Chronicles of a Hot Mess

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Chronicles of a Hot Mess Page 12

by S. E. Rose

  “True, life’s a journey, not a destination, right?” he laughed, lightening the mood.

  She giggled. “Yes, I suppose or, so the quote goes.”

  He laughed again. “It’s a good quote.”

  “True that,” she said.

  “So, how’s your blog coming along?” he asked, changing to a lighter subject.

  “Really good. I’m finally starting to get some followers. It’s fun,” she said enthusiastically.

  “I may have read a few of your posts,” he admitted.

  “Really? Which ones?” she said, her eyes wide.

  “Uh, let’s see, the one about social media algorithms and the one about photography in social media; I really liked that one,” he said.

  “Oh, yeah, I was inspired after working with Kevin over the past few weeks. He’s been great. He really lets me do a lot more than my old boss. It’s been a much better work experience,” she said. He clenched his teeth at her statement. He’d heard rumors about Kevin, but perhaps they were just rumors.

  “I’m glad.”

  They walked a while longer, talking about their favorite vacations, pets, and favorite movies and books. Lyla admitted she’d always wanted a cat but was afraid to ask Gran Mill because of her allergies. She had a dog when she was little, but he had died when she was six. Amery talked about all the cats and dogs his family had had growing up. They both had hamsters and fish. It was late by the time they made it back to the car. When they pulled into the driveway, the house was dark except for the front porch light and a hallway lamp.

  Amery walked Lyla to the front door and she paused after she had unlocked it. “Um, do you want to come in?” she asked.

  “Sure,” he answered.

  He followed her into the kitchen, which was still a disaster area. She groaned and shook her head. He just rolled up his sleeves and walked over to the sink. He began washing the pots and pans as Lyla stared at him.


  “Seriously?” she said as she joined him and dried the dishes he handed her.

  “Why not? I’ll admit. I’m a little OCD and I couldn’t in good conscience leave this mess for you to clean up alone,” he said.

  “Oh, you assumed I would clean it.” She smirked, and he laughed. “I was planning on making Nate clean all this up by waking him up at five a.m. tomorrow.”

  Amery belly laughed at that. “He is like your brother.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “I don’t see Brian’s car here,” he noted.

  “Yeah, I’m not really sure how serious they are,” she said.

  “I see.”

  They finished washing the dishes and putting them away, and then Lyla poured them each a glass of beer from a growler in the fridge.

  “Damn, this is good,” he said.

  “I told you. I like beer, but only the good stuff.”

  They finished their beer as Amery looked at framed photos in the family room.

  “You were such a little squirt,” he teased.

  “I know. My dad used to call me shrimp,” she said with a shrug.

  “Your parents weren’t that small,” he noticed.

  “Yeah, Gran Mill says I take after her mom, who was super tiny,” she explained.

  “Is everyone in your family tall?” she asked, looking up at him.

  He laughed. “Uh, yeah, I suppose we are all tall,” he contemplated.

  Amery looked at photos hanging on the kitchen wall while he finished his beer, and then he put his glass in the dishwasher. “I should probably head home,” he said. “I still have to get ready for my trip tomorrow morning.”

  “Oh, that’s right. I guess I’ll see you at the gala on Saturday,” she said.

  “Yes. Are you going with Nate?” he asked.

  “No. He bailed on me,” she sighed.

  “Well, I guess I’ll see you there then,” he said as they reached the front door. She could have cut the sexual tension with a machete.

  He turned slowly toward her and cupped her face in his hand. “I had fun, Lyla,” he said to her.

  “Me too,” she whispered, leaning against the heat of his palm.

  He leaned in and lightly brushed his lips against hers. She shuddered at the touch. It was so gentle, so that wasn’t it...not loving...maybe caring, yeah caring, she thought to herself as she raised up on her tippy toes to press her lips more firmly against his. They moved in perfect synchronization, one moving left, as the other moved right. One caressing the other’s lips, while the other one parted their mouth. Their tongues intertwining, caressing and exploring the other’s mouth. At some point, the kiss became too much, too intense, but neither pulled back. Instead, Lyla stepped back as Amery pushed them against a wall and then she raised herself up as he grabbed her thighs and wrapped her legs around his waist. She moaned slightly into his mouth as she ground without thought against his pelvis, feeling his hardness beneath his pants.

