Trusted Company

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Trusted Company Page 6

by Crystal Perkins

  “Take back your votes right now, Lyla,” her father bellows.

  “I don’t know that I can.”

  “You can,” I tell her.

  I had to give her that out. No matter what was at stake and the promises I’d made, I had to give her the chance to destroy all of my plans. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t. Her brother would forgive me and I’m pretty sure Calum will as well if she goes that route. I’m hoping she won’t.

  “Why give me the chance when you knew this would all come out?”

  “Because you deserve to always make your own choices.”

  “What do I need to do to make that happen?”

  Shit. I honestly thought she’d trust me, and not take me up on my offer. “Just say the words.”

  “I want my vote back.”

  “It’s yours.”

  “Get out,” her father repeats, and I do as he says.

  I have no choice, but I need to know she’s going to talk to me when this is over—that she’ll let me explain.


  “Goodbye, Guil.”

  The finality in her voice slays me, but I know it’s my own fault. I walk out, hitting my speed dial for Calum as I make my way to the elevator. When he answers, he speaks before I have a chance to.

  “It fell apart, didn’t it?”

  “She’s voting her own shares as we speak. I was asked to leave.”

  “We knew this was a possibility.”

  “I’m sorry. I fucked it all up.”

  “You had two promises to keep, and they counteracted each other. There was never going to be a way for you to give Lyla a chance and to save my company from an attack.”

  “If I’d only been smarter and just used her.”

  “It would’ve been worse if you’d just done that.”

  “I’m pretty sure she thinks I did.”

  “But, you didn’t. And as for the company, let them come if she’s angry enough to vote with them. I’ve been expecting them and I’m not going down without a fight.”

  “I’m right there with you.”

  “I’m going to head back to Vegas to talk to Matt. I’ll see you there?”

  “Yes. I have the unfinished business Reina’s helping me with and I think I might take Miles up on the offer of an office at C&C.”

  “Good. I trust the managers we have at the clubs and I don’t think your working for him will interfere with the consulting for me.”

  “If it did, you know I’d choose you.”

  “Damn straight. Talk to you soon, brother.”


  I hang up and take a seat in the lobby. I don’t know how long the meeting’s going to last, but I need to see Lyla. No matter where we’re at or what’s going to happen with us in the future, I need to talk to her. If only to tell her my feelings for her are real.


  “Are we ready to vote?” the Chairman of the Board asks after skimming over the proposal I know everyone else was clued into before the meeting.

  Everyone nods and I manage to do it along with them, even though I feel like I’m going to throw up. Hearing them talk about Calum’s company and what they want to do to it makes me realize why Guil needed to save it. I’m pissed and hurt, but I get it. I just wish he’d trusted me enough to tell me what was going on.

  The voting goes around the table and my father smiles when it’s my turn. “All you have to do is say ‘aye’ to make this official.”


  The room erupts as I say the word, but I don’t care. It’s the right choice and the only one I could make and still live with myself. I will not sit by and let my grandfather’s company be used to hurt someone else, just because society doesn’t like the other business he owns. And that’s what this is—a witch hunt for Calum because of his clubs.

  “You know Guil used you, manipulated you. How could you do this to us after that?”

  “What happened with Guil is between me and him. As for this, how could I not vote against it? The plan you’ve put forth is completely ridiculous.”

  “You will not live under my roof and talk to me this way.”

  “I was already planning to move out. I love you, but I won’t live the way you do, looking down on anyone who doesn’t meet your expectations.”

  I walk out before anyone says more to me. This meeting and all that happened were beyond emotionally draining, and I’m done. Just completely done.

  Which means I’m not at my best when I spot Guil waiting in the lobby. I want to punch him and kiss him, and just make him tell me I was more than just a vote.

  I knew going into this I had an uphill battle. He always saw me as the kid sister of his friend, and never as more. I thought he was finally seeing me, but I don’t know. It’s the not knowing that’s killing me now, but I’m afraid to ask for the truth. If he says what I want, can I believe him? And if he says it was all I lie, could I survive it? For the moment, ignorance is bliss.

  “I voted against the plan. You can go now.”

  “I’m not waiting here to talk about the vote. I want to talk about us.”

  I have to stay strong. “There is no ‘us’ any longer. If there ever was.”

  “There was. My feelings for you have never been a lie.”

  “What exactly are those feelings?”

  “You know I love you.”

  “Do I? How would I know when you’ve never told me?”

  “I thought you knew. I thought I was showing you.”

  “I didn’t. I don’t.”

  “I love you. I’ll say the words as often as you need me to.”

  My heart wants to soar, but my head keeps it in check. “I wish I believed you, because I love you too. But, you do know that, and you still did this to me.”

  “What I did in regard to the vote had nothing to do with my feelings for you.”

  “Really? Because I’m pretty sure you used my feelings to steal my vote from me.”

  “If I was doing that, I wouldn’t have given you a way out in the paperwork.”

