Second Blood: A Reverse Harem Tale (Lovin' the Coven Book 2)

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Second Blood: A Reverse Harem Tale (Lovin' the Coven Book 2) Page 3

by Jacquelyn Faye

  He sat next to me, offering my freshly filled mug. I breathed it in and took another sip. I might have made some appreciative noises, too. "Thanks."

  "Welcome," he said simply and sipped his coffee next to me. "You gonna live?"

  "Not sure I want to."

  "Oh, come on. Hangovers aren't that bad. Own that shit."

  "Go lick an outlet."

  "I like your hair."

  "Thanks. Grew it last night. Debated going with the purple mohawk."

  "That would have been hot."

  "Did you actually need something, or did you come to torment me?'

  "Little bit of both. I need a date."

  "Excuse me?" I finally turned and looked at him.

  "I need you. To be my girlfriend tonight."


  "My mother is coming into town. She wants to take me to dinner. Us actually."


  "I might have mentioned you once or twice."

  "To your mother," I said incredulously.

  He sighed and set his coffee on the table. "She thinks I'm gay…"

  I couldn't help it. I laughed.

  "It's not funny. She swears up and down that Dennis and I are lovers. The last time she said it, I kind of mentioned you…"

  "Okay." I let him off the hook.

  "You will?"

  "That's what okay means."

  "You are a life saver."



  "Are you and Dennis lovers?" I gave him an evil grin.

  He groaned and put his head in his hands, shaking it in agony. "Why does everybody assume that?"

  I felt bad for asking, but I didn't want secrets between us. "Well… Let's be honest. You two do spend a lot of time together."

  "No! We are not. I mean there was that one time in college…"

  "What?" My heart fell into my stomach.

  "I'm kidding."

  "I'm going to kill you," I said and started breathing again.

  "Were you jealous of Dennis there for a second?"

  Looking into his eyes, my heart skipped a beat as I opened my mouth to say no, I swear to the lady, but I ended up nodding and blushing. He chuckled evilly.


  "Hey. Are we?" I blushed as the question flew out of my mouth.

  "Are we what?"

  "Boyfriend and girlfriend?"

  "Yes. If you're comfortable with that."

  I smiled and lay back on the couch.

  "You sure you're going to be up to going out tonight?"

  "Oh, I wouldn't miss this for the world."

  "Oh, Lady. Don't do anything Dottish. Please. And don't mention Chief."

  I snorted. "I don't even want to think of Chief for a few days."

  "That bad?"

  "No. It would just remind me of last night and if I do that, I might throw up again."


  "He came over and we both apologized. Then we sat on the couch and drank until we passed out. I woke up, puked, and the girls carried me into bed."

  "Huh. I saw Bill this morning. He looked fine."

  "He would. That asshole."

  "So. Were you guys…uh…naked?"

  "You, too?"


  "He got all jealous last night."


  "Yeah. Must have been the booze."

  "No, I'm not jealous. Just curious."

  "How can you not be? I thought of you with Dennis for a microsecond and I almost snarled. Do you really not care?" I wanted answers.

  Jimmy sighed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." He lowered his eyes.

  I reached over and grabbed his chin, forcing his head up until he looked at me again. "Talk to me. I want to know."

  "Dot… Don't hate me for saying this, but you…"

  "If you don't start talking in eight seconds, I'm going to rip off your junk and beat you with it."

  "Dot, it turns me on!"

  "Uh… What turns you on?" I sincerely hoped it wasn't the thought of me beating him with his junk.

  He sighed, and I could see he was embarrassed and on the verge of tears. "I can't."

  "Yes. Yes, you can," I said gently. "I promise not to be shocked or grossed out. What turns you on?"

  "The thought of you with someone else."

  "Why?" I wasn't shocked. I knew there had to be some sort of explanation other than, because you're our high priestess and you can have everybody!

  "Because I really like you. A lot. Don't worry, I won't drop the L word on you. I know it's too soon, but Lady damn it all, the first moment I saw you I was hooked."

  "That doesn't answer my question."

