Trusted Company

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Trusted Company Page 2

by Crystal Perkins

  Guil wanted me in that moment when I kissed him, and I know if I push him again, he won’t stop so easily. Now, I just need to convince him to be alone with me again. I don’t know how, but I know I have to do it.

  Chapter 1


  My home here in Santa Barbara is larger than I could ever need, but it’s important for me to keep up with everyone but the Kardashians. Looking the part is more important than living it, and I can admit what I’ve got looks good. A mansion by most people’s standards, but not so ostentatious it scares people away.

  Walking in the front door, you can see all the way to the ocean through the foyer and living room. Two levels also contain a gourmet kitchen, formal dining room, office, five bathrooms, and four bedrooms. I only use my master suite, the office, and the kitchen. Everything else is for show inside the house.

  Outside is the pool I take my morning swim in as well as strategically placed seating areas and landscaping that’s on point with what’s expected of a very wealthy man. Yes, I’m wealthy and yes, it’s well known. Makes my need for a job confusing I know, but trust me, it’s necessary.

  My wealth comes from generations before me, with no business left standing. I sold it all when I inherited it, knowing I wasn’t cut out for finance and a suit. The only power I crave is sexual, so lording my wealth over employees who cared more than I did just wasn’t my thing. So yeah, I need to look like more than just a billionaire bachelor with no ambition. Especially now.

  The buzzer from my front gate goes off, causing me to frown as I’m not expecting anyone. Deliveries aren’t a thing unless I’ve ordered an item myself and mail goes to the club. Standing, I drop my towel on a lounger and amble through the house to the front door. What I see on the monitor there momentarily stuns me. Layla.

  I haven’t seen her since she kissed me, and I’m not sure I’m ready for her. I’ve got the job title from Miles and years of trying to pretend her crush was one-sided to deal with. If Brad hadn’t told me he couldn’t think of anyone better for his sister, I wouldn’t act on what I’ve been feeling for all of these years. Hell, I still don’t know if I’m going to act on it. All I know is I want her, and this may be my only chance to have her. Even if doing so sends me straight to Hell.

  “Hey Layla, what’s up?” I ask, forcing my voice to remain steady.

  “I, um. I have something to talk to you about.”

  Shit. I can’t say no. I don’t want to say no. I promised my friend I wouldn’t say no. But for a moment, I wish I could.

  “Sure. Come on in.”

  I could get dressed. It’ll take her a couple of minutes to get to the door, and I’m still in my swim trunks. I could, but I don’t. Instead, I open the door and lean against it, putting my defined chest and abs on display. She nearly takes out a rosebush when she pulls up to the house, and I can’t help but smirk.

  “You okay there?” I ask once she’s out of her car.

  “What? Oh, yes. I’m good.”

  She’s better than good, but neither of us are ready for me to tell her that yet. Soon, but not today. Today I can’t let her know I think he hair looks so soft I’m afraid I’ll break it in half when I pull it. I can’t tell her about how lost I feel every time I look into her blue eyes—or how I find myself in them too. And no way can I mention how much I love her lush curves. She’s got a body men love, and women sometimes hate for themselves, and once I get my hands on it, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let go. Today is not the day for any of that, so I make myself turn my back on her.

  “Let’s go talk in my office.”


  Her voice is smaller, and more unsure, as she answers. I’m an ass and I’ve always owned it, but I feel a little bad about it right now.

  “I’m not dismissing you,” I say, turning back to her and catching her as she bounces off my chest.

  “You are. Just like you did when I kissed you. But, I’m not giving up. This is what I want and it’s going to happen.”

  Well, well, well. Someone’s not so shy right now. “You gonna tie me up and have your way with me?”

  “Only if that’s what you’re into.”

  Damn. I’m not into that—although I’ve tried it before—but my dick is telling me I could be into it with Lyla. “Don’t offer something you’re not willing to follow up on.”

  “Who says I’m not willing?”

  Okay, time to cool this down. Would it be rude for me to jump back in my pool for a minute—or ten? Yeah, I know it would. Another line of questioning might just do the trick, though.

  “How many men have you been with?”

  “I’ve been with a few boys. I wouldn’t call any of them men, because they couldn’t find my clitoris if their lives depended on it. And never mind my G-spot.”

  “Boys,” I concur, shaking my head at how bold she’s being right now.

  “You up for the challenge?”

  “I wasn’t issued a challenge,” I tell her, because I can’t help myself.

  “I kissed you two weeks ago. What more do I have to do to get you to notice me?”

  I don’t remember either of us moving, but we’re inches apart right now, those words whispered over my lips. She’s right—she issued the challenge and it’s time for me to meet it. As much as I lied to myself and said I could wait, I know I can’t.

  “Nothing,” I tell her, closing those last few inches and moving my mouth over hers in little kisses. “Absolutely nothing.”


  He’s kissing me. Guil is actually kissing me. Why now? Why is he kissing me now when he wouldn’t before? I need to stop thinking about it and just let myself feel, but my brain refuses to shut off.

  “You’re thinking too hard over there,” he says, stopping and stepping back to look at me.