  “Is that going to make you sleep well tonight? Knowing you gave me a choice I might never have known about?”

  “You could’ve read the papers.”

  He did not just go there. But yeah, he did. “Goodbye Guil. Have a nice life.”

  I turn and walk outside before he can say another word to me. I’m done being manipulated but the people who supposedly love me. Just done.

  Chapter 9


  I rode my bike to Vegas, because I needed the speed and the release. I’ve got a home here and more cars, but I don’t care about any of them. I lost what was most important, because I didn’t let Lyla know how important she truly was to me—is to me. I’ll work on a plan for that, just not right now. Now, I need to focus on work and revenge, because one of those two things is a vow I made with her present, and she needs to see me being a man who honors his vows.

  “Have a seat, Guil,” Reina tells me as I walk into her office.

  I take the one next to Rhieve, smiling at my friend, and hoping they have good news for me. I didn’t promise Brad I would find the person who had him killed, but I vowed to do it when he died in my arms. It was no accident or random act of violence. I know that deep within my soul.

  “What did you find?”

  “Something I wasn’t expecting, and I was genuinely shocked. That doesn’t happen very often.”

  “I would guess not.”

  “It’s the people you had dinner with, the ones Miles asked you to meet,” Rhieve tells me.

  “George and Emily?”


  “I am completely confused over here.”

  “So were we, until we dug a little further. George was apparently an old school friend of Calum’s father. He invested in the original company with an agreement to be co-CEO, but got into some financial trouble and asked to be bought out when the company began to make money. That was before it became a billion-dollar
business. My would-be father-in-law, may he rest in Hell, cut him off and wouldn’t even take meetings with him when he wanted to come back. Calum taking over after his death just poured more salt in the wound.”

  “What did Brad have to do with that?”

  “George is the one behind his family’s takeover attempt. He’s also friends with that family and put the idea into their heads.”

  “And he coincidentally got courted by Miles to do business with C&C?”

  Reina answers me this time. “He used his influence to have the right people put him on Miles’ radar once Brad was out of the picture. He knew Calum was close to us and had to make sure we weren’t going to intervene. We would’ve if it came to that. Matt already had plans to fight and I have enough info on everyone to knock them right off their plan.”

  “And then that bastard sat at dinner with me and Lyla. After killing her brother. I could’ve killed him right then and there.”

  “He was sure her parents would convince her to vote with them until you brought her to that dinner. He asked to work with you so he could keep you close. Now, he’s in a tailspin and we don’t know what he’ll try next. But, I do know you’re not going to kill him. You will let us deal with him.”

  I look away from her, but we both know I came to her for a reason and I will indeed let the Society deal with George. “They’re supposed to be at the gala this weekend.”


  “How’s this going to go down?”

  “They’re going to disappear from the party, but we need your help—and Lyla’s.”

  “I’m in, but she’s not speaking to me right now.”

  “With good reason,” Rhieve reminds me, pinning me with a glare. “What you and Calum did was horrible.”

  “I’m well aware of that, and so is he.”

  She smirks. “Sleeping in the guest room is driving it home for him.”

  “Savage. Withholding sex from your man,” I tell her, shaking my head.

  “Who said I was withholding sex? I’m not going to punish myself while I’m punishing him. He just has to sleep in there.”

  “Why didn’t I think of that when I was pissed at Matt? I’m totally stealing that by the way. And, we need to tell everyone,” Reina informs her, a wicked smile on her face.

  Just damn. “Ganging up on the men, huh?”

  “Look, they have their little Studkateer group with meetings and whatever the fuck else they do. I know they plot against us, so turnabout’s fair play.”


  “Back to business. Rhieve, can you reach out to Lyla?”


  They fill me in on the plan, and I have to admit it’s a good one. Not that I’m surprised; you don’t run the most powerful private spy network in the world by coming up with bad plans. Still, it’s good to know they have my back and will protect Lyla too. I just hope she listens to Rhieve and agrees to help.


  I wanted to tell Rhieve no when she called and asked me to lunch, but I’m also curious to see what she wants. So, here I am at the famous C&C cafeteria, designing my own my pizza before joining her in one of the little private dining rooms she’s snagged for us.

  “Thanks for meeting me.”

  “I’m not sure I should, but I wanted to hear what you had to say. And, I don’t think anyone turns down an invite to eat here.”

  She smiles and gives an affirming nod. “Calum and Guil both know they did something wrong, and I can honestly tell you I would’ve put a stop to it if I’d known.”

  “I appreciate it.”

  “That being said, I believe Guil really cares for you. I’m not here to ask you to give him another chance to prove it to you, but I thought you should know.”


  She shakes her head and smiles. “You’re tougher than I once believed you to be.”

  “Coming from the woman who defied everything she knew to be with the man she loves, I’ll take that as a high compliment.”

  “Good, because it was meant to be.”