  "Because at the end of the day, knowing you were with someone else and you still came back to me… I'm not going to lie, it makes me feel like I'm special and it also makes me hard as a rock."

  "Oh. I see," I said and took a sip of coffee, thinking about it. Really thinking about it.

  "Do you think I'm sick?"

  I shook my head, just to let him know I wasn't disgusted by his logic, just mulling it over. It did make sense, in a Jimmy sort of way. I knew a lot about fetishes. Hell, Josie was as kinky as they came. Some of the videos she watched would make a porn star blush. People just had their kinks. I wasn't going to make fun of Jimmy for his. "No. That actually answers a lot of questions I had. You were being way too accommodating with me seeing Chief. This actually makes me feel a lot better."

  He sighed in relief and lay back against the couch with me. "Be right back, I forgot my coffee. He leaned forward and grabbed it off the table and then leaned back next to me. "Miss me?"


  He chuckled and I lay my head on his shoulder. "Wanna know something else?"


  "The thought of you being hard as a rock because I'm with another man… Kinda turns me on. Now who's fucked up?"

  He laughed wickedly and sipped his coffee. "So, you don't mind being my girlfriend tonight?"

  "I don't mind being your girlfriend anytime."

  "Thanks for doing this, though. You don't know what a relief it is. She can be so annoying."

  "Must be a witch thing. My mother is the biggest pain in the ass in the universe."

  "Um. My mother is human…"


  "Yeah. Dad's a witch. Mom knows but is as human as they come."

  "How old is she?"

  "Fifty-five. Dad is a hundred years older but looks the same age as me. It's kind of funny, everybody thinks Mom is rich."

  "They're still together?"

  "Yeah. He loves her."

  "How come he's not coming?"

  "Work. They live in Texas and Dad owns a cattle farm."

  "So how come you live here?"

  "Mom was born here. Dad was here just wandering. They settled down, got married, had me. Moved to Texas after I graduated from the Fire Academy."

  "Huh. That's pretty neat."

  "You like them sappy love stories, huh?"

  I nodded. "Want some more coffee?"

  "I'll get it." He took my mug and got up.

  I turned sideways on the couch and pulled my T-shirt over my knees. He came back and sat next to me, almost on my feet, handing me my mug.


  "No. Thank you. I really do feel better. Thank you for making me talk to you."

  "I'm a firm believer in not keeping secrets."

  "You don't have to worry about that. I want to hear," he said with a sly wink.

  I laughed and lifted my legs over him. "So, you want to know that this was exactly how I was sitting on Chief last night?"

  He leaned back further on the couch. "What were you wearing."

  "Leggings. You saw my outfit last night."

  "Aww. That's no fun. You could have spiced it up a little."

  "I could tell you about the last time we drank together."

  "Did anything interesting happen?"

  "Oh, yeah."

  "Tell me."
/>   "Well, we were both drunk, though not nearly as much as last night. When we woke up, he was in my bed and we were both naked."

  His cock twitched under my leg. He really was getting turned on by it. I smiled wickedly and rubbed it with the back of my leg.

  "Did you do anything?"

  "When I woke up, I was having very happy dreams. That's when I realized I was straddling his leg and he was pressing against me."

  Jimmy groaned a little and his twitch turn into a throb.

  "You can take that out of your pants if you want. I don't want you to hurt yourself."

  He reached under my legs, unzipping his fly and working himself out through the hole. I could feel the heat from it as it popped out between my calves. I squeezed them together, trapping him between them.

  "Oh, Lady."

  "So, I can't help myself, I'm incredibly turned on and I start grinding myself subtly against his leg. I thought I was being all slick and covert, but he asked me what I was doing. I tried to play it off like I was just stretching, but he knew. I saw him twitch under the blanket. I couldn't stop myself and I lifted the cover up and looked. Have you ever seen it?"

  "What?" He asked breathlessly.

  "Chief's cock."

  "No. I know the whole Captain Nightstick thing… Is it really?"

  "It is."

  "Did you touch it?"

  "I poked it."

  A short bark of laughter escaped him. "You poked it?"

