More than Temptation

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More than Temptation Page 14

by Taige Crenshaw

  “Your crazy woman.”

  “My Bella.”

  “My Morgan.” She moved closer to him. “So how has your day been? Are you still buried in paperwork?”

  “It’s been a good day so far. No calls for suspicious fires.” Morgan snuggled against her. “As for paperwork, that is never-ending.”

  Bella listened as he told her about his day. She also shared what she had been up to. A horn honking made her glance up. Stuart, in his blue Toyota Highlander, was idling at the kerb on the main street.

  “Time to go.” Bella rose and Morgan joined her.

  “That went by fast.” He threw the plastic bag with the trash of their finished meal into the garbage can.

  “Yeah. So unless something comes up and I get a text, I will be waiting for you.”

  “Okay. Don’t let this perfectionist work you too hard.” Morgan put his hand around her waist and walked her towards Stuart’s vehicle.

  “I’ll tell her to back off.” Bella lowered her voice. “Bella, back off from working Bella so hard.” Then she spoke normally, “That doesn’t seem to have the same kick, my telling myself to back off. I’ll have to work on it.”

  “Nutty woman.” Morgan laughed.

  “It’s a gift.” Bella patted his ass.

  They got to Stuart’s car and Morgan opened the door for her and helped her in. Morgan bent his head and looked at Stuart.

  “Hiya, Stuart. What trouble have you been getting into?”

  “Morgan.” Stuart smiled. “Like I’d tell you. Gotta keep some secrets.”

  “I’ll bug you to tell me later. Take care of her,” Morgan said to Stuart then touched Bella’s face. “See you later.” He kissed her gently then stepped back, closing the door.

  Stuart pulled out. Bella glanced back to where Morgan was standing at the kerb with his hands in his pockets. She really didn’t want to leave him but knew they both had to work. Later, I’ll see him later. I hope the day goes by fast.

  “You both have it bad, Bella.” Stuart hummed two lines of her biggest hits under his breath then sang, “I’m so gone, gone on you. I’m blind to anything else.”

  “Hold me close and rock me baby,” Bella sang then winked. “Groove with me.”

  They sang back and forth, teasing as they drove back to Couric Park. As they drove, Bella’s thoughts kept turning to Morgan and his promise of that massage later, as well as other things. At the amphitheatre, Bella entered and saw the others were waiting for them already. She got into place then started working on the dance steps. Throughout the rest of the day, Bella kept looking at the clock, eager for the day to be completed. When Morgan arrived and took his usual seat in the front room, Bella was even more impatient to leave. Finally, about an hour after Morgan’s arrival, they called it quits. Bella quickly grabbed her things, said bye to the others then headed to Morgan. He greeted her with a kiss, as he usually did.

  “Ready to get home and for that massage.” Morgan ran his hand up and down her back.

  “Oh yeah.” Bella moved under his arm then slid her hand into his back pocket as they walked to the door.

  They chatted about the rest of their day then got into Morgan’s vehicle. When he got them on their way, they continued to talk.

  Hot shower together, massage then sweaty sex. That’s the plan for tonight. Bella was counting the moments until they got home.

  Chapter Nine

  “I wonder if we have any paper bags at home.” Bella clicked her tongue.

  “Wicked, wicked woman.” Morgan squeezed her upper thigh briefly before putting both hands back on the wheel. “I bought some the other day.”

  “What? I don’t remember seeing them,” Bella said.

  “They are there.”

  “At my place or yours.”

  “Both.” Morgan smiled. “Made sure to have some both places, just in case.

  “And you call me wicked.” Bella chuckled. A flash of light made her look to her left. Bella’s eyes widened and she yelled, “Morgan!”

  A car barrelled into them and Bella jerked in the seat, moaning as the belt cut off her circulation. Her head snapped back and she reached out for him. When his hand slid into hers she knew all would be well. Then a sensation of rising overcame her and she realised they were flipping in the car. The loud sound of metal scraping against metal came to her and she was yanked sideways. Her head hit the dashboard before wrenching back. The seatbelt was choking her and she wanted to get it off. Bella lifted her hand and touched her forehead. She lowered it, staring dumbfounded at blood coating her fingers. She looked to Morgan and it took her a moment to make sense of what she was seeing. They were upside down. She opened her mouth, but then her vision went black.