  “What did you ask me here for, if not to champion Guil?”

  “I need your help. We need your help.”

  “With something here?”

  “Kind of. The Foundation does more than just what the public sees. Sometimes we right the wrongs of evil people, and sometimes we avenge our friends. Or our friends’ friends.”

  I sit up straighter. “This is about Brad.”


  “Whatever it is, I’ll do it.”

  “Even if it involves Guil?”

  “Even then.”

  She explains the plan, and I’m both shocked and angry by what she reveals. I believe my parents knew nothing about what was going to happen to Brad, but George—George is going to pay for what he did. I won’t rest until he does.

  “You’ll need a dress.”

  “I have dresses.”

  “You need one that will bring a man to his knees.”



  “I don’t need him on his knees.” She raises one eyebrow at me. “Okay fine. I’d like him to grovel a little.”

  “He will. Count on it. And Stella will have something perfect to help get him there.”

  “Stella? I get to eat here and get styled by her? Maybe I should apply for a job.”

  “You don’t need one to come here and visit once in awhile, but we’d be happy to take a donation.”


  We finish lunch and then I’m riding with her in the elevator. It’s surreal, especially when she reminds me I can’t tell anyone about what’s really going on here. Like I would.

  “Can we still be friends if I don’t work things out with Guil?”

  “Absolutely. Are you thinking of moving here?”

  “It’s an option. I’m not sure what I want to do, but I have time and money, so I won’t be rushing into anything.”

  “We have plenty of programs you can volunteer with. My friends here are awesome, and I think you’d fit right in with the group.”

  “I’d like that.”

  I would. Even more so after Stella finds me a dress that makes me feel like the bombshell Guil told me I was. Hearing it from her and Rhieve makes it a little more real. I know I need to accept myself before I can accept anyone else’s view of me, and I’m getting there. Slowly, but I’m moving in the right direction.

  Chapter 10


  If I thought I was nervous on that first “date” with Lyla, I’m a fucking wreck tonight. I haven’t seen her since Newport and while I know she’s on-board with this plan, I also know she’s nowhere near on-board with giving me—us—another chance.

  We have to show up together, so I’m picking her up at her hotel. I’d rather have her staying with me, but beggars can’t be choosers—and I’m definitely going to be begging. When she opens the door to her room at the Delano, my eyes nearly roll back in my head.

  Her blue dress hugs her curves like it loves them almost as much as I do. The deep V is covered in sheer fabric, there are straps that are partially off her shoulders and then more sheer fabric covering most of her arms. Crystal encrusted heels cover her feet and intricate diamond earrings hang off her ears. I could die a happy man right now, just from looking at her.

  “I-I. Wow. Just fucking wow, Ly.”

  “I clean up pretty well, huh?”

  I shake my head. “You’re just as stunning when you’re covered in paint. Every way you are is simply gorgeous.”

  “You mean that.”

  “I do.”

  “Thank you.”

  She lets me take her hand and lead her to the Mandalay Bay which is connected to her hotel. I’m positive Reina and Matt chose this hotel on purpose, because of the tragedy that recently occurred. They want to show the world they won’t be scared, and that Vegas is strong. For us, we need to pretend to be strong and together.

  “There they are,” she whispers to me, m
aking it look like we’re sharing something private as cameras click around us at the door.

  I turn to nuzzle her neck and kiss her collarbone, knowing she’ll let me for the cameras, but probably won’t let me later. It’s an asshole move, but I can’t help myself. She runs her hand over my shoulder and lifts my face to hers. The smile on her face is real, surprising me.

  “We’re going to talk once this is over. I’ve loved you for too long to just walk away.”

  “Thank God.”

  “Let’s do this.”

  I squeeze her hand harder and walk us over to the couple who are trying to hide their shock at seeing us together. All part of the plan.

  “It’s great to see you,” Emily tells us, air-kissing Lyla. Now that I know what I do, I see how fake her greeting is.

  “How’s it going, George? I haven’t heard from you this week.”

  “I’ve just been busy, Guil.”

  “Of course.”

  “I’d heard a rumor that the two of you had a falling out.”

  “I think everyone in a relationship has their ups and downs,” Lyla tells him, wrapping herself into my side as I stroke her hip.

  “Yes, well, we have to mingle, but we’ll talk soon.”

  Sooner than he thinks, but he doesn’t know that yet. “Great.”

  “I wanted to punch her. She knows. I could tell she knows. And him—he needs to die.”

  “You can’t say things like that and expect me not to kiss you.”

  “You can kiss me all you want right now. It might be your only chance.”

  “I thought we were going to talk.”

  “We are. Talk, not kiss. Or anything else. I’m not going to just forgive you because I understand what you were doing. You knew it would destroy me when I found out what you had planned, but you did it anyway.”

  “I did,” I say, taking ownership for everything I’ve done. We would have absolutely no chance of moving forward if I wasn’t willing to do that.

  “Kiss me.”


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