  His hands are still on my waist and mine are holding onto his shoulders for dear life, but I’m losing him. I don’t want to lose him when I finally might be getting him.

  “I was just surprised. I don’t know why you’re okay with this now when you weren’t before.”

  He breathes out a frustrated sigh. “You’re too good for me. You have to know that.”

  “Why? Because you didn’t take over your family’s company instead of selling it? Or because you work for someone else?”

  “I know you don’t care about my job, or what I do.”

  He says it, but I see a glimmer of doubt flash in his eyes. It’s fast, but I see it. “Then what, do you think my brother would want you to stay away from me? Because, he wouldn’t. He knew how I felt about you, and he even said he’d help me get you to notice me.”

  “I’ve always noticed you, Ly. And I know he wanted us together, because he did tell me. He told me, and he made me promise to give you a chance. I’m giving you that chance now. Take what I can give you—or don’t.”

  “What can you give me?”

  I’ll take whatever it is, and then I’ll convince him to give me more. I want it all.

  “Kisses. I can give you kisses for now.”

  It’s not what I want to hear, but it’s a start. “For now.”

  We both move at once, but he’s stronger and I’m against the wall in seconds. His mouth caresses my lips for long minutes before he nips me. I gasp, and he slides his tongue inside my mouth. I grab his hair where it’s longer on top, and pull hard. His moan tells me he likes it. Both his claiming of my mouth and me pulling his hair. I like it too. No, I love it.

  I want this to last forever, but I need to take a breath. Just one tiny breath. I pull back an inch. “Wow.”

  I didn’t mean to say it, but it seems to break the cocoon we were in, and now I’m aware of more than just Guil’s lips. I’m aware of how I’m wrapped around his body like I’m trying to climb a tree. More importantly, I’m aware of his hard penis pressing into my hip.

  I start to slide to my knees, my mouth watering. I want a taste of him right now, but strong arms stop my descent. “Just kisses. I told you that

  “And that’s all I’m planning to do. Kiss it.”


  “Is that an offer?”

  “No. And no kissing of any body parts but mouths today.”

  I place my hands on my hips and move my mouth into a pout. “That wasn’t part of the initial offer.”

  “Are you trying to kill me, Ly? Because I’m going straight to Hell when I die. I’d like a little more time on Earth, please.”

  “Melodramatic much?” I ask, rolling my eyes. Inside I’m hurting a little, because I know he really thinks he’s a bad man. I don’t know why, but I want to.


  “Why do you think you’re such a bad guy? I just don’t see it. You give to charity, you were a good friend to my brother. Why?”

  “I hope to God you never find out, which is why this needs to end for today. Did you have something to talk about, or were you just planning a seduction?”

  “Does it even matter now?”

  I turn to go, but he grabs my arm. “Yes, it matters. You matter.”

  I want to believe him. I want to, but I don’t. I’ve only ever felt I mattered to one person, and when he died, so did most of my hope. I escaped to this city and this house, hoping for shelter. I should’ve known better.

  “I just want to go right now, okay?”

  He lets go of my arm instantly, and I immediately miss the warmth of his touch. “Where are you staying? I’ll pick you up for breakfast tomorrow, and we can talk.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know where you’re staying?”

  “I was being impulsive, driving here. I thought—I hoped—I’d be staying here.”

  “Do your parents know where you are?”

  “No. Please don’t call them. I’ll go home and tell them I was just wandering through the Getty all day or something.”

  I live in Newport Beach, which isn’t so far, but it’s not close either. If I leave now, I can be back home before arousing suspicion, but I’d much rather keep arousing the man in front of me. Indecision crosses his face now, and I hold my breath.

  “You can stay here tonight. I have extra bedrooms, and there’s one that will suit you.”

  “Thank you,” I say, throwing my arms around him. “I’ll get my bag.”

  “Just tonight.”


  I want a lot more than one night, but I practically skip past the small fountain out front as Guil grabs my small bag from my car. I wouldn’t have made it out of the house with a suitcase, but since I’m expected to always be painting when the mood strikes, I could bring a bag.

  “This is beautiful,” I tell him, taking in the room on the second floor he leads me to.

  It has a queen-sized bed, a window seat, and a balcony looking out over the Pacific. There’s no bathtub in the ensuite, but the rainfall shower is going to feel wonderful after how tense I’ve been all day. I’m holding out hope I’ll convince him to join me.

  “The kitchen is fully stocked, and I can leave a list of trusted places to order from if you want to stay in tonight.”

  “I could make dinner for us.”

  “I’m going out tonight, but feel free to make yourself whatever you’d like.”

  Out? He’s going out, even after kissing me like that? Of course he is.

  “Lunch?” I ask desperately.

  “You don’t need to cook for me.”

  “I want to.”

  He nods. “Okay. I have some work to do, but I can break for lunch.”

  It’s something. I have to keep reminding myself of that, or I’ll go crazy. He kissed me, he’s letting me stay the night, and we’re having lunch together. They’re all something.