  Morgan’s heart stopped for a moment as Bella’s golden eyes went glassy then she closed them and her body went slack. He knew she’d passed out.

  “Bella,” he said hoarsely.

  Morgan held her hand tight and every instinct in him screamed to get her out. But the blood on her head and the way she had jerked back and forth in the car told him he shouldn’t. All his training combated with the man wanting to get his woman to safety. Morgan released her hand, knowing he had to at least get himself out then assess the situation. He moved his limbs to check them and was relieved he didn’t have any pain. He slowly released his seatbelt then moved until he could put his legs against the driver’s side glass. He kicked it out then went through the window. Outside, he staggered to his feet and looked at the scene. His vehicle was roof down and he smelt gas. Morgan went around the car then paused as he spotted the other vehicle. Flames were licking along the car and from where he stood he could see that the driver was motionless. Morgan made a spilt second decision and headed for the car. He took off his light jacket and wrapped it around his arm.

  Morgan lay on the road and called, “Can you hear me?”

  The driver didn’t move. He kicked out the glass then used his cloth-covered hand to get the shards out of the way. Morgan reached in and felt for a pulse on the driver. It wasn’t there, but he couldn’t leave the man. Morgan coughed as the smoke stared to blow his way. He also smelt the alcohol coming off the man. With efficient motions, Morgan got the man out and pulled him far away from the burning car. He checked again and when there was no pulse, he figured that the man was gone. Returning to the vehicles, Morgan watched in horror as the flames started heading along the gas spread between their cars to his SUV where Bella was. He hadn’t even noticed the potential problem.

  Morgan ran towards Bella’s side and lay flat on his belly, looking in. “Bella.”

  She didn’t reply. Morgan turned and kicked the window, urgency filling him. It gave and he used his cloth-covered hand to remove the glass left. When he was finished, he leaned in the window and stared at Bella. The blood on her forehead was a worry and he wasn’t sure if he should move her. But the fire made it impossible to leave her there.

  Please, God, don’t let me moving her hurt her. He reached up, holding her with one arm then unbuckling her belt and grabbing her, pulling her out. Bella moaned then whimpered. Morgan’s heart clenched at the sound. He got to his feet, lifting her with him. Changing his hold on her, he lifted her fully into his arms and ran to where he had placed the other driver. When he was there, he gently lowered Bella to the ground then placed his folded up jacket under her head.

  He stroked her blood-soaked hair from her face. In his mind, thoughts of many other rescues flashed through his head. All the people he’d rescued and those he hadn’t been able to. Morgan pushed them away and reached for his cell. He called for help then put his cell away and focused on Bella.

  “I failed you, Bella,” Morgan whispered praying that she would live.

  The sound of sirens soon came and Morgan closed his eyes, grateful that help was on its way. The lights of emergency vehicles flooded around them and Morgan knew he should get up and tell them what was happening, but he couldn’t leave Bella.

  “Morgan,” Kennan called, sl
iding to a stop by him and dropping to his knees.

  Morgan didn’t look away from Bella or remove his hand. He was afraid that if he did, she would die.

  “Morgan,” Kennan’s urgent tone finally penetrated and Morgan looked at him.

  “I failed her, Kennan. Failed Bella.” Morgan gulped. “I moved her, but I could have hurt her worse because I did.”

  “You had to. The vehicles are on fire.” Kennan gestured.

  Morgan looked and his eyes widened as he noticed both cars were fully enflamed.

  “Let them get to Bella,” Keenan urged. “So they can get her help.”

  “I have to go with her,” Morgan said.

  “Of course,” the EMT said as they came in to work. “We need to check you, too.”

