Barbaric Alien (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Vithohn Warriors)

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Barbaric Alien (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Vithohn Warriors) Page 12

by Stella Sky

  The five sleek white ships came to a stop above the estate and hovered. It was unbelievable. I watched as the door of one of them opened and out flew two figures. My mouth fell open as I watched these human-like creatures with large emerald-green wingspans fly into the air and circle above us. Then they flew down to the grass and landed. They were facing the house and did not see me standing on the side near the wall. I was amazed. These nine-foot-tall creatures looked like men, only they were bare-chested, and their skin had a glimmer to it. They wore skintight scuba-like material pants that were tucked into big clunky boots with all kinds of gadgets and guns on it. Each of them carried a blaster in their hands as they looked around standing silently. One stood out to me as sort of a leader. He had long black hair down to his shoulders and a physical form that would rival any professional athlete. I could not take my eyes off of him. Then he spoke.

  Chapter 3

  Captain Jex Kailen

  “Are you sure that is Willow Springs?” I asked my lieutenant as our ships slowed to a stop and hovered over a small compound.

  “It matches the coordinates on the map. Infrared readings are showing human bodies, less than one hundred,” he responded.

  “They have no defenses. It is simply one building with a wall around it; it’s not even that high,” I said looking down at the compound with a large horseshoe wall around it facing the water. I was surprised. How had this human colony survived so long with the such a small wall for defense?

  “This is it,” the lieutenant said.

  “Well then, let us go introduce ourselves. Be prepared for panic and possible hostility. But do not fire at all. It is normal for these humans to be defensive when they see us.” I said.

  “Understood,” the lieutenant said.

  “Let’s fly,” I said, walking toward the cargo door and shifting into dragon form. I looked at my lieutenant, and he did the same thing. The door opened, and we jumped out and spread our wings, flying down to the grassy area. I now stood beside my lieutenant with our blasters in our hands. We could tell that the humans were power ring inside the building.

  “Humans of Willow Springs!” I shouted.” We have come to you in peace. We have ventured hear from another human colony called Haven Brook some six hundred miles from here. My name is Captain Jex Kailen. We are the Veruka from a planet called Tivoso! We are not from Earth! But we are friends with the humans! We have come with a message from the humans at Haven Brook and also to help you fight the Clenok. We wish to speak with you!”

  We stood there silently there was a little movement from the house. I looked at my lieutenant.

  “Perhaps if we lay our guns down,” he whispered to me.

  “Good idea. Put them in the holster,” I said as I put my blaster gun on my belt and he did the same. We stood there staring at the house. Then we heard a delicate voice.

  “Do you really mean that? You have come to help us fight the Clenok?”

  I turned to my left to see one human female standing in the grass near the massive wall. She was all alone. I was immediately taken with her presence. Her long brown hair was tied up on her head and sprawled out around her face. She was petite, but a form-fitting slender shirt left nothing to the imagination. It was tucked into fitted pants and boots laced up high. Her brown eyes were wide with fright as she looked at us, and her pink lips were trembling. But even though she was obviously scared, she took steps toward us; she was brave.

  I turned toward her with the lieutenant at my side.

  “Yes! It is true. We are here to help. I promise you that and give you my word of honor that we mean you no harm. What are you called, human?”

  “My name is Helen,” she said still walking toward us, though slowly.

  “It is my pleasure and honor to meet your acquaintance, Helen. My name is Captain Jex Kailen. This is Lieutenant Baisen.”

  “What are you?” she said looking at us up and down and she continued to walk across the lawn getting closer and closer. As she walked, I could not take my eyes off her bouncing breasts; the closer she got, the more aroused I became.

  “We are Veruka. We come from the planet Tivoso. We are shifter weredragons.” I said to her.

  “Weredragons? You have got to be kidding me?” she said stopping and raising an eyebrow at us. I wanted to laugh.

  “We are most serious. We shift into the form you see now before you, and we can shift out of it making us look more like humans, only vastly different,” I said.

  “You are aliens?” she said.

  “We are aliens to humans, but humans are aliens to us,” I said getting snarky with her.

  I could tell that she was restraining a smile. Then she continued to walk to us until there were only a couple of feet between us. She reached out her hand as we had learned humans do, which was a variation of our own elbow grab handshake.

  “It is nice to meet you, alien,” she said. I smiled. I grabbed her small delicate hand in mine and moved it up and down in greeting.

  “You will have to excuse the others. We have never seen aliens before, and we are expecting you to be hostile. It is true this could all be a trick, and you will still be hostile at any moment,” she said.

  “That is true. I can see the point of being scared. What can I do to make you trust us?” I asked.

  She was silent for a second and then said, “You can let me hold your blaster gun?”

  She was quick. She was witty. She was sneaky.

  “And what if I hand it to you and you shoot me?” I asked.

  “That would be dumb considering your lieutenant is also armed and I assume the five ships above us are heavily armed. I would be dead in less than five seconds,” she said.