  "Yeah, but I told him I wasn't comfortable touching it while I was dating you."

  Jimmy groaned in disappointment.

  "I'm not done with my story. So, I get so slick I start sliding up and down his thigh, then I tell him I want to watch him rub one out and come on his chest."

  "Did he?"

  "He started to, and then I helped. We were both rubbing his cock when I came so hard on his leg, I thought I was going to pass out."

  "What did Chief do?"

  "He came. Buckets. I screamed so hard from my orgasm, Josie and Candace burst into my room wielding a kitchen knife."

  Jimmy had heard enough. He came between my legs. I'd been rubbing him and not realizing it. His hot come landed all over my shins. Incredibly turned on, I opened my legs and reached down, running my middle finger through my wetness, right in front of him. His eyes fixated on me as I masturbated right in front of him. The only time he stopped was to watch my face every few moments.

  "Put your finger in me."

  He reached over, slipping his first two fingers inside and curling them up, sliding them in and out gently as I rubbed myself. My breaths started coming faster and faster as my back slowly arched, and my toes curled. I called out as I came and bucked my hips against his fingers as I rode it out. I finally came down and watched as he slowly pulled his fingers from inside me and sucked them into his mouth.


  Pulling into a spot at Bunyan's steakhouse, I looked around for Jimmy's truck in the lot. He hadn't shown up yet, but Chief's new Jeep was here.

  Oh, shit. There's like ten restaurants in this town and he has to have a hankering for steak?

  So much for not mentioning Chief in front of his mother…

  I debated going inside to wait, but I decided against it. Jimmy had asked me not to mention him to his mother, so waiting outside sounded like a better plan than hanging out with Chief until they showed up. Even if it was cold as fuck. With any luck he was just finishing his prime rib and would soon be on his way.

  I chose wisely, as Jimmy's pristine blue Ford pulled into the lot shortly after I shut the engine off. I was facing the entrance to the parking lot and flashed my headlights to let him know I was there in the car. He pulled into the empty spot next to mine.

  I got out, pulling my fuzzy winter coat tightly around me. I'd worn a simple black dress, going for broke in impressing the mother. I couldn't even remember the last time I'd tried to impress anybody, let alone a date's parents. Hopefully she would appreciate my dressing up a little. Unfortunately, it did little to keep me warm.

  As soon as the engine stopped, the nervousness I hadn't realized I'd been feeling, reared its ugly head. I fought down a bit of panic until Jimmy got out of the truck and gave me a quick kiss. He flashed me a little grin before he walked around the truck and opened the passenger door for his mother, offering her his hand to help ease the difficulty of getting out.

  "I wish you'd buy a damn car," his mother snarked as her feet hit the pavement.

  "I tell him all the time, too. I hate riding in that damn thing," I said to break the ice.

  "Oh! You must be Dot!"

  "And you must be Mrs. Duncan. Pleasure to meet you. Jimmy talks a lot about you."

  "I'm sure he does. I'm not all that bad, though."

  "Well, we'll talk over dinner and compare notes. I'm interested in what he's had to say about me, too." I even threw in a conspiratorial little wink.

  She turned to Jimmy. "How in the hell did you land her? You tell her you work for NASA or something?"

  "Funny, Mother. Shall we go inside?"

  "Hell yeah. I forgot how cold it is in this state. Don't know how you put up with it."

  Jimmy flashed me a smile of gratitude for pouring on the charm with his mother. "Thanks," he whispered, holding my hand as his mother scurried to the entrance to warm her bones.

  "I hope the food's good here."

  "It is, Mother."

  "I'm used to Texas beef, you know."

  "You might have mentioned that, yes."

  "Tenderest beef in the country."

  "So, I've heard." He leaned over. "Repeatedly," he whispered to me.

  I stifled a chuckle and wrapped myself around his arm. "She's right, though. It is cold as balls."

  I happened to glance up at the window as we passed by. Chief was sitting there at the table we had shared and gave me a small wave. I gave him a quick nod and smile.

  "There's Bill," Jimmy said and waved.

  "Yeah. I saw his Jeep parked out front."