  “I’m fine.” Morgan rose, swallowing the nausea that overcame him. He stood back as they worked on Bella. “I don’t need to be checked,” he growled at the EMT who tried to tell him to sit. He held up his hands and went to help his partner with Bella. When the other set of EMTs arrived and went to the other man, he said, “He’s dead. He was drunk.” Morgan closed his eyes then clenched his fists. “He was drunk.”

  “They’re ready to take Bella.” Kennan touched him gently.

  Morgan nodded and followed the gurney they had placed Bella on. Someone touched him and he looked up, meeting golden tear-filled eyes. “I failed her, Julianne.”

  “Morgan. You saved her.” Julianne hugged him briefly. “Go with her. I’ll call the family and meet you at the hospital.”

  Morgan did as she said. He got in the ambulance and they closed the door then were off in moments. He gripped Bella’s hand and stared at her lying so still on the gurney. He didn’t notice the EMT working on Bella—all his will was to make sure she was okay.

  “She’ll be fine.”

  The EMT’s assurance didn’t mean anything to him. Until he saw her eyes open, he wouldn’t believe it. They arrived at the hospital and when the doors opened, he spotted Spencer. He nodded at Morgan and they whisked Bella away. Morgan got out then his legs buckled.

  “Catch him,” the same EMT who had been inside with him yelled. “You should have let us check you out.”

  “I’m f—” Morgan’s vision dimmed then went black.

  * * * *

  Morgan heard the whispers as he woke.

  “He has a concussion yet he rescued Bella and the man who almost killed them,” Julianne said.

  “He was running on adrenaline,” Regina said in return. “Thank God he was. If he hadn’t, both of them would have been trapped in the car and be dead. They could have died.” Her voice broke.

  “But they didn’t,” Driscoll said firmly. “They both survived and now they will be fine.”

  “They just left the rehearsal then got hit.” Stuart gulped then cleared his throat. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Me too,” Driscoll said.

  He heard the sound of footsteps as they left.

  “The accident they were in,” Regina said. “Being here would be hard for them after that.”

  “For you, too,” Julianne said.

  Morgan knew the story of how the three of them had almost died in a tragic accident. Surviving such a thing then living with it was hard on anyone. From his experience, he knew it brought up lots of memories.

  “Morgan,” Julianne called softly.

  He opened his eyes and smiled at her. “Hey. How long have I been out?”

  “About an hour.”

  Morgan sat up and the room wavered.

  “You’re supposed to lay down.” Regina pushed at his shoulder.

  He resisted. “I need to see Bella.”

  “She’s fine. Been checked out and just bruised and will be in pain, but otherwise fine.” Julianne touched his shoulder gently. “You should rest.”

  “Take me to her,” Morgan demanded.



  Julianne sighed then Regina blew out a breath.

  “Fine. I’ll get Spencer.” Regina left the room.

  “At least lay down until he comes in.” Julianne stroked his arm.

  Morgan did, fighting against how he was feeling. Impatiently he waited for Spencer. Soon he heard the curtain open again and Spencer entered, frowning.


  “I know, Spencer, that I have a concussion, but otherwise I am fine. Take me to Bella. Get a wheelchair,” Morgan said. “Or I’ll walk there myself.”

  “Stubborn ass.” Spencer scowled then left. Soon he returned with a chair then helped Morgan into it. They, along with the women, went out into the hall.

  Morgan was surprised at how many of the Lockes and their friends were there.

  “We pulled a few strings to let them in, but they are leaving now,” Spencer said pointedly.

  They walked by Morgan as Spencer pushed him. All of them touched his shoulder as they went by, murmuring their thanks. It took all Morgan had not to tell them they shouldn’t be thanking him. He kept his mouth shut, then soon they were before a closed door. Julianne opened the door then they went in. Spencer pushed him to the bed before he left, taking Regina and Julianne with him. Morgan set the brake on the chair then slowly he rose, fighting the dizziness and nausea he felt. He placed his hand over Bella’s hand on the bed. The steady rise and fall of her breaths made the ball in his chest loosen.

  I failed you, Bella. But I’m going to be there for you until you are better. Then I need to distance myself.

