The Scotch Queen: Book Two

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by Penelope Sky

  The Scotch Queen

  Book Two

  Penelope Sky

  This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher or author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.

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  Hartwick Publishing

  The Scotch Queen

  Copyright © 2017 by Penelope Sky

  All Rights Reserved



  Crewe had his own jet.

  I was surprised even though I shouldn’t be.

  Crewe and his crew packed everything under the plane, but they filed inside and took their seats. The men sat in the back of the plane, guns concealed under their jackets even though we were at an international airport.

  Ariel was the only member of the group who sat in the front with Crewe—besides me.

  She sat in a leather armchair next to the window and opened up her tablet. She pulled out her stencil and got to work, obviously knowing all the Wi-Fi information already. Crewe sat on the other side of the aisle and directed me to the chair beside the window.

  I sat down and locked my safety belt.

  The flight attendant came around and handed out the drinks just when the engines roared to life. The jet wasn’t as big as a commercial airliner, but it was definitely bigger than those small planes that dusted crops. It was on the medium side—and clearly very expensive.

  Crewe ordered scotch, Ariel ordered wine, and I ordered a water. I couldn’t keep up with them in the alcohol department. After a few glasses of wine, my skin flushed and my inhibitions were lowered.

  Crewe peered at me from his seat, watching me without making it obvious. “Doing okay?”

  The plane slowly began to move and head for the runway. We were on a different strip from the commercial airliners since that schedule was heavily regulated. The stress weighed heavily on my stomach like a brick. “I’m fine.”

  Crewe kept watching me like he didn’t believe me. “What is it?”

  I didn’t want to admit this out loud because it made me weak, but Crewe was always adamant until he got what he wanted. “I’m a little nervous about flying…”

  Instead of making fun of me, he tried to console me. “The pilot is excellent, as well as the rest of the crew. This jet is only a few years old. Everything is in perfect condition. Have a glass of wine and relax.”

  “Okay.” I opened the shade and looked out the window, feeling my stomach do somersaults. We hadn’t even taken off yet, and I felt woozy.

  The plane lined up on the runway then took off. The powerful jets sent us high into the sky at a drastic angle. Higher and higher we climbed until we broke the cloud bank and reached an immense altitude.

  Crewe read emails on his phone like nothing was happening. Ariel did the same.

  I forced myself to remain calm and lean back against the seat. I hated showing weakness to anyone, even people I considered close friends. It was one of my stipulations.

  We finally leveled out, and the plane cruised at a fixed speed. The constant hum of the air outside the plane filled the cabin, as well as the sound of the motors on either side of the plane.

  If it stayed like this until we reached Italy, I could keep my cool. After everything I’d been through, it was a little ridiculous that I was afraid of flying. If we crashed right now, I wouldn’t be a prisoner anymore.

  That was the bright side of it.

  With a sudden jolt, the plane dipped drastically. We dropped dozens of feet downward, my stomach suddenly feeling weightless.

  “Oh god.” I gripped the armrests and stifled the scream that naturally wanted to come out of my mouth. Adrenaline spiked in my blood, and I felt both sick and terrified at the exact same time.

  Crewe looked at me, unaffected by the sudden jerk of the plane.

  I tried to cover up my terror by looking out the window, not wanting him to know just how uncomfortable I was. He wouldn’t give me any pity, especially for something he would deem stupid.

  To my surprise, he grabbed my hand on the armrest and held it. “Turbulence is only caused by the mixing of hot and cold air. So when the plane shakes, that doesn’t mean we’re about to crash. It’s normal, Lovely.” He placed his phone in his pocket and directed his stare on me. “Alright?”

  “I know…”

  He grabbed my chin and tilted my face toward him. He just shaved that morning, so his face was smooth and hairless. It showed off his rugged mouth better than usual. “Eyes on me.”

  I did as he asked, mainly because I didn’t know what else to do.

  “I love Scotland. It’s always been my home. But there are a few places in the world that feel like home too. Italy is one of them. I love the Tuscan heat, the ripe tomatoes, the wine even though I hardly drink any, and the ancient beauty of it all. You know the Colosseum is two thousand years old?”

  Crewe was a man of few words, so sharing this story with me was out of character. “Are you trying to distract me?”

  “Yeah,” he answered. “Is it working?”

  It was a kind gesture, especially from a man who possessed very little kindness. “Yeah.”

  “The first time I went to Rome was when I was eighteen. I took off with some of my friends to blow off some steam. We partied a lot, met beautiful women, and drank more wine than our stomachs could handle. Ever since then, I’ve always loved to visit. But I admit my visits are a lot more low-key now.”

  I wondered what he looked like when he was eighteen. That was almost half the age he was now. “Sounds like fun. Finley must have been worried.”

  “I drove him crazy when I was growing up. He definitely prefers me as an adult.”

  The plane kept shaking, and Ariel sipped her wine like she didn’t even notice.

