More than Temptation

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More than Temptation Page 11

by Taige Crenshaw

  “And Kennan texted me after Morgan spoke with him of his concern for you.” Julianne walked forward and hugged her. “I’ve been there, worrying about Kennan. Although they don’t fight fires anymore, the concern can be overwhelming when you don’t know what to expect. When I finally became serious about Kennan, I became part of the firefighter family. They help each other out.” Julianne gestured to those with her. “They have spouses, significant others and family who are part of this investigation. They have been through it before and we figured we can band together to be there for each other.”

  “Oh.” Bella didn’t know what to say. She stepped back and let them in.

  Michelle came in last and said softly, “You’ll get used to it. Fire personnel help each other out in a time of need. Whether it is a shoulder to share your fear with or just someone to be there. They have your back.” She patted her on the shoulder. “You know how it is, with the way your family is. This is a bigger family that are thousands deep that you can call on if needed.”

  “I didn’t even know or realise you all do this for each other,” Bella whispered. “I feel so stupid, since Morgan isn’t in any real danger.”

  “First, get that word stupid out of your vocabulary. We all get concerned about people we care for.” Michelle squeezed her shoulder. “That’s why we are here.”

  Bella touched her hand and nodded. “Okay then.”

  They went into the living room together. Bella looked at the men and women there and gratitude filled her. “Thanks for coming to keep me company. Can I get anyone something to eat or drink?”

  “Get the coolers,” Julianne said.

  The people started to depart.


  “We brought food so we could cook.” Julianne smiled.

  Bella nodded and went to her kitchen to start getting pots out. People came back in and brought the coolers. Soon her kitchen was filled with chatting and the smell of good food.

  “Guys, come here, there is a break in the case,” someone called from the living room.

  They all hurried into the room and stood watching the TV. Bella listened as the reporter spoke.

  “The suspect in the arsons has been cornered in the building behind us.” The camera panned to the structure that looked abandoned then back to the female reporter. “We can’t get closer since we were moved back. The joint fire investigators and police task force are on scene and getting ready to breach the building. They arrived earlier, ready to go in.” Footage from earlier of the fire investigator and police flashed. Bella clenched her fist as she saw Morgan, Kennan and a few other men as well as women she recognised from the bar. The camera came back to the reporter. “Sources say that they have gone in. Wait… There is gunfire.”

  Bella tapped her foot, heart pounding, as the reporter continued her commentary. Suddenly there was a loud boom and the building became engulfed in flames. The reporter swung around. “The building just blew. What is going on? Are the firefighters or cops still inside?” The reporter touched her earpiece and listened then turned to the camera. The shell-shocked expression on her face made Bella gulp. A hand gripped hers and she glanced at Julianne, who had the same fear on her features that Bella knew was on her face.

  “They are okay.” Julianne didn’t sound convinced.

  “We do not have it confirmed yet, but the team that went in are still inside.” Bella focused on the screen and saw the reporter swallowing. “The firefighters on scene are trying to control the blaze and searching for survivors.”

  “Survivors. You don’t say that until you are sure that someone is dead. That bitch shouldn’t be on TV!” Michelle shouted.

  Bella looked at her, shocked.

  Michelle met her gaze. “Her careless reporting will make people fear.” She turned to the others. “Start the call tree and make sure that those who are alone have someone who will go to be with them. There will be panic until we get information. You know what to do.”

  Bella watched, awed, as people took out their cells and started dialling. She focused on Julianne. “What is the call tree?”

  “A way to reach out so information is shared correctly.” Julianne took out her cell. “I’m sorry, but I need to call my tree to make sure everyone is okay.”

  “Go ahead.” Bella stared at the TV and sank to the floor as she watched the reporter continue talking. She listened to each word but didn’t really hear them. All she recalled was survivors. That means someone is dead. Oh God! Please don’t let it be Morgan.