  You’re not thinking clearly, his inner voice objected.

  He quashed it and knew what he had to do. Morgan sat in the chair by her bed and watched over her. He didn’t move from that spot while people came and went. When Spencer came to check on him again, he ordered him to sit in the lounge chair in the room. He did but had it moved so he was in touching distance of Bella. She slept on and Morgan was anxious for her to wake, yet she didn’t. The door opened and Morgan glanced up. Kennan entered then came over to Morgan.

  “What did you find out about the driver?” Morgan knew the reason he hadn’t been by before was because he had been at the scene.

  “He was twenty. Drunk as well as high.” Kennan rubbed his hand over his face. “This wasn’t his first time driving while intoxicated. He was out on probation pending trial for the same thing.”

  “He’s dead so there won’t be any trial.”

  “Yeah. He was killed on impact.” Kennan studied him. “You knew he was dead when you pulled him out.”

  “Yes. I figured he had someone who would want to bury him. Couldn’t leave him in the car to burn.” Morgan smoothed his fingers along the bridge of his nose. “I don’t know if I did the right thing by taking Bella out of the car.”

  “You did. If you hadn’t, she could have died from the smoke. And by the time the fire crew as well as ambulances arrived, the car was on fire so she would have burned too.” Kennan touched his shoulder. “Don’t second guess yourself. Think of this as another rescue. Your judgement was sound.”

  “But it wasn’t another rescue.” Morgan shrugged off his touch violently. “This was Bella. I could have killed her, or did so much damage.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “No it isn’t. What would you have done if it was Julianne?”

  “The same thing you did,” Kennan replied firmly. “Followed my training and instincts. Rescued her then fell apart afterwards. It is the afterwards that is important. You did what you had to do in the moment it was needed then afterwards reacted like any man would when the woman he loves is hurt.” He lowered his voice, speaking fiercely, “You didn’t fail her.”

  “What? Where did you hear that?” Morgan frowned.

  “You said that at the scene,” Kennan said. “You shouldn’t believe that.”

  Morgan didn’t recall saying it. He wasn’t about to say it aloud again to Kennan although he believed it. All Kennan would do would give him assurances that he had done everything right. Morgan just wanted Bella to be okay.
r />   Then you will leave her. Distance yourself. That makes no sense, his inner voice said again.

  It’s for the best. Morgan knew what he was thinking wasn’t rational but he didn’t care. Bella’s safety was the most important.

  But if you hadn’t been there she would be dead.

  If I hadn’t been there this wouldn’t have happened.

  You have no way of knowing that.

  Morgan didn’t care about the debate going on in his head. His mind was made up. Bella would be fine and he would do as he must.


  “I’m fine, Kennan.” He forced a smile. “You know when someone is in an accident they say crazy things. That’s what happened. I’m good now.”

  Liar. Morgan ignored that nagging inner voice then continued to converse with Kennan. As soon as he was assured that Morgan was okay, Keenan left to join the family outside. Morgan resumed his vigil by Bella’s bedside.

  “Please open your eyes, Bella,” Morgan said as he lifted her hand from the bed. He kissed her fingers then whispered, “I want to see your golden eyes.”

  Bella’s eyes opened and she stared at him then slumped again. Morgan’s heart raced at the brief glimpse of her glassy gaze. There had been no recognition in her eyes—he didn’t even think she had been aware. But that one look made him breathe easier. Morgan rested back in the chair, waiting for her to wake.

  * * * *

  Bella woke, fear filling her. All she remembered was a car barrelling down on them then nothing.

  “Morgan,” she called, panic making her shake.

  “I’m here, Bella,” he said coming into view over her.

  “I thought I lost you.” Bella blinked then stared at Morgan, noticing something in his expression that wasn’t right.

  “I’m fine and you’re fine.” His look was tender as he stroked the side of her face.

  Bella wrote off what she’d seen as her imagination and focused instead on his face. She lifted her hand and winced when pain ripped through her.

  “Easy. You’re going to be bruised and in pain for a little while,” Morgan said.


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