  Crewe carried on the conversation. “We’re staying at one of my villas in Tuscany. It’s quiet and remote. You’ll like it.”

  “It’ll be a big change from Scotland.”

  “It’ll take some time to get used to the heat.” He kept his fingers around me, his courage seeping into my veins from the contact of our skin. Seeing him so relaxed made me feel better, made me think we weren’t in any imminent danger. There was no way a powerful man like Crewe would allow a plane crash to claim his life. “You can enjoy the sunshine and the pool while I take care of business.”

  “How long will we be there?”

  “A week at the most. Business with the Barsetti brothers is pretty easy. I usually stick around for a few extra days because it’s a long flight.”

  The plane began to shake less and less. Eventually, it felt smooth. The jet glided through the sky, the sound of the air outside the plane the only indicator we were tens of thousands of feet in the air.

  My hand loosened around his, and my body finally relaxed. Despite my background in science, the concept of flying across the world had always troubled me. I was always afraid something in the engine would go wrong, or the pilot would make an honest mistake that would send us all to our deaths. I rested my head against the leather cushion and let out a deep breath.

  Crewe watched me. “Feeling better?”

  “I’m just glad the plane stopped shaking.”

  He pulled his hand away, making me feel lonely without his touch. I didn’t need him to hold my hand to make me feel better, but the second it was gone, I missed it. It was nice to have someone comfort me. “Nothing to be scared of. Planes fly all over the world, and there are rarely any crashes. And my planes defi
nitely won’t crash.”

  “Stop saying the word crash.”

  He smiled. “Sorry, that was a bit insensitive.”

  “It’s okay… I know you’re trying to help.”

  He pulled his phone out of his pocket again and checked his email.

  I shut the window shade because I didn’t want to see the endless blue. It would only remind me how high up we were. “How long is the flight?”

  “Pretty long. Try to get some sleep.”

  I automatically leaned against his shoulder to get comfortable even though I could easily recline back. Something about the fabric of his shirt and the warmth of his skin made me feel better. Now I was used to sleeping with him every night. He was the silent lullaby that sent me to my dreams.

  He positioned me upward then put the armrests away, so there was nothing separating us. “Lie in my lap. It’ll be more comfortable that way.”

  This was the nicest he’d ever been to me. He defended me against Dunbar and Ariel, but he never went out of his way to put my comfort before his own. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. You know how much I like having my lap near your mouth anyway.” He wore that cocky grin I’d become accustomed to.

  I rolled my eyes then lowered myself onto his lap. I caught Ariel staring at us from her seat across the row, probably wondering why Crewe was letting me lie across his lap. I ignored her and got comfortable.

  When I was across his lap, Crewe rested his arm over my waist. “Need a blanket?”

  “I’m okay.” I pulled my knees to my chest because I was a little cold.

  Crewe must have caught my lie because he turned to Ariel. “Grab me a blanket, please.”

  “You’re kidding me, right?” she countered.

  I couldn’t see Crewe’s expression, but I imagined he was giving her an intimidating look. “You wanna keep your job, right?”

  Now Crewe was just going to make Ariel hate me more. I wasn’t sure why she disliked me so much. It wasn’t a big deal that I was lying across his lap. He fucked me every night, so this was pretty tame.

  Ariel stood up and opened the overhead compartment. She tossed the blanket at us, the fabric landing right on top of my head. “There you are, Your Highness.”

  I felt the tension rise like heat from a fire.

  Crewe didn’t say anything, but I knew his silence was threatening enough. He wouldn’t let anyone get away with that kind of back talk. There would be repercussions later. He probably just didn’t want to go to war with her in a concealed vehicle with his men in the back of the plane.

  Crewe returned his attention to his phone like nothing just happened. His jaw was clenched in irritation, but he swallowed his anger. His arm rested around my waist, his touch warm and preferable to the ice-cold air coming out of the vents.

  I thought I wouldn’t be able to sleep when I was so nervous, but within minutes, my eyes grew heavy and closed. I drifted off to sleep with Crewe’s lap acting as a pillow, feeling unusually comfortable despite all the calamity surrounding the ride.



  The plane touched down, and I was escorted into the back of the SUV at the airport. London was drowsy from sleeping on the plane, and she continued to lean on me for support. She’d never been affectionate or clingy before, so I let the closeness slide. When she was scared on the plane, I felt obligated to calm her down. After everything I put her through, it was the least I could do.

  But Ariel wasn’t having it.

  It was nighttime when we arrived in Italy, so there wasn’t much to see during the car ride. London hooked her arm through mine and rested her head against my shoulder while I continued to handle emails and text messages. Ariel sat against the other window, wearing a permanent sneer on her pretty face.

  We arrived at my villa an hour later and passed through the gates. I had an acre of land with nothing but grass and oak trees, but the privacy was nice. It wasn’t as remote as my home in the Shetland Islands, but it was beautiful nonetheless. The two-story house was big enough for me and my crew, giving me the luxury of having most of the top floor to myself. I didn’t have to keep quiet when my ladies came to visit.