  He groaned in response and let her continue to rub herself against him, shamelessly looking for her release. He thrust his erection against the heat at her center and she whimpered. They continued moving like this, faster and harder.

  “Let go, Lyla,” he murmured against her jaw as he ran his tongue along it. He began to move his pelvis in small circles and she couldn’t stop herself. Her breathing became erratic and she could feel the tightness building in her core. God, she needed this, she wanted this, and she wanted it with him. His kisses trailed down her neck as she let her head fall slack against the wall, focusing all her attention on where their bodies were creating friction. Then, the feeling became too intense and she clutched onto his shoulders as she closed her eyes, her mouth opening in a silent cry.


  He wanted nothing more than to take her up to her room and strip her bare and bury himself inside of her, but he knew that Lyla wasn’t that type of woman. She was still young, maybe naïve was a stretch, but far too innocent for such a bold move so soon. And unlike all the other times, all the other one-night-stand women, he wanted something more with her. This waiting was going to be the death of him. There was no doubt in his mind he’d be jacking off in his shower as soon as he got home. But at least now he could jack off to the vision of watching Lyla come as she ground herself against his dick.

  He slowly lowered her to the floor and placed her head on his chest.

  “That,” she whispered.

  “,” he agreed.

  She leaned back and kissed him on his lips. “Thank you,” she said shyly, and a blush crept across her skin.

  “Anytime, angel,” he said as he kissed her back.

  “I feel bad...what about you?” she managed to say as she dropped her head in embarrassment.

  “Another time,” he said to her and lifted her chin, so he could look in those mesmerizing eyes once more. “Another time.”

  “OK,” she answered, her voice barely audible.

  “Goodnight, Lyla,” he said to her as he peppered light kisses on her cheeks, nose, forehead and finally her swollen lips.

  “Goodnight, Amery,” she replied.

  He regrettably released her, and she stepped back into the darkness of the living room as he gave her a small wave and smile and shut the door.

  Chapter 15


  Thursday seemed to drone on and on. She worked closely with Kevin to get all the photos out for the articles that would be published online. They were working under a deadline and Lyla actually enjoyed herself.

  “You’re doing great,” Kevin encouraged as she worked in a new software program that helped to edit the photos into a format that was social media friendly.

  “Thanks,” Lyla said. “My head is spinning a bit, but I think this will look amazing once it’s up on the website.”

  She read over some of the background on Kent and Amery’s part of the article. She hadn’t realized all the charity work that they did until she saw what their writer had said about them. Kevin had gone with the
m to a local children’s hospital where they were regular volunteers and had set up a program that allowed families to get baseball tickets and have other local adventures.

  The photographs of them with the children were adorable and she smiled to herself as she viewed them.

  “All done?” Kevin asked.

  “Yep, just wrapped up,” she said.

  “Great, why don’t we grab a drink?” he suggested.

  “Uh,” she looked down at the clock on the computer, “sure, why not?”

  “Let me pack up and I’ll meet you by the elevators,” he said.

  She packed up her bag and saw she’d missed a text from Amery.

  Amery: Hey-Looking forward to Saturday

  She smiled and responded.

  Lyla: Why’s that? Hot date?

  He replied immediately.

  Amery: You want to be my hot date?

  Lyla frowned and read his text again. Was he being serious or was he just messing with her? She really didn’t have a date and Amery knew that now. She froze, unsure of how to respond.

  Amery: Did you find another date?

  Lyla: Nope.

  Amery: Good, you’re coming with me.

  Lyla: Oh really?

  Amery: Yes, really.

  Lyla laughed out loud.

  Lyla: You’re pushy.