  “Yes, that is true. You have made a good point.” I pulled my blaster gun from my holster and made sure the safety lock was on. I did not want her to accidentally shoot herself, or anyone else. Then I handed it to her.

  She held it in her hands and looked it over. She found it to be impressive.

  “Is that better? Have I gained your trust?” I asked.

  “You have gained some trust, but not all of it,” she said.

  “You are the leader of this colony?” I asked.

  “No, we don’t officially have a leader. But there is one that sort of oversees everything; his name is Erick,” she said.

  “And where is this Erick?” I asked.

  “He ran inside with the others,” she said.

  “And yet you did not. It seems to me that the bravest should be the leader at all times,” I said looking her up and down becoming increasingly impressed with her. Her demeanor. Her sassy remarks were driving me crazy with desire. I couldn’t believe my good fortune that the first human female I set eyes on at Willow Springs was the one I wanted. She would be mine, and I would not stop until she was.

  “I will take you to him,” she said as she continued carrying my gun and turned in the direction of the house. “Come on,” she said.

  I looked at Lieutenant Baisen and arched my eyebrow at him, telling him that I was impressed with this unusual human female.

  We walked toward the house, and people began to emerge slowly. The human female named Helen was giving them ease; if we had not hurt her then it was likely that we would not hurt them. Out in front of the people stood an older human man with dark hair and a gray color mixed in. He had a frown on his face.

  “People of Willow Springs. May I introduce to you the Veruka; they come to us from another human colony called Haven Brook. They say they carry a message from those humans to us and that they have come to help us fight the Clenok. This is General Jex Kailen and Lieutenant Baisen,” helen said as she stood between us and the group of humans. There was lots of whispering and looks of shock among them.

  “My name is Erick. What is this message you speak of?” the man said.

  “Erick, an honor to meet you and all of you humans. The message we bring from Haven Brook is one that will help with the fight against the Clenok. A scientist doctor
at Haven Brook called Dr. Vanessa Lopez has discovered a computer virus. When this virus is implanted into a Clenok keddle, it infects it and causes it to shut down. In response, the cyborgs it controls are also shut down. This is the message that we bring to you from Haven Brook, but we also have the virus. My king that is stationed at Haven Brook has demanded that his soldiers spread out over Earth, taking this virus to as many humans as we can. Your occupation Willow Springs is my mission. I was assigned to take my fleet and find Willow Springs to bring this virus and to help you defend your colony against the Clenok,” I said.

  There was a lot of commotion and talking amongst the people. They were shocked, as was to be expected because there was a lot of information in my speech.

  “And how are we to know that this is the truth? We have never heard of this Haven Brook. How are we to know these are not lies and that this virus is real, or that it says what you say it will do? We could use it and attract the Clenok to come finish us off for all we know. For all we know, you could be working with them to take over Earth,” Erick said.

  “Those are all wise questions. My answer is that you do not know. But if we wanted to defeat this human colony, we would not need the Clenok to help us. The ships above you are very heavily armed, and each one contains ten highly skilled warriors just like us. There are over fifty weredragons with me. So, Erick, if our mission was to wipe out Willow Springs, we would do so easily, and it would already be done by now. So your suspicions are proven false,” I said.

  Erick had a snarl on his face as he looked at me. He did not like that I was right. People all around him were beginning to speak up.

  “I say trust them!” a random person shouted.

  “What choice do we have anyway? They are stronger than we are,” another said.

  “He is right. If they wanted to destroy us, they would have already. They are not a machine; they are living creatures. That makes them an ally in my book,” another said.

  The statements went on and on, mostly in agreement with letting us stay. I watched as Helen looked over the crowd nodding in agreement. Then she looked at me and said, “What do you want? What will you do with those ships? You cannot leave them where they are; it’s too much attention if the Clenok sees,” she said.

  “We can land our ships here on the lawn and others outside the gates on all three sides to strengthen your defense. It will be a lookout post guarded with skilled weredragons. That is if you will have us as your guest,” I said.

  “We will take a vote!” Helen shouted. I saw Erick flinch. I don’t think he was expecting her to take charge; neither was I. “All those in favor of having these soldiers stay to help us to defend against the Clenok, raise your hand!”

  Everyone, except five or less, including Erick, raised their hands. People also shouted let them stay, let them stay, to accompany their hands raised. This was an interesting democracy.

  “Then it is settled. The soldiers will stay, and we will accept their help,” she said. “But I must remind you of something else… Did you forget the crisis that we are in? Before these soldiers showed up, Scott washed up on our shore. Our people are in peril out there somewhere. My sister has been captured. I plan to go find her,” she said.

  I looked at her in shock and then looked at my lieutenant. It seems that we had arrived in Willow Springs at the moment they were experiencing an emergency. This was a turn. But her words shook me to the core. This petite woman was planning to go out there beyond the wall to find her sister. She was braver than I had previously expected and as she walked back-and-forth in front of the crowd holding my blaster gun, I felt my cock growing harder. Damn, she was fucking sexy.