  The time passed slowly and each tick of the clock made Bella curl up tighter on the floor as she waited to hear about Morgan. Julianne sat beside her and the two of them hugged each other, eyes on the screen as they waited. The day changed to night and still nothing. People came and went and Bella spoke, but she couldn’t recall what she said or who she met. As cells rang and others got good news she was happy for them but couldn’t put aside her own worry about Morgan. The sound of the door opening again didn’t even make her look.

  “Kennan.” Julianne’s happy cry made her glance towards the doorway. Kennan came in, soot-covered, and Julianne ran to him and jumped into his arms. He staggered then righted himself, holding her tight.

  Bella rose, her heart pounding, and walked towards him shakily. Kennan lowered Julianne and looked at her.

  “Bella, Mo—”

  “No.” She shook her head and turned away then collapsed. Before she touched the ground, strong arms circled her and she slumped back into the touch she knew so well. “Morgan.”

  “I’m here, Bella.” Morgan kissed the side of her face. “I told you I would try to be safe.” He turned her in his arms. Bella lifted a shaking hand to touch his soot-covered face.

  “Sorry, Bella, I was only going to say Morgan was right behind me.” Kennan sounded contrite.

  Bella reached out and touched his cheek. “That’s okay. I’m glad you are safe. That both of you are safe.” She hugged Morgan then glanced between the men. “How is everyone? What happened?”

  “There are some injuries that made some have to go to the hospital but nothing life threatening.” Kennan rubbed his hand roughly over his face. “It could have been worse. Even the arsonist survived, because Morgan here rescued him.”

  “He should pay for his crimes. I wasn’t about to let the bastard get the easy way out and die.” Morgan rolled his head along his shoulders. “He was raving his excuses for what he did. There are none, but he will now pay for it. Spend the rest of his life in jail.” There was satisfaction in Morgan’s voice.

  Bella couldn’t stop hugging him. Even as the rest of the people came closer and they talked to Morgan, she couldn’t release him. Morgan led her deeper into the living room and sat in the armchair then pulled her into his lap. Bella rested against him, listening to the rumble of his voice, not really caring what he said but just grateful that he was there. She shivered, trying to not imagine what could have happened. Bella pushed away the thoughts before they could form. She glanced around, looking for Julianne, and she was sitting on Kennan’s lap too, along with her daughter. Bella had been so focused on Morgan that she didn’t even know when Rissa had arrived.

  “Hey, Rissa.”

  Rissa glanced at her. “Aunty Bella.” She rose and came over to them. “Uncle Morgan, I’m glad you are safe.” She hugged Morgan.

  Rissa, like all the kids in the family, gave them the honorific of aunt and uncle.

  He held her and kissed her cheek. “Nice to see you, Rissa.”

  “I was worried when Uncle Driscoll came for me at school.”

  Bella figured Driscoll had been the closest when the family had called around for someone to get Rissa before she heard the news from someone else about Kennan. Bella swept the room with her gaze again then noticed Driscoll was standing with Michelle just beyond the living room entrance. As if sensing her looking, Driscoll glanced towards her.

  Bella looked at Morgan. “I’ll be right back.”

  Reluctantly she stood and went towards Driscoll. He pulled her into his arms. Bella closed her eyes and returned his hold, shaking slightly. She pulled back and made a motion with her head. She led him outside and was glad that no one was there.

  “Are you okay, Bella?” Driscoll stroked his hand along her arm.

  “I’m much better than those affected by the fires.” Bella rubbed her hand behind her neck. “There has been so much loss.”

  “I know. I’ve been talking with our mayor about it. We’re doing a benefit during the Singleton Summer Festival on July twenty-first.”

  “That’s less than seven weeks away.”

  “Yes.” Driscoll studied her. “When I said we, I meant you, along with the bands—yours and mine—that can make it. I let him know we would take care of getting the promo done so we can raise as much money as possible to help those affected by these fires. He just needed to provide the venue. Since the festival is in the Couric Park area, we’re going to use the indoor amphitheatre at Couric Park.”

  “Good.” Bella pushed her hair over her shoulder. “I’ve been meaning to call you about doing something like this. I should have figured you would beat me to it.”

