening in Mid-Life Page 1

by Maura Rossi

  Tricia's Army Sergeant

  A Story of Passion and Awakening in Mid-Life

  By Maura Rossi

  Smashwords Edition


  Maura Rossi on Smashwords

  Tricia's Army Sergeant: A Story of Passion and Awakening in Mid-Life

  Copyright © 2013 by Maura Rossi

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  Adult Reading Material

  Chapter 1

  He heard the familiar panicked cry.


  He and his partner walked up to the front door. A teenaged girl stared at them through the screen.

  "May we come in, please?"

  But she knew. The people in the house always knew before they came through the door; their loved one, maybe father, brother, son, husband or even wife or sister was dead.

  They crossed the threshold as Tricia came around the corner into the living room.

  "No," she mouthed.

  She went down to her knees, crying out. No. The child didn't move. Both men went to the woman on the floor. They got down on their knees to help her up to the couch. The daughter ran from the room sobbing.

  If he lived to be one hundred year's old, he would never forget the feeling of Tricia in his arms that first time. She was so soft and lovely. Her despair constricted his throat as he seated himself close to her and put his arm around her shoulders.

  Everyone reacts differently, personally, to this horrible news. Upon putting his hand on her shoulder she turned into his chest and cried her heart out.

  "What am I going to do? What will I do without him?" she cried.

  He always felt badly when he delivered this news, but today he felt like an animal, threatened and protective of his mate. He wanted to take this woman in his arms, hold her and assure he would take care of her.

  Of course, he did no such thing. Nothing could have been more inappropriate. As Casualty Assistance Calls Officers, he and his partner were trained to deliver the news of death compassionately, and help the family in many ways from arranging the funeral to authorizing emergency funds or helping access other resources. They should help, but they should not encourage dependence or attachment.

  At that moment, all he wanted was for this woman to be dependent on him. He was so appalled at himself. It was beyond low to start to feel sexual towards a person you were supposed to be helping, someone so vulnerable.

  "I'm sorry," she finally said.

  "We're sorry ma'am, sorry for your loss. On behalf of the United States Army, we express our condolences and will assist you in any way we are able."

  She was absolutely lovely with green eyes and golden blonde hair, all messy from sobbing. She bit her perfect lips a few times through their first meeting and John thought he would die. He was frustrated with himself for his lack of control. This was beyond improper for him to be having such feelings. He was acting like a kid.

  Tricia sat quietly as they informed her of what would happen over the next few days. Tears fell from her eyes. She looked small and vulnerable to John, and in need of his protection. When they got ready to leave, she stood and walked them to the door. He was at least a head taller than she. And she was perfectly formed. Her husband, God rest his soul, had been one lucky man. John could not stop his eyes from roving over her body.

  He did not want to leave her alone when she needed him most. He was in agony. Some people had gathered outside her house. They also recognized what had happened and were coming to help. A woman bustled in past them and took Tricia in her arms. They both started sobbing. John knew he needed to get out of there, but his body did not want to leave.

  When they got in the car, his partner looked at him, before starting the car.

  "Are you all right?"

  John realized he must have been showing his feelings in some way. Shit.

  "Yeah, I'm getting too old for this duty."

  "Yeah it sucks. Beautiful woman."

  John was taken aback by his partner's comment. He should have felt better that they'd both noticed her beauty. Instead, he felt like punching him.

  "Yeah, let's go."

  John considered asking to get off this assignment. But he couldn't, he had already made contact and it wouldn't be right. He decided to do his utmost for Tricia; that would be his way of caring for her. Each time they were together during the process, John battled with his cock to behave. He had no right, but he ached to pull her into his arms and soothe her with his body.

  After his duties were complete, he drove past her house a few times, though he never stopped. He never saw her outside and, pretty soon after the funeral, the house was vacated. She had moved away. He had no idea where. He decided not to find out.


  He thought he was seeing things. Tricia was in the parking lot of the Post Exchange. She was going in to shop along with a pretty big man. He was pushing the cart for her and smiling down at her. It had been about a year since he'd seen her. His heart picked up its pace. John stopped in his tracks.

  "Dad, come on, let's go. What are you lookin' at?"

  His son followed his father's gaze to a shapely blonde woman walking ahead of them into the PX.

  "Who's that?"

  "Her husband was killed in a helicopter crash last spring in Kabul. I brought her the news."

  "Oh, wow…I know them," his son stated. "That's Whitney, he's in my unit. Let's go say hi."

  John's son, Patrick, sensed his father's interest in this woman was more than casual. He rarely, if ever, saw his father check out a woman. And God knows how long it had been since he'd seen him with a girlfriend.