  “We cannot leave our people out there alone. Scott can point out where the battle took place, and we can scout from there. I am going to go find my sister and try to find the rest of those that had been left behind after running away from the battle. Now, who will volunteer to go with me?”

  Silence came over the crowd.

  Chapter 4

  Helen Maven

  I was surprised when I got closer to this weredragon soldier. I was not expecting to have the response that I had to him. He was very attractive. I didn’t understand why I felt this way. He was a damn alien! Yet I could not take my eyes off of him. His long dark black hair and beautiful brown eyes were gorgeous. His skin glittered in the sunlight, and his tall physique was so manly. But there was something else; it was something that I had not felt in a long time. Being near him made me feel protected. The Willow Springs estate compound was full of your average family man, and Erick was the only one with a military background, but I didn’t see him as a soldier. I just saw him as a bossy. But this alien soldier was exactly what I had been craving: safety. Just his mere presence made me feel safe, like nothing could get through him. To top it off, he was a shifter weredragon, with wings. The emerald green wings on his back gave him the ability to fly, hard dragon scales were on his midsection, and I knew that they must be impenetrable. I found this very attractive. After all, we were in a time of war, against machines that wanted nothing more than to kill humans, and this alien in front of me represented protection from all of that, and it turned me on.

  But besides seeing him as this attractive soldier, there was something else that I was thinking in the back of my mind as soon as he said he came to help us humans against the Clenok, he could help me get my sister Hannah back. With his help and the help of his army, we could defeat the Clenok cyborgs and find my sister and rescue her. It was all that I could think of, especially after I called for volunteers to help me, and no one volunteered to go help those that were lost. Now I needed him more than ever.

  I walked out onto the lawn of the estate toward the large white ship parked along the shore. That was where Jex was stationed. I had spoken to Scott, and I made him show me on the map where my sister had been abducted. I studied it thinking of several places that the Clenok could have gone to. Now I was taking that nap to Jex to ask him to help me find her.

  I took a deep breath and walked to the guards in front of the ship.

  “I am here to speak to Captain Jex Kailen,” I said. The guard nodded his head and walked inside the ship. A few minutes later, he returned. “Follow me,” he said.

  My eyes grew wide with shock. I was expecting Jex to come out onto the lawn to me, not to go inside of the alien spaceship. I was curious about what it looked like inside, but also scared. What if these aliens really were hostile? They could just take off with me inside the ship, possibly out of Earth altogether.

  I took a deep breath and walked up the ramp of the ship and entered. I gasped. It was absolutely beautiful inside. Everything was a polished gleaming white I could almost see my reflection in the white walls as I walked down a small hallway. I turned the corner, and the hallway continued, and I could see the front of the ship with the large windshield and lots of gadgets on the control panel blinking. The guard stopped, and a door slid open.

  “The human female Helen to see you,” he said. I looked inside the room to see Jex sitting at a long white table. He nodded. The guard put his hand on my back and pushed me inside. The door slid closed with a rush of air.

  “You wish to see me?” he said as he stood up. I had almost forgotten just how tall he was. I gathered up my courage.

  “Yes, I have come to ask for your help,” I said.

  He leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  I stepped forward, and I unrolled the map on the table. “As you already know, my sister was taken by the Clenok cyborgs. I am going to go find her, alone if I have to. But I am hoping that perhaps you could lend me a few of your soldiers to go with me, and a ship to go in?” I asked. “This was where she was taken,” I said pointing at the spot on the map.

  “You want me to give you soldiers and a ship?”

  “Yes, I do. I don’t think it is too much to ask considering that you said you were here to help us humans fight the
Clenok. This is exactly what I am asking for. Unless that is not why you are really here?” I said.

  “I offer to help the entire human colony defend themselves against invading Clenok. This is not an invasion. This is a mission. That is different,” he said.

  “Yes, but our people were lost while looking for resources in order to keep this colony alive; it is part of being in this colony, and it is part of the defense system. So it is the same to me. Now are you going to help me or not? If you are not, I would like to know so that I can just venture out alone and get a move on it. I don’t want to lose any more sunlight,” I said getting angry. I could feel my breathing growing harder, and I could not control my breast from heaving up and down in the tight army green tank top that I wore tucked into my jeans.

  He looked at me and smiled. This was funny to him. I was growing frustrated. He walked to the side of the room and then walked back again; he was just pacing in front of me. He was thinking. I wished he would just make up his mind.

  “Well?” I asked.

  “I can offer you a trade,” he said.

  “A trade? What do you mean?”

  “I will trade what you want for something that I want,” he said.

  I grew hesitant. What could this alien possibly want from me?

  “I will do anything to get my sister back. I know that she would do the same for me,” I said.

  “I will personally help you track and rescue your sister and the other missing people if you mate with me,” he said.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I blurted out.

  He laughed. “That is my trade option to you, human female. Take it or leave it,” he said.

  I stared at him with anger. How dare he try to take advantage of me like this. “I will leave it. I do not agree to your terms. I will find her myself,” I said as I rolled at the map and walked to the door. I pressed on it. I tried to push it open. Nothing was happening. “Open the damn door!”


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