  It wasn’t widely known, but Driscoll did a lot of philanthropic work.

  “Let me know when and where the practices are.”

  “Already emailed it to you.” Driscoll smiled. “I didn’t get a chance yet to contact your band.”

  “Leave that to me.” Bella hugged him again. “You are such a planner. You might like people to think you are ‘fly by night’, but you’re not.”

  “Shhhh… Don’t say that too loud, I have a rep to protect.”


  She glanced towards Morgan as he came outside.

  “Driscoll.” They shook hands and Morgan leaned on the porch rail.

  Bella moved close to him and he pulled her against him.

  “What are you all up to?”

  “Why’d you think we are up to something?”

  “You all have that ‘I’m about to conquer the world’ look on your faces.”

  Driscoll and Bella laughed. Driscoll filled him in on what they were planning. Then he continued to tell them both the plans he had already made and what was going to happen. Then they changed the topic to more random things. As they talked, people came out to say bye as they took their leave.

  “That’s everyone,” Michelle said.

  “Yeah, people are heading home.” Julianne yawned, still close to Kennan. “It’s been a long day.”

  “It has.” Kennan rubbed Rissa’s back as she rested on his shoulder, already asleep. “Time to head home.”

  “Do you need a ride?” Driscoll offered.

  “Yeah, I rode with Morgan and left my vehicle at the station.”

  “That way Mike can head straight home,” Julianne said. “Thanks for the lift here earlier.”

  “No problem.” Mike shrugged.

  “Call us when you get home,” Morgan said.

  Michelle nodded and went down the steps. Driscoll, Julianne and Kennan went behind her. Soon they’d all left. Bella straightened and held Morgan’s hand, leading him inside.

  “Go upstairs and get ready for bed while I close up the house. No protesting. I know you usually like to do it, but I can see you’re tired.” Bella glanced at him. “Wait, are you hungry?”

  “Nope.” Morgan kissed her. “All I need is you.” He went upstairs.

  Bella quickly checked the house, locking up, then went up behind him. In her bedroom, like the night before, she heard the water running in the bathroom. Unlike last time, Bella went into the bathroom, stripping along the way. She paused to watch Morgan in the frosted glass before she opened the shower and stepped inside. Morgan lifted his head and his welcoming smile filled Bella with warmth. Morgan held out his hand and she placed hers in his and let him draw her close. She put her hand under the motion sensor of the soap pump and it squirted the creamy liquid on palm. She took the washcloth and rubbed it in the soap before she started to smooth it along his skin. Morgan sighed and lowered his head, watching as she stroked his chest with the soapy cloth. Bella slowly washed him, appreciating the play of his muscles.

  “I was thinking of you when I was in the fire. Thinking that I might never be able to hear you laugh again. You have such a wonderful laugh, Bella.” He lowered his voice. “See that devilish sparkle in your eyes. Get to experience you pushing me into trying a new adventure.” He lifted his head. “Never make love to you again.”

  Her breath caught at the intensity of his gaze. “Morga—”

  “Let me finish,” he said gently. “If it was my time, I was ready for it, but I prayed I would have more chances to do many things with you, Bella. I fought to have that and I’m grateful that I have it. So very happy to be here with you now.” Morgan drew her in to him. “I need you, Bella.”

  “Anything, Morgan.”

  He smoothed his hands down her ass then pulled her onto his erection, rocking against her stomach. Morgan pulled back. Reaching on the shelf behind him, he retrieved a condom. Since they didn’t keep them in the shower, Bella figured he had put it there just in case. She took it from him and opened the packet then placed it on his hardened member. Morgan crowded her back to the wall then lifted her. She wrapped her legs around him as he rocked forward and sank deep within her.

  “Bella,” Morgan whispered, “my Bella.”

  “Yours.” Bella kissed him then said in a soft tone, “My Morgan.”

  “All yours.” He stroked deeply and murmured words she couldn’t make out.

  Bella held him tighter around his embedded shaft, countering his motions. His raw groan filled the air and Bella cupped her hands at the back of his head, staring into his gaze.