  Chapter 2


  I wasn’t lying when I told Lyla I knew I was going to Hell, and I hoped she’d never learn why. This club right here is one of those reasons. Not that I think anything wrong happens here, because I don’t, but I know she would. She thinks she wants a man, but she doesn’t really know what that means in my world. What a man who plays here would do to her. Seeing this place would send her running. Maybe I should bring her here after all.

  “Red again,” a woman says, approaching me. I’m pretty sure we’ve fucked before, but I don’t remember the details. Or her name. I should remember her name, because I make it a point to know the names of all the club patrons, but I’m still off my game tonight. Having Lyla in my house, cooking me lunch and kissing me, is too much—and not enough.


  It’s the one-word answer I give to everyone who’s approached me since the kiss at Lyla’s family home. I’ve come here many nights hoping to forget her, but the moment I step inside, I know it’s going to be red I’m wearing. In here, red means I’m off-limits. As I’ve usually worn green in the past—meaning anything goes—I can see why they’re surprised. Hell, I’m surprised myself, but it is what it is. I don’t want anyone but Lyla.

  “Your loss.”


  “Sure I can’t change your mind?”

  “Positive,” I tell her, glaring now, because she knows the rules.

  “Suit yourself.”

  “I always do.”

  After two more women—and one man—approach me despite the red anklet, I decide to call it a night, and head to my office to finish some paperwork. My official title is President of Operations, and I don’t manage the individual clubs any longer, but this one is between managers, so I’ve been overseeing it. I’m deciding between two candidates for the job, and I’m honestly stuck. Both would do a great job, so I don’t know who to pick.

  With that thought in mind, I text Calum from my office, asking him to come by in the next couple of weeks to help me decide. I hate keeping people in limbo, but both candidates told me they’re fine with waiting as long as necessary. It doesn’t hurt that both are members of the club. Maybe that’s it—maybe I need to pay more attention to how they behave in the club itself.

  I’ve seen them both in play, but I’ve never really paid much attention to the interactions they have outside of sex. Being in charge means walking a thin line between enjoying the perks of the job and enforcing the rules. Separating the intimacy of sex with the power wielded outside the playrooms. I’ve never had a problem with it and neither has Calum, but it’s hard for some to handle. Hence, the need for a new manager.

  Once I’ve answered a few emails and checked in with my security team and the supervisors on duty, I head home. The club is open 24/7, so there’s always someone else on duty, even while I’m there. It’s another perk of the management job—making your own hours.

  Pulling into my driveway, I note Lyla’s car out front. I’d feel bad about not having room in my six-car garage for her, but she’s only here for this one night. And, my rides need their own space. It’s just the way it is.

  Once inside the house, I’m assaulted by the smell of cookies. Lemon cookies to be exact. My stomach rumbles and I have no choice, but to follow the heavenly scent to the kitchen. I can’t say I’m surprised to see Lyla there, frosting them with a smile on her face.

  “Welcome home.”

  Damn if it doesn’t feel like that’s what this is—coming home.


  I smile when Guil walks into the kitchen, but then I frown when I get a whiff of the perfume on his body. Perfumes. There are more than one, and they all smell expensive. I don’t wear perfume so I know none of them are mine. How could I have been so stupid?

  “Enjoy the cookies,” I say, pushing past him as I run from the room.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks, following me up the stairs.

  “You smell like the women you’ve obviously been with.”

  “Excuse me?” he asks, straightening his spine like he’s readying for battle.

  Yeah, well so am I. “You couldn’t wait until I was out of the house? I know you had plans tonight, but was it so necessary to flaunt them in my face.”

nbsp; “You honestly think I would make out with you against the wall of my home, kiss us both senseless during lunch, and then go and get it on with some other women? You think that little of me?”

  “I don’t know what to think,” I admit, some of the anger seeping out of me.

  “Because you don’t really know me. You have this romanticized vision of a guy who visited your brother, but that’s not me. I’m not romantic or sweet, Lyla. I’m fiercely loyal, considerate to those I care about, and I keep my promises. Those are things you can count on. Don’t keep looking for more.”

  “You can’t ask that of me. I want to know more. I want to know it all. You aren’t going to scare me away. Yes, I’ll admit maybe my crush on you is a little much, but you kissed me and I want more. Let me stay here with you and get to know you.”


  “Please, Guil. You said you promised my brother you’d give me a chance.”

  He looks away, then looks at the ceiling, and finally looks back at me. “That’s the only reason I’m going to let you stay. But you need to be clear on this—I will not fuck you until I think you’re ready, and I meant what I said about not being romantic, so don’t expect it. In fact, you’d be best served by not expecting anything from me.”

  “I’m ready now, and I don’t need romance.”

  One of those is a lie, but I can deal with not being romanced. At least, I hope I can.

  “You’re not ready, and you deserve romance.”

  I shrug. “I deserve what I want, and I want you.”

  “I’m going to take a shower and then I’ll meet you in the kitchen. We need to talk about what this is going to look like, and decide what to do about your parents. They won’t be okay with this.”

  “I’m an adult and it’s time I started living like one.”


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