  Amery: I like getting my way. (winking emoji)

  Lyla: (eye-rolling emoji)

  Amery: (laughing emoji)

  She found Kevin waiting for her and they walked across the street to a small pub.

  “What’ll it be?” he asked as they took a seat.

  “Oh, uh, let’s see. What do they have on tap?” she asked, peering over the bar she examined the options and found one she liked as the bartender asked for their orders.

  “So, you excited for the gala?” Kevin asked, taking a sip of a local brown ale.

  “Sure. I mean, I’ve never been to a gala before, but it should be interesting,” she answered as she began drinking her chocolate stout.

  “A stout girl, huh?” Kevin inquired as he motioned to her beer.

  “I like good beers,” she offered.

  “You should come up to New York next week,” Kevin said.

  “Really?” she replied.

  “Yes. I’m working on a new photo essay and some commercials for next month’s magazine and I could really use your assistance. We are shooting it in the studio,” he explained.

  “Wow, that’d be...I mean, yes, of course, I can be there,” she said, stumbling over the words.

  “Great. Monday?” he asked.

  “Absolutely. I’ll book a train ticket for the first express train Monday morning. I should be there before nine, is that alright?” she inquired.

  “Sure. Perfect. I’ll text you the address of my studio,” he said.

  “Oh, wow. It’s your studio?”

  “Yes. It’s where I do a lot of my work actually when I’m not on location somewhere,” he explained.

  “How long have you been working for the magazine?” she asked, truly curious.

  “Oh, about five years, on contract. I still do some other work for promotions and advertising.”

  “Geez, do you get to photograph a lot of celebrities and professional models?” she asked.


  They continued to chat about the industry for a while and then Lyla’s stomach growled. Her face turned red as she apologized.

  “Sorry, I didn’t have time to grab lunch today,” she explained.

  The words were no sooner out of her mouth when Kevin had a hand up to the bartender and asked for some menus. “Let’s eat here,” he suggested. She nodded her approval, and they ordered burgers and fries and a crab dip.

  By 8:00 p.m., she was wiped out and excused herself to go to the bathroom. She noticed she had missed a call from Amery. She’d call him back later, she thought to herself as she headed back to her seat.

  Kevin offered to give her a ride to her car at the metro, but she declined.

  “I’m good, but thanks. The metro is right here, so no sense in making you go out of your way,” she thanked him with a smile.

  “I insist,” Kevin replied.

  “Uh, OK,” she answered slowly.

  He pointed to his car which was parked across the street in an open parking lot. As they drove, he leaned over toward her, and she felt a little awkward about it but decided that Kevin was just being super friendly as he had since they first met.

  “Ellen will be at our table with her current boy toy. Who are you going with?” he asked her.

  “I, uh, well, actually Amery suggested we go together,” Lyla admitted.

  “Really?” Kevin said incredulously.

  “Yeah, why?” she asked, now wondering what Kevin knew that she didn’t.

  “Oh, it’s just that Amery has, well, quite a reputation, now doesn’t he?” Kevin said.

  “No. I didn’t know. I mean I guess...really?” she asked, surprised.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to butt into anything. I mean, it’s fairly well known in our circle that he gets around,” Kevin said.

  “Your circle?”

  “Oh, I’ve been to some parties where he’s been invited. We have a few mutual friends,” he explained. “You know, some models and things like that.”

  “I guess, I didn’t know that,” she admitted and frowned to herself. Had she been misreading Amery this whole time? She sat quietly nodding to his conversation, but inside she was super confused. She had felt something for Amery. He had opened up to her about his past, his likes, his dislikes. Did he just do that with everyone? Was she just another notch in his bedpost? She suddenly felt stupid.

  “Where’s your car at?” Kevin asked as he pulled into the metro parking lot.

  “Oh, right over there,” she said motioning to her vehicle. He pulled up and stopped the car.

  “I had fun tonight,” he said, leaning in toward her again.

  “Me, too,” she said, trying not to squirm away from him.