  London finally woke up when we arrived. She stood in front of the house and examined it despite the darkness. There weren’t streetlights in Tuscany since it was rural countryside. Features were difficult to make out, and the crew had to break out their flashlights to find the entryway. “I can’t see much…but it looks nice.”

  “Wait until the sun comes up.” We walked inside, and my crew carried the luggage exactly where it needed to go. Ariel stepped off to the side and made a phone call, probably returning all the calls she missed during the flight.

  I hadn’t slept on the plane, so I was tired. I was ready to have a few glasses of scotch in front of the fireplace in my bedroom to wind down. Then I’d fuck London before I went to bed. Business could resume when the sun came up.

  But I had to take care of something first.

  London lingered in my proximity, not exploring the rest of the house without my permission. She was getting better with obedience, learning to follow my commands without my actually giving them. Like a new puppy, she was slowly being trained.


  She faced me, her hair messy from sleeping in my lap during the flight. She was a low-maintenance woman who required little upkeep to remain beautiful. It was the only time I’d witnessed such a thing. Josephine spent more time perfecting her appearance than anyone I knew. Since she was royalty, I understood the necessity. But after looking at London every day, I realized appearances meant nothing. She was far more beautiful than most women I knew, without lifting a finger. Not too many women could say that.

  And I certainly would never tell her that. “Wait for me upstairs. Third door on the left.”


  My eyes narrowed.

  She immediately understood this was one of those times when I wanted to be obeyed without question. She didn’t ask any more questions and took the stairs to the second landing. The rest of the men finished unloading the car then took their positions around the perimeter.

  Ariel hung up her call.

  No one was around, and we finally had the privacy I’d been waiting for. “Ariel, as much as I need you to stick around, I’m not gonna put up with that bullshit again. When I ask you to do something, you do it. Or you can find someone else to sign your checks. You understand me?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest, wearing the same irritated look on her face. She had an astute business mind, and she understood all the tiny cogs in the machinery I’d built. There was no one better to have as a business partner. She had a brilliant brain and a fierce attitude. But I refused to be disrespected like that.

  “We’ve always had a great business relationship. Suddenly, London comes around, and everything I value about our partnership goes out the window. I don’t know what your problem is, so you need to tell me.” I wondered if she was jealous seeing me with another woman. In all the years we’d been working together, I’d never suspected she saw me as anything more than a business partner and friend. There was never any attraction between us, any sort of chemistry. I’d never made a pass at her because I didn’t mix business with pleasure. She seemed to share my same ideology. But if that wasn’t it, I couldn’t figure it out.

  “I’ve seen you with your women. You’re cold, heartless, and right to the point.”

  I stared at her blankly, unsure why she was stating the obvious.

  “But when this woman comes around, everything changes. You don’t hand her over to Bones like you planned, and she’s sleeping in your bed every night. It’s none of my business who you fuck and I really don’t care about your sex life, but this woman can’t turn into something more. And it seems like it’s going in that direction. We both know there’s a very small pool of women you can spend the rest of your life with. London isn’t on the list.”

  Now everything made sense. “Tha
t’s what you’ve been worried about?” I had to hold back my laugh because it was ridiculous. “If that’s what the problem is, we don’t have a problem. London is something I keep around for entertainment. That’s it.”

  “But you can’t keep her around forever.”

  “I realize that.” I had no idea what I was going to do with her eventually. “And I don’t intend to. She’s just like all the others. Don’t worry about that.”

  Ariel didn’t seem entirely convinced. “You’re different with her. I’ve seen it.”

  “No, I’m not. I comforted her on the plane because she was scared. Doesn’t mean I love the woman.”

  “But it doesn’t mean you’re indifferent either. Have you been with other women since she’s come along?”

  I refused to answer that question. “You’re approaching a line you shouldn’t cross.”

  “I’m not being nosy. I’m just proving my point.”

  Ariel knew a lot about me. She probably figured out I hadn’t been chasing tail lately. “It doesn’t matter. London doesn’t mean anything to me. I’m not going to repeat myself.”

  She searched my gaze as if she was searching for a lie. Ariel was invested in my personal life because my future marriage affected her. If I’d married Josephine like I originally planned, it would have been easy to expand my scotch business into foreign territories. Ariel would be much richer in that scenario than she was now. Not to mention, it opened a lot of other doors for her as well. If I ended up with a nobody, then she had very little room to advance professionally. We were both ambitious businesspeople, determined to grow our wealth as much as possible. “You give me your word, Crewe?”

  She knew my word meant more than anything else in the world. “Yes, I give you my word.”

  London had already showered by the time I arrived in the bedroom. She opened the Mediterranean doors to the balcony and stood at the railing. She looked into the darkness surrounding the house, only seeing the stars because everything else was invisible. She stood in one of my t-shirts with just her panties underneath.


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