  "What are you waiting for, let's go."

  "Nah. She probably won't remember me."

  "Well, I don't care, I'm going to say hi to Whitney."

  His son walked off. John had a moment of unease, but his desire to see her quickly overcame his nerves. He caught up as Patrick was shaking hands with Whitney.

  "Hey man, this is my Dad, Sergeant Major Davis. Dad, this is PFC Mark Whitney."

  "Nice to meet you Sergeant Major. This is my mom Tricia Whitney."

  They made eye contact.


  She hugged him tightly. It was unexpected. He felt her beautiful tits press warmly just below his chest. Both John and her son, Mark, were surprised by her actions. Patrick was impressed. She not only remembered his Dad, she liked him. This was shaping up to be pretty good. Maybe his Dad would be getting some action soon.

  "Hi Tricia. How are you?"

  He set her back from his body after she released him.

  "I'm fine. It's good to see you."

  "Are you visiting?"

  "No, I live here still. Mark is stationed here. We moved to Lyon Village," she smiled prettily.

  She was a very beautiful woman. Her hourglass figure with round tits and a round ass attracted him powerfully. She had a tiny waist and shapely legs that he'd pictured wrapped around his body more than once. Both John and his son, Patrick, were having trouble keeping from staring. Her son, Mark, was getting aggravated. He sensed their interest in his mom and he didn't appreciate it.

  They all wal
ked into the PX together. Having her so near his body was already driving him mad. Though he was overjoyed to see her again, he was pretty pissed at himself for not finding out she still lived in the area. Awkwardly, he was growing excited, his penis stirring in his pants. She leaned into his body as they talked. Was she flirting with him?

  Tricia was happy to see John again. He had taken such good care of her when her husband was killed. She always wanted to see him again and thank him for his support, but she felt funny contacting him. Her heart started racing when he walked up. He was a handsome, fit man. She had a strong memory of how good he smelled the day they met, the day he brought her the news and she had cried in his arms.

  Too soon it was time for them to go their separate ways.

  "Well, it's good to see you again John," she extended her hand.

  He took her hand in his. Neither of them realized how obviously sparks were flying between them, but their sons could see.

  "Yes, it's good to see you, too."

  John felt a strangling feeling in his throat. He did not want to let go of her hand; let her walk away. He sensed her son's dislike at him touching his mother, clearly ready to take her away from him. He could feel his son staring at him, expecting him to make a move. Shit.

  "Come on, Mom. Nice to meet you Sergeant Major. See you Patrick."

  He could command men, run dangerous operations, manage multimillion dollar equipment and weapons with confidence, but asking this small lovely woman out had him shaking in his boots. It was now or never.

  "Maybe we could get together for lunch sometime?" he continued to hold her hand.

  Her son could barely conceal his disapproval, shifting restlessly next to his mother.

  "That would be great. I would like that."

  She rewarded him with another dazzling smile. At that moment he vowed he would have her. She was too beautiful, too precious to be left to the wolves. She needed him and his body was letting him know, forcefully, that he needed her.

  They exchanged phone numbers and went in opposite directions.

  "Took you long enough, old man."

  "Say another word and I will kick your ass, junior."

  His son burst out laughing and smacked John on the back. His Dad still had it.

  Chapter 2

  Tricia was beyond lonely. The community had rallied around her after her husband's death. She had plenty of friends and family to help her get through the tough times. Her daughter was away at college and her son was in the Army, but both were very attentive and in constant contact with her. She went out with friends and kept busy with work.

  So everything was taken care of. At least that's what it looked like from the outside. She had even had a couple of dates recently. Everyone who was concerned about her could see she was progressing normally through the stages of mourning. But she didn't feel normal. She felt sex-starved.

  No one ever talked about sex. There was no mention of sex in any of the pamphlets or counseling sessions she went through. She felt there was something very wrong with her since that was her major concern. She had never experienced frustration on this level before.

  At first, of course, it was not an issue. Her body would become aroused and invariably she would think of her husband, cry and the feelings would pass. She was used to being away from him for extended periods of time. Masturbating was not her thing; she would just wait for him to come home. She never asked him what he did to get through the time they were apart.

  Cary had been her first and only lover. They were high school sweethearts. They had a decent marriage and regular sex. She was not adventurous and he never pushed her. They were satisfied with their sex life. Now, she regretted taking her sex life with her husband for granted. As the months passed, and she realized that she was probably never going to have sex again, she became very depressed.