  “I’ll see you on Saturday?” he asked. “We have to be there by three.”

  “I know. I’ll be there. You aren’t going to be at the office tomorrow?” she asked.

  “No. Unfortunately, I have a shoot nearby for a fragrance ad campaign, and I need to be there.”

  “Oh. Well, then I’ll see you Saturday. Thanks again for the ride, Kevin,” she said as he leaned over to her. She was quick enough to move her head so that his kiss ended up on her cheek. “G’night,” she said hurriedly and scurried out of the car.

  “Goodnight, Lyla,” Kevin said as she shut the door.

  She breathed a sigh of relief when she was in her own car and on the way home. She called Nate.

  “Oh God, Nate. My boss just tried to kiss me. Well, I think he was trying to kiss me,” she lamented as she drove.

  “Wait. What?” Nate asked.

  “My boss...leaning in and kissing me,” she repeated.

  “Yeah, I got that. What makes you think he was trying to do more than a cheek kiss?” he questioned.

  “Well, if I hadn’t dodged left at the last minute, we would have kissed,” she rationalized.

  “Oh...I see,” Nate pondered.

  “And...he wants me in New York for a shoot on Monday,” she said.

  “Really? Is he hot? Let me internet stalk him, one minute,” he said, and she heard him punching the keys of his computer.

  “OK, well he is attractive. I mean not like Ward or even Kent or Amery, but he’s definitely fuckable. So basically, you are telling me that it’s raining men in your neck of the woods?”

  “Nate, seriously? I need help, not your commentary on potential suitors,” Lyla groaned.

  “I am helping. You have two guys into you. I mean that hasn’t happened since—”

  “Nathan! That’s never happened, like ever!”

  “True...but it’s awesome, nonetheless,” he said. “I mean what about a ménage? I like the idea of a Lyla sandwich

  “I called for moral support, not for teasing, asswipe,” she muttered.

  “OK, OK, sorry. I just find it fascinating that your drought is officially over. OMG! The gala is going to be super awkward. Aren’t you sitting at the magazine table? And Amery is going to be there!” Nathan said excitedly.

  “Correction, I’m going with Amery or at least meeting him there. He asked me earlier,” she pointed out and then shuddered. Shit, they’d all be at the same table!

  Nate started laughing uncontrollably on the other end of the line. “You cannot be serious? So, you’ll all be at the same table? That is classic, so classic. I wish I hadn’t bailed on you now. I actually feel a little guilty, but I also wish I could be there in person to see you handle these two alphas,” Nate managed in between spurts of laughter.

  “Ugh! Why!? I need normal right now. I don’t need to burn another boss bridge,” she said. “Oh, and Kevin told me Amery is a total player. Stalk Amery, what does the all-powerful and knowing internet say about him?” she pleaded with Nate for information.

  “Chillax. Just a second. Uhhhhh...OK...oh.” Nate got very quiet.

  “Nate?” Lyla asked.

  “Kevin isn’t wrong,” he answered dully.

  “Shit,” Lyla huffed.

  “Yeah, shit. But maybe the internet is wrong. I mean, he could have changed. He hasn’t been out partying in almost a year according to these articles, or at least that’s when the last photos of him with supermodels were taken,” Nate suggested.

  “When has the internet ever been wrong?” Lyla said, wanting to cry. “I really liked him, Nate. I thought he really liked me, too. Now, I don’t know what to think. I mean at first I thought Kevin was just trying to get in my pants, but if it’s all over the internet...” She trailed off and concentrated on driving so that the tears threatening her eyes would go away.

  “Lyla, listen. Maybe there’s a perfectly good explanation about his past. Or maybe he has changed. I’ve seen him with you and I know he is most definitely into you,” he said.

  “Right. Into my pants,” she grumbled.

  “Sorry, Ly,” Nate said quietly.

  “It’s alright. Listen, Kevin isn’t in the office tomorrow and I have our assistant, Stewie, doing last-minute prep. I’m going to check in on Gran. I haven’t heard from her today.”


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