  "Have you ever been here before?"

  "Yeah. Once with Bill."

  "Ahh. I come with Dennis a lot. They have really good steak."

  "Not better than Texas steak, though," I whispered and bumped his hip.

  We got inside, and I could breathe again. The warmth wrapped around me like a blanket. I shrugged my jacket off and Jimmy took it, hanging it and his on the rack before taking his mother's. The hostess sat us, and the waitress popped over to take our drink orders. The thought of beer or wine caused my stomach to twist in a knot, so I ordered a coke.

  "So, what do you do, dear?"

  "I'm building a bookstore downtown. In the old firehouse if you remember where that is."

  "In this dump?"

  "Trying to revitalize this dump. Breathe some new life into it."

  "You're a do-gooder?"

  "No. I just want to enjoy the town I live in."

  "Mother," Jimmy warned.


  "Not everybody outside of Texas is a hippie. Dot just has a big heart. Too big sometimes," he said and gave me a tender smile.

  "I just like helping people." I think I may have even blushed when I said it.

  He reached down and rubbed my leg. I glanced up. From where we were sitting in our booth, I could see Chief. He was absentmindedly chewing his steak and scrolling through his phone. He looked up, saw me staring, and tipped his beer at me.

  The waitress showed up with drinks and blocked my view, thankfully. It wasn't that I minded seeing him. However, seeing him while actually being on a date made me feel awkward. I didn't have to hide, but I kind of wanted to. I scooted closer to Jimmy, enjoying his warmth and cologne. He smelled good enough to eat.

  "Are you ready to order or do you need a few more minutes."

  "I'm ready," I told Jimmy.

  "I suppose we're ready," his mother told the girl, answering for the whole table. "I'll have the porterhouse, medium well, loaded potato, and the baby carrots."

  She looked to me. "And for you?"

  "Prime rib, princess cut, medium rare, potato with butter only, and the mushrooms."


  "I'll have the same, but the king cut."

  "Sounds good. I'll have everything out to you shortly."

  She left and Jimmy nervously started rubbing my leg. An awkward silence fell over us and Jimmy cleared his throat, clearly nervous being there with his mother. I just didn't know what I could do to help. Taking a sip of my coke, I snuggled a little closer to him, trying to set him at ease.

  "So, what was little Jimmy like as a kid?" I figured that would be a nice safe topic.

  "He was a little trouble maker." She leaned over the table and whispered, "And him being a you-know-what didn't help at all, either."

  "I can only imagine."

  "No. You can't. I had to put out twelve fires in the house before he was eight! I didn't think my heart would take it. Thankfully, his father stuck around to help."

  "Oh, boy. I'll have to introduce you to my mother. That sounds tame compared to me." I laughed.

  "Is your mother…"

  "Yes. Father, too. Although, I've never met him."

  "Your poor mother raised you by herself?"

  "If you met my mother, you wouldn't feel sorry for her. She's worse than I am."


  "Her most recent endeavor got her in a bit of trouble as she magicked a horse's bunghole on the mayor's forehead. Luckily it was cosmetic in appearance only and not a fully functioning model."

  Jimmy's mom started cackling across from us. Jimmy rubbed my leg affectionately. I glanced over at Chief and he was putting another forkful of food in his mouth as he stared at me. I cocked my eyebrow at him, but he wasn't looking at my face. His eyes were glued to my rising dress. If Jimmy continued, I'm sure he would have a nice view of the front of my white lace panties.

  "I'll be right back. I need to use the little cowgirl's room."

  "Okay, Mom," Jimmy smiled. He watched her slide out of the booth and head toward the other side of the restaurant. "Oh, thank the Lady. You okay?"

  "Yeah. She's fine. Nothing compared to my mother. Whom you shall have the pleasure of dining with next time she is in town."

  He groaned.

  "Uh, Jimmy?"


  "You might want to stop with the leg rubbing, you're giving Chief quite the show."


  I turned to face him and put my head on my hand. "You've been slowly hiking my dress up. Chief is sitting diagonally from me and can probably see right up it. So, you might want to stop."


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