  Morgan was lost in the desire within Bella’s eyes. The reconfirmation of being alive by being with her made him feel, as he’d told her, grateful and oh so lucky. He thrust into Bella and she squeezed him with her inner walls, making him moan. Moving quicker, he kissed her as he stroked inside this woman who had got under his skin. She clenched her fingers in his hair, yanking his head back and kissing him urgently.

  “Yes, Bella.” Morgan pushed his tongue against hers to playfully duel.

  “Morgan,” she purred then nipped his tongue.

  At the sharp little bite of pain, he gripped her full ass. He pressed her on the cold tiles and rocked into her faster. Bella met him move for move. Morgan spread his legs, widening her thighs as he pumped into her wetness. The water flowed around them and Bella smoothed her hand down his back then grabbed his butt, pulling him to her. She gasped—a delightful sound he loved to hear. He thrust deep then shallow, listening to each hitch of her breath. His sac tightened and he fought to not come as he pleasured her. Bella clenched and relaxed her inner walls, driving him higher and higher. Morgan shook, holding onto his control by a thread. Bella rotated her hips, countering his motion. In her eyes, he saw her need burning and she gasped, arching her head back as she shuddered and came. Morgan climaxed with her, shifting along her body. Bella tugged him to her and kissed him. Groaning, Morgan enjoyed each foray of her tongue in his mouth. She stroked his hair, soothing him. Bella kissed his dimples then leaned her head back.

  “Bed.” She kissed him again. “Sleep and my holding you. God, I need to hold you.”

  “Me too.” Morgan pulled from her clenching pussy then lowered her legs before he stepped back. He removed the condom and tied it off. Bella took it, opened the shower door and threw it in the wastepaper basket outside then closed the door. She resumed washing him and he returned the favour. Once they were done, they got out and took towels from the shelf then dried each other off. After hanging the towels on the towel bar, they went to bed. Morgan lay down first then Bella rested on top of him and he placed his hand on her ass.

  “I could get used to this,” Morgan murmured.

  “Uh-huh.” Bella yawned then snuggled closer.

  “Thanks, Bel

  “Again you say this when I am too tired to beat you,” Bella said drowsily.

  “You can do it tomorrow.”

  “I will.” She started to snore softly.

  “I’m going to have to remember to tell you that you snore,” Morgan said in a low tone. “It’s going to be fun to see your expression when I do.”

  * * * *

  Morgan descended the stairs and stopped at the base, smiling.

  “Cooking up the bacon for my man,” Bella belted out in her clear alto voice. “Making it so he can feed his hunger. Then we can feed another type of hunger.” She cackled then kept singing, making up lyrics.

  Morgan went to the kitchen and leaned against the doorway. Bella was dancing and singing in front of the stove. She shimmied her hips then sang loudly, “Give me some loving for the cooking.” She pivoted and held the spatula she held. “Oh yeah— Morgan.” Bella hurried over to him then kissed him thoroughly before she went back to the stove.

  She expertly flipped the pancake then glanced towards him. “I was going to bring you breakfast in bed.”

  “I missed you.” He went to the kitchen island and leaned on the counter. “And your snoring.” He made a rattling snore in his throat. “It lulls me to sleep every time.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know I snore. My band, with the urging from Driscoll, taped me and played it for me.” Bella stuck her head back haughtily. “I’ll have you know I even sound good when I snore. Right?” Bella’s look dared him to disagree.

  Morgan wasn’t any fool, so he nodded eagerly.

  “Hah, good man.” Bella winked. “You’re going to get lucky later.” She laughed and hummed under her breath.

  “I would say ‘now’ and ‘let’s go’, but whatever you’re making smells amazing.” Morgan went closer and looked at the pancake. “How’d you make pancakes? From all the time I’ve been here at your place, you never have mix. I know because I checked. I wanted to make you pancakes but couldn’t find the mix. I keep forgetting to ask you about it.”

  “Mix?” Bella reached for the kitchen towel and snapped it at him.


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