  When John appeared in the PX parking lot, her body lit up. When she hugged him, the feelings of arousal and need overwhelmed her senses. It took a lot of strength to pull back and act casual when her heart rate had gone through the roof. She actually felt wetness in her panties as she was standing and talking with the man.

  To be fair, her heated response to John wasn't just because she was sex-starved. John was tremendously attractive; what the girls at work would call hot. He was about six foot three with the body of a young man. He obviously worked out because his chest and arms were solid and defined. One of her neighbors pointed out his great ass, trim waist and wide shoulders repeatedly during the time he was assigned to her. He had Army short hair with a touch of gray and smiling green eyes. She even liked his hands, which were thick and muscled with long fingers.

  Tricia had it bad for John. She prayed he would call her for lunch.


  John didn't know how long to wait before calling. He had been casual about the lunch invitation. But now he wanted to know when he was going to see her again. The only way to know was to call. He called her that night.

  "Hi Tricia, it's John."

  "Oh hi, John. How are you?"

  "I'm fine, thanks. How are you?

  "Just fine. A bit tired from shopping."

  John felt his nerves starting to work over his stomach. His mind was racing over what to say while his body recalled the feeling of her soft form in his arms. His cock hardened.

  "Oh. Well, I'll be quick, so you can rest. I was wondering if you're free to go to lunch this week?"

  Her heart was fluttering.

  "How would you feel about a home cooked meal?"

  "I would love it. Who's cooking?"

  He pushed his cock down, adjusting where it sat in his pants. It got harder.

  "I'm cooking John," she laughed. "I've wanted to thank you for a while for helping me with Cary's…"

  She paused. He immediately jumped in to help her.

  "Oh, Tricia, you don't have to do that. You know that's something we do in the Army. We try to take care of our own."

  He was disappointed she only wanted to see him to say thank you for helping her. He absentmindedly stroked his dick through his pants.

  "John, I always felt that you went over and above the call of duty. You went way out of your way for us. Please, I want to cook a nice meal for you. It's my small way of saying thank you. Please."

  That last little, please, got him. His balls grew heavier and his cock rose higher in his pants.

  "That would be great," he gripped himself harder, stroking repeatedly.

  "Good, how's Friday around six?"

  "I'll be there. What can I bring?"

  They finished with the details of what to bring, where she lived, what, if anything, he didn't like to eat. She hung up the phone and sat for a moment to compose herself. What had she done? She'd just invited a man she hardly knew to her home for dinner.

  She wasn't planning to seduce him but she was hoping something would happen between them. She was really, really hoping something would happen. John was a very nice man; she felt she could trust him. She didn't know if he was interested in her or just being polite. Maybe she could do something to make him interested in her.

  She got up and went into her bedroom. She started to look through her clothes. She tried on several outfits. Then she started looking through her underwear. She didn't have anything she would want anyone to see, let alone a sexy man like John. She would have to go shopping.

  She studied herself in the mirror. Her breasts were no longer the high, hard mounds they had started out as. They were more full but they did not stand up by themselves anymore. Her stomach was soft, not really flat and toned. She knew she wasn't fat but she wasn't thin either. She pulled her panties down just under her bottom and twisted to see her backside in the mirror. Oh no! She quickly pulled up her drawers and walked away from the mirror.

  She wasn't very happy with how her body had changed. The confidence of a younger Tricia was gone. She reasoned nothing would happen anyway. John was a gentleman and unless she threw herself at him, he wouldn't press. He
likely was just interested in being friends. Just the same, she planned to go shopping for new underwear after work tomorrow. Then she turned on the shower and pulled out her facial cream.

  Chapter 3

  John pulled up to the house exactly at six. His ex-wife tried to coach him about being fashionably late many times, but he couldn't undo his training and his nature. He brought a bottle of wine and some chocolates. He chickened out of bringing the chocolates, leaving them in the car. A little too obvious, he worried.

  She greeted him at the door and took his breath away. She was wearing something pink and low cut. This was going to be impossible, he thought. He was already turning on. Then she shocked him by stretching up and kissing him on the cheek. The hug in the PX was bad enough. He cursed himself for agreeing to come to her house for dinner.

  Tricia was in no better shape. John had on a simple heather gray t-shirt tucked into jeans. He looked amazing. The cut of the shirt showed off all of him, his chest and his biceps, his flat stomach, even his neck.

  Dinner went great. The food turned out delicious. They had good conversation that flowed easily. He was almost relaxed. He helped her clean up. It felt great to stand next to her in the kitchen and work together. She sent him into the family room to relax while she brought out dessert and coffee. He never ate dessert or anything sweet but he didn't want to